The Uprising Predicted
by Officers of the Force Well in Advance of the Actual Appeal To
Arms—Irvine's Splendid March From Regina to Prince Albert—The Fight at
Duck Lake and ABANDONMENT of Fort Carlton—services of the detachments at
prince Albert, Battleford and Fort Pitt and of Those which Accompanied
the Militia Columns Throughout the Campaign—Preventing a General
Uprising Throughout the North-West.
ON account of the
North-West Rebellion, the year 1885 is one which will always be
considered historical in Canada. The. campaign which resulted in the
suppression of the rising was the first conducted by Canadian troops
alone, without any assistance from the British regular army. The
rebellion marked in a dramatic manner the complete unification of
patriotic sentiment throughout all the provinces of the Dominion;
Canadians from the various provinces fighting in the ranks, side bv
side, and shedding their blood, to assert the authority of the Federal
Government, and thus demonstrating the successful accomplishment of the
fundamental project of the framers of Confederation, the creation of a
Canadian nation.
The rebellion, too,
marks an era in the history of the Royal North-West Mounted Police, for
the force naturally bore the brunt of the campaign, and acquitted itself
well Officers and men wherever, employed, whether on the march,
scouting, on courier service, in garrison, or on the battlefield, acted
in a manner creditable to the force and to the country. The services of
the Mounted Police ill connection with the Uprising cover a considerable
period preceding its actual outbreak, for one of the best proofs of the
efficiency of the force during this stirring time, was afforded by the
prompt transmission to the authorities at the seat of Government of
reports describing the various stages of the development of the
July 8, 1884, the
following telegram was received by the Comptroller in Ottawa and
referred to the authorities concerned:—
"Battleford, 8th July,
1884. "Fred. Wiiit 10, Ottawa.
"Louis Riel arrived at
Duck bake, with family, brought in by half-breeds. They brought him, it
is said, as their leader, agitating their rights.
L. X. V. Crozikr."
In an official report
on this subject, to the Commissioner, bearing date Pith July, 1884,
rendered by Superintendent Crozier, who was in command at Battleford,
that officer stated that the half breeds claimed to have grievances of
various kinds and that the Indians were becoming excited 011 account of
the action of the half-breeds.
August 2nd, the
Commissioner forwarded to Ottawa from Regina the following report
received by him from Superintendent Crozier:—
"Battleford, 27th July,
"Sir ;—
"I have the honour to
inform yon that Riel has held meetings at both Prince Albert and Duck
Lake. I am informed that his meeting at the first named place was an
open one. Some little difficulty took place, but was promptly put down.
At Duck Lake, his
audience was composed of French half-breeds and Indians. He is said,
though I have no official information to that effect, to have told the
Indians that they had "'rights' as well as the half-breeds, and that he
wished to be the means of having them redressed.
"I am also informed
that he expressed a wish to confer with the Indian chiefs. I have
already reported that I believe the Indians sympathize with the
half-breeds, nor could anything else be expected, being close blood
relations and speaking the same language.

Captain "Jack" French, formerly an Inspector of the N.W.M.P., who
organized and commanded "French's Scouts," and who gallantly fell at the
head of his men in the advanced line at the capture of Batoche.
"What may be the result
of this half-breed agitation or what effect it may have upon the
Indians, of course I cannot foretell. I before said, and still think,
precautionary measures should be taken; such measures as will not only
prevent' turbulent spirits carrying their schemes to an extreme, but
prevent both Indians and half-breeds even making an attempt to resist
authority or organize for illegal purposes, for these constant
'excitements' must have a most injurious effect upon the country, and,
among those effects, not the least, a sense of insecurity among
"I believe now, that
Big Bear and his followers would have been upon their reserve but for
the emissaries of Riel, who, it is said, invited him to meet that person
at Duck Lake.
"Certain it is he has
gone there, and that after having promised and received provisions to go
to Fort Pitt. He had proceeded with the camp some distance on the road,
but turned back after hearing from Riel.
"There are very many
rumours about as to what Riel has said to the Indians, that, if true,
are intended to cause discontent among them as to their present
L. N. F. Crozier."
August 9th,
Superintendent Crozier forwarded the following report received in cypher
from Sergeant Brooks at Prince Albert, dated the 8th:
"Returned from Duck
Lake last night; Big Bear in council with ten other chiefs. Riel has
held several private meetings at the South Branch, attended by leading
half-breeds; he has not seen Big Bear. Big Bear's camp, with twelve
lodges, is forty miles S.S.E. of Fort Pitt. His son is with the camp. It
is reported to me that Big Bear will go to Prince Albert after he leaves
Duck Lake."
In forwarding this
report, Superintendent Crozier wrote the Commissioner:
"For several weeks I
have had a man stationed at Duck Lake to report what transpires there,
particularly as to the half-breeds and Indians. The same point is
visited frequently by the non-commissioned officers and men from Prince
Albert also. I also receive from the non-commissioned officer at Prince
Albert, despatches by letter or cypher telegram, of anything that he may
become aware of that he deems of importance. I have this day sent a
non-commissioned officer and three men to patrol in and about Duck Lake
and the settlements thereabouts, with a view to detecting, if possible,
the presence of horse thieves, as it is supposed there may be some in
that vicinity."
On the oth of August a
non-commissioned officer, who had been instructed to ascertain the state
of feeling at Prince Albert, reported:—"There is very little talk about
Riel. The principal part of the people who seem to agree with him are
people who are hard up and think they must do something to cause a
little excitement. I have heard very few who are in any way well-to-do
speak favourably of him. There is no doubt but that all the breeds swear
by him, and whatever he says is law7 with them." On the 10th of August,
Sergeant Brooks, at Prince Albert, reported that Kiel had held a meeting
that day as the people were coming from church at Batoche, at which he
said " the Indian's rights should be protected as well as your own.' He
reported also that Jackson, brother of the druggist, at Prince Albert,
seemed to be "a right-hand man of Kiel's. He has a great deal to say,
and I believe he does more harm than any breed among them."
On the 18th August,
Superintendent Crozier received orders from the Commissioner to increase
the Prince Albert detachment to an Inspector and twenty men, and did so
On the 17th of
September, Sergeant H. Iveenan, at Duck Lake, reported that a meetmg of
Kiel's supporters had been held at St. Laurent on the 1st, at which a
number of half-breeds and white men from Prince Albert were present,
"including Jackson, Scott and Isbister, three of Kiel's strongest
supporters in that district. Speeches were made condemning the
Government, and Mr Jackson stated that the country belonged to the
Indians and not to the Dominion of Canada." Sergeant Iveenan concludes:
"I met Kiel a few days ago, and during our conversation he told me that
the Government, through Bishop Grandin, had offered him a seat in the
Council or in the Dominion Senate."
In view of the
increasing unrest on the North Saskatchewan, the Comptroller forwarded
the following:
"Ottawa, 3rd Sept.,
"The undersigned has
the honour to submit for the Minister's consideration, that in view of
the possibility of additional Mounted Police being required in the North
Saskatchewan District, it is desirable that steps be taken to secure
accommodation for men and horses, beyond the capacity of the Mounted
Police post at Battleford, and it is suggested that arrangement might be
made with the Hudson Bay Company for the use, for police purposes,
during the coming winter, of their buildings, or a portion thereof, at
Fort Carlton, which s about fifteen miles northwest of Duck Lake, about
fifty-five miles west of Prince Albert, and one hundred and twenty miles
east of Battleford.
Flirt) Whitk,
Under date, "Batoche,
2oth Sept., 1884," Sergeant Keenan reported as follows:
"I have the honour to
state that since my last re-|x>rt all has been quiet here. There have,
however, been frequent meetings of Kiel's committee held n different
parts of the settlement. It is almost impossible for me to obtain any
information as to what transpires at these meetings, as they are
conducted with secrecy, and no person, except the members of the
committee, is allowed to take part in them. At all the public meetings,
Kiel and his supporters have been very moderate, or rather cautious, in
their utterances; but I learn that they appear in disguise at these open
gatherings, and advocate very different measures in their councils. The
last meeting was held a week ago at the house of Batiste Boyer, one of
the chief supporters of the movement. Charles Nolin, another member, and
one of the most unreasonable, proposed that the half-breeds make certain
demands on the Government, and if not complied with, they take up arms
at once, and commence

Superintendent S. Gagnon.
killing every white man
they can find, and incite the Indians to do the same. I obtained this
information from an Old Country Frenchman who belonged to the committee,
and left it on account of the extreme and unreasonable measures it
advocated. This man Nolin is the most dangerous of the half-breeds for
the reason that, he is strongly in favour of tampering with the
The suggestion
contained in the Comptroller's memorandum of the third of September
having been acted upon, and permission obtained from the Hudson Bay
Conipan ' to quarter a detachment at their historical post at Fort
Carlton, in October a police post was established there under command of
Superintendent S. Gagnon, and the strength of the northern division
increased to 200 of all ranks, this number being distributed between
Battleford, Carlton, Prince Albert and Fort Pitt.
The Indians about Fort
Pitt appeared to be peaceably enough disposed in November, for on the
9th, Inspector Dickens, commanding there, reported:
"From the 1st to the
11th, I was absent on a tour around the reserves on the occasion of the
annual treaty payments of the Indians. The payments passed off quietly,
as I have already reported. On my return I found that Little Poplar had
arrived at Pitt, to be present at the payment of Big Bear's band. Big
Bear now talks of taking a reserve in the rjsing. As long as they
receive rations I do not think they will give trouble during the
winter—that is, I do not think that they have at present any intention
of so doing."
