The Mounted Police
Placed under the Department op the Interior—Experimental Farming by the
Force—Lieut.-Col. A. G. Irvine Succeeds Lieut.-Col. Macleod as
Commissioner— Difficulties with the Indians in the Southern part of the
Territories — Tribes Induced to Leave the Dancer Zone near the
International Frontier—The Establishment of the Force Increased by Two
Hundred Men.
OCTOBER 16, 1878, the
Mackenzie Government having sustained defeat at the general elections,
resigned, and the following day Sir John A. Macdonald formed a new
cabinet, taking himself the portfolio of the Department of the Interior.
That the great statesman still retained a keen personal interest in the
North-West Mounted Police was soon shown, for no later than the month of
November, the charge of the North-West Mounted Police was transferred to
the Department of the Interior, from the Department of the Secretary of
State. After this change the several branches through which the
operations of the Department of the Interior were conducted stood as
follows:—North-West Territories, District of Keewatin, Indians and
Indian Lands, Dominion Lands, Geological Survey and North-West Mounted
In his annual report
for 1879, Lieut.-Col. Macleod, the Commissioner stated:
"It will be learned
with satisfaction that the considerable influx of population into the
North-West Territories, to which I had the honour to direct attention in
my last report, has very greatly increased during the past twelve
months, and the coming season promises results far beyond anything which
has so far been experienced. The Pembina Mountain, Rock Lake, Little
Saskatchewan and Prince Albert Districts, to which the greater
proportion of the immigration of 1878 was directed, are so rapidly
becoming occupied that the stream of settlement is finding for itself
new courses, notably in the Bird's Tail ('reek district, and
south-easterly of Fort Ellice, westerly of the Little Saskatchewan, and
in the country south of the Assiniboine, in and near the valley of the
Souris River ; also in the neighborhood of the Turtle Mountains, which
extend along the International Boundary from 40 to 60 miles beyond the
Province of Manitoba. Attention is also being directed to the subject of
stockraising, for which that section of the Territories lying along the
easterly base and slopes of the Rocky Mountains is said to offer unusual
facilities, in the way both of shelter and pasturage, cattle being able
to subsist in the open air during the whole winter, and being found in
good condition in the spring. A number of people are already engaged in
the pursuit of this industry, and with so much success that there is
every probability of its further development by gentlemen of experience
in stock-farming and possessed of large capital, both from Great Britain
and the older Provinces."
The officers in charge
of posts at the end of the year 1879, were Superintendent W. 1). Jarvis,
Saskatchewan; Supt. J. Walker, Battleford; Supt. W. H. Herchmer, Shoal
Lake; Supt. J. M. Walsh, Wood Mountain; Supt. L. X. F. Crozier, Fort
Walsh; and Supt. Wm. Winder, Fort Macleod.
Surgeons Kittson and
Kennedy were in medical charge at Forts \\ alsh and Macleod
The Commissioner
recommended that as soon as practicable in the spring, there be a
redistribution of the force as follows:—Fort Macleod, 2 divisions; Fort
Walsh, 2 divisions; Fort Qu'Appelle, 1 division; Fort Saskatchewan and
Battleford, 1 division, with such outposts as may be thought necessary.
The Commissioner considered it advisable on account of the large number
of Indians who would undoubtedly flock back in the spring to both the
Cypress Hills and the Bow River country, that the force mentioned should
be kept at these posts. It was felt that it would be some time before
these people could be settled down on their reserves, and there would be
a great deal of trouble making them do so.

Lieut.-Colonel A. G. Irvine, Commissioner of the Norm-West Mounted
1880— 1886.
At all the Indian
payments in the North-West, in 1870, the officers and men of the Police
took over and attended to the distribution of the supplies and at all
places in Treaties No*. 0 and 7, with the exception of Sounding Lake,
Battleford and Port Pitt, they performed the duties of paymasters. In
accordance with instructions received from the Department, an escort
from Fort Walsh of two officers and 30 men proceeded to and attended the
payments at Qu'Appelle under Superintendent Crozier, and another from
the same post, consisting of one officer and fifteen men, under
Inspector Dickens, attended the payments at Sounding Lake, supplementing
another escort from Battleford under Inspector French; and another
escort, consisting of one officer and fifteen men, under the command of
Inspector Cotton, accompanied the Right Reverend Abbott Martin to Wood
Mountain on an unsuccessful mission to Sitting Bull and his Sioux on
behalf of the United States Government.
In addition to their
other multitudinous duties, the Mounted Police in 1879 undertook farming
operations of an experimental and extended character in Southern
Alberta. The Commissioner reported:—
"Farming operations on
the Police Farm about 30 miles from Fort Macleod have been carried on
with great success for a first year's trial. I am satisfied that next
year they will yield as good returns as Inspector Shurtliff expects. The
farm is beautifully situated, the soil is excellent, and it only
requires the earnest attention of those who have to do with it to make
it a success in every way."
