Unwelcome Visitors from
the United States Impose Several Years Hard Work and Grave
Responsibilities—The Great Sioux Leader and the Custer Massacre.
FEW more critical
positions were ever faced by a force entrusted with the preservation of
law and order in a country than that which confronted the North-West
Mounted Police when Sitting Bull, the Sioux leader, with his warlike and
powerful nation, after the so-called Custer massacre in the United
States, crossed the boundary line to seek shelter in Canadian territory.
Sitting Bull and his
warriors were flushed with a notable military success and liable to act
rashly. They were warlike, powerful and hard to control, and their
presence n Canada was a source of anxiety both to the Government of
Canada and that of the United States. These Indians harboured feelings
of fierce hostility towards, and thorough distrust of the United States
people and Government. These feelings could be traced to two principal
causes, the dishonesty of Indian agents and the failure of the U.S.
Federal authorities to protect the Indian reservations from being taken
possession of by an adventurous and somewhat lawless white population.
The officers of the North-West Mounted Police force were promptly
instructed to urge upon Sitting Bull and his warriors the necessity of
keeping the peace towards the people of the United States, but it was
felt to be not desirable to encourage them to remain on Canadian
territory. Colonel Macleod was accordingly instructed to impress them
with their probable future hardships, after the failure of the buffalo,
should they elect to remain in Canada; that the President of the United
States and his Cabinet were upright men, willing and anxious to do
justice to the Indians; and should they return peacefully, they would be
properly cared for, and any treaty made with them would be honestly
fulfilled. It was evidently desirable that as wards of the United States
they should return to that country upon the Government of which morally
devolved the burden and the responsibility of their civilization but how
could that end be attained?
Sitting Bull is
commonly thought of as a warrior. In point of fact he was not such. He
was a medicine man, which means that he included within himself the
three professions of the priesthood, medicine and law. He inherited from
his father the chieftainship of a part of the Sioux tribe; but his
remarkable ascendancy over the whole tribe or nation was due to his
miracle-working and to his talents as a politician. He played upon the
credulity of the Sioux with his "medicine", or pretended miracles, until
they believed him to possess supernatural powers, and were ready to
follow hi» lead in everything. Some other Sioux chiefs inherited wider
authority, and some minor chiefs were inclined now and then to dispute
his sway, but when Sitting Bull made an appeal to the religious
fanaticism of the people there was no withstanding him. As a medicine
man he had the squaws of the union abjectly subservient, and through
them was assisted in maintaining control of the bucks.
It might, perhaps, be
explained here that every Indian tribe in the old days had many medicine
men, some of them chiefs and important personages. Some were young,
others old, but they were all leaders in religious and social functions.
No one could visit an Indian tribe at any festival time, or period of
general excitement, without seeing the medicine men figuring very
conspicuously in whatever was going on. Sometimes they were merely
beating drums or perhaps only crooning while a dance or feast was in
progress. At other times they appeared in the most grotesque costumes,
painted all over, hung with feathers and tails and claws, and carrying
some wand or staff, gorgeous with colour and smothered with Indian
finery. The medicine man was a conjurer, a magician, a dealer in magic,
and an intermediary between the men of this world and the spirits of the
other. He usually knew something, often a great deal, of the rude
pharmacopoeia of his fellows, and occasionally, prescribed certain
"leaves or roots to allay a fever, to arrest a cold or to heal a wound.
That was not his business, however, and such prescriptions were more apt
to be offered by the squaws. The term medicine man" is simply a white
man's expression which the Indians have adopted. It was originally used
by the white explorers and missionaries because they found these tribal
priests or magicians engaged in their incantations at the sides of the
sick, the wounded, or dying. But instead of being engaged in the
practice of medicine the so-called "medicine men" were in reality
exorcising the evil spirits of disease or death. - Sitting Bull was born
about 1830 and was the son of Jumping Bull, a Sioux chief. His father
was, for an Indian, a wealthy man. Sitting Bull, although not intended
for a warrior, as a boy was a wonderfully successful hunter, and at
fourteen years of age he fought and killed another Indian considerably
older than himself, receiving a wound, which made him lame for life. He
first became widely known to the white people of America in 1860, in
that year leading a terrible raid against the settlers and U.S. military
post at Fort Buford. His path was marked with blood and made memorable
by ruthless savagery. As the marauders approached the fort, the
commandant of the post shot and killed his own wife at her earnest
request, to save her from the more cruel fate of falling into the hands
of the Sioux.

Sioux Leader "Sitting-Bull." (Ta-Ton-Ka-I-A-Ton-Ka.)
In the early '70's
Sitting Bull set up a claim to all the land for forty rods on both sides
of the Yellowstone and all its tributaries. In the latter part of 1875 a
party of fifty white men from Montana invaded Sitting Bull's territory
and built a fort. The Indians were determined that the party should
evacuate, and during the months of December 1875 and January
1876 there were daily
attacks upon the fort. A strong force of United States regulars and
Montana militia was sent to the relief of the place, the occupants of
the forts were taken away, and Sitting Bull promptly fired the place.
