Canadian Experience Report for
July to September 2022
I should note that
shortly after my last report I did get the second Covid booster shot.
And I did cancel my Netflix subscription.
My TV consumption is
now mostly just news channels and I now just watch various channels on
I have been using the
new Taste of Britain store in Chatham. In particular I purchase
Irish pork sausages and sometimes things like Scotch pies, haggis, etc.,
although the quality of those products is poor in comparison to what you
get in Scotland. I have also not been able to find a decent Pork
Pie nor have I found Ox Tongue. I do now buy small tins of Ox
Tongue from the UK, 6 at a time.
I've found it funny
that in Scotland every butcher makes their own pies yet none in Canada
make them. Seems peculiar as it would be a new income stream for
them. I also note that the Strawberry crop in Canada is no longer
than a month whereas back in the UK it runs for at least 5 months.
Canadian strawberry's are excellent whereas the ones we get from the US
are rather hard and tasteless.
I confess that my
travels around Canada and other parts of the world have ceased these
past couple of years. I am mostly house bound, from choice I might add.
I don't even go to the shops much preferring to order online for home
delivery but do go to the odd specialty shop for a wee treat.
I do almost all my own
cooking but that's partly because the things I like I can cook it much
more cheaply than what it costs in a restaurant. Like Butter Chicken
curry costs twice as much as it costs to cook it at home. Mind you in
Chatham it costs around $17.00 + tips whereas in Toronto it only costs
$11.00 + tips but at home it only costs around $7.00 and no tips.
Did I mention that I've
paid off my mortgage? Nola decided that I'd paid her enough money
and so called it quits. So that's $450.00 a month I now save and
with the value of the house shooting up I'm in a good position
financially even though house prices are now actually falling, down some
5% in the last quarter. Mind you with interest rates going up not
sure that's going to make much difference in getting the younger
demographic to buy their first home. Seems that folk in Canada are
currently reducing their spending due to inflation which in July is 6.7%
whereas in the UK it's 10.1%.
Canadian Energy Fact
Book 2021-2022, by Natural Resources Canada produced a pdf document
where you can learn of the strength of Canada's Energy Reserves. Unlike
Europe we should not have any issues with scarce supplies.
Queen Elizabeth II died
in September at Barmoral in Scotland. I am working on a page on my web site to record the events leading up to her
state funeral. You can get to this page
here where I've got our Prime Ministers reaction to the event.
I think King Charles
will do a fine job and I've included a few videos showing what he's done
in Scotland with Dumfries House and Estate and also his Highgrove home
in England.
Mr Poilievre was
elected leader of the Conservative party on Saturday after winning it in
a landslide first-ballot victory with nearly 70% of the vote from party
Poilievre elected new leader of Conservatives, introduced by his wife
Pierre Poilievre
delivers first caucus speech as new Conservative leader
Poilievre, 43, campaigned on a promise to reduce taxes and to tackle
inflation and the rising prices of food and petrol, and to increase
individual liberties.
Mr Poilievre is the party's third official
leader in seven years, raising questions about party unity and the
effectiveness of its messaging.
His weekend victory, however, signals a
more unified party - he is the first to win leadership by a decisive
margin since former Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
My handyman (Doug) who does odd jobs for
me around the house and mows the lawn has contracted Covid. He is
isolating but what he related was rather disturbing. He told me
that he thinks he contracted it from a local farm where he was working
on harvesting corn.
He tried to contact the farm to advise
them of this but all he got was the answering machine and they didn't
call him back. He reported this to our local health board but
apparently they no longer are interested in hearing about where he
contracted it. This means the farm will be spreading Covid to
other workers and they of course will spread this to others.
The farming practices seem rather odd in
that they have many old people working for them up to 93 years of age.
This is by no means the first comments I have had about how farms in the
area don't seem to care about protecting their workers. Early in
the Covid period I'd heard how many farmers cancelled trips by health
care workers who were checking that workers were being protected.
There seemed to be no penalties to be born by not letting health care
workers do audits and I've been told that living accommodations on many
farms were below minimum standards.
We had a bad storm with high winds and as
a result a major limb on one of my trees came down on my roof. No
real damage but it obviously had to be removed which cost me $850.
It only occurred to me later that I could have claimed for that on my
home insurance.
The war in Ukraine is still filling the news channels. Canada has
been very supportive of Ukraine and the most recent news is that Russia
has seen some serious reversals and have lost a lot of ground in recent
days where Ukraine has retaken many towns and villages.
It does appear that Canada and European
countries other than the UK are very low on weapons and military
equipment due mostly to them not using the NATO requirement of investing
at least 2% on national defense.