From Fort Carlton, on
December 23rd, Superintendent Gagnon reported as follows:
"I have the honour to
report that during the last month the half-breeds of St. Laurent and
Batoche settlements held a public meeting, to adopt a petition drawn up
by a committee, and that this petition, signed by the settlers of both
settlements, had been forwarded to Ottawa. This meeting, from all
reports, seems to have been very orderly. Several other smaller
re-unions have taken place during the same period, but all had reference
to school matters. The half-breeds are pressing Riel to settle amongst
them, and have given him, as a token of their gratitude for services
rendered, a house well furnished, and will further, on 2nd January next,
present him with a purse. These testimonials are for the good will of
the majority, and would go towards denying certain rumours, which say
that several are lacking confidence in their leader, that his way of
acting and speaking denote a very hot head, and that he does not agree
with their priests. There is no doubt that a great number are still led
by him, and would act on his dictates. Some time ago I sent several men
to the South Branch to have horses shod. The river being full of
floating ice, they could not cross. Some way or other, the report was
brought to the east side of the river that these men were sent to arrest
Riel, who was then at the crossing. Within half an hour, over one
hundred men had collected to protect him. There is a certain amount of
suffering amongst the half-breeds, but not to the extent it was expected
to reach. Large quantities of supplies are required for this part of the
country, and all who have horses can make a living by freighting with
them. As far as I can see, the chief grievance of the half-breeds is
that they are afraid the Government will not sanction the way they,
amongst themselves, have agreed to take their homesteads—ten chains
frontage 011 the river by two miles back. The Indians are quiet. The
sub-agent here reports that one of the southern Indians, who makes it a
business to run from band to band, trying to create mischief, is now in
Beardy's band. The agent has a criminal charge to prefer against him,
and as soon as the guard room is fitted up I will have him arrested."
On the 14th January,
1885, Superintendent Crozier reported that invitations to a large
gathering, in the spring, at Duck Lake, were being circulated amongst
the Indians, and he was informed that an effort would be made to get the
Qu'Appelle Valley Indians to attend. It appeared, too, that "Little
Pine" had tried to induce a number of the Blackfeet to move northwards
in the spring, and "Poundmaker" said that "Little Pine" had told his
young men not to dispose of their guns. Superintendent Crozier expected
to hear later from "Poundmaker" the particulars of "Little Pine's"
negotiations with the Blackfeet, as soon as he should have obtained them
from "Little Pine." Superintendent Crozier expressed great faith in
"Poundmakers'" reliability and fidelity.
On the 12th of January.
Inspector Dickens reported from Fort Pitt that Big Bear's" band were at
work drawing logs, cutting wood, &c., "all quiet."
On the 20th of January,
Superintendent Gagnon, commanding at Carlton, reported that nothing of
importance had occurred during the month among the half-breeds in that
district. "They had, after New Year a social meeting, at which they
presented their chief, Riel, with $60 as a token of their good will. The
meeting was very orderly and loyal, and no allusion was made to the
actual troubles."
Riel appears to have
been in financial troubles just then, and to have obtained assistance
from the Roman Catholic missionary at St. Laurent. Superintendent Gagnon
was now informed that the previously mentioned petition had not been
sent to Ottawa, as stated, but was then in process of being signed, with
a view to its being forwarded the following month. It appeared that a
letter only, as a sort of avant courrier to the petition, had been sent
on the before-mentioned occasion.
There was now a period
of about three weeks during which the former excitement appeared to have
died a natural death, the next feature being a rumour, reported by
telegram from Battleford on the 21st February, that Riel was talking of
leaving the country soon, as he was not recognized by the Government as
a Bntish subject. Apparently, something of this sort was necessary to
fan the dying embers into flame again.
It succeeded so far
that on the 24th February a meeting got up bv himself was held, to beg
Riel to stay in the country, to which request he was pleased to consent.
On the 10th of March,
Superintendent Gagnon telegraphed that the half-breeds were excited, and
were moving about more than usual. Further, that they proposed to
prevent supplies going in after the 10th.
On the 11th,
Superintendent Crozier, who had reached Fort Carlton from Battleford,
reported by telegraph as follows:
"Half-breeds greatly
excited; reported they threaten attack on Carlton before 10th.
Half-breeds refuse to take freight or employment for Government; will
stop all freight coming into country after 10th of this month: getting
arms ready; leader will not allow people to leave home, as they may be
required. Origin of trouble I think because letter received stating.
Riel not recognized British subject; they expect arms from States. Have
ordered 25 men from Battleford and one gun to come here at once."
On the 11th, Crozier
telegraphed from Carlton to Lieutenant Governor Dewdnev, at
Regina:—"Half-breed rebellion * liable to break out any moment. Troops
must be largely reinforced. If half-breeds rise Indians will join them."
The same day
Lieut.-Colonel Irvine, from Regina, wired the Comptroller at Ottawa as
follows:—"Lieut.-Governor received telegram dated Carlton, to-day, from
Crozier, saying half-breed rebellion may break out any moment and joined
by Indians, and asking that his division be largely increased. Would
recommend that at least one hundred men be sent at once, before roads
break up. Please instruct."
On the 15th, Col.
Irvine telegraphed to Ottawa:— "Lieutenant-Governor thinks I had better
go north with men at once; roads and rivers will soon break up."
The same night the
following telegraphic order was despatched by the Comptroller to the
Commissioner:— "Start for the north quickly as possible, wnh all
available men up to one hundred. Telegraph march-ng out state and report
when passing telegraph station."
On the 17th, a telegram
was received at Regina from Superintendent Crozier to the effect that:
"Present movements ami preparations have quieted matters. No cause for
alarm now."
There was no guarantee,
however, that this apparent security would continue, and existing
arrangements were carried out, fortunately, as it appeared, for on the
18th two urgent appeals for more men came over the wires from
Superintendent Crozier, followed, on the 19th, by a report that the
half-breeds had seized the stores at the South Branch, and made Mr.
Lash, Indian agent, prisoner, besides committing other depredations.
In anticipation of the
order to proceed to the north, the Commissioner had withdrawn from
Calgary to Regina twenty-five non-commissioned officers and men, and
twenty horses, and at 6 a.m. on the 18th of March. Lieut.-Col. Irvine
left the Regina barracks en route for Prince Albert, the marching out
state showing four officers, 80 non-commissioned officers and men, and
00 horses. The little column proceeded as far as Pie-a-Pot's reserve, 28
miles, and halted for dinner. It afterwards proceeded along the
Qu'Appelle Valley, and camped for the night at Misquopetong's place. All
the rivers were at this time frozen solid, and no water could be
obtained for the horses. The distance travelled during the day was 43
On the 19th, reveille
sounded at 3.30 a.m. Broke camp and left Misquopetong's place at 5 a.m.,
and drove into Fort Qu'Appelle, which was reached at 9.45 a.m. The
Commissioner was here busily employed for some time purchasing
additional teams and sleighs required for transport. At 4 p.m. the
detachment left Fort Qu'Appelle, and travelled on towards O'Brien's,
which was situated eight mites north of Qu'Appelle. The Commissioner
here camped for the night. The distance travelled during the day was
twenty-seven miles.
On the 21st reveille
sounded at 3.30 a.m.; broke camp and started at 5 a.m., travelling
through the Touchwood Hills, and camped for the night about a mile from
the Hudson Bay Company's post. Distance travelled during the day was 40
It was at this point
that Col. Irvine received the following communication from
Superintendent Crozier, dated Carlton, 19th March, 1885:
"1 have the honour to
inform you that the half-breeds seized the stores at South Branch
to-day. Mr. Lash, Indian agent, Walters, merchant, two telegraph
operators, and Mr. Mitchell, of Duck Lake, arc prisoners. Beardy's
Indians joined the rebels this afternoon. The wire is cut. The rebels
are assembled on south side of river. Prisoners are held in Roman
Catholic church, about a quarter of a mile up stream from crossing. All
One Arrow's band of Crees joined them this afternoon. Many of Beardy's
also joined them. The remainder of Beardy's will probably follow
to-morrow The number of rebels assembled this afternoon is estimated at
from 200 to 100 men. They will rapidly increase in numbers. My
impression is that many of the Indian bands will rise. The plan at
present is to seize any troops coming into the country at the South
Branch, then march on Carlton, then on Prince Albert. The instructor led
One Arrow's band. He is a half-breed."
The distance travelled
during the day was 40 miles.
On the 22nd, broke camp
at 5 a.m., and proceeded across Salt Plain. The weather was bitterly
cold. One man had his feet badly frozen. Halted for dinner after having
crossed Salt Plain. In the afternoon reached Humboldt, and camped here.
Mr. Hayter Reed, Assistant Indian Commissioner, joined Col. Irvine
there, and remained with him throughout. Distance travelled 43 miles.
It was at this point
chat Col. Irvine ascertained that some 400 half-breeds had congregated
at Batoche, for the express purpose of preventing his command joining
Superintendent Crozier. The Commissioner here sent the following
telegram to the Comptroller:
"Arrived here 4.30 this
afternoon. Camp to-night at Stage Station, six miles farther on. About
400 half-breeds and Indians at South Branch, "Batoche's," prepared to
stop me crossing river. Have decided to go to Carlton by -direct trail,
east of Batoche via Prince Albert. Expect to reach Carlton 25th."
On the 23rd, broke camp
at 5.30 a.m. Weather continued bitterly cold. Soon after starting Col.
Irvine received intelligence of the mail station at Hoodoo having been
sacked by a party of rebels. On reaching Hoodoo he found that the
intelligence received was perfectly true. All provisions and grain
stored there had been carried off by the rebels, who had also taken the
stage driver prisoner, and carried off the itage horses. The
Commissioner subsequently overtook a freighter loaded with oats. The
oats the rebels had ordered the freighter to carry on to Batoche. The
train containing these oats Col. Irvine ordered to move on with his
column, which was done at as rapid rate as the freighter was able to
travel. The Commissioner afterwards used these oats in feeding his
horses. Distance travelled, 33 miles.
On the 24th, broke camp
at 6 a.m., and travelled along the trail leading to Batoche, a distance
of six or seven miles. The detachment then left the trail and proceeded
in a north-easterly direction towards Agnew's Crossing on the South
Saskatchewan, which point was reached about 2 p.m. Having crossed the
river, Col. Irvine halted for dinner.