Sitting Bull reached the zenith of his fame and power the succeeding
Gold and silver had
been discovered in the Black Hills, in the district which was not only
regarded by the Indians as peculiarly their own, but in a certain sense
as a "medicine" or sacred region. There was a great rush of miners and
prospectors to the country immediately, and it was one of these parties
that established the fort which Sitting Bull had caused the evacuation
of. Several great Indian chiefs visited Washington to protest against
the invasion of the prospectors, which they pointed out was a clear
violation of existing treaties between the Indians and the United States
Government. The Washington officials agreed to keep the prospectors out
but failed to do so, and by the autumn of 1875 there were a thousand
miners at work in the Black Hills. Then the Indians demanded payment for
the land of which they were being deprived, and a Government commission
was sent to the spot to arrange matters. But the commission returned and
reported that there was no use trying to arrange matters without force
to enforce the terms. This convinced many of the Indians that the best
thing they could do was to fight for their rights, and singly and by
villages, they gradually deserted from Red Cloud, Spotted Tail and the
other more peacefully disposed chiefs, and began flocking to Sitting
Bull, who had all along been truculent and had opposed all suggestions
to abandon the title of the Indians to the territory in question. At the
time, he was roaming about in the northern part of Dakota, near the
Canadian frontier. Anticipating serious trouble, the United States
authorities during the autumn of 1875 sent word to Sitting Bull and the
chiefs with him that they must report at the reservations allotted to
them by the 1st of January 187G, the alternative being war. The threat
having no effect, and a winter campaign having been attempted and found
unsatisfactory, a vigorous campaign was organized in the spring. Three
columns under the command of Generals Gibbon, Terry and Crook were
equipped and placed under inarching orders, the objective point being
Sitting Bull's camp in the Big Horn country. With General Terry's
column, destined to march westward from Fort Lincoln, was the 7th United
States Cavalry, under the dashing young General Custer, who had been
such a picturesque figure in the final stages of the Civil war, and who
had performed many daring things in Indian warfare during the years
which succeeded the triumph of the Northern cause.
June 22, Custer at the
head of his fine regiment of twelve companies, left the divisional camp
at the mouth of the Rosebud to follow a heavy trail leading up the river
and westward in the direction of the Big Horn, the expectation being
that the hostile force would be struck near the eastern branch of the
last named river, and known as the Little Big Horn. General Terry with
the rest of his force started to ascend the Yellowstone by steamer,
thence marching up the bank of the Big Horn. It was estimated that both
columns would be with n striking distance of the hostiles and able to
co-operate by the 2(ith. But 011 the 25th Custer's force was involved in
an awful disaster.
unexpectedly Custer struck Sitting Bull's camp in the valley of the
Little Big Horn while three of Ins companies were detached two miles on
his left flank, and one to his rear. Without taking any care to properly
reconnoitre the hostile position, to ascertain the exact location and
strength, he decided to attack at once, and with characteristic
Anglo-Saxon disregard of Indians, recklessly divided his force,
detailing Major Reno with three companies to attack the position from
the direction of the original advance, while he himself, with five
companies, made a detour of some three miles to take the hostiles in
flank or rear. Reno's command found themselves so outnumbered that,
after some heavy fighting and losing many men, they were forced to
withdraw to a high bluff, where after entrenching themselves, they were
able to hold their own until joined by the four companies which had been
detached. Custer and his immediate command literally plunged headlong
and recklessly into the very strongest part of the Indian position and
were literally annihilated, not one officer, non-commissioned officer or
man of those five gallant companies surviving the massacre to tell the
tale, although all sold their lives dearly, fighting to the very last.
Reno and his force succeeded in holding their own in their entrenched
position against the repeated and desperate attacks of the Indians until
relieved on the 27th by General Terry.
For some weeks the
United States troops supposed that Sitting Bull had been killed in the
fight with Custer's force, but in course of time reports from the wild
country in the north of the state near the Canadian frontier showed that
he was alive, and military operations were resumed. In May, 1877,
reports from Canada, through the North-West Mounted Police, announced
that the old leader, with many of his warriors, had taken refuge across
the International frontier.
As early as May, 1870,
the Mounted Police had been keeping a sharp lookout for bands of
fugitive Indians from across the lines. The Assistant Commissioner,
Lieut.-Col. Irvine, in temporary command of the Force during the
Commissioner's absence in the east, in the summer, instructed Inspector
Crozier, in command at Cypress Hills, to even gather all the information
he could regarding the movements of the Sioux Indians on the United
States side of the line.
During December, 1876.
