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Brian S. Campbell

Here is a synopsis of our choice of Canada, from Edinburgh.

We came in 1969, one year after being married in Edinburgh.

Main reason was to try to better our lifestyle, and escape British Taxes.....!!

My in-laws came with us and we came to B.C. We all got jobs within a week.

I got back into the Travel Industry with Richmond Travel, then briefly with Travel Headquarters, then Roblin Travel in Chilliwack, for 17 years, finally was Manager of Sears Travel, for 13 years, also in Chilliwack.

Now retired and live in Agassiz, B.C. with my wife who also retired after many years with Chilliwack School District as a teachers assistant for special needs kids.

We both play in the local Pipe Band, The Harrison Highlanders, and our Son played pipes with S.F.U. Pipe Band in 1995 and 6 when they won the World Championship.

We consider we made the right decision in coming to Canada, when it was called “the Brain Drain” in the U.K. There were massive line-ups all over the U.K. to go “somewhere”......!!

I was “homesick” for a few years, but it gradually wore off, and now we would not consider moving back.


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