Before making the start
for Prince Albert, news was received by Col. Irvine to the effect that
the half-breeds were bitterly disappointed and furiously enraged at his
having succeeded in crossing the river, and in so doing completely
outflanking and out-manoeuvering them. The force reached Prince Albert
at about 8 p.m., after a very rapid and successful march. The distance
travelled was 291 miles, and this in seven days, the average daily
travel thus being 42 miles. The hardships experienced on such a march
can only be understood and the nature of such service thoroughly
appreciated by those who have resided in the northern portion of the
Territories, and so become familiar with the severity of the North-West
winter. It must be remembered that Col. Irvine's little command had, in
reaching Prince Albert, gone right through a section of the country then
in possession of the rebels.
On finding himself in
Prince Albert, Col. Irvine felt that the most difficult and arduous
portion of the object then in view, viz.:—affecting a junction with
Superintendent Crozier—had been effected, and this in a markedly
successful manner, the avowed plans of the rebels being to prevent any
augmentation of the force at Carlton, by offering a continued resistance
at the crossing of the South Branch of the Saskatchewan.
Col. Irvine's original
intention was to have reached Carlton on the 25th March. This might have
been done had it appeared imperative, but upon the morning after his
arrival, Col. Irvine had the assurance of Mr. Thomas McKay, who had just
returned from Fort Carlton, that all was quiet there. To add to this,
the travelling over ice and frozen roads had, as was to be expected,
made it necessary to have the horses' shoeing carefully looked to.
Taking into consideration that upon its arrival at Prince Albert (at 8
p.m. on the 24th) the force had completed a winter march of 291 miles, a
thorough inspection of men, arms and horses was, of course advisable.
Besides all this, the organization of a company of Prince Albert
volunteers, deemed advisable to take on to Carlton, took up time, as did
also the procuring of transport for these additional men.
The Commissioner was
naturally anxious to have both men and horses reach Carlton, the
acknowledged scene of operations, in a thoroughly efficient and
serviceable condition.
Upon the following
morning (26th) at 2.30 a.m., Irvine and his command were en route, so it
will be seen with what exceptional promptitude the necessary
preparations were carried out. Irvine took with him besides 83 of his
own non-commissioned officers and men from Regina, 25 volunteers from
Prince Albert.
The services of these
brave volunteers were offered with a perfect knowledge of the dangers
they might be called upon to face. Like the loyal and gallant citizens
they proved themselves to be, they were ready for any service—in fact,
all were anxious to be employed. Col. Irvine accepted the services of
these men with what he considered a most important object in view, his
desire being on arrival at Carlton, to be in a position to increase to a
maximum the number of police available for service outside the post. He
hoped in this way, by a prompt and decided move, to quash the rebellion
ere it had assumed more formidable proportions. But he never intended
these volunteers to remain away from Prince Albert for any extended
period. The importance attaching to the position of that place he was
thoroughly alive to from the outset This he made publicly known before
he started for Carlton. During the afternoon march, (on the 26th), and
when within nine miles of Fort Carlton, the Commissioner received the
following despatch from Superintendent Gagnon:—
"Caklton, 26th March,
"To the Commissioner
North-West Mounted
"Superintendent Crozier,
with 100 men, started out on Duck Lake road to help one of our sergeants
and small party in difficulty at Mitchell's store. I have 70 men, and
can hold the fort against odds. Do not expect Crozier to push on farther
than Duck Lake. Everything quiet here.
S. Gagnon,
Subsequently, when a
short distance from the top of the hill which immediately overlooks
Carlton, the Commissioner received a second despatch from Superintendent
Gagnon. It read as follows:—
Caklton, 26th March,
To the Commissioner
North-West Mounted
"Crozier exchanged
shots with rebels at Duck Lake; six men reported shot. Crozier
retreating on Carlton; everything quiet here, but ready for emergency.
S. Gagnon,
" Superintendent."
Col. Irvine reached
Fort Carlton about 3 o'clock n the afternoon of the 20th. and found that
Superintendent Crozier had then just returned from Duck Lake with a
party of North-West Mounted Police and Prince Albert Volunteers.
The Commissioner learnt
from Superintendent Crozier that he had, early that morning, sent a
party consisting of Sergeant Stewart, N W. M P.. and 17 constables, with
eight sleighs, and accompanied by and under the direction of Mr McKay,
.I P., of Prince Albert, to secure a quantity of provisions and
ammunition which was ui the store of a trader named Mitchell, of Duck
Lake. When within three miles of Duck Lake. Mr. McKay, who was riding in
front, saw four of the North-West Mounted Police scouts who had been
sent out in advance, riding towards him, closely followed by a large
number of half-breeds and Indians. On perceiving this Mr. McKay turned
and rode back to the sleighs, halted them, and told the men to load
their rifles and get ready. He then went forward and met the rebels, who
were all armed and mounted, in large numbers, which were being rapidly
increased from the rear.
The rebels behaved in a
very overbearing and excited manner, and demanded a surrender of the
party or they would fire. There is no doubt that the rebels would have
immediately fired upon Mr McKay and party but for the fact that they
(the rebels) were themselves on the open plain, where they could make no
use of cover to protect themselves from the fire which McKay would most
certainly have ordered. The rebels' demand of surrender was refused, and
a reply given by Mr. McKay in their own language (Cree), that if firing
was commenced by the rebels they would find that two could play that
Gabriel Dumont, the
erstwhile buffalo hunter referred to in a previous chapter, and others,
kept prodding loaded and cocked rifles into Mr. McKay's ribs, and
declaring they would blow out his brains. Two of the rebels jumped into
a sleigh belonging to Mr. McKay's party, and endeavoured to take
possession of the team; but Mr. McKay told ph > driver not to give it
up, but to hold on to it, which he did. The Indians kept jeering at Mr.
McKay's small party, and calling out: "If you are men. now come on." The
party then returned in the direction of Carlton, Mr. McKay cautioning
the rebels not to follow, as he would not be responsible for what his
men might, do. During the parleying Dumont fired a rifle bet-tween Mr.
McKay and the teamster before referred to, which it was feared was
ntended as a signal for the large number of Indians assembled in the
During the withdrawal
toward* Carlton, a scout was ordered in advance to report the
circumstance to Superintendent Crozier, and on Mr. McKay's arrival at
the fort, another party, under command of Superintendent Crozier.
started for Duck Lake, for the purpose of securing the stores Mr.
McKay's men failed in getting.
The command was of the
following strength, viz:— Superintendent Cro/.icr, Inspector Howe (with
7-pr. mountain gun), Surgeon Miller, and fifty-three noncommissioned
oflicers and men of the North-West Mounted Police, (all of "D"
division), and Captains
Moore and Morton, and
forty-one men of the Prince Albert volunteers, making a total of 99.
Crozier was met by the
rebels at nearly the same point from which Mr. McKay's party was forced
to retire. In this latter case, however, the rebels were able to make
use of strong natural cover, being hidden in extended order behind a
ridge, which flanked on either side by small brush, crossed the road
much in the form of a distended horse-shoe.
Before leaving Carlton,
Crozier had been informed that there were only about 100 marauding
rebels at Duck Lake, the head-quarters and main force, according to the
latest information received from

Superintendent Joseph Howe.
scouts, being at
Batoche's Crossing, on the south side of the Saskatchewan. He
consequently considered that he had enough men with him to overcome any
resistance he was likely to meet with, and from the numbers of men
Superintendent Crozier saw on reaching the rebel position, he was
justified in believing that the information he had received as to the
numerical strength of the rebel force in front of him was correct. He
was deceived however, for according to the sworn testimony of prisoners
in the rebels' hands the strength of the half-breeds and Indians was 350
On being confronted by
the rebels, Crozier immediately ordered his sleighs to extend at right
angles across and to the left of the road, unhitched his horses and sent
them to the rear. The rebels appeared to desire a parley, several of
them advancing to the front with a white flag, which Crozier took to be
one of truce. As the rebels appeared to be moving with a view of
surrounding his force, Crozier threw a line of skirmishers to the right
of the road under cover of a wood, the remainder of the force, excepting
the men in charge of the horses, taking cover behind the sleighs.
Crozier himself advanced towards the white flag, calling back for the
interpreter Joseph McKay. Meantime a large party of rebels was noticed
moving in the direction of Crozier's right flank, and he said several
times to the man with the white flag:—"Call those people back", but the
man paid not the slightest attention, the sending out of the flag
apparently being merely a piece of treachery, to gain time while the
operation of out-flanking the right of the police position was being
conducted. Had that been accomplished, and it was only prevented by the
line of skirmishers Crozier had extended towards his right, the force
would doubtless have been annihilated.
While Crozier and McKay
were parleying with the man with the flag, fire was opened from the
rebel position and returned, and in a few moments fighting became
general, the seven-pounder being got into action and, although worked at
great disadvantage, with good effect. The murderous character of the
rebel fire, particularly from the extreme left of their position,
convinced Crozier that he was opposed by a much larger force than he had
ever dreamt of meeting at Duck Lake. The ground was covered with a deep
crusted snow, making it very difficult for a satisfactory disposition
and movement of the force to be made, and giving the rebels in their
chosen ambush a great advantage. Concealed from view, to the right of
the trail along which the police had advanced, were two houses in which
were posted a large number of rebels, who poured in a deadly fire and
who were gradually working round towards the right rear of Crozier's
position, although the left of the rebel line was being gradually driven
back. According to the Superintendent's report the police and volunteers
composing his little force behaved superbly, their bravery and coolness
under the murderous fire being simply astonishing. Not a man shirked or
even faltered.
When Crozier found that
the enemy were far more numerous than his own force, that they were
ambushed almost all around him, that they had ever}' advantage of ground
and cover on their side.
while he and his men
had every disadvantage of position to contend against, he deemed it
prudent to abandon his attempt to proceed further, and to withdraw his
force from action, which was done in perfect order.
As live of the horses
had been killed or disabled by gun shot wounds, Crozier was obliged to
abandon two of his sleighs and one jumper, in which there were a few
rounds of ammunition for the 7-pounder gun, which fell into the hands of
the rebels.
The bodies of most of
the killed were off to the extreme right, in situations most exposed to
the. ambushed rebels, and could only have been collected by incurring
the gravest risk of putting the entire command into the greatest
possible jeopardy and Crozier decided not to assume the risk. The rest
of the command, horses, sleighs and all the wounded were, safely brought
off the field.