United States Indians, under Black Moon, an Unapapa Sioux chief,
numbering about 500 men, 1,000 women, and 1,400 children, with about
3,500 horses and 30 United States government mules, crossed the line,
and encamped at Wood Mountain, east of the Cypress Hills. Sub-Inspector
Frechette having located this camp. Inspector Walsh proceeded thither,
arriving at Wood Mountain on the 21st December, making the trip from the
end of the Cypress Mountain in three and one-half days. I he hostiles
had arrived only two days before the Inspector's arrival. Their camp was
adjoining the .Santee camp of about 150 lodges, of which White Eagle was
the Chief, and was situated in the timber, four miles east of the
Boundary Survey Buildings. White Eagle had occupied that section for
many years past, and was \er observant of the Canadian laws, lie
expressed himself to be glad to see Inspector Walsh, as he was unable to
tell the new arrivals the laws which they would have to observe if they
remained in this country. The matter had given him much uneasiness as he
did not wish other Indians coming in and joining his camp to be without
a knowledge of the law which would govern them. About six o'clock on the
evening of Walsh's arrival, White Kagle assembled all the hostile
Chiefs; the principal ones amongst whom were "The Little Knife," "Long
Dog," "Black Moon," and "The Man who Crawls," and explained to them who
the Inspector was.
Walsh opened the
Council by telling them he would not say much to them aside from giving
them the laws which governed the people in Canada, which they must obey
as long as they remained, and to ask them a few questions to which
answers would be required, which, he would transmit to the Queen's Great
Chief in the country.
He asked them the
following questions: "Do you know that you are in the Queen's country"?
They replied, that they had been driven from their homes by the
Americans, and had come to look for peace. They had been told by their
grandfathers that they would find peace in the land of the British.
Their brothers, the Santees, had found it years ago and they had
followed them. They had not slept sound for years, and were anxious to
find a place where they could lie down and feel safe; they were tired of
living in such a disturbed state.
Walsh next asked them,
"Do you intend to remain here during the cold months of winter, have
peace, and when spring opens, return to your country across the line and
make war?" They answered, no, they wished to remain, and prayed that he
would ask the Great Mother to have pity on them.
Walsh then explained
the laws of the country to them as had been the police custom in
explaining them to other Indians, and further told them they would have
to obey them as the Santees and other Indians did.
The several chiefs then
made speeches in which they implored the Queen to have pity on them, and
they would obey her laws. Walsh replied that he would send what they had
said to the Queen's Great Chief. In conclusion he told them there was
one thing they must bear in mind, the Queen would never allow them to go
from her country to make war on the Americans, and return for her
protection, and that if such were their intentions they had better go
back and remain.
The following day the
Chiefs waited upon Walsh, with White Eagle for spokesman, and prayed
that he would allow them a small quantity of ammunition for hunting
purposes as their women and children were starving. They were using
knifes made into lances for hunting buffalo, and others were lassoing
and killing them with their knives. Some were using bows and arrows, and
killing this way was so severe on their horses that they were nearly
used up, and if they did not have any ammunition they must starve.
Walsh replied that the
Great Mother did not wish any people in her country to starve, and if
she wras satisfied that they would make no other use of ammunition other
than for hunting, she would not object to them having a small quantity,
and that the Santees who had always obeyed the laws could be allowed a
small quantity; but they, the Uncapapa's Agallallas and others were
strangers, and might want ammunition to send to the people whom they
claimed as brothers on the other side of the line. This, they declared
they did not wish to do.
Walsh then told them he
would meet Mr. Le Garre, a Wood Mountain trader, who was on his way with
some powder and ball and 2,000 rounds of improved ammunition to trade to
the Santees, and would allow him to trade to them a small quantity for
hunting purposes only, and this appeared to relieve them greatly.
Not the least cause of
anxiety in connection with the incursion of these United States Indians
was the fear of collision with the Canadian tribes. In his report at the
end of the year 1876, the Comptroller, Mr. White, wrote:—"The country
betwteen the Cypress Hills and the Rocky Mountains, which has hitherto
been claimed by the Blackfeet as their hunting ground, has this year
been encroached upon by other Indians and Half-breeds, causing much
irritation among the Blackfeet, who have called upon the Police to
protect them in maintaining their rights to their territory, saying that
if they were not restrained by the presence of the Police, they would
make war upon the intruders."
According to the
Commissioner's report, for 1877, the state of affairs existing during
the early part of that year in the southwesterly districts of the
North-West Territories, was entirely different from any experienced
since the arrival of the Force in the country. The winter was extremely
mild, week following week with the same genial sunshine, the mild
weather being interrupted only by an occasional cold day. There was
little or no snow, so that the grass of the prairie from one end to the
other, being dried up easily, took fire, and only required a spark to
set it ablaze for miles in every direction. Unfortunately, nearly all
the country out from the mountains, the favorite haunt of buffalo during
the winter season, was burnt over, so that from this cause, and also on
account of the mild weather, the herds did not go into their usual
winter feeding ground; but remained out in the plains to the north and
south of the Saskatchewan. The Blackfeet Indians who had as usual moved
up towards the mountains in the fall, and formed their camp along the
river bottoms, which had for years back afforded them fuel and shelter,
and easy access to a supply of meat, were forced to take long journeys
of seventy and one hundred miles, to secure the necessary supply of food
for themselves and families, and eventually moved their camps out to
where buffalo were to be got, with the exception of few small camps, who
were in an almost star\ing condition several times during the winter.
