This evening I was taken
out to dinner by Doug and Pat Ross to the CN Tower restaurant and a grand
evening it was. Imagine my surprise when Doug turned up in his kilt... I
certainly felt a bit under dressed :-)
So here are lots of photos
from my evening out...

Here are Pat and Doug and there rather
impressive car :-)

They got to meet Harold and Nola and before
heading of Harold pointed out the rock (on the left) which came from the
old court building in Toronto. It was used as a stepping stone for the
daughter of the house to get onto her pony. On the right is the undergound
parking for getting into the CN Tower.

And this was us on our way to the restaurant

And we arrive at the restaurant

From here on I just took pictures as the deck

Note the running track on the skyscraper on
the right

And here we are starting our first course :-)

And then we went up to the glass floor and
that's a weird sensation walking over it

And note the "Faulty" sticker... most were
avoiding that part just in case and on the right Pat is posing for a
picture :-)

And we now arrived at the pod and more photo

You can actually see the curviture of the
earth from this high up

And here is the dome stadium where the roof
can open and close depending on the weather

And here's Doug :-)

I was trying for a photo of Young Street which
is the longest street in the world. With the eye you can make it going
over the hill it the far distance but the camera didn't really manage to
show it

And of course there are wee momentos you can
purchase of your visit

And that concluded a most enjoyable evening...
thanks Pat and Doug for a great time!

And Doug sent in this one of the three of us

And another one :-) |