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Elliot Lake
Canoe Trip

Jim & Pat Johnston very kindly took me out with his wife and friends on a wee canoe expedition...

We all met at a turn off from the Highway

And then it was across country

And this is where we would head off from

Off loading the canoes

And then we set off

And this is Jim and Pat Johnston

These are the two that are doing research on bears

This is Norman Black and his dog Dingo who kindly shared their canoe with me and gave me the vital tuition!

And just around the corner is where we returned to shore

The above pictures are of a beaver dam

I will say I very much enjoyed this trip and have a new found admiration for those pioneers that canoe'd up the river while exploring the country. I did find at the end of the trip that my legs were seizing up but arms and shoulders were fine.  And no I didn't fall in! :-)

Jim took some pictures of my wee expedition and has now send them in...

Allegra Cairns & Cameron MacGregor

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