Lieut.-Col. Macleod
during the year held several civil courts, both at Fort Walsh and
Macleod, claims for over eight thousand dollars having been entered and
adjudicated upon. In order to visit the different posts, and carry out
the duties he was instructed to perform, the Commissioner travelled in
waggons and on horseback over two thousand three hundred miles.
Owing to the complete
failure of the buffalo hunt in 1879 there was a famine among the
Southern Alberta Indians, and the police at Fort Macleod and other posts
were taxed to their utmost resources in affording relief. Messengers and
deputations from Crowfoot were constantly arriving, asking assistance
and reporting the dying condition, and even deaths, of many of the
Blackfeet and allied tribes from starvation. Superintendent Winder, in
command at Fort Macleod despatched Inspectors Mcllree and Frechette, at
different intervals to the camp ai the Blackfoot Crossing, with such
provisions as he was able to get, to the relief of the Indians, ami to
the extent he was able to spare from his limited quantity of stores; at
one tune the police stores at Macleod were reduced down to six bags of
flour on hand. At this time (.June) from 1.200 to 1 ,500 Indians
(Bloods, Peigans and Sureees), encamped around the Pent, were being fed,
and later on as many as 7,000 men, women and children, all in a
destitute condition, applied for relief. Beef and flour were distributed
every other day m small quantities to each family. The Superintendent,
himself always attended at this distribution, in order that *f any
Indian complained of not receiving his portion he could settle the
In this he was assisted
by the officers, non-commissioned officers and men. This continued until
after the payments were made, in October, when the majority of the
Indians left for the Milk River country, south of the boundary line, in
quest of buffalo.
At this time the
officers of the various posts found the actual duties so exacting that
they were unable to spare the time for the training of the men that they
would have liked. For instance in his report dated Fort Walsh, December
29, 1879, Superintendent Crozier wrote:
"I have the honor to
inform you that the force at this fort, considering the great amount of
detachment, escort and other duty during the summer, and continually
being done, is, as regards their drill and knowledge of general duties,
efficient. It will be understood that it is quite impossible to take raw
recruits and in a few months, while, at the same time, doing all the
various duties they may be called upon to do, bring them to a state of
perfection. The recruits have not had the instruction in equitation that
I should have wished, had their other duties not been so heavy. In my
opinion, it would tend greatly to the efficiency of the force if a depot
for the training and instruction of recruits was established where they
would remain for a stated time, solely for that purpose, before being
allowed to do general duty. Such an establishment would, I consider, now
that the term of service is five years, be much more feasible than when
three years was the term."
The distribution of the
force this year (1879) was as follows:—
"A" Division, Fort
Saskatchewan; "B" Division, Fort Walsh and Outposts; "C" Division, Fort
Macleod; "I)" Division, Shoal Lake and Outpost; "E" Division, Forts
Macleod and Calgary; "F" Division, Battleford.
Several, now important
outposts, were established this year and the preceding one. The Prince
Albert post was established as an outpost of Battleford early in the
winter of 1878, principally to look after the wandering bands of
Minnesota Treaty Sioux Indians, who were said to be causing annoyance to
the settlers by petty pilfering, etc., but after the arrival of the
police not a single case of pilfering was charged against them.
In February, 1879,
Supt. Walker, in command at Battleford, received intelligence that Chief
Beardv of Duck Lake and his band of Indians, had threatened several
times to break into Stobart, Eden Co's store and help themselves to the
Indian stores there. Complaints from the settlers of that neighbourhood
were also sent to Lieutenant-Governor Laird. After consulting with His
Honour, the police authorities decided that it would be expedient to
station a few policemen at Duck Lake for a time.
The barrack
accommodation was generally bad. For instance Superintendent Walker
reported as follows as to the Battleford barracks on December 19: —"The
Battleford barracks are just as you saw them last summer, except that
they were all mudded over when the cold weather set in. They are still
very uncomfortable; we are now burning from four to five cords of wood
per day, and it is only by keeping on fires night and day that the
buildings are made habitable. This morning, with the thermometer 37°
below-zero, water was frozen on the top of the stove in my bedroom,
notwithstanding there was sufficient fire in the stove to start the
morning fire."

Superintendent James Walker, now a leading- resident of Calgary.
Lieut.-Col. J. F.
Macleod, C.M.G., Commissioner of the force, having been re-appointed a
Stipendiary Magistrate for the North-West, on the 1st of November, 1880,
resumed the duties connected with that position, the district assigned
to him being the southern and south-western section of the Territories,
with residence at Fort Macleod. Lieut.-Col. A. G. Irvine, an officer of
ability and experience, who had, since 1877, been Assistant
Commissioner, was promoted to the com-command of the force.
Acheson Gosford Irvine was the youngest son of the late Lieut.-Col.
