This morning I had a visit
with Harry Ferguson, the founding chairman of the Scottish Studies
Foundation and he told me that it was a Chisholm (a direct descendant of
the chief of the clan) that founded Oakville and so we headed out to find
the evidence :-)

Here is myself and Harry Ferguson and to the
right the original house of the Chisholms

And here is the evidence :-)

You are not allowed to take photos in the
museum due to some daft reason but on the left is a family tree and on the
right the castle of the clan back home in Scotland

There is a book about the Chisholms in the
museum but most of the information is to be found in another building
hosting the historical collection

And as you can see some very worthwhile
information for researchers

I might add that this is a marvellous
collection of Maritime history, one of the very best in Canada

And just to show one of the reasons for
building the house here.. to build a harbour

And then we had to rush back to see the
England v Portugal football which as I type has just gone to penalties
after playing extra time so I'll hang on to report the final score :-)
Well sorry to say Portugal won with the Portugese goalkeeper scoring the
final penalty |