The casualties in "D"
Division were as follows:— Inspector Howe, flesh wound; corporal
Gilchrist, broken thigh: constable G. P. Arnold, shot through the lungs
and neck, died at 1.45 a.m.. on the 27th; constable G. M. Garrett, shot
in the lungs, died, 3 p.m., on the 27th; constable S. F. Gordon, flesh
wound; constable W. A. Manners-Smith, shot through lungs; constable A.
Miliar, slight seal}) wound; constable W. Gibson, shot through the
heart, died on the field; constable J. J. Wood, flesh wound of the arm.
The casualty list of
the Prince Albert volunteers (enrolled as special officers and
constables of the X. W. M. P.) was as follows:—
Killed. Captain John
Morton, Corporal William Napier, Constables Joseph Anderson, James Babie,
Sheffington Connor Elliott, Alexander Fisher, Robert Middleton, Daniel
McKenzie, Darnel MePhail.
Wounded, Captain Henry
Stewart Moore, Sergeant Alexander MeXabb, Constables A. Markley, Scout,
Alexander Stewart, C. Newett.
Though Crozier's little
force had been unsuccessful in getting the stores they had hoped to take
in and in compelling the rebels to retire from Duck Lake, one
consequence of the action was to force the rebels to give up for a time
a contemplated attack on Fort Carlton, which was to have been made on
the night of the 26th March, and which might easily have resulted
disastrously, for the site of the Hudson May post at Carlton, being
selected for trade purposes and not for defence, was in a most
indefensible situation.
It might, perhaps, be
added that a few days before the fight near Duck Lake, a demand had been
made for the unconditional surrender of Fort Carlton.
The total strength of
the force, police and volunteers, at Carlton after Crozier's retreat and
Irvme's arrival, was 225 non-commissioned officers and men. Of these
eleven were wounded. At this stage of affairs it became incumbent on the
Commissioner to decide whether Fort Carlton or Prince Albert was to be
made the base of operations. He was perfectly well aware of the vital
importance attaching to the result of his decision, embracing as it did
the lives and property of the settlers, in addition to what, from a
strategic point of view, he assumed would place him in the strongest
possible position he might hope to occupy. Although his own opinion on
this point was strongly in favour of evacuation, he nevertheless decided
to hold a council, for the purpose of ascertaining the views of the many
leading men from Prince Albert, temporarily performing military duty at
Carlton. The result of this council was the unanimous opinion that the
safety of the country lay in ensuring Prince Albert being placed in a
tenable position. It was agreed that Prince Albert, and the country
immediately adjoining it represented what might be termed the whole
white settlement, where the lives and interests of the loyal people lay.
The section of the country to the southward, already in the possession
of the rebels, was composed of then-own (half-breed) settlements and
Prior to the holding of
the council, before it was known what the movements of the police force
were to be, it was represented to Irvine by the Prince Albert
volunteers, that they must at once return to Prince Albert to guard
their houses, property and families. This they considered their sacred
duty, in order to prevent an attack by the rebels, the success of which
could have had no other meaning than a pillage of the town and
settlement, and doubtless a massacre of some of the people.
When it was determined
to abandon Carlton it was decided to load up as much of the provisions m
the post as possible and take them to Prince Albert, and to destroy the
rest. In the afternoon of the 27th a solemn duty was performed, the
bodies of Constables Gibson, Arnold and Garrett, being buried with
military honours in one grave about 200 yards to the northwest of the
gate of the fort. After this the work of preparing for the evacuation of
the f»>rt was proceeded with, mattresses being filled with hay to be
laid in the sleighs for the accommodation of the wounded.
About 2 a.m. while
those detailed for tin; work of preparation for departure were still
busy, the alarm of fire was given. Some of the loose hay being used to
prepare litters for the wounded, hail become ignited by a heated stove
pipe. A strange ruddy light flamed from the sergeant major's quarters,
and a thick smoke arose that obscured the twinkling stars. This was above
the archway of the main gateway, and next the hospital. The buildings
had taken fire, and a frightful scene ensued. Bugle-calls were sounding,
officers hurrying around with hoarse words of command. and the men,
half-asleep, were bewildered. Volunteers and red-coats were mixed up
indiscriminately. The wounded were removed at once, down the narrow
stairs, out of danger into the cold outside, suffering the most
excruciating agony. Several of their comrades nearly suffered
suffocation in effecting their rescue. The teams were hurriedly hitched
up, and as the main doorway was blocked by the fire and smoke, other
places of exit had to be made in the temporary stockade of cord-wood.
No time was lost in
taking the trail for Prince Albert, but it was two and a half hours
before the last team got off. Prince Albert was reached about 4 p.m.
According to the author
of "Trooper and Redskin": "As soon as the news of the Duck Lake
catastrophe reached Prince Albert, measures of defence were immediately
taken. There was no knowing how soon the bands of the 'Dictator' might
sweep down upon the unprotected town. The despatch ordered our officer
to warn all the surrounding settlers and summon them to a place of
rendezvous. Steps were to be taken to fortify a central place of
retreat. The Presbyterian church and manse were pitched upon as the most
commodious and convenient for the purpose, and a stockade of cordwood,
nine feet high, was erected around them. This was finished between 1
a.m. and daylight. The civilians worked splendidly. Many a house was in
mourning, and many a tearful eye was seen upon the streets. It was a day
of unparalleled brilliancy. The warm sun beat down from a cloudless sky;
the snow was giving way in places to frothy pools, and here and there a
brown patch of earth showed through the ragged robe of winter.
"We were engaged in
taking cartridges, and rice, and necessary stores of all descriptions,
into the improvised citadel in the centre of the town; and sleighs kept
plying backward and forward between the church and barracks.
Sleigh-loads of women and children came hurrying in from the Carrot
River district; and from many a lonely homestead, hidden away among the
bluffs. Every house in the town itself was very soon vacant, the
inhabitants all taking sanctuary in the church precincts. We abandoned
the barracks at noon; the sergeant and I being the last to leave. I
carried the Union Jack under my regimental fur coat. We left everything
else behind us as they were; locking all the doors. The scene inside the
stockade was one of the most uncomfortable that can be imagined. The
entrance was narrow, and blocked with curious members of the fair sex,
straining their necks as though they expected to see the enemy walk
calmly up and ring the bell."
Immediately upon his
arrival at Prince Albert, the Commissioner applied himself to completing
as far as possible the defences of the place, and caused all the
able-bodied men who offered their services to be enrolled as special
constables. Some 309 were enrolled, but to arm them there were only 116
Snider rifles available. All the shot-guns throughout the country were
gathered in, and these were issued to the balance of the men, and handed
from one to the other as occasion required. The volunteers were formed
into four companies under Captains Young, Hoey, Craig and Brewster, the
whole under the command of Lieut.-Col. Sproat. A company of scouts,
forty-seven in all, was organized under the command of Mr. Thomas McKay.
As reliable information
was received that the rebels contemplated an attack upon Prince Albert,
the Commissioner had a strong chain of patrols and picquets nightly
surrounding the main part of the town. On April 19, Col. Irvine made a
reconnaissance in force in the direction of the rebel headquarters at
Batoche and ascertained that there was a strong force on the west side
of the river and that there were also detached parties at commanding
points and scattered through the woods on the trails between Batoche and
Prince Albert.
During the first few
weeks of Colonel Irvine's occupation of Prince Albert, his position was
a very critical one. The normal population of the town of Prince Albert
was 700 people, but as the settlers flocked into the place for
protection, the population was augmented to 1,800 exclusive of the
police. Not only was there imposed upon Colonel Irvine the
responsibility to protect this large number of people, but the necessity
of feeding them, for Prince Albert was absolutely cut off from its
natural source of supply, the trails to the railway running through the
district in revolt. Several trains of supplies for the place were
war-bound, thus reducing the normal stocks of the store keepers. And the
adjacent settlements, many of them deserted by the panic-stricken
inhabitants, had to be afforded protection, as far as possible, against
marauders, necessitating unending patrol and scouting duty. Scouts were
kept out wrell towards the rebel position, thus keeping the rebels on
the alert and under the necessity of maintaining and watching two
fronts, one facing the advancing militia column under General Middleton
the other, in the direction of Irvine's alert police force at Prince
In his report,
Lieut.-Colonel Irvine stated that perhaps the most important work done
by his scouts was the driving back of the men employed on similar dui\
by Riel. who on various occasions tried to scout right into Prince
Albert. Another important duty done by Irvine's scouts was the
maintenance, after the battle of Fish Creek, of communication with
General Middleton.
It should have been
already stated that on .March 24th, the Comptroller, Mr. F. White, sent
the Commissioner the following telegram:—"Major-General Commanding
Militia proceeds forthwith to Red River. On his arrival, in military
operations when acting with militia, take orders from him." At a
somewhat later date Colonel Irvine received a message from Ala jor-General
Middleton saying that the Commissioner was under his orders, and should
report to him. At tins time Colonel Irvine understood that Middleton had
only 350 troops with him, being in ignorance of the despatch of a large
force of militia from the eastern provinces, because all communication
was cut off. Meantime he had suggested in a message to the General that
their forces should combine, either by the police moving out from Prince
Albert to join the militia, or the militia proceeding first to Prince
Albert and thence moving with the police upon Batoche.
From that time all in
Prince Albert were kept in utter darkness as to the military operations
which were transpiring on the other side of the revolted territory until
April 10th, when messages arrived from General Middleton to state that
he hoped to attack at Batoche on the 18th or 19th, and that the police
were not to join in the attack, but watch for fleeing rebels. It was in
consequence of this information that the reconnaissance in force on the
19th was undertaken.
After several days
delay, Irvine opened up communication with Middleton, then encamped at
Fish Creek, and through a message dated April 20th, learned from the
General of the action of Fish Creek, and that it was the expectation to
reach the Hudson Bay crossing on the South Saskatchewan the following
Thursday. On his own responsibility Colonel Irvine had already made
scows and posted a guard at this crossing, and on receipt of this
message the guard was increased to two officers and thirty men. Friday,
May 1st, one of the three steamers which had wintered at Prince Albert
was sent round to the crossing. This steamer, the" Marquis," with an
escort of the Mounted Police, under Inspector White Fraser, reached
Batoche just as the last shots of the action of that name were being
fired, and the steamer and her escort rendered such assistance to the
Northwest Field Force in the subsequent operations, particular!} at the
crossing of the South Saskatchewan, that General Middleton specially
mentioned Inspector White Fraser in his report.