Irvine of Quebec, Principal A.D.C. to the Governor-General of Canada,
and grandson of the Honourable James Irvine, for many years a member of
the Executive and Legislative Councils of Lower Canada. He was an active
member of the Militia of the Province of Quebec, and obtained high
certificates of qualification at the old Military School held in
Montreal. He took part in Wolseley's expedition to the Red River in 1870
as Major of the 2nd (or Quebec) Battalion of Rifles, with such
distinction, that he was selected for the command of the permanent force
of a battalion of infantry and a battery of artillery selected for
service in Manitoba, retaining that command with universal acceptance
until the reduction of the force after the organization of the
North-West Mounted Police, and being transferred to that body as
Assistant Commissioner. While ,n command of the permanent force in
Manitoba. Lieut.-Colonel Irvine commanded the force of permanent troops
and Manitoba volunteers which proceeded to the United States frontier on
active service at the time of the Fenian incursion in 1871.
The most amicable
relations continue to exist between the police and the Indians, and
manifestations increased of growing confidence and good feeling on the
part of the latter. Although at this period partially relieved of the
responsibility of making treaty payments owing to the appointment of
officials in the direct service of the Indian Department, service in the
way of furnishing escorts to persons charged with the conveyance of the
treaty money, and in assisting the agents during its disbursement, was
Shortly after his
appointment, the new Commissioner recommended that the pay of
non-commissioned officers and men be increased by length of service, in
cases where such service had been in all respects satisfactory. This, he
felt, would take the place of good conduct pay in the British service,
and would, he thought, prove a strong incentive towards inducing men to
conduct themselves properly during their term of service, which under
existing regulations was of considerable length, five years; more
particularly as free grants of land hail ceased to be any longer given
.n recognition of good service.
The distribution of the
force at the end of the year 1881 was as follows:—
"A" Division—Fort
Walsh—1 Superintendent, 1 Inspector, 3 Sergeants, 1 Corporal, 22
"B" Division—Fort
Walsh—1 Superintendent, 13 Constables. Qu'Appelle—1 Superintendent, 1
Inspector, 3 Staff Sergeants, 4 Sergeants, 1 Corporal. 37 Constables
Shoal Lake—3 Constables. I Sergeant. Swan R ver—1 Inspector, 2
"C" Division—Fort
Macleod—1 Superintendent. 2 Inspectors, 3 Sergeants, 2 Corporals. 25
Constables. Blackfoot Crossing—1 Inspector, 1 Sergeant, I Corporal, 12
Constables. Calgary—1 Sergeant, 1 Corporal. 6 Constables. Macleod
(Farm)—1 Inspector, 4 Constables. Blood Indian Reserve—1 Corporal, 1
"D" Division—Battleford—1
Staff Officer, 1 Superintendent, 1 Inspector, 1 Staff Sergeant, 2
Sergeants, 5 Corporals, 32 Constables. Saskatchewan—1 Inspector, 2
Sergeants, 9 Constables. Prince Albert—1 Sergeant, 1 Constable. Fort
Walsh—1 Inspector, 2 Sergeants, 2 Corporals, 29 Constables.
"E" Division—Fort
Walsh—1 Inspector, 2 Sergeants. 2 Corporals, 29 Constables.
"F" Division—Fort
Walsh—2 Staff Oflicers. § Staff Sergeants, 1 Corporal, 12 Constables.
Wood Mountain—1 Inspector, 2 Staff Sergeants, 1 Sergeant, 1 Corporal, 15
Constables. Total 293.
In the reports of the
officers commanding posts for 1880. several important facts were noted.
Superintendent W. D. Jarvis at Fort Macleod, reported that until the end
of October he had not enough men to carry on the ordinary barrack
duties. Nevertheless, the fewr he had worked most creditably, and did
severe duty without complaint. He found the horses of "C" Division
nearly worked out, and, with the customary ration of oats, it was
impossible to get them into or keep them in condition. The stables w ere
destroy ed by fire on the 5th December. A few horses were after that
event billeted in the village, the remainder being herded on Willow
Creek, about three miles from the post, and were doing as well as could
be expected for horses in low condition. Superintendent Jarvis
particularly called attention to the soldier-like behaviour of a
detachment of thirty men under Inspector Denny, who were obliged to ride
to Fort Calgary and back, a distance of 200 miles, in the depth of
winter, without tents or any of the usual comforts of a soldier on the
line of inarch. The total amount of customs duty collected at Macleod by
the police for the year 1880 amounted to $15,433.38. There had been
fifteen cases tried by police officers, besides those brought before the
resident Stipendiary Magistrate. Sixty gallons of smuggled whiskey had
been seized and destroyed.
Superintendent W. IF
Herchmer, who had taken over the Battleford command had made some
changes in the disposition of his force.
At Prince Albert, lie
found that the quarters occupied by the men were totally unsuited to
requirements, several families occupying the same building, which was
horribly cold, and the stabling miserable. The Superintendent succeeded
in renting desirable premises, thoroughly convenient as to situation and
accommodation for men horses and stores, and easily heated, and moved
the detachment in. He also removed the detachment from Duck Lake to
Prince Albert for the reason that the quarters occupied were required by
the owners, and no other building was attainable; also because the
reason for which the detachment was sent there no longer existed, as the
Indians of that neighbourhood were showing a desire to be
peaceable,—this change being a result of the lesson taught them the
previous summer.
