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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 3
Edgar Wallace Anderson

Unqualified commendation is ever deserved by the man who through his own efforts rises from an impecunious position to one of comparative affluence. Such an one is Edgar Wallace Anderson, who began life in a clerical capacity and is now vice president and sales manager of the Nor' West Motors, Limited, of Edmonton, which owes its inception to his initiative spirit, and its continued growth and progress to his executive ability and keen sagacity. He was born in Elora, Ontario. in 1879, and comes of Scotch ancestry in both the paternal and maternal lines. He is a son of Osgood McKenzie Anderson, who was born at Garloch, in the Highlands of Scotland, in 1844, and came as a boy to Canada with his parents, who settled in the province of Ontario. There he was married in 1870 to Jeanie Wallace Gladstone, who was horn in Ontario and was a relative of the Great Commoner, William Ewart Gladstone, one of England's most noted statesmen. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are now living in Guelph, Ontario.

The public schools of Guelph afforded Edgar Wallace Anderson his educational opportunities and he also attended a commercial college of that city, from which he was graduated in 1892. His initial experience in the business world was obtained as clerk in a grocery store of Guelph, in which he worked for seven years, going at the end of that time to Fernie, British Columbia, where he remained for three years, acting as manager of the grocery section of the department store of the London & Liverpool Company. He next went to Vernon, British Columbia, where he assumed the management of the grocery division of a department store, and two years later accepted the position of manager of the grocery department of the store conducted by the Hudson's Bay Company at Kamloops, in the same province. At the end of two years he severed his relations with that company and went to the States, where he became clerk in a grocery store at Seattle, Washington, thus continuing for a year, when he returned to British Columbia. At Greenwood he entered the grocery business independently but sold his store at the end of one and a half years and made his way to Vancouver, where he spent a year. He then came to this province, locating at Calgary, and was there engaged in the grocery brokerage business until 1907, when he removed to Edmonton and has since been a resident of this city. He became the organizer of the Nor' West Motors, Limited, of which he was made vice president and sales manager and is now serving in those capacities, being the moving spirit of the business. He keeps in close touch with all new developments in the motor industry and has formulated many well devised plans for the development and expansion of the business, which he conducts with marked efficiency, keeping it not only in line but rather in the lead of the progressive institutions of this character.

While in the United States Mr. Anderson was married, in Spokane, Washington, on the 18th of August, 1903, to Miss Laura R. Johnson, a daughter of John C. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have a son, Errol Donald, who was born June 25, 1916. Mr. Anderson is an adherent of the Liberal party and his religious views are in accord with the doctrines and teachings of the Presbyterian church. Fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and he is also a member of the Canadian, Kiwanis, Automobile and Curling Clubs. He is a man of marked strength of character and forceful personality, aggressive at times and at times cautious, but ever dominated by an accurate sense of business exigency and the highest standards of commercial ethics. He is deeply interested in all that pertains to the welfare and progress of his community and district and Edmonton numbers him among its foremost business men and highly respected citizens.