Inspector White Fraser.
Batoche was captured by
the force under General Middleton on May 11th, and May 19th, the militia
column reached Prince Albert, the police, Volunteer companies, and the
whole population turning out to receive them. All with Middleton were
much struck with the smart and soldierlike appearance of the police, who
paraded in their best for the occasion.
There is no doubt that
the presence of the police force saved Prince Albert from falling into
the hands of the rebels. Had such a catastrophe come about the rebellion
would have assumed proportions of much greater magnitude. Prince Albert
was the key of the whole position, and the falling of it into the hands
of the rebels would have been disastrous to the Dominion, and involved
great loss, in lives and property.
A large number of the
nomadic bands of Sioux Indians, who for years had been living about the
Sasketchewan district, did move, with the intention of making a raid on
Prince Albert, and these hostile Indians only abandoned their raid when,
in close proximity to Prince Albert, they saw Irvine's trail leading to
that place.
For some time it was
generally believed that all the people, white, half-breed and Indian,
about Prince Albert and surrounding country, were in all cases loyal,
and were utterly without sympathy for the rebels. According to Col.
Irvine, there was no ground for this belief. The loyalty of a large
number was of a questionable nature, they had, therefore, to be
carefully watched, and of course, every effort was made towards keeping
doubtful Indians and half-breeds loyal.
Upon the news being
received of the delay which occurred after the action at Fish Creek, its
effect was felt in and out of Prince Albert by the bearing of the rebel
sympathizers, or, more correctly speaking, they should be described as
rebels, who had so far not had the courage to espouse the cause they
favoured. Outside of Prince Albert a number of half-breeds and Indians,
who had previously expressed loyalty, took part in the subsequent battle
at Batoche. Among these were rebel Indians, and they commenced by
plundering the other reserves. This was before taking part against the
troops at Batoche.
After the arrival of
the General at Prince Albert, Lieut.-Col. Irvine expected to be at once
employed with his force in the contemplated operations against
Poundmaker and Big Bear. Immediately upon the General's arrival the
Commissioner reported to him that he could take the field at once with
an efficient force of 175 mounted men, fully equipped, with their own
transport in perfect working order, and carrying, travelling fast, seven
day's rations and forage. Every member of the force was likewise anxious
to secure active employment in the field, but the General decided to
leave Irvine and his force at Prince Albert, proceeding to Battleford
with the militia. The General, with most of his force proceeded direct
from Prince Albert by steamer, the remainder under Lieut.-Col. B.
Straubenzie, proceeding via Carlton. May 24, the Commissioner, with
thirty men proceeded to Carlton to guard the ferry at that place, at
Colonel Straubenzie's request. While in camp at Carlton, Colonel Irvine
took a small number of men with him and rode to the south side of Duck
Lake, for the purpose of disarming a band of Indians encamp; d there,
which task was quickly and successfully accomplished. On the 27th, the
Commissioner returned to Prince Albert, leaving Inspector Drayner in
command of the detachment. This officer afterwards patrolled the Duck
Lake country, recovered a considerable amount of property stolen by the
rebels, and arrested six Indians concerned in the uprising.
About noon, June 8th,
the Commissioner received telegraphic orders from General Middleton to
send as many men as possible to Carlton, cross the river, and patrol
towards Green Lake, as Big Bear and his band were reported to be making
in that direction. At 6 a.m., the following day, Col. Irvine left Prince
Albert with a party of the following strength:—

Inspector F. Drayner.
Assistant Commissioner
Crozier, Inspector Howe, Assistant-Surgeon Millar, and 136
non-commissioned officers and men. At Fort Carlton a detachment of ten
men in charge of Sergeant Smart was left, and the south end of Green
Lake was reached June 14. In this inarch, the party travelled over a
rough country, repairing the bridges and corduroy roads as they went
along. At the south end of the Lake the Commissioner was forced to leave
his waggons. In doing this he established a small camp near the' Hudson
Bay Company's depot, which had been pillaged by Indians in a most
wholesale manner.
The party then
proceeded to the north end of the lake, a distance of sixteen miles,
along a bridle path, constantly leading their horses over fallen timber
and bad swamps, crossing a creek near the north end by swimming the
horses, and crossing the men, saddles, etc., on a raft built for the
purpose. From the north end of Green Lake, Col. Irvine sent out scouts
to Loon Lake and on the 17th returned to the south end of the lake,
where the waggons were. From this jxiiiit the Commissioner went back
southward on the Carlton trail to the forks of the road leading to
Pelican Lake. From here he sent out scouts in all directions, moving
about himself to watch the trails and pick up food for the horses, a at
this time the party was without oats. Owing to the numerous muskegs the
moving of waggons and even saddle horses, was very difficult.
June 23. a "Wood" Cree
who had been in Big Bear's camp came in and offered to take a scout to
the point where he had left Big Bear in the direction of Loon Lake,
whence the trail could be followed. Colonel Irvine at once sent Scout
Leveille with the Indian, the point indicated was found, and the trail
followed southward. The Commissioner then moved back towards Carlton, on
the way coming across some of Big Bear's band, who explained that the
chief was making for the Saskatchewan River. July 2nd, the Commissioner
was met by Inspector Drayner, who had been sent back to Carlton with
provisions, and who reported that Big Bear had been captured near
Carlton by Sergeant Smart and his party. July 4. the commissioner
reached Carlton, and finding Some of Big Bear's band encamped there
arrested them and took them in to Prince Albert, where he arrived on the
night of July 5. July 11th, Colonel Irvine left Prince Albert for
Regina, reaching headquarters on the 17th.
Inspector W S. Morris,
formerly a major in the New Brunswick militia, and at one time Assistant
Engineer of the City of Winnipeg, commanded at Battleford after the
departure of Superintendent Crozier for Carlton, until the arrival of
Superintendent Herchmer, who ordered Inspector Dickens, as the senior
inspector in the post, to assume the command. In accordance with
instructions from the Commissioner, on March 26th Inspector Morris
organized a volunteer company among the permanent residents, and another
composed of settlers from the adjacent country. They were served out
with the arms which had belonged to a disbanded militia company. The
stockade being in a more or less dilapidated condition Inspector Morris'
first care was to make it as strong as possible. A loop-holed embankment
was constructed on the inside, and at the southeast and northwest
corners flanking bastions were built for (he accommodation of the one
seven-pounder at the post. The place was surrounded by a vigilant and
numerous enemy, and in the fort, where nearly 400 women and children had
sought protection, were those of whose loyalty Inspector Morris had the
gravest suspicion. In order to prevent surprise by night a guard of
sixty men and six mounted patrols were kept on duty. The only means of
communication was via couriers, and in one case Constable Shores, who
pluckily volunteered to carry a message to Swift Current, was chased
nearly sixty miles by the enemy.
Inspector Francis J.
Dickens (who was a son of the famous English novelist), commanded at
Fort Pitt, another important centre of disturbance. Inspector Dickens
was, in 1885, 30 or 38 years of age, and had had an active career. When
a mere lad he left England, and afterwards joined the Indian police, and
was on duty on the Punjaub. A sunstroke there made it necessary for him
to try some other climate, and on returning to England in 1876 he
secured a position in the North-West Mounted Police.
March 30, Dickens
learned through Mr. Rae, the Indian agent at Battleford, that the
country was in a state of rebellion. In the immediate vicinity of Fort
Pitt all was quiet, but the Inspector was anxious about the whites at
Frog Lake, which was the centre of a large Indian population, and where
there was a detachment of police under Corporal Sleigh. Dickens

Inspector W. S. Morris.
communicated with the
sub-Indian agent, Mr. Quinn, and offered to either reinforce him or
escort him in to Pitt. Mr. Quinn was however confident that he could
keep the Indians quiet if the police detachment was withdrawn, as he
feared their presence exasperated the Indians. At Mr. Rae's special
request Corporal Sleigh and his detachment returned to Fort Pitt, and
April 2nd, the Frog Lake massacre occurred. Immediately steps were taken
to put the little fort, which was situated in an absolutely indefensible
position, in some sort of a defensive state. The windows and doors of
the dwelling houses and storehouses were barricaded with flour bags, and
loop-holes were cut in the walls.
All the men worked hard
and most cheerfully. By the capture of the Hudson Bay waggons at Frog
Lake there was no means of transport available, and consequently a
withdrawal was out of the question, although it seemed the most sensible
thing to do, if the women and children of the Hudson Bay Company's
officials' households could be got safely away. In anticipation of the
breaking up of the ice, the Hudson Bay Company's carpenters began to
construct a scow to take the women and children down to Battleford.
Little Pine, one of the chiefs in revolt, and his band arrived on the
other side of the river on the 7th, and was ordered not to cross or he
would be fired upon. After a few days, Big Bear and a large number of
Indians appeared behind the post with several white prisoners. A flag of
truce was sent down to the fort by Big Bear demanding the surrender of
the arms and ammunition. Mr. Maclean, the Hudson Bay agent, held several
parleys with Big Bear, and was eventually taken prisoner.
Shortly afterwards
Constables Cowan and Loasby and Special Constable H. Quinn, who had been
out scouting, came back and rode right on to the scouts thrown out round
the Indian camp, who fired. Constable Loasby's horse was shot under him;
constable Cowan was killed. Loasby ran down the hill pursued by a party
of Indians, who fired at and wounded him. He ran some 500 yards, badly
wounded in the back. The men at the windows nearest to the Indians
opened fire. Four Indians dropped as if killed, and two or three others
were evidently hit. The Indians retired into the brush, and Loasby was
helped into the fort.
At Mr. Maclean's own
advice and special instructions, his family and all the Hudson Bay
Company's servants and other civilians in the fort, joined him in Big
Bear's Camp, where they remained as prisoners until the breaking up of
the band.