The result of this
condition of things was a large band of Blackfeet were gradually getting
closer and closer to the Sioux, who were, by degrees, making their way
up from the south-east in pursuit of buffalo, while other bands of
Indians and half-breeds were pressing in both from the north and south.
The most extravagant rumors were brought in from all directions. A grand
confederation of all the Indians was to be formed hostile to the whites,
every one of whom was to be massacred as the first act of confederation.
"Big Bear," a non-treaty Cree Indian chief, was said to be fomenting
trouble amongst the Indians on the Canadian side. An officer, Inspector
Crozier, whom the Commissioner sent to inquire into the matter, was told
that he would not get out of Big Bear's camp alive.
The police officers
felt quite confident the reported confederation was without foundation.
And so far as the Blackfeet were concerned, their loyalty had been made
firmer than ever by the treaty which had been very opportunely made the
autumn before. The Commissioner, in fact, had often received assurances
of their support in case the Force got into trouble with the Sioux, and
he could never trace the reports of disaffection amongst the Canadian
Indians to any reliable source. Even "Big Bear," who had a bad
reputation, when visited by Inspector Crozier, repudiated any intention
of behaving as had been reported.
On account of the large
gathering of Indians of different tribes, the Commissioner deemed it
advisable to recommend the concentration of as large a force as possible
at Fort Walsh, the post nearest to where the Indians would be
congregated. The Canadian Indians had frequently expressed a desire that
some of the police should be near them during the summer, when they were
out on the plains. The Commissioner thought that the presence of a
strong force at Fort Walsh might strengthen the hands of the Canadian
Indians, who were very jealous of the intrusion of the Sioux, and might
be the means of checking any disturbance which might occur.
Happily the year passed
over without any signs of the rumored alliance of the Indians against
the whites, and there were no signs of any disaffection on the part of
the Canadian Indians. They had visited and mixed with the Sioux, and the
Sioux with them, and there was no reason to think that those visits had
meant anything more than a desire to make peace with one another, as
they had been enemies for years before. "Crow Foot." the leading chief
of the Blackfeet, told the Commissioner that he had been visited by
Sitting Bull who told him he wished for peace. Crowfoot had replied that
he wanted peace; that he was glad to meet the Sioux leader 011 a
friendly visit, but that he did not wish to camp near him, or that their
people should mix much together in the hunt, and it was better for them
to keep apart.
Immediately after the
first party of Sioux crossed the lines in December, 1876, communication
between Fort Walsh and the Indian Camps was established by the erection
of outposts convenient distances apart. The police took possession of
all firearms and ammunition held by parties for the purpose of trade,
and sales were only allowed in that region on permits granted by the
officers of the Force.
Early in March,
Medicine Bear and his tribe of Yanktons (300 lodges) crossed into
Canadian territory, and also Four Horns, the head-chief of the Tetons,
with 57 lodges direct from Powder River. Inspector Walsh held a council
with the new arrivals on March 3rd, at their camp on the White Mud
River, 120 miles east of Fort Walsh.
These chiefs set up the
claim that all the Sioux tribes were British Indians. From child-hood
they had been instructed by their fathers that properly they were
children of the British, and in their tribes were many of the medals of
their "White Father", (George III), given to their fathers for fighting
the Americans. Sixty- five years previously, was the first their fathers
knew of being under the Americans, but why the "White Father" gave them
and their country to the Americans they could not tell. Their fathers
were told at the time by a chief of their "White Father" that if they
did not wish to live with the Americans they could move northward and
they would again find British land there.
Towards the end of May,
Sitting Bull, with his immediate tribe, crossed the boundary and joined
the other Suited States Indians in Canadian Territory.
Inspector Walsh
promptly had an interview with Sitting Bull, Bear's Head and several
other Chiefs. They asked for ammunition, and Inspector Walsh informed
them that they would be permitted to have sufficient to kill meat for
their families, but cautioned them against sending any across the line.
They also made the claim that their grandfathers were British, and that
they had been raised on the fruit of English soil. Inspector Walsh
explained the law to them, and asked Sitting Bull if he would obey it.
He replied that he had buried his arms on the American side of the line
before crossing to the country of the White Mother. When he wanted to do
wrong, he would not commit it in the country of the White Mather, and if
in future he did anything wrong on the United States side, he would not
return to this country any more. He also said he had been fighting 011
the defensive; that he came to show us that he had not thrown this
country away, and that his heart was always good, with the exception of
such times as he saw an American. Inspector Walsh, from the interview,
gathered that Sitting Bull was of a revengeful disposition, and that if
he could get the necessary support he would recross the line and make
war on the Americans.