In the execution of
duty during the year, Superintendent Herchmer had travelled over 4,000
miles, and Inspector Antrobus, 2,000.
In 1881, the police had
considerable trouble, and only by the exercise of diplomacy, firmness
and great courage, avoided much more serious trouble, on account of
Canadian Indians stealing horses in the United States and bringing them
across the lines. Superintendent Crozier at Wood Mountain was informed
that a party of the Canadian Bloods had just returned to the reserve
from a successful horse raid in Montana.
Immediately he sent a
party to the Blood Reserve, recovered sixteen head of horses and two
colts, and arrested eight Indians who had been implicated in stealing
the property in Montana and bringing it into Canadian territory. On the
return of this party from the Blood Reserve, Crozier sent another one to
the mouth of the Little Bow River; that succeeded in capturing another
Indian and recovering two more head of horses.
Another horse was also
procured, making 19 in all, that had been feloniously stolen in the
United States. The Court, taking into consideration that no Indians had
heretofore been punished for this offence, and that what they had done
was not considered by them a crime, deferred sentence, and, after a
caution, allowed the prisoners their liberty.
Major Crozier pointed
out—"If the Legislature of Montana could be induced to pass a law
similar to the one we have, not only would the bringing to justice of
horse-thieves on both sides of the line be greatly facilitated, but the
existence of such a law in both countries would doubtless have the
effect of putting an end to horse-stealing to a very great extent. I
would suggest that immediate steps be taken by our Government to bring
to the notice of the proper authorities in Montana the existence of this
law in Canada, and the advisability of the Legislature of that territory
enacting a reciprocal measure."
In order to afford
further proof of the trouble taken by the police in the recovery of
property, stolen by Canadian Indians south of the line, it might be
mentioned that, in June the same year the officer commanding at Fort
Macleod reported that several Montana ranchmen arrived at that place in
search of horses, alleged to have been stolen in the United States by
Blood Indians. In order to recover, as far as possible, the stolen
property, an officer and party were sent to the Blood reservations. The
account of the duty performed is shown in the following extract of a
letter from Inspector Dickens, who commanded the party. From this it
will be observed, that a portion of the stolen property was recovered,
but not without trouble and personal risk.
"I have the honour to
report that in obedience to orders I proceeded on the first instant to
the Blood Reservation to search for horses stolen from American citizens
on the other side of the line. I was accompanied by Sergeant Spicer,
Constable Callaghan and the American citizens. On arriving at the
reservation, I had an interview with ' Red Crow,' the chief, and
explained to him that it would be better for his young men to give up
the horses, so as to avoid further trouble, and he said he would do his
best to have the horses returned; but he did not appear to have much
control over the Indians, who were very loth to give up the stolen
horses. Eventually, I recovered fourteen horses, which were identified
by the Americans, and placed them in a corral. While we were waiting
near the agency for another horse which an Indian had promised to bring
in, a minor chief, ' Many Spotted Horses' appeared and commenced a
violent speech, calling upon the Indians not to give up the horses, and
abused the party generally. I refused to talk with him and he eventually
retired. I went over to Rev. Mr. Trivett's house for a few minutes, and
on returning was told that an Indian who goes by the name of 'Joe Healy'
had said that one of the Americans had stolen all ' Bull Back Fats'
horses last winter and had set the camp on foot. This the American
denied, but the Indians became violent and began to use threatening
language. The American went up to the corral, and ' White Cap' who had
just come in, collected a body of Indians who commenced howling and
yelling and started off to seize the Americans. It was impossible at the
time to get a word in, so I started in front of the Indians towards the
corral, and shouted to the party to mount their horses and to be ready
to start in order to avoid disturbance. 1 mounted my horse and placed
myself in the road between the party and the Indians, who began to
hesitate. Sergeant Spicer, who was behind the crowd, called out that he
wished to speak to them for a few minutes, and seeing the party all
mounted, I rode back and met the Sergeant coming out of the crowd of
Indians, who became quieter but who were still very sulky. No more
horses being forthcoming, we collected the band and rode out of the
camp. I thought it best to get both men and horses as far away from the
reservation as possible that night; and after supping at Fred Watcher's
ranch, we started for Fort Macleod, and although 1 heard a report that a
war party, had gone down the Kootenay River to intercept our passage, we
forded the river safely and reached Fort Macleod without being molested.
"I took care when I
first went into the camp to explain to the Indians from whom I took
horses, that if they had am claim on the horses or any cause of
complaint, they could come into the fort and lay their case before you.
"I was well satisfied
with Sergeant Spicer, who showed both coolness and tact."
In January, 1SS2,
serious trouble occurred with the Blackfoot Indians on their reserve at
the Blackfoot Crossing. This was in connection with the arrest of a
prisoner, named "Bull Elk", a Blackfoot Indian, on the charge of
shooting with intent to kill; the Indians endeavouring to offer
resistance to the detachment first sent out to make the arrest. Prompt
steps were, however, taken by the officer commanding at Macleod,
Superintendent Crozier, who himself proceeded with every available man
at his command to reinforce the detachment at the Blackfoot Crossing.
