Well as this is Monday 24th
October 2005 it means this is the week that Scotland's First Minister will
be visiting Canada. The Sun newspaper printed an article about the
visit and I was interested to note that they call me an "Internet Tycoon"
with 21 million turnover <grin>. That would certainly be nice if it was true :-)
Here is a copy of the article...

I headed for the Human
Resources office here in Chatham to get my OHIP card renewed which is the
card that allows me to claim free medical care. They just get you to fill
out a form then they check your work permit and ask for your drivers
license and old OHIP card and then they take your photograph and that's
it. They will send me a new card with the new expiry date on it in
around a months time.

Got my picture taken with Jack McConnell

On the left is myself and on the right is
Harold Nelson with Pat Ross

And Nola Crewe
I was of course staying with Harold and Nola
at their home in Toronto.

This was the invite to the dinner
I had a great time this week starting with the
dinner for Jack McConnell in Toronto and you'll note I got my picture
taken with him :-)
The next day I was heading for
the University of Guelph where I was going to photograph the book,
Scottish Settlers on the River Plate and their Churches, and while there
was also able to take in the First Minister visit.
I also met with Larry Hynes of
Business Immigration who was near Guelph and decided to pop in to me and
take in the First Ministers talk but arrived just as he had finished.
We did have a coffee in the ones of the many coffee shops at the
University. I should have taken a photo as Larry was sporting a neat
hat that he'd just purchased from another potential immigrant that he had
been visiting.
So just after 5pm I was then
due to head down to visit with Keith Rattray and his wife Georgina at
their Ceilidh Stables.
So having spent a whole day
and enjoyed a turkey dinner and good conversation with the Elliots and all
the folk at the stables it was time for me to hit the trail back to
Toronto for it was the mother of Nola Crewe that was having her 100th
birthday party.
George has also made a start
at getting my Garage roof fixed and will be back to complete the task and
do a couple of other things that are still outstanding.

I also met Cyndi, Junior's
girlfriend, who has agreed to do some cleaning for me and help put some of
my stuff away that is still gathering dust in the dining room :-) In my
next journal I'll likely be able to take a picture of my dining room!

She did say that she didn't
like having her picture taken so compromised with this shot showing her
cleaning up my office :-) I will say with her doing all the cleaning
it inspired me to clean up my office and start to get some of the papers
put into the filing cabinet. |