May 29, Lieut.-Colonel
Irvine, the Assistant Commissioner arrived at Fort Walsh, and shortly
after his arrival, six young warriors arrived from Sitting Bull's camp
to report that three Americans had arrived there. On the morning of the
31st, the Assistant Commissioner started for the camp, (140 miles due
east) accompanied by Inspector Walsh and Sub-Inspectors Clark and Allen.
Irvine was much impressed with Sitting Bull. He found the Indians very
bitter towards the three men in their camp for following them, regarding
them as spies. The three were Reverend Abbott Martin, a Roman Catholic
missionary, General Miles' head scout and an army interpreter. But for
Sitting Bull's promise to Walsh, the two latter, who were known to the
Indians, would have been shot. The object of the priest was simply to
try and induce the Indians to return to their agencies. The army men
claimed that they had accompanied the priest for protection, but that
their object was to ascertain from the Mounted Police, if the Indians
intended to return.
The council between
Irvine and Sitting Bull was conducted with impressive ceremony. The
peace pipe was smoked, the ashes taken out and solemnly buried, and the
pipe was then taken to pieces and placed over the spot.
Sitting Bull had around
him Pretty Bear, Bear's Cap, The Eagle Sitting Down, Spotted Eagle,
Sweet Bird, Miracongae, &c., &c.; and in the Council Lodge there must
have been some hundred men, women and children.
Inspector Walsh
informed Sitting Bull and the chiefs that Lieut.-Col. Irvine was the
highest chief of the Great Mother at present in the country, and that he
had now come to their camp to hear what they had to say to him, and to
learn for what purpose the three Americans who at present were in the
camp had come from United States to Canadian territory to their camp.
Lieut.-Col. Irvine,
addressing the Indians through an interpreter remarked:—"You are in the
Queen's, the Great Mother's country. Major Walsh has explained the law
of the land which belongs to the Great White Mother. As long as you
remain in the land of the Great White Mother, you must obey her laws. As
long as you behave yourselves, you have nothing to fear. The Great White
Mother, the Queen, takes care of everyone in her land in every part of
the world.
"Now that you are in
the Queen's land you must not cross the line to fight the Americans and
return to this country. We will allow you enough ammunition to hunt
buffalo for food, but not one round of that ammunition is to be used
against white men or Indians.
"In the Queen's land we
all live like one family. If a white man or Indian does wrong he is
punished. The Queen's army is very strong, and if any of her children do
wrong she will get them and punish them. If anyone comes into your camp
like those Americans did, come to the Fort and tell Major Walsh. You are
quite right, and I am glad you did send your young men to tell Major
Walsh about these men. As soon as your young men arrived at the Fort, we
started, and I came here to see you and shake hands. I will go to see
those Americans and find out what they are doing here, and will take
them out of the camp with me. I am glad you are looking for peace and
behaving yourselves here. We will protect you against all harm, and you
must not hurt anyone this side of the line. You were quite right not to
hurt the Americans who came here and to send to Major Walsh. You need
not be alarmed. The Americans cannot cross the line after you. You and
your families can sleep sound and need not be afraid."
Lieut.-Col. Irvine was
somewhat surprised at receiving a visit in his tent from Sitting Bull
after eleven that night. He sat on the Assistant Commissioner's bed
until an early hour in the morning, telling him in a subdued tone his
many grievances against the "Long Knives."
At first Sitting Bull's
party in Canadian territory numbered 135 lodges, but it rapidly
It was astounding with
what rapidity the news of Sitting Bull's safe arrival in Canada was
transmitted to other branches of Sioux who had, up to that time,
remained in the United States. This news quickly had the effect of
rendering the North-West Territories attractive to the remainder of the
hostile Indians who had taken part in the Custer fight, their numbers
being augmented by large bands of Indians of the same tribes who
previously had been located in United States reservations—in other
words, a general stampede took place, and in an extremely short time
Canada became the home of every Sioux Indian who considered himself
antagonistic to the United States Government. In all, they numbered some
700 lodges; these lodges being crowded, it may safely be estimated that
they contained eight souls to a lodge; thus suddenly the Xorth-West had
its Indian population increased in a very undesirable manner by some
five thousand souls. In addition to Sitting Bull, the Mounted Police had
such celebrated chiefs as "Spotted Eagle," "Broad Trail," "Bear's Head,"
"The Elving Bird," " The Iron Dog," "Little Knife," and many others to
deal with.
Not only were the fears
of actual and intending settlers aroused, but our own Indians and
Half-breeds looked with marked, and not unnatural, disfavour upon the
presence of so powerful and savage a nation (for such it really was) in
their midst. Canadians were assured on all sides that nothing short of
an Indian war would be on our hands; to add to this, serious
international complications at times seemed inclined to present
themselves. Both the United States and Canadian press kept pointing out
the possibility of such a state of affairs coming about.