Dickens found himself
after this in an awkward position. He and his detachment had been
despatched to Fort Pitt to afford protection to those who had
voluntarily surrendered themselves as prisoners in the hostiles' camp.
There was consequently no object to remain in a very indefensible
position, to be made the object of attack by an overwhelming force of
hostiles. The force in hand was too small to do anything of itself, but
joined to that at Battleford, might help to make that post secure. The
ice in the river was breaking up, the scow constructed by the Hudson Bay
men for a different service was nearly complete, and could carry the
detachment, if sound, and Dickens decided to avail himself of the road
of retreat which appeared to lay open to him.
Some arms, which could
not be taken away were destroyed, ammunition and some supplies were
collected, and the scow was put in the water. She at once filled, and
appeared to be useless. Constable R. Rutledge, however, said he was sure
she would carry the detachment across the riser, and volunteered to
pilot her across among the cakes of floating ice. The position was so
critical that it was deemed wise at all risks to place the river between
the detachment and the main band of Indians, and at night, during a
heavy snow storm, the attempt was made and with success, thanks to
skilful management and hard baling. Owing to the unsafe condition of the
scow it was decided to encamp about a mile down the river on the
opposite bank. The river was so hill of ice that the Indians could not
have followed had they wanted to. The night was bitterly cold, the
blankets were wet through, and some had been lost in crossing. At dawn
the detachment once more took their places in the scow and the voyage
was resumed, Rattleford being safely reached on the 21st,
Fort Saskatchewan
during the rebellion was commanded by Inspector A. H. Griesbach, and
there is no doubt that his good and useful work, and the bold front
shown by him and his detachment of nineteen, all told, prevented a
general rising of the Indians and half-breeds in the immediate
Immediately, news of
the uprising was received, Griesbach took steps to put Fort Saskatchewan
in a state of defence, having four bastions built and a well dug. Ho
collected all the available men to work on the defences and assist in
defending the post if necessary. He also made arrangements to obtain
provisions to sustain a large number of people, purchased ammunition,
and had cartridges prepared for the various kinds of arms in possession
of the settlers. As the raws brought in by scouts and others became more
alarming, the settlers and their families, from long distances, fled to
the fort and received protection and food. April 12, there were gathered
in the fort, seventy-nme women and children, and about 30 men armed with
guns of various descriptions.
After making the
preliminary arrangements at Fort Saskatchewan, Griesbach proceeded to
Edmonton, where he found the citizens, naturally* much excited. He
accepted the services of a company of volunteers, and on his own
responsibility armed them with 85 Enfield rifles loaned by the officer
in charge of the Hudson Ray Post, and quartered them in the Hudson Bay
fort. The officer placed i command of the volunteer company was ordered
to repair and rebuild part of the stockade of the fort, to collect al)
of the ammunition of all description in the stores, giving receipts for
it, and to place the same under guard in the magazine. There were in the
fort two brass 4-pr. guns. Griesbach had these remounted on strong
trucks, and cartridges made; also case-shot, which he improvised by
having tin cases made to fit the bore, and then filled them with about
ninety trade balls. These, on trying, he found to work very well. Having
despatched a courrier to Calgary asking for troops and arms to be sent
forward as soon as possible, Griesbach returned to Fort Saskatchewan.
Having done all in his
power for the defence of Fort Saskatchewan and Edmonton, the Inspector
scoured the country for many miles around with scouts and patrols,
succeeding in keeping everything quiet until the arrival of the militia
under General Strange.
Three detachments of
the Mounted Police, namely, those commanded by Superintendents W. H.
Herchmer and Neale, Inspector S. R. Steele and Inspector A. Row en
Perry, actively participated with the militia columns in the operations
of the campaign, and in every case acquitted themselves with
Superintendent Herchmer,
was, before the outbreak, in command of "E" Division at Calgary— March
24, in response to a telegraphic order he left for Regina with 30
non-commissioned officers and men, twenty-four horses, and four waggons,
on his way down his command being joined by four constables and one
horse of "A" Division, and two constables of "D" division On arrival at
Regina he received orders to proceed with Superintendent Neale, seven
men of '"B" Division and one 7-pr. gun, to Fort Qu'Appelle. Arriving at
Qu'Appelle Station he was directed by His Honour Lieut.-Governor Dewdney
to return to Regina, pending the arrival of Major General Middleton.
March 27th, Supt. Herchmer returned to Qu'Appelle with the l.ieut.-Governor,
to meet the General, who ordered him to join him with all available men
and two 7-pr. guns at Fort Qu'Appelle. March 20, Supt. Herchmer received
new orders to proceed at once to Rattleford via Swift Current, and
arrived by rail at the last-mentioned place at 10 pin. on the 30th. The
River Saskatchewan, just north of Swift Current was, however,
impassible, the ice having gone from the sides, but a high ridge
remaining in the middle. At this time the steamer "Northcotte" was being
prepared at Medicine Hat to convey troops to the north, and a party of
Crees in the vicinity threatening the safety of the vessel, Mipi,
Herchmer's command was ordered to Medicine Hat, where ii arrived on
March 1st, camping near the steamer. I lie Indians speedily decamped.
The police detachment proved very useful in getting the steamer into the
water, all the teams, and 35 men being employed. A lot of armed Indians
having arrived at Swift Current, Supt. Heichmer and his force were
ordered back there, arriving at 5.40 a.m. on April 5th. The trail
between the station and the river was kept patrolled and a party
established at the river to protect the ferry.
May 12, Lieut.-Col. W.
D. Otter, at the time D.O.C. at Toronto, and just appointed to the
command of a light column detailed for the relief of Battleford, arrived
at Swift Current and informed Superintendent Herchmer that he and his
command were to join the column, and that as it was General Middleton's

Superintendent P. R. Neale.
that he should be
consulted on all points, he would be appointed Chief of Staff. This was
done, the command of the police detachment being handed over to
Superintendent Neale, who at 1 p.m. the same day received orders to move
to the South Saskatchewan and remain there, patrolling both sides of the
river until the arrival of the troops. The column arrived at the river
on the 14th, crossed on the 16th, and took up the trail for Battleford
on the 18th, a point three miles south of that place being reached by
the main force on the 23rd. Some scouts under Constable Charles Ross
advanced as far as'the houses on the south side of the Battle River,
exchanging shots with some hostiles. Superintendent Herchmer obtained
permission to go on with Superintendent Neale and thirty of the police.
On the 24th, the force encamped in front of the old Government House,
remaining there until the 29th, the police and scouts attached thereto
patrolling the country in every direction. April 27, Supt. Herchmer
reinforced his command by thirty-one non-commissioned officers and men
and twenty horses from "D" division in garrison at Battleford, the
object being to obtain a troop of fifty mounted men. Thirteen horses
were purchased in Battleford.
Upon the occasion of
the movement to Pound-maker's Reserve and action at Cut Knife Hill (May
2), the flying column included 75 of the Mounted Police, as follows: —
"E" division, Superintendent P. R. Neale, Sergeant-Major Watt-man, 28
non-commissioned officers and men; "A" division, 5 noncommissioned
officers and men; "B" division, 7 constables; "I)" division, 31
non-commissioned officers and men. Superintendent Herchmer, as Chief of
Staff was second in command of the whole column. Under orders from
Lieut.-Col. Otter, "B" Battery took two of the police 7-pounders in
preference to their own nine-pounders. As throughout the march to
Battleford, the police acted as the advance guard, and worked so
admirably that they were universally praised. As the advanced guard, the
police were the first to draw the fire of the Indians, and for a time
they had to sustain it unsupported, for their supports had to advance
across a rough creek and scramble up a steep hill to reach them. The
first force from the rear to reach the advanced firing line was the
dismounted party of police, who went forward at the double. It is
unnecessary here to enter into a description of this much-described
fight. Superintendent Herchmer in his report wrote:—" Throughout the
action, which lasted seven hours, our men behaved admirably. The sense
of duty shown by them in always keeping themselves so wrell to the
front, and occupying the most forward positions, explains our loss." He
specially mentioned as deserving of recognition for their bravery and
dash, Sergeant-Major T. Wattam, Sergeant J. II. Ward, who was wounded
early in the engagement, Sergeant G. Macleod, Sergeant I. Richards,
Corporal S. M. Rlake, Constable W. H. Iioutledge, Constable Taylor,
Constable T. McLeod of "E" division; Constable 1. C. Harstone of "A"
division; Constable E. Rally, Constable W. Gilpin of "B" division;
Constables C. Ross, W. C. Swinton, H. Storer, R. Rutledge, C. Phillips,
M. I. Spencer and G. Harper of "D" division.
Early in the engagement
Corporal R. B. Sleigh of "D" Division was shot through the mouth and
killed, being the first man to fall. Shortly afterwards Corporal W. H.
P. Lowry of "E" division was mortally wounded, and also Trumpeter P.
Burke of "D" division. The two latter died the day after the action.
Sergeant J. H. "Ward of "M division, was also seriously wounded. but
From the date of the
action until the arrival of General Middleton's force at Battleford,
twenty to thirty of the police were constantly patrolling the country.
May 14th, a patrol commanded by Sergeant Gordon was suddenly attacked by
a party of Half-Breeds and Indians when about seven miles from
Battleford and constable F. 0. Elliot of "A" division was killed and
constable W. J. Spencer of "D" division wounded.
May 26th, the
Comptroller having requested that Superintendent Neale be returned to
Regina as soon as possible, that otficer, who had rendered conspicuous
service all through the campaign, left Battleford for headquarters,
carrying despatches. On the 30th, Supt. Herehmer with 50 mounted men of
the Police left Rattleford for Fort Pitt. He also had under his command
Boulton's Horse and the Intelligence Corps, a squadron of scouts
recruited from among the Dominion Land Surveyors and their assistants
commanded by Captain Jack Dennis, formerly a member of the Mounted
Police. From Fort Pitt this force served with General Middleton
throughout the hunt after Big Bear including the advances to Loon Lake
and the Beaver River. These marches were particularly trying to men and
horses, as there were no changes of clothing, no tents and no provisions
but such as could be carried on the saddles. But there were no
complaints. June 28, Superintendent Herchmer received orders to return
to Battleford and reached there on the 1st. On the 4th he started for
Swift Current, having a number of prisoners from Battleford in charge,
who were safely delivered at Regina on the 10th.