"Bull Elk" was arrested and committed for trial, and every precaution
taken to meet any resistance that might have been offered by the
Indians. It was pointed out to them in the plainest possible manner that
law and order were to be carried out, that the police were in the
country to do this and that any attempt at resistance on their part
would be punished as it deserved. Seeing the determination on the part
of the police to carry out the letter of the law. and finding that a
determined force was at hand with which to enforce strict obedience and
respect, even should it be found necessary to resort to the most extreme
measures, the Indians submitted to the arrest of "Bull Elk", being
forcibly reminded in so doing that resistance on their part would not be
tolerated for a moment, or in any way allowed to interfere with the
impartial administration of justice, in the case of Indians and white
men alike.
At this time the
Commissioner deemed it advisable to reinforce the strength of Fort
Macleod by thirty non-commissioned officers and men lie therefore
ordered a detachment of that number to proceed from Fort Walsh to Fort
Macleod with all possible despatch.
In his report of the
original trouble, Inspector Dickens, in command of the detachment at the
Blackfoot Crossing, stated that, when on January 2nd. Charles Daly of
the Indian Department reported that "Bull Elk" had fired at him. he
(Inspector Dickens) went over and arrested the man.
and took him over to
the post. A crowd of Indians followed, all very excited. While the
Inspector was enquiring into the case, a large body of Indians gathered
from various quarters and gradually hemmed in the men who were placed
outside to keep them back, and others surrounded the stables, and were
posted along the roads. The police were at once cut off from water and
from the store-house, the number of Indians increasing as they began to
arrive from the camps. Dickens sent for Crowfoot. He arrived with the
other chiefs. He said that he knew "Bull Elk" was innocent, that some of
the white men had treated the Indians like dogs. He begged that "Bull
Elk" might not be sent into Macleod. After a long talk it was evident
that the Indians were determined to prevent the prisoner being taken
out. It was impossible to get a horse saddled to make a road through the
throng. Crowfoot said that he would hold himself responsible for the
appearance of the prisoner, if the Stipendiary Magistrate or some
magistrate came to try the case. As it was utterly impossible to get the
prisoner to Macleod owing to the roads being completely blockaded,
Dickens told Crowfoot that lie would let him take charge of the prisoner
if he promised to produce him when required. This he said he would do,
and the Inspector let him take the prisoner. The agent said he never saw
the Indians in such a state before.
Crozier's official report shows how critical the situation at this time
was. lie arrived at the Blackfoot Crossing on the evening of January the
6th, having travelled day and night.
On the following
morning he proceeded with the interpreter to that part of the camp in
which the prisoner "Bull Elk" was, and brought him from the camp to the
quarters occupied by the police, where the Superintendent, at once, as a
magistrate, commenced the preliminary examination of witnesses as to the
matter of the shooting by the prisoner. The Superintendent found
sufficient evidence to warrant him in committing the prisoner for trial,
and upon the evening of the second day, left the Blackfoot Crossing with
the prisoner and escort for Macleod. and arrived there on the evening of
the 16th. The Indians had been greatly excited. Upon Crozier's arrival
at the Blackfoot Crossing, Inspector Dickens reported to him that the
Indians were then quiet "but" said lie, "they are only waiting for an
attempt to be made to take the prisoner from them and they will
certainly resist." Crozier. therefore concluded to place the building in
a state of defence, as he had determined to arrest the offender, and,
having done so, to hold him, even if it were necessary to resort to
extreme measures. By eleven o'clock on the morning after his arrival,
the place was so defended that it would scarcely have been possible for
any number of Indians to take it, and, besides, the Superintendent had,
in the same buildings, protected the horses and the supplies of the
police and Indian Department, and had arranged to procure a supply of
water for both men and horses within the same building.
Before leaving Fort
Macleod he left orders for all available horses to be sent from the
farm, to have the guns in readiness, and upon the receipt of word to
that effect from him, to proceed forthwith to the Crossing. Dickens, it
should be stated, had diplomatically allowed the prisoner his liberty
temporarily, upon Crowfoot saying he would be responsible that he would
be forthcoming when required.
On the adjournment at
the conclusion of the first day of the preliminary examination, Crowfoot
again asked that the prisoner be allowed to accompany him to his lodge.
This request Crozier positively refused to accede to. After some
considerable time, seeing the police officer was determined not to give
in, Crowfoot and his people dispersed. Superintendent Crozier held the
prisoner in custody at the Crossing for one night and a day, and upon
the evening of the 8th, left with him under escort for Fort Macleod. The
prisoner was tried before the Stipendiary Magistrate and underwent
imprisonment for his offence in the guard room at Macleod. He was a
minor chief of the Blackfeet.
The immediate cause of
the difficulty seems to have been an altercation between the prisoner
and a white man employed on the reserve by the beef contractors.
The Indians were
evidently greatly impressed with the preparations Crozier had made.