The press of Manitoba
urged that a regiment of mounted troops, in addition to the police,
should be sent to the North-West to avoid international complications
and the interruption of trade.
The matter was even
referred to by Major General Selby Smith ii his annual report on the
Canadian Militia for the year 1877, he, writing:
"The recent addition to
the Indian population of the prairies, by the arrival of a large body of
Sioux under the notorious Chief 'Sitting Bull', at Cypress Hills, calls
for increased precautions and strength; and especially for the greatest
possible efficiency of the North-West Mounted Police. From my personal
experience of this valuable body of men I can speak m high terms of
approval. In my report subsequent to my journey through the North-West
Territories two years ago, I ventured to recommend a depot and training
establishment in Ontario for officers, men and horses of the North-West
Mounted Police, to be an obvious necessity; to spend six months for
instructions before joining their troops so widely detached over the
spacious region of those pathless prairies."
As early as May 30,
1877, Lieut.-Col. Macleod, the Commissioner, then in Ottawa, n a report
to the Prime Minister, the lion Alex. Mackenzie, arid the Secretary of
State, the Hon. R. W. Scott, explained that both Rlackfeet and Crees
were anxious about the invasion of their territory by the Sioux. The
Blackfeet had remembered that before the police took possession of the
country for Canada they had been always able to keep them out. The
Commissioner strongly advised that an attempt be made to induce the
Sioux to recross to the United States side. He recommended that the
United States Government be corresponded with and their terms submitted
to the Sioux, who would be told that they could not be recognized as
British Indians, that no reserves could be set apart for them in Canada,
and no provision made for their support by the Government; and moreover,
that by remaining on the Canadian side they would forfeit any claim they
had on the United States.
August 15, 1877, the
Hon. R. W. Scott, Secretary of State, telegraphed Lieut-Col. Macleod,
then at Fort Renton, Mont., as follows:—
"Important that Sitting
Bull and other United States Indians should be induced to return to
reservations. United States Government have sent Commissioners to treat
with them. Co-operate with Commissioners, but do not unduly press
"Our action should be
persuasive, not compulsory.
"Commissioners will
probably reach Benton about 25th inst. Arrange to meet them there."
The commission referred
to in the preceding, appointed by the President of the United States,
consisting of Generals Terry and Lawrence, was sent to Fort Walsh, in
which vicinity the Sioux were, to endeavour to induce the refugees to
return to the United States. The commissioners and their party arrived
at the Canadian frontier on October 15th and we e there met bv an escort
of the Mounted Police, who accompanied them until their return to United
States territory. The next day after crossing the boundary the
commission arrived at Fort Walsh, where Major Walsh of the Police, under
instructions from head quarters, issued at the instance of the
Commissioners, had induced Sitting Bull to come. The following day a
conference was held between the commissioners and Sitting Bull, who was
accompanied by Spotted Tail and a number of his other chiefs.
General Terry told
Sitting Bull through his interpreters that Ins was the only Indian baud
which had not surrendered to the United States. He proposed that the
band should return and settle at the agency, giving up their horses and
arms, which would be sold and the money invested in cattle for them.
Sitting Bull replied:
"For sixty-four rears
you have kept me and my people and treated us bad, What have we done
that you should want us to stop? We have done nothing. It is all the
people on your side that have started us to do all these depredations.
We could not go anywhere else, and so we took refuge in this country. It
was on this side of the country we learned to shoot, and that is the
reason why I came back to it again. I would like to know why you came
here. In the first place, I did not give you the country, but you
followed me from one place to another, so I had to leave and come over
to this country. I was born and raised in this country with the Red
River half-breeds, and I intend to stop with them. I was raised
hand-in-hand with the Red River half-breeds,

Superintendent J. M. Walsh.
and we are going over
to that part of the country, and that is the reason why I have come over
here. (Shaking hands with Col. Macleod and Major Walsh.) That is the way
I was raised, in the hands of these people here, and that is the way I
intend to be with them. You have got ears, and you have got eyes to see
with them, and you see how I live with these people. You see me? Here I
am! If you think I am a fool, you are a bigger fool than I am. This
house is a medicine house. You come here to tell us lies, but we don't
want to hear them! I don't wish any such language used to me ; that is,
to tell me such lies, in my Great Mother's (the Queen's) house. Don't
you say two more words. Go back home, where you came from. This country
is mine, and I intend to stay here, and to raise this country full of
grown people. See these people here? We were raised with them. (Again
shaking hands with the police officers.) That is enough; so no more. You
see me shaking hands with these people. The part of the country you gave
me you ran me out of. I have now come here to stay with these people,
and I intend to stay here. I wish to go back, and to 'take it easy'
going back. [Taking a Santee Indian by the hand.] These Santees—I was
born and raised with them. He is going to tell you something about
"The-one-that-runs-the-roe," a Santee Indian, said: "Look at me! I was
born and raised in this country. These people, away north here, I was
raised with—my hands in their own. I have lived in peace with them. For
the last sixty-four years we were over in your country, and you treated
us badly. We have come over here now, and you want to try and get us
back again. You didn't treat us well, and I don't like you at all."