The following extracts
from Lieut.-Colonel Otter's report of his column's services are
"In Lieut.-Col.
Herchmer, N.W.M. Police, I had a most valuable assistant, and not only
in the action of Saturday (Cut Knife) but throughout our march from Swift
Current to Battleford, he displayed the most sterling qualities of a
soldier; while the men of his command have time and again proved
themselves as invaluable to my force."
"Sergeant-Major Wattam,
N.W.M Police, was another whose brilliant example and dogged courage (at
Cut Knife) gave confidence and steadiness to those within the sound of
his voice. Constable Ross, N.W. M. Police, our chief scout, was always
ready to load a dash or take his place in the skirmish line, m fact, he
seemed everywhere and at the proper time."
"I also wish to bring
to your notice the efficient services rendered by the mounted detachment
of the N.W.M. Police under Captain Neale."
The commands of
Inspector Steele and Inspector Perry did their service in connection
with the Alberta Field Force under the command of Major-General T. Bland
Strange of the Royal Artillery, who commanded "B" Battery, R.C.A., at
the time "A" Battery was commanded by Lieut.-Col. French, first
Commissioner of the Mounted Police. Major-General Strange, at the time
of the uprising was ranching south of Calgary and was entrusted first
with the organization of a local force for the protection of that
district, after it was denuded of police for service in the north, and
later with the organization and command of an independent column to
operate against the insurgent tribes of Indians in the western sections
of the North Saskatchewan district. Calgary was selected as his base,
and there his force was organized.
Inspector Steele was on
duty with his command in connection with the railway construction in the
Rocky Mountains, when on April 10, he left for Calgary under orders from
the Lieutenant-Governor. On the 13th, Strange obtained permission for
Inspector Steele with his command of 25 police who had been on duty in
the mountains to accompany him and placed all of his original mounted
force, consisting of a troop of scouts, raised by Steele himself, and 60
of the Alberta Mounted Rifles under Major George Hatton, besides the
police, under his command. The organization of the provisional mounted
corps was a difficult matter. Strange was surprised to find that not
only were the settlers in the District absolutely without arms, but that
the cow-boys and ranchmen, a class usually well armed, had, though
surrounded by reserves of well-armed Indians, relied on the protection
of the police and were without arms, certainly an eloquent testimonial
to the efficiency of the force.
The supply of arms,
ammunition and saddlery was a great difficulty and cause of delay. The
demands on the Militia Department from many quarters simultaneously
were, no doubt, difficult to meet ; Winchesters required for cavalry
were not, in stock, and could not at first be secured. On the 10th
April, Strange received a telegram from the C.P.R, Agent at Gleichen
that I lie employees were leaving their posts, and refused to remain
unless protected by troops. The men on the C.P.R. construction in the
mountains had also struck work, and Major Steele and his detachment were
detained to protect C.P.R. stores. The same day a detachment of as many
of the Alberta Mounted Hides as could be armed and equipped were sent to
guard the railway and watch the Blackfoot Reserve at Gleichen.
Steele and his men were
actively employed with Strang's column throughout the long campaign,
participating in the battle of Frenchman's Butte. and alone, in the
northern wilderness, fought at Loon Lake the last and most dashing
action of the whole campaign. About Fort Pitt, Steele and his men had
several skirmishes with Big Bear's band, and at Frenchman's Butte led
the attack and attempted a wide turning movement. Constable McRae was
seriously wounded at Frenchman's Butte and Sergeant Fury at Loon Lake.
In his report at the end of the campaign, Inspector Steele specially
mentioned Sergeant Fury, Constable McDonnell, Constable McRae, Constable
Davidson, Constable Bell, Constable McMinn, and Constable P. Kerr. All
but the last-mentioned constables performed the duties of
non-commissioned officers to the scouts. Steele added:—have no
hesitation in saying they are collectively the best body of men I have
ever had anything to do with."
Shortly after receiving
the telegraphic order from Major-General Middleton to assume command of
the Alberta District, General Strange communicated with Superintendent
Cotton, N.W.M.P., commanding at Fort Macleod, and Captain Stewart (who
acted energetically in raising ranch cavalry) to patrol to Medicine Hat
and the frontier.
Captain Cotton placed
Fort Macleod in a state of defence as a refuge for families from the
neighbourhood, stationed couriers between Macleod and Calgary, and
assisted General Strange by every means in his power, sending at his
request, a nine-pounder field gun with a picked detachment of N.W.M.P.
under Inspector Perry to join the column. Just at this time Strange was
preparing, by Major-General Middleton's orders, to march on Edmonton,
where the settlers had flocked, abandoning farms in the neighbourhood as
far as Victoria and Beaver Lake. From these districts Strange was
receiving messages imploring assistance, the Indians having risen,
destroying farms, and plundering all food supplies from the Red Deer,
Rattle River, Peace Hills, Beaver Lake, Saddle Lake and Fog Lake, where
they had committed atrocious murders.
It was urgent that the
advance should not be delayed, and Strange was on his way from Calgary
to Edmonton when Inspector Perry arrived at the former place.
Inspector A-. Bowen
Perry (now Commissioner of the force) had been on duty with "C" Division
at Fort Macleod, and received his orders on the morning of April 19. His
detachment consisted of 20 noncommissioned officers and constables, 3
civil teamsters, a 9-pounder M.L.R. gun, and 43 horses. Baggage and camp
equipment were limited to 75 pounds per man. The detachment marched,
April 18, and reached
Calgary on the 21st,
the distance of 105 miles being covered in three and a half days.
Written orders awaiting Inspector Perry, directed him to assume command
of an independent column under orders to follow the General in a few
days. This column was to include besides the detachment of "C" Division,
one wing of the 65th Mount. Royal Rifles of Montreal, 150 officers and
men, and a transport train of 68 men and 175 horses. By general orders
of the Alberta Field Force issued by General Strange, Inspector Perry
had been created a Major in the Active Militia. The column left Calgary
on the 23rd, the Red Deer River,

Superintendent F. Norman.
103 miles distant,
being reached on the 28th. Severe storms of snow and rain had delayed
the march. The Red Deer River, which General Strange's column had forded
twenty-four hours before with ease, w7as impassable, the heavy rains
having caused it to rise rapidly. It was, when Perry's column reached
it, a surging stream 250 yards wide, with a current of five and a half
miles an hour. The only means of crossing was a small skiff carrying
about six persons. A ferry scow which was in use the previous year had
been carried away and broken up by the ice. Perry determined to effect
the crossing by a swinging raft.
In his report, it will
be noticed, Inspector Perry modestly abstained from explaining that he
and Constable Diamond succeeded in landing the rope which finally
checked the headlong course of the runaway raft at the risk of their
lives. Vet such is t he case.
The construction of the
ferry-boat was proceeded with as soon as the timber could he procured,
work-was prosecuted night and day, and twenty-four hours after it was
begun, a trial trip was made. I11 the meantime, the regular ferry cable,
which had been lying along the north shore, was stretched across the
stream and anchored. The construction of this ferrv was of the utmost
importance, as t completed the line of communication between Calgary and
Kdinonton, and obviated any delay to the column following. After
crossing the Bed Deer, Inspector Perry's column made a rapid march to
Edmonton, covering the distance of 105 miles 111 three days and a half.
Ihe police with this column had all the scout-*ng and courier duties to
perform as well as the pro vision of night guards to the herd of
transport horses. When Inspector Pern handed over Ins column at
Edmonton he was highly
complimented on the conduct of his march.
At Edmonton, Strange
reorganized his force for the advance down the North Saskatchewan. Major
Perry's detachment of North-West Mounted Police was posted to take up
the duty of horse artillery with their nine-pounder, the mounted men
forming the cavalry escort. Six men from the Winnipeg Light Infantry, a
provisional battalion raised in Winnipeg by Lieutenant-Colonel \V.
Osborne Smith, were attached as part of the gun detachment, and their
training was proceeded with during the halt at Edmonton. At the same
time the gun ammunition.

Inspector W. D. Anlrobus.
which was some of that
brought up with the expedition of 1874, was tested and found to be in
excellent condition. O11 leading Edmonton, part of Strange's force
advanced on a flotilla of scows and barges, steered, and to some extent
propelled, by sweeps, and part marched overland. Inspector Perry's
command was broken up—Sergeant Irwin and eleven men in charge of the
troop and headquarters' staff horses, proceeded by trail, the remainder
of the detachment, with the gun. bring placed on a scow. At Fort
Saskatchewan an old ferry scow was obtained, on which the gun horses
were placed. When twenty miles from Victoria this scow sank owing to
leaks, and the horses, which were saved, were ridden in to Victoria.
From this point the whole detachment proceeded by land to Fort Pitt,
part of the infantry, and some stores, only, proceeding by river.
Between this point and Fort Pitt there was considerable forced marching,
the distance from Frog Lake to Fort Pitt, thirty-five miles, being made
in one day.
Tuesday, May 26th,
General Strange, whose advanced column had reached Fort Pitt, determined
to discover the whereabouts of Big Bear by reconnaissance in force.
Inspector Steele and his mounted men were despatched to search the north
side of the river, Inspector Perry being detailed for similar duty on
the south side. His instructions were to travel directly south as far as
Battle River, then to circle round to the east and return to Fort Pitt.