Crowfoot asked him if he intended to fight, and the Superintendent
replied "Certainly not, unless you commence". He also explained to the
chief, as had often been done before, that the police had gone into the
country to maintain law and order, that if a man broke the law he must
be arrested and punished. Crozier asked him then if he, as a chief of
the Blackfoot nation, intended to assist him in doing his duty, or if he
intended to encourage the people to resist. The Superintendent further
said: "If I find sufficient evidence against the prisoner to warrant me
in so doing, I intend to take the prisoner to Fort Macleod, and when I
announce my intention of so doing I expect you to make a speech to your
people, saying I have done right."
Crowfoot did not
answer, beyond making excuses for the manner in which his people had
acted a few days before. However, at the conclusion of the examination
of witnesses, Crozier told them all that the prisoner was going to be
taken to Fort Macleod.
Crowfoot did then speak
to them in his usual vigorous manner, endorsing perfectly what the
police had done, and had decided upon doing. He and the other Indians by
this time saw that Crozier was determined to carry out any line of
action that he saw fit to commence.
The reinforcements that
had arrived from Fort Macleod in so short a time had astonished and awed
the Indians. For these reasons, the chiefs and people were willing to
listen to reason, and did so.
On the first of May,
1881, before the arrival of the recruits, Big Bear (then a non-treaty
chief) reached Fort Walsh. He came in ahead of his followers, all of
whom, numbering some 130 lodges, were, he informed Col. Irvine, en
route. The Commissioner at once told this chief, that he did not wish
his people to come in the vicinity of the fort, and also that he would
receive no aid from the Government. The Commissioner directed him to a
place known as the "Lake", where they could subsist by fishing.
This Big Bear did, and
for some time Col. Irvine heard nothing further from him. Later on,
however, he received information that councils were being held daily in
the Indian camp, and further that the result of these councils was that
Big Bear and his followers had decided to visit Fort Walsh, make
exorbitant demands for provisions, and in case of their being refused,
to help themselves. Colonel Irvine considered it advisable, thereupon,
to move all the Indian supplies inside the fort. These supplies had
previously been stored inside a building in the village rented by the
Indian Department. He also took over the ammunition of T. C. Power &
Bros., the only traders at Fort Walsh, and placed it in the police
magazine. The Commissioner confined all the men to barracks, had the 7
pounder mountain guns placed in position in the bastions, and made all
arrangements to have the force at his command ready for any emergency.
On the 14th, Big Bear with 150 bucks, all armed, arrived at the fort. By
runners going to his camp, Big Bear was kept informed of the action that
had been taken; the effect no doubt was salutary. Demands made for
ammunition during the council with Col. Irvine were refused, and there
is no doubt that Col. Irvine's treatment of Big Bear at this time had a
most satisfactory effect, showing him, that he as a non-treaty Indian
would not obtain assistance from the Government, and that any attempt of
his to obtain such by force must prove entirely futile.
On the 4th May, 1882,
Inspector Macdonell, the officer commanding at Wood Mountain, received a
report from Mr. Legarrie, trader, who had just returned from Fort
Buford, U.S., in which Inspector Macdonell was informed that on the
evening of the 28th April, while Legarrie was encamped en route to Wood
.Mountain, a war party of thirty-two Crees appeared and made demands for
Mr. Legarrie had with
him a half-breed and a Sioux Indian. He and these men gave the war party
food. Shortly afterwards they took articles from the carts bv force, and
threatened the lives of his party. During the night Mr. Legarrie heard
the Indians in council arranging to kiJl him and the Teton Sioux.
Towards morning another council was held, when it was ascertained that
the Indians were composed of two parties, one from Cypress Hills, the
other from Wood Mountain. The Cypress Hills party wished that what had

Superintendent Macdonell.
arranged should be
carried into effect at once, lint the arrangements were changed, and it
was decided to allow Legarrie and his party, who had previously been
disarmed, to "eat once more" before killing them. When daylight came,
Legarrie commenced preparations for a start. The scene following he
describes as being a terrible one, the Indians having taken possession
of the carts. Legarrie expected every moment to be killed, the noise was
fearful, some crying for the scalps of the whole party, others only
wishing to k„!l the Teton Indian.
Two attempts at firing
were made, but fortunately the gun* missed fire in both cases. All
became so confused that the Indians were afraid of killing their own
friends. Finally Legarrie succeeded in buying off the lives of his men,
the war party being allowed to take what they liked and Legarrie's party
to go, after having had his carts pillaged, by the taking of blankets,
rifles, ammunition, etc.
Immediately on the
receipt of the information, Inspector Macdonell despatched messengers to
all the half-breeds and friendly Indians' camps within a radius of 20
miles of his post, instructing them to keep a watch for this war party,
and to immediately inform him if any trace was seen, promising that
unless the)' were captured, permanent quiet would not be established in
his district as the same party had given continual annoyance during the
spring. He therefore determined to make an arrest at any cost. Shortly
after, a half-breed, who resided 15 miles east of the post, reported to
Inspector Macdonell that on the previous evening he had. while herding
horses, come suddenly upon a war party of eight Indians on foot, all
having lariats (a sure sign that they were on a horse stealing
expedition). This war party admitted they were going to steal horses,
but promised to touch none belonging to the half-breed. From the
description gi\en of the Indians who had attacked Legarrie, the
half-breed assumed that they belonged to the same war party.