A squaw with the
peculiar appelation "The-one-that-speaks-once" then spoke, remarking:—"I
was over in your country; I wanted to raise my children over there, but
you did not give me any time. I came over to this country to raise my
children and have a little peace. (Shaking hands with the police
officers.) That is all I have to say to you. I want you to go back where
you came from. These are the people I am going to stay with, and raise
my children with."
"The Flying Bird" then
made a speech and said:
"These people here, God
Almighty raised us together. We have a little sense and we ought to love
one another. Sitting Bull here says that whenever you found us out,
wherever his country was, why, you wanted to have it. It is Sitting
Bull's country, this is. These people sitting all around me: what they
committed I had nothing to do with. 1 was not in it. The soldiers find
out where we live, and they never think of anything good; it is always
something bad." (Again shaking hands with the police officers.)
The Indians having
risen, being apparently about to leave the room, the interpreter wigs
then directed to ask the following questions:
"Shall I say to the
President that you refuse the offers that he has made to you? Are we to
understand from what you have said that you refuse those offers?"
Sitting Bull.—"I could
tell you more, but that is all I have to tell you. If we told you
more—why you would not pay any attention to it. That is all I have to
say. This part of the country does not belong to your people. You belong
to the other side; this side belongs to us."
And so the commission
returned to the United States without having accomplished anything.
After the interview of
the United States Commissioners with the Indians, Col. Macleod had a
"talk" with the latter. He endeavoured to impress upon them the
importance of the answer they had just made; that although some of the
speakers to the Commissioners had claimed to he British Indians, the
British denied the claim, and that the Queen's Government looked upon
them all as United States Indians who had taken refuge in Canada from
their enemies. As long as they behaved themselves the Queen's Government
would not drive, them out, and they would be protected from their
enemies, but that was all they could expect.
It is hard to realize
the awkward position in which the Police Force was placed. From 1877 up
to 1881 the force maintained a supervision and control of the refugee
Sioux. It would take chapters to give even a short summary of the
perpetual state of watchfulness and anxiety the force was kept in during
these years, to say nothing of the hard service all ranks were
constantly being called upon to perform. Every movement of the Sioux was
carefully noted and reported upon. The severity of the North-West winter
was never allowed to interfere in the slightest degree with the police
duty it was considered necessary to perform.
Many reports, official
and semi-official, were forwarded through various channels on what was
considered the vexed "Sioux question."
At one time many people
were of the opinion that Sitting Bull and his band of immediate
followers would never be induced to surrender to the United States, the
impression being that these undesirable settlers were permanently
located in our territories.
Through the officers of
the force, however, negotiations were carefully carried on with the
Sioux. Besides the basic difficulties to be overcome, the intricate and
delicate manner with which the officers had to deal with even the
smallest details relating to the ultimate surrender necessitating the
exercise of great caution. Many complications arose, all of which
delayed materially the surrender so much desired and eventually
effected. Among other things a questionable and discreditable influence
was brought to bear by small traders and others in anticipation of
inducing the Sioux to remain n Canada.
While the qualities of
patience and diplomacy possessed by the Mounted Police were being tried
to the utmost with the refugee Indians from across the lines, they were
encouraged by several evidences of the confidence n and respect for them
shown by the Canadian Indians.
During the. year 1877,
one of the band of Mecasto, head chief of the Bloods, confined in the
Police Guard Room at Macleod on a charge of theft, escaped across the
lines. Some time afterwards he returned to Mecasto's camp, and the chief
at once apprehended him. and with a large number of his warriors,
delivered him up at the fort gate to the officer in command.
An incident of trouble
between Canadian Indians at this time is interesting as indicating the
pluck shown by the police in dealing with the Indians.
May 25, 1877, Little
Child, a Sauteaux Treaty Chief, arrived at Fort Walsh and reported that
the Sauteaux, numbering 15 lodges, and 250 lodges of

Superintendent Crozier.
Assiniboines, were
camped together at the northeast end of Wood Mountain. On the 24th, the
Sauteaux camp concluded to move away from the Assiniboines. consequently
they informed the Assiniboines of their intention. An Assiniboine named
( row's Dance had formed a war lodge, and gathered about 200 young men
as soldiers under him. It appears Crow's Dance gave orders that no
person was to move away from the camp without the permission of his
Little Child was
informed that the Sauteaux could not leave; that if they persisted in
doing so the soldiers would kill their horses and dogs, and cut their
lodges, etc. Little Child replied if they did him any harm or occasioned
any damage to his people, he would report the matter to the Police.