If he found it possible, he was also to establish communication with
Battleford; but it was considered as very unlikely that he would be able
to do this, as it was supposed that Poundmaker and Big Bear were then
actually effecting or had already formed a junction of their forces in
the district between Fort Pitt and Battleford. It must be remembered,
that Strange's force had penetrated so far into the wilderness that they
had for days been without information from either the Battleford or
General Middleton's columns. Perry, with seventeen of his own men, five
scouts, and the Rev. W. P. McKenzie, acting chaplain, crossed the river
at dark on barges. Nothing was carried on the horses except four day's
light rations, 100 rounds of Winchester ammunition, and greatcoats. A
heavy rain fell the whole night, but no halt was made until near
daylight, Battle River was reached about noon without any trace of the
enemy being seen, and after that an eastward course was struck. Only
short halts were made that day and the following night, and the little
force advanced with great caution as Perry expected at any moment to
fall in with the enemy. After a trying and severe night's ride, a point
twenty miles from Battleford was reached Thursday at daybreak, and here
a halt was made to rest the horses. Shortly afterwards an Indian
appeared who proved to be the bearer of a message from General Middleton
to Big Bear, informing him that both Riel and Poundmaker had
surrendered. Inspector Perry at once proceeded to Battleford and
reported his arrival and the result of his reconnaissance to General
Middleton. The ride from Fort Pitt to Battleford, a distance of 130
miles, was accomplished in thirty-six hours, and without a single horse
giving out.
On Inspector Perry's
representations, supplies for General Strange's column were forwarded t
he next day by steamer "Northwest," the Inspector and his command
embarking on the vessel to return to Fort Pitt. When about fifty miles
from the last named place, a couple of scouts were met, in a canoe, with
information of Strange's action at Frenchman's Butte, May 28th. It being
determined that the steamer should return to Battleford for re-inforcements
and ammunition, (the latter specially required by Strange) Perry at once
landed his force on the south bank to proceed to Fort Pitt by land. This
was at 4.30 in the afternoon, and at 5 the next morning Fort Pitt was
reached. This ride was a trying one, the men and horses being thoroughly
fatigued from the heavy ride from Fort Pitt to Battleford. A heavy cold
rain fell all the night, and the little force had to pass a swampy lake,
over 200 yards wide, through which the men had to wade waist deep,
leading their horses.
After a halt of several
hours at Fort Pitt, Inspector Perry marched on and joined General
Strange at his camp six miles down the river. The Inspector was thanked
by the General for the success of his reconnaissance, and was delighted
to hear that the 9-pounder had been of the greatest service at the
engagement of the 28th, the gun detachment under Sergeant O'Connor
having behaved splendidly.
Monday, June 3rd,
Strange's force moved forward to Frenchman's Butte, and thence advanced
northward to the Beaver River. Steele and his men having gone north via
the Loon Lake trail, the duties of advance guard and scouting fell upon
Inspector Perry's command. The march from Frenchman's Butte to Beaver
River, 80 miles, took three days and a half, quick travelling
considering the difficult nature of the trail, which led over miles of
morass, in which the gun frequently sank to the axles and was only
extricated by the united exertions of horses and men. In one case the
gun had to be unlimbered and dismounted, and the gun, waggon and
ammunition hauled over in parts, in waggons. The return march from
Beaver River to Fort Pitt via Saskatchewan Landing, a distance of
ninety-two miles, occupied only three days.
June 20, the detachment
received orders to return to Fort Macleod, and was struck off the
strength of the Alberta Field Force, which was about to be broken up.
The divisional orders, dated Fort Pitt, June 28, 1885, contained the
following flattering reference to Major Perry and his command:—
The detachment of
North-West Mounted Police, under the command of Major Perry, with the
9-pounder gun, will join Colonel Herchmer's force tomorrow morning and
proceed by route march to Battleford.
"Major-General Strange,
in relinquishing the command of the detachment of 'G' Division.
North-West Mounted Police, under command of Major Perrv. has to thank
them for their valuable services and invariably excellent conduct. He
has never commanded better soldiers. Their double duties as horse
artillery, and when required, scout cavalry, have been performed to his
entire satisfaction. In bringing a 9-pounder gun from Fort Macleod to
Beaver River, through most difficult country, including the passage of
the Red Deer River, the march of some 800 miles, with every horse and
man in his place, reflects great credit, not only on Major Perry, but on
every noncommissioned officer and man. That gun was mainly instrumental
n demoralizing the band of Rig Rear on 28th May, at Frenchman's Butte.
The opening of communication from Fort Pitt to Battleford by this small
detachment entailed hardships cheerfully endured.
"Major-General Strange
especially recognized the conducted inarch of the left wing of the 60th
Regiment under Major Perry's command, which he has brought to the notice
of the Comptroller of Police: as also the names of Sergeant-Major Irwin,
Staff-Sergeant Horner, and Sergeant O'Connor.
"Major-General Strange
wishes his thanks to be conveyed to Major Cotton. N.W.M.P., for the
selection he made of an officer and men of whom he may feel proud. In
parting with this detachment of North-West Mounted Police, he wishes
them every success and happiness."
The total distance
marched from Fort Macleod to Edmonton, Fort Pitt to Battleford, from
landing place on the Saskatchewan back to Fort Pitt, to Beaver River and
back to Fort Macleod was 1,308 miles. The distance marched, until
dismissed from the Alberta Field Force, June 28, was 028 miles in 38
marching days, an average per day of 24 miles. And this does not take
into consideration the constant duties of guards, picquets, patrols,
Distinguished and
important as were the services rendered to the country by the various
bodies of the Mounted Police which came into actual contact with the
hostile Indians and half-breeds during the rebellion, they were probably
really less useful than the services of the divisions which remained at
their ordinary headquarters and which, by their brave front and constant
alertness, saved the country from the appalling tragedy of a general
Indian uprising, from one end of the country to the other, the Indians
were restless during the rebellion, and runners from the hostiles were
constantly striving to induce the more loyal tribes to take the warpath.
At all the posts unusual precautions were taken.
At Fort Macleod, for
instance, early in the rebellion, finding that all sorts of exciting
stones were constantly in circulation, Superintendent Cottoil
established a line of couriers with Calgary, for there was no
telegraphic communication at the time, and only a weekly mail. This line
of couriers kept the population aware of the actual course of events and
of the untruthfulness of exaggerated reports put into circulation.
Superintendent Cotton held numerous interviews with the Blood and Piegan
Indians, and kept the country in the vicinity well pat rolled. One
company of militia, and later two (of the 9th Battalion) were sent to
Macleod as an auxiliary garrison, and placed under Superintendent
Cotton's orders,

Superintendent R. B. Peane
as was also a mounted
corps raised at Macleod by Major John Stewart, Special provision was
made to furnish protection to working parties of telegraph and railway
construction lines. Upon one occasion, shots were exchanged between
Stewart's scouts and some Indians, supposed to be Assiniboine or Gros
Ventres war parties from United States territory, at a point thirty
miles west of Medicine Hat, As a result, Superintendent Cotton made a
prompt reconnaissance in force, but although there was a great deal of
night signalling by the Indians. No Indian raids were made. The
management of the railways thanked Superintendent, Cotton for the
protection afforded their parties during these critical months, and at
the annual meeting of the South Western Stock Association, held at Fort
Macleod, April 29, 1885, the following resolution was unanimously
passed:—"That this association desires to express their high
appreciation of the efficient manner in which Major Cotton and his
command have performed their duty in helping the cattle ranches, and the
prompt steps taken during the present troubles to keep the Indians
quiet, meet our fullest confidence and approval."
The departure of
Lieut.-Col. Irvine from Regina for Prince Albert with his detachment
left the post at headquarters denuded of all but a small staff of
non-commissioned officers and a few necessarily employed and sick men.
Superintendent R. Burton Deane, Adjutant, who previous to joining the
force had served in the Royal Marines, was left in command. In
consequence of information from the north that arms and ammunition were
expected by the half-breeds from the railway, that officer issued orders
to seize and hold all such articles consigned to traders in the south,
1,435 pounds of arms and ammunition being thus seized. The demand for
men became so great that Superintendent Deane sought and obtained leave
from Ottawa to engage special constables, but practically none could be
got, Early in April, he secured the services of five Sioux Indians to
act as scouts and who proved useful in giving information as to the
movements of the half-breed runners, who were constantly on the move
between the different Indian camps, inciting their occupants to join the
rebels. About the middle of the month, with the assistance of Mr.
Legarrie of Wood Mountain, an irregular corps of half-breeds was formed
at Wood Mountain to patrol the international frontier, Inspector
Macdonell, with four men, being sent from Medicine Hat to command and
organize the corps. April 21st, nineteen recruits, and eighty-two horses
arrived at Regina from the East. On May 3rd, 130 more recruits arrived
and were accommodated in tents, and on May 18, 31 more recruits arrived.
It may be supposed that the energies of the small staff of
non-commissioned officers at Superintendent Deane's disposal were taxed
to the utmost, but they were equal to the occasion, and particularly
Sergeant Major Belcher, and Quartermaster Sergeant Simpson, performed
valuable service at this time. The recruits themselves subsequently
furnished a number of valuable non-commissioned officers. May 13,
Superintendent Deane was able to detach 15 men to Maple Creek, and on
the 16th, 20 mounted men to Inspector Macdonell at Wood Mountain. July
8th, a noncommissioned officer and 15 additional men with 16 horses were
sent to Inspector Macdonell. May 9th, at Pie-a-pot's request,
Superintendent Deane held a powwow with that chief, who reported he was
having trouble with some of his young braves as a result of exaggerated
stories from the scene of rebellion in' the north. Inspector Macdonell
assured him that he and his tribe would be safe from molestation so long
as they remained on their reserve.
May 23rd, Louis Riel
arrived a prisoner at Regina, and so many other half-breed and Indian
prisoners followed, that several additions had to be made to the prison
accommodation at headquarters. Until the conclusion of the numerous
trials and executions for high treason and murder which were among the
sad results of the rebellion, the duties at Regina were very heavy.
Chief Pie-a-Pot was in
the old warring days one of the most renowned warriors of the Southern
Crees. As a matter of faet he was a member of the Sioux tribe, the
hereditary enemies of the Southern Crees. As an infant he became very
expert with the bow and arrow, so the story goes, being able to sever
the prairie flowers from their stems with his arrows, with unerring
accuracy. Owing to his abnormal skill and precocity, his proud mother
was enabled to induce the Sioux chiefs to allow the lad, at the tender
age of twelve, to accompany one of their big war parties on a foray into
British territory. Meeting disaster at the hands of the Crees, the Sioux
retreated, and the lad was taken prisoner and adopted, his prowess
securing for him in time the chieftainship of the tribe. |