Inspector .Macdonell
immediately mounted every man of his command available, and in company
with Legarrie, whom he had sent for to identify the Indians, he started
to make the arrest. He travelled in the direction of a half-breed camp,
15 miles from the post in which direction the Indians had gone. On
arriving within a quarter of a mile of the camp, a scout was sent in to
gather information. The scout told the camp that he was in search of
four horses stolen from Wood Mountain, but he was told that they were
not there as eight Crees had just come in on foot. Inspector Macdonell
immediately pushed on to the camp, which was composed of about 45
lodges. On reaching the camp he found a large crowd collected, and all
the doors of the lodges closed, and on asking for the Cree Indians,
their presence in the camp was denied.
The crowded camp
appeared very sulky and averse to his searching the lodges, one
half-breed m particular who spoke a little English, showed much
opposition. Tins man Inspector Macdonell covered with his revolver. This
had the effect of cowing the crowd, and lodges were pointed out where
seven Crees were found. These were arrested and disarmed, and a demand
made for the remaining Indian, who was at last given up. The prisoners
were then conveyed to Wood Mountain Post. On the next day an examination
was held by Inspector Macdonell who committed them for trial, and
afterwards conveyed them to Qu'Appelle where they were tried and found
guilty by the Stipendiary Magistrate.
All possible aid has
been invariably given by the police towards the recovery and return to
their legitimate owners of horses and mules stolen and brought into
Canadian territory from the United States. The efforts in this respect
in 1882 were accompanied by marked success.
During the month of
May, of that year, a United States citizen from the Maria's River.
Montana, arrived at Fort Walsh. He gave a description of 11 horses which
he believed had been stolen from him by our Indians. A party of police
was sent out to the various

Superintendent A. H. Griesbach.
camps and succeeded in
recovering and handing over all the horses stolen, taking care that no
expense was incurred by the man who had suffered the loss.
At Qu'Appelle, 9 horses
and 6 mules, which had been stolen from Fort Buford, U.S.A., were
recovered by Inspector Griesbach-of "B" Division, and returned to
Messrs. Leighton, Jordon & Co., their owners, 1st Jan., 1883.
The United States
military authorities in all such cases aided the police as far as lay in
their power, which was more limited than that of the police.
General Sheridan, of
the United States Army, in his annual report for 1882, mentioned the
amicable relations which existed between the United States troops and
the Mounted Police Force, which, he said, "goes far in ensuring quiet
along the boundary line."
On the 29th of May,
1882, a party of some 200 Blood Indians arrived at Fort Walsh from their
reservation near Fort Macleod. These 200 men were well mounted and fully
equipped as a war party, all armed with Winchester repeating rifles and
a large supply of ammunition. On arrival they went at once to the
officer in command and reported that the Crees had stolen some forty
head of horses from them, and had been stealing all winter. The object
of their visit was to recover their stolen horses from the Crees, their
intention being to go on to the Cree cam]) at. "The Lake" east of Fort
Walsh. Feeling assured that, if this was done, serious trouble would
ensue, Supt. Crozier told the Bloods he would not allow this, promising
that he would send an officer and party, with a small number of their
representative men, to the Cree camp, and that if their horses wen1
there they would be returned to them. To this the Indians agreed.
Superintendent Crozier detailed Inspector Frechette for the duty; six
Blood Indians accompanied him to the Cree camp.
This officer returned
on the following day with three horses belonging to the Bloods. Crozier
was satisfied that, with the exception of two other horses, which were
afterwards returned by the Crees, the horses the Bloods had lost were
stolen by United States Indians.
This same year efforts
were made to induce several tribes to move from the dangerous vicinity
of the U. S. boundary to reserves selected for them in the north, where,
the buffalo having disappeared from the plains, the hunting was better.
Soon after Col.
Irvine's arrival at Fort Walsh in April, 1882, he commenced holding
daily councils with the Indians (Crees and Assiniboines) .with a view of
persuading them to move northward to settle upon the new reservations.
On the 23rd of June
"Pie-a-pot", with some five hundred followers, left Fort Walsh for
Qu'Appelle. A delay that arose from the time of " Pie-a-pot's" promise
to go on his new reservation until the time of his departure from Fort
Walsh, did not reflect discredit upon this chief, as regards any
inclination on his part to act otherwise than in perfect good faith, but
was purely owing to the lack of ability of the police to aid him in
transport. Such aid was imperative, as the Indians were wretchedly poor
and without horses. Considerable influence from different surreptitious
quarters was brought to bear with the view of inducing the Indians to
remain in the southern district, the object of course, being that they
should receive their annuities at Fort Walsh, and thus secure the
expenditure of the treaty money on that section of the country. Even
United States traders from Montana clandestinely visited the Indian
camps with the same project in view.
