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Elliot Lake
The Bee Keeper of Elliot Lake

Frank, who is John Muir's next door neighbour, is the bee keeper of Elliot Lake and he kindly allowed me to photograph him taking some honey from one of his hives.

Getting the smoke ready

As I understand it Frank smokes the hive first as that not only makes them drousy but as they think the hive might be on fire they take some of the honey which also means they are much less likely to sting you.  While the smoke takes affect Frank dons his Bee Keeping suit for protection

Frank takes out the full Cones

Frank replaces the full cones with empty ones

And caught in the act taking the pictures and these two and the two below are courtesy of John!

Just noticed we had an observer appear next door :-)

And there is the full cone with lots of Honey

And there are three more to process

And the finished product ready to eat with our toast in the morning and many thanks for that Frank!

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