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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 3
Donald A. Duff

Donald A. Duff, filling the office of city clerk at Lethbridge, was born in Perthshire, Scotland, December 14, 1879. His grandfather, Charles Duff, was a farmer, cattle man and distiller of Scotland and there spent his life. The grandfather in the maternal line was Duncan Mackay, who also devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits. John Duff, the father of Donald A. 1)uff, was born in Scotland in 1822, and his life record covered the intervening years to 1898. The mother, who bore the maiden name of Janet Mackay, was born in Scotland in 1835 and died in 1920. They were reared, educated and married in Scotland and came to Lethbridge in June, 1885. The father was a farmer and ranchman who owned a large tract of land, on which the city of Lethbridge now stands. He formerly ran cattle on his place as there was no town at the time. The Duffs were the second family here, their predecessors being the Staffords. Mr. Duff owned a good ranch property, with always from two hundred and fifty to four hundred head of cattle upon the place and also a large number of horses. As the years passed he prospered in his undertakings, and making judicious investments in realty, accumulated considerable valuable property. He platted the Duff addition to the city of Lethbridge and in all of his business affairs followed progressive and constructive methods. He planted some of the first trees in the city in 1886 and there are today magnificent and beautiful trees around his old home place. Whatever he (lid seemed to benefit the public as well as to advance his individual fortunes and he was regarded as one of the most progressive, valued and honored residents of this section of the Dominion.

To the marriage of John Duff and Janet Mackay nine children were born, seven of whom are living: Mrs. Challand, now of London, England; Duncan, who is a farmer residing near Coaldale, Alberta; Mrs. Frank W. Fane, whose husband was a major in the World war and now lives at Edmonton; Mrs. Starner, a widow residing in Lethbridge; James, who is superintendent of the town site for the Canadian Pacific Railway at Calgary; Mrs. E. H. Wilson of Victoria; and Donald A., of this review. The parents were members of the Presbyterian church and both took an active and helpful part in its work, doing all in their power to promote its growth and extend its influence. Politically Mr. Duff was a Conservative.

Donald A. Duff obtained his education in the schools of Lethbridge, for he was a had of but six years when brought by his parents to this city. He passed through consecutive grades to the high school and when his textbooks were l)Ut aside he turned his attention to civil engineering, continuing to follow that profession until 1918. In the previous year, however, he became city clerk and has occupied the position continuously since, covering a period of six years. He is making a most capable official through the prompt and efficient manner in which he discharges his duties and thus he has been continued in the office for some time. Politically he maintains an independent course. He has some property holdings in Lethbridge and his attention is divided between the supervision of his real estate and his official interests. He is well known here, having remained a resident of Lethbridge since his boyhood days, and he enjoys in large measure the confidence, esteem and goodwill of his fellow townsmen.