Today I accompanied Scott and his dog Hailey
on a walk to and around Riverside Park...

Leaving Scott's house I take a few pictures on
the way

And we arrive at the park but are going to go
up a walking trail up the river and then back down the other side into the
park proper

Interesting wee baby carriage as we enter the

Dogs have a lot of fun around here :-)

Lost in the woods.. and then we hit the main
road with the retirement homes in the background

The plaque says "A home for Jim's Squirrels"

Seats all over the park where you can sit
quietly or in groups

From the flats on the horizon it is an easy
walk to the park

Lots of picnics and also a great place for a
bench seat

And when you get under this tree you'll see
its also a great one for Kids to climb :-)

Argh! I'm going to be run down!

Bands play in the park on a regular basis.
Today being Sunday it was the Salvation Army

This is a very attractive park within the
larger park and well worth a visit

This is a model of the first house built in
Guelph by John Galt

In the season they have a clock made up of

Ah! Now how are these two going to get
on? In actual fact they were very polite to each other and just
touched noses... the dogs I mean! :-)

I spotted another wee plaque but when going
over to take a picture these two wee monkeys got in the way so I took a
picture of them instead :-)

Must be nice to live in these houses right on
the park and river

Ducks, swans, geese, heron and other brids all
over the river

Lots of trees on this part of the river and
planted in memory of loved ones

This windmill was donated by the Dutch

This tree was planted to remember 911

And so ended our trip around the park and it
was time to head home
And Scott contributed these
ones from his camera...
