Today was a day out with Cam and Barb where we
were heading for Caledonia and then onto Port Dover and then back up to
Stratford with dinner and Wolfies. So a great opportunity to take
loads of photos which is why I'm going to divide this up into 2 sections.
This one will take us from Guelph through to just past Caledonia to
Ruthven House and so off we go :-)

It was pretty dull when we started out but got
a lot brighter later on. The main task of this trip was to get to
Caledonia but of course to take lots of photos as we headed there through
towns and villages and along the Grand River

This is the Grand River and you can see that
due to the heavy rains the other night it looks quite muddy

And the sun was just starting to show through

And a bit further down at Paris the water
wasn't looking so muddy

Hey... amazing... 200 cigs in a plain plastic
bag for $23.00 ! :-)

And we reach Caledonia!

And here I am at the railway station with
Brabra Martindale who kindly provided all the history a few years ago.
Never thought I'd get to meet her in person :-)

And with the picture of the bridge that
concluded our visit to Caledonia

We then popped into the Gingerbread House for

And then it was on our way to Ruthven House

Cam couldn't resist helping this young man
with the repair of the lawn mower :-) |