On this topic the US has now invested in
an Arctic ambassador as they are concerned about Russian ambitions in
the Arctic and have talked to Canada about doing more. This is where
Canada could have invested in pipelines to get our Oil to our coasts to
earn exports and so provide the funds we need to upgrade our armed
Canada is
also having issues with the RCMP on incompetence and also sexual
harassment and also sexual harassment in the Armed Forces.
Certainly the mass shootings in Nova Scotia and the disappearance of
many indigenous women are very concerning with the RCMP looking more and
more incompetent.
Europe is having many issues in securing
oil and gas and the German chancellor visited Canada to talk about how
Canada might help. The problem is that while Canada has the third
largest oil reserves in the world the Liberal Government simply won't
build pipe lines to transport it to our coasts so it can be exported.
This is one point the new Conservative leader has said he'll correct.
I did my two monthly run to the Moravian
Corner Store in Moraviatown which is around a 30 minute drive from
Chatham along route 2. They offer a wide range of cigarettes at a good
price and they also do in my opinion the very best fries in the area.
Ask for "crispy" fries as they are the best with nice crisp outer and
nice soft interior. They are at 14787 Sciton Line, tel: 519 692 4598.
When you turn into Moraviatown from route 2 just follow the road past a
mall and at the top of the road there is a 30 mph bend and then they are
only a few hundred km on the right where there are two gas stations side
by side. They also have the Willow Tree cannabis store as well.
Canada’s annual inflation rate was at 7.6%
in July of 2022, easing from the 39-year high of 8.1% hit in the prior
month and in line with market estimates. (It further reduced to 7.0% in
August.) Transportation costs grew at a
much slower pace (14.4% vs 16.8% in June), amid a sharp retreat in
gasoline (35.6% vs 54.6%). Also, inflation was lower for shelter (7% vs
7.1%), household operations, furnishings, and equipment (5% vs 5.6%),
and clothing and footwear (1.4% vs 2.7%). In the meantime, inflation
continued to pick up for food (9.2% vs 8.8%), weighed by groceries (9.9%
vs 9.4%), while recreation costs stagnated (at 6.2%). Excluding
gasoline, the CPI rose by 6.6% annually. On a monthly basis, consumer
prices edged 0.1% higher, the slowest rise since December 2021. The UK
inflation rate is at 9.9% and the USA is at: 8.3%.
Phone calls by Scammers have been
increasing this year. I now regularly get calls from Amazon asking
for authorisation on a purchase. Calls saying my Social security
has been suspended. Visa calls regularly asking me to verify 2 amounts
charged to my card and of course the dreaded duct cleaners continue to
call. Other odd calls from other scammers continue to come in.
In fact if someone now calls with an Indian accent then I now just
assume they are scammers.
And I note that Visa are helping these
people. Like when you apply to Visa to be able to accept their cards for
payment you sign a contract which means only you or your company are
allowed to accept cards. But these companies will now let other
people use them to transact business that has nothing to with their
business. So I once got scammed and when I
phoned the company they denied any knowledge of the transaction. When
calling to complain to Visa they didn't even bother to take the details
just saying there was nothing they could do. In my view the credit
card companies are the real crooks.
It's time that we in Canada take the high
road and do something to force Visa and other credit card companies to
reimburse those that get scammed and thus as they would lose
considerable income they would be forced to put more secure measures in
I note for example that my bank now emails
me every time an amount is taken out of my account. I'd like to see the
credit card companies doing the same.
I noted that in the UK they are looking to
pass a law where heavy fines will be imposed on people that do phone
scamming and to be frank it's past time that the Federal Government do
something on this. I've read many accounts of people getting
listed on the "Do not call" list which means all scam calls are
technically illegal. Problem is that reporting an illegal call
gets you nothing. It is reported that 99% of reports are ignored
and if one is actually processed the person might get a $100 fine and
that's it. No wonder scammers simply ignore the do not call list
and it's no longer fit for purpose.
This week w/c 18th September I've already
had 12 such phone calls and it's only Wednesday. In my opinion
this is a total disgrace and the law needs to be changed so police can
take action and real penalties can be imposed that will cause real hurt
to these people. The law simply doesn't care and the Political classes don't
care and that's worrying.
My recommendation is to purchase a phone
system that can block up to 500 numbers and more if possible. My
phone can block 250 but it's had to be reset twice since buying it.
Atlantic Canada had its worst storm on
record this month. See the video below to watch a report from
CBC's The National program...
Canada has now removed pretty well all
Covid restrictions but the US still has some for anyone travelling into
their country. Did I mention that my Doctor McKinnon doesn't recommend
Covid booster shots? I actually think that's against the law but
she did say get it if you wish although she didn't think it would do any
It would seem that the War in Ukraine and
Inflation has now displaced Covid in the news headlines.