As far as practicable
Col. Irvine transported them with police horses and waggons. In
"Pie-a-pot's" case he sent four waggons, with a strong escort of police.
A portion of the escort, with one waggon, went through to Qu'Appelle;
the remainder of the •escort and waggons returned from "Old Wives'
Lake", where they were met by transport sent from Qu'Appelle by the
Indian Department.
At the time of
"Pie-a-pot's" departure from Fort Walsh, the Cree chief, "Big Bear"
(non-treaty Indian), "Lucky Man", 'and "Little Pine", with about 200
lodges, finding that Col. Irvine would not assist them in any way unless
they went north, started from Fort Walsh to the plains in a southerly
direction. These chiefs informed Col. Irvine that their intention was to
take "a turn" on the plains in quest of buffalo, and after their hunt to
go north. They added that they did not intend crossing the international
boundary hue,—a statement which he considered questionable at the time.
Colonel Irvine, therefore, at the request of the officer commanding the
United States troops at Fort Assiniboine, informed the United States
authorities of the departure of these chiefs. The Americans m expressing
their thanks were much gratified with the information imparted. If but
few did cross the line, they were deterred only by fear of punishment by
United States troops, who had formed a large summer camp at the big bend
of the Milk River.
At the time of the
departure of these chiefs from Fort Walsh. Col. Irvine told them that
the United States Government was opposed to their crossing the line, and
stated in a clear and positive manner that any punishment which might be
inflicted upon them by the United States troops could only be regarded
as the result of their own stubborn folly, in not acting upon the advice
of the Canadian Government, given purely in the interest of the Indians
On December 8th, "Big
Bear" and his followers, who had not vet entered into a treaty,
accompanied by several treaty chiefs and Indians, went formally to
Colonel Irvine's quarters, and after having spent the afternoon and
evening in going over the details of previous interviews, he signed the
treaty \o. 0. which it will be recalled was made at Forts Carlton and
Pitt, which was the section of country to which Big Bear really
belonged. His announced intention at the time of signing was to go to
Fort Pitt with his entire followers in the spring and settle upon the
reservation allotted him.
Big Bear was the only
remaining chief in the North-West Territory who had not made a friendly
treaty with the Canadian Government, in the surrendering of his and his
people's rights as Indians, by the acceptance of annuities and reserves,
the occurrence consequently being considered an opportune one,
concluding as it did, the final treaty with the last of the many Indian
tribes in the Territories. Several /ears were to elapse, however, before
Big Bear's band redeemed the pledge and settled 011 the allotted
By the departure of
these chiefs, Fort Walsh was entirely rid of Indians.
On account of the
increased responsibilities devolving upon the force, owing to the
construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the influx of settlers,
authority was given in the early part of the year 1882 for an increase
of the force by two hundred men.
In consequence of this
increase of the force, recruiting was commenced in Toronto, by the late
Superintendent McKenzie, at the New Fort. It was originally intended
that these recruits should be sent up via Winnipeg, then out to the
terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and across country to the
various posts where they were required. However, owing to the severe
floods m Manitoba, which temporance suspended the railway traffic, as
well as the unsettled state of Indian affairs at Fort Walsh, the
original intention was changed and the recruits were taken up via Lake
Superior and the Northern Pacific Railway to Bismarck. Dakota, where
they embarked on the steamer "Red Cloud," and proceeded up the River
Missouri to Coal Banks, where they were met by Supeimtendent Mellree
with transport, and taken by him to Fort Walsh, distant about 120 miles.
They arrived on the 11th June. Superintendent McKenzie, who left Toronto
in command of the recruits, was shortly after taken ill and left at
Prince Arthur's Landing, where he died in a few days. The command was
taken over by Inspector Dowhng. In all, 187 recruits arrived, as well as
Surgeon Jukes and Inspector Prevost.
A small number of
recruits were also this year engaged at Winnipeg. 37 in all. These
recruits were taken on to Qu'Appelle and attached to "B" Division. Later
on, 12 more were taken up by1 Inspector Meele. In all 63 recruits
arrived at Qu'Appelle.
The total number of
recruits posted to the force in 1S82 was 2f)0, of whom 200 were the
increase of the force, and (he remainder to till vacancies, discharged
men, etc.
The recruits who
arrived at Fort Walsh were posted to "A " "C" and "H" Divisions. The
larger proportion of these recruits were excellent men, but some,
according to the Commissioner's report, were mere lads, physically unfit
to perform the services required. Colonel Irvine recommended most
strongly that the minimum age at which a recruit be accepted for service
be fixed at 21 years of age.
In speaking on this
same subject, Surgeon Jukes gave his experience in his annual report in
the following words: —"The examination papers given me when I was
examining recruits for admission to the force in May last, left me no
power to reject men otherwise eligible between the ages of IS and 40
years. This rule applies well to the regular army, where men enlist for
a longer period, where the duties ordinarily required are far less
severe; but for short periods of service, say 5 years, attended with
much exposure, and demanding considerable powers of endurance, the age
of IS is too young."