Headed in to Toronto for the baptism of
Onora Elizabeth Jane Boadicea and here
she is...

and here is the family picture

And this was the caviar pie and the Baptismal service at
St. Pauls.

And Aunt Morgana
Got the final clean up after getting my
house re-roofed. They found some 80 nails on the lawn so was well
worth doing. They also fixed the down pipe that had got blocked
and was in danger of falling off the house when we had that freezing
weather. Had an
argument with my bank as for the past couple of years I've been able to
deposit one cheque from my US company to my Canadian bank for my salary.
That cheque goes right into my account with no delay. On April 1st I
went in to deposit my usual cheque only to be told I had to wait 10 days
before the funds would be available. Eventually I had to argue
with the bank and then the Manager and eventually got them to agree to
continue the system but this time it is being written into my bank
record so I shouldn't have this issue in future.
Work wise I've been
focusing on content on the site and have a body of work done now that
would allow me to go away for a month if needed. It's always good
to have a buffer as it's not always possible to do useful work when
you're away from home.
I've become the
newsletter publisher for the Priory of St James in Toronto so I now get
the task of pulling together all the news items and creating a pdf file
every 2 months.
April also saw the delivery of my "Kindle"
which is a reading device for books, newspapers and periodicals. As I'm
in Canada I had to order it for delivery to our USA office and and Steve
posted it on to me here in Canada. Also when you wish to order a
book you then need to download it to your computer and then transfer it
my Kindle through the USB port. Were I in the USA I'd be able to
download the books through the built in wireless network.
On 7th April I got in my letter from
Canadian Citizenship saying they'd got my application and it was now
being processed. I might note that the letter was dated 24
February 2009 so it sure took a long time to get to me. With the
letter they sent a brochure "A look at Canada" which if studied properly
will enable you to pass the citizenship test. You can
see a pdf file of it here!
I attended the "Scot of the Year" in Toronto
where the Hon Flora MacDonald was the recipient. You can see pictures of
the event at
Scot of the Year Award 2009. This was the start of a wee holiday in
Toronto with the Crewe-Nelson household.
On the following Saturday attended the AGM
of the Scottish Studies where I became President of the Scottish Studies
On the Sunday the extended family (19) went
to church for the Easter service and then we all headed down to a local
hotel for a marvellous brunch. In the afternoon I helped Nola create an
application letter for the Knights Templar of Canada to host the 2010
International convention of the Knights Templar.
I then headed home on the Monday 13th.
On closing this report I might note that on
May 1st there was an accident outside my house which resulted in one car
actually running into my house.

Essentially, the car smashed into the brick
support column that supported the corner of the porch which is the main
damage but also a bit of the privacy fencing on either side and a bit of
the garden. I phoned my insurance company and they sent out a
company that put in a temporary support for the pillar. I'll get a quote
next week for the repair and my insurance company said I shouldn't be
out of pocket. The police gave me a case number of ck09014230
which I need to quote if I need to contact them. The constable was
Joshua Flikweert of the Chatham Community Patrol Branch on 519 436 6646.
The other car involved is on the right in
the last picture. I presume someone ran a stop sign but don't yet
know the circumstances. One passer by did say to the chap in the
green shirt, whose car ran into my home, that his mother wasn't going to
be happy :-)
One thing I didn't understand is that the
police asked me for my name and telephone number which was fine but they
also asked for my date of birth which I didn't understand. I did
ask the officer why he needed that but he didn't provide an answer.