During July I headed down to Port Crewe to have dinner with
Nola and Harold and their friends Al and Pat, their next door

Al and Pat
I did attend the Chatham
Highland Games for a wee while and they had a downpour. I will be
attending the Selkirk Faire and here is a picture taken of me with the
Faire Folk.

Did manage to go to the
Fergus Highland Games but got totally soaked with a thunder and
lightning storm and torrential rain so had to head back early.

Mother and Son that run the Scottish Banner
from North America and Australia

The Chief of Clan MacTavish and his wife

We were all battling the weather
As our web server went
down on the night of Friday 15th August we had to use our new server
that we hadn't got around to building into operation. We were
rather surprised at all the pretty lights :-)

On October 1st I sent in an application to
apply for Canadian Citizenship. I can in fact retain dual
citizenship so can keep my British citizenship. This is actually handy
as that means with the British EU passport I can visit all EU countries
as a local :-)
I fully intend to spend the rest of my life
in Canada and think it only right to take out Canadian citizenship.
October was a month where I got some wee
repairs done in the house including getting a new power socket for my
bathroom and resolving a plumbing issue with my bathroom sink. I also
needed some work on my furnace as it was making a terrible racket. Seems
the bearings need oiled.
Also went down to the Scottish North
American Leadership conference in Chicago where I was one of the
speakers. I was amazed at the sheer amount of toll roads around Chicago
and if it wasn't for my GPS Tom Tom I don't think I'd ever have found
the hotel.
We moved our servers from Kentucky to their
new location in Michigan and had quite some problems with our new
Internet provider meaning that instead of being back up Monday morning
it was Wednesday morning before we came back. We also doubled our
bandwidth to make the site faster to access. |