Crow's Dance replied, "We care as little for the Police as we do for
Little Child then had a
Council with his head men, and addressed them as follows: "We made up
our minds to move but are forbidden. When the children of the White
Mother came to the country we thought they would protect us to move
wherever we pleased, as long as we obeyed her law, and if any one did us
any harm we were to report to them. This is the first time that any such
an occurrence has happened since the arrival of the Police in the
country; let us move; let the Assiniboines attack us, and we will report
to the. ' White Mother's Chief,' and see if he will protect us."
To this they all
assented and the camp was ordered to move. The lodges were pulled down,
and as they attempted to move off. between two and three hundred
warriors came down on the camp and commenced firing with guns and bows
in every direction, upsetting travois cutting lodges, etc., besides
killing nineteen dogs (a train dog supplied the place of a horse to an
Indian) knocking men down and threatening them with other punishment?
The women and children ran from the camp, screaming and crying. It seems
only by a miracle that no serious damage was done with the fire-arms, as
the warriors fired through the camp recklessly. When warned by Little
Child that he would report the matter to the Police, Crow's Dance struck
him and said: "We will do the same to the Police when they come".
After the attack was
over Little Child and camp moved northwards, and the Assiniboines toward
the east. At 11 a.m., Inspector Walsh started with Inspector Kittson,
fifteen men and a guide, to arrest Crow's Dance and his head men. At 10
p.m. the party arrived at the place where the disturbance occurred and
camped. At 2 a.m., they were again on the road, a march of about 8 miles
brought them in sight of the camp. The camp was formed in the shape of a
war camp with a war lodge in the centre. In the "war lodge" Walsh
expected to find the head soldier, Crow's Dance, with his leaders.
Fearing they might,
offer resistance, as Little Child said they certainly would, Walsh
halted and had the arms of his men inspected, and pistols loaded.
Striking the camp so early, he thought he might take them by surprise.
So he moved west, along a ravine, about half a mile; this bringing him
within three-fourths of a mile of the camp. At a sharp trot the
detachment soon entered camp and surrounded the war lodge, and found
Crow's Dance and nineteen warriors in it. Walsh had them immediately
moved out of cam]) to a small butte half a mile distant; found the
lodges of the Blackfoot and Bear's Down; arrested and took them to the
butte. It was now 5 a.m., and Walsh ordered breakfast and sent the
interpreter to inform the chiefs of the camp that he would meet them in
council in about an hour. The camp was taken by surprise, the arrests
made and prisoners taken to the butte before a Chief in the camp knew
anything about it.

Inspector E. Dalrymple Clark, First Adjutant of the North-West Mounted
At the appointed time
the following Chiefs assembled, viz., "Long Lodge," "Shell King" and
"Little Chief". Walsh told them what he had done, and that he intended
to take the prisoners to the fort and try them by the law of the White
Mother for the crime, they had committed; that they, as chiefs, should
not have allowed such a crime to be committed. They replied, they tried
to stop it lint could not. Walsh then said he was informed there were
parties in the camp at that moment who wished to leave, but were afraid
to go; that these parties must not be stopped; and for them (the chiefs)
to warn their soldiers never in future to attempt to prevent any person
leaving camp; that according to the law of the White Mother even- person
had the privilege of leaving camp when they chose. At 10 a.m., Walsh
left the Council, and arrived at Fort Walsh at 8 p.m., a distance of 50
Before entering the
camp, Walsh explained to his men that there were two hundred warriors in
the camp who had put the Police at defiance; that he intended to arrest
the leaders; but to do so perhaps would put them in a dangerous
position, but that they would have to pay strict attention to all orders
given no matter how severe they might appear. Walsh afterwards reported
that from the replies and the way his men acted during the whole time,
he was of opinion that every man of this detachment would have boldly
stood their ground if the Indians had made any resistance.
Sitting Bull then
strove to bring forward some pretext by which he and his followers might
remain on Canadian soil. Finally, recognizing that nothing beyond right
of asylum would be afforded him, this once mighty chief left the Wood
Mountain Post for the purpose of surrendering to the United States
authorities at Fort Bulford, U.S. The final surrender was made at Fort
Bulford, U.S., on the 21st of July, 1S81, in the presence of Inspector
Macdonell, who had been sent on in advance of the Indians by the
Commissioner to inform the United States authorities.
In his annual report
for 1881, Lieut.-Colonel Irvine, Commissioner of the Mounted Police
"I cannot refrain from
placing on record my appreciation of the services rendered by
Superintendent Crozier, who was in command at Wood Mountain during the
past winter. I also wish to bring to the favourable notice of the
Dominion Government the loyal and good service rendered by Mr. Legarrie,
trader, who at all times used his personal influence with the Sioux in a
manner calculated to further the policy of the Government, his
disinterested and honourable course being decidedly marked, more
particularly when compared with that of other traders and individuals.
At the final surrender of the Sioux, Mr. Legarrie must have been put to
considerable personal expense, judging from the amount of food and other
aid supplied by him." |