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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 3
W. H. R. Gardiner

Calgary numbers among her pioneer citizens W. H. R. Gardiner. For sixteen years he has been superintendent of public works of this city and he has assisted materially in the growth and improvement of Calgary. He was born in Doncaster, England, oil 4th of August, 1880, a son of William and Jennie (Rowbotham) Gardiner, the former a native of Scotland and the latter born iii England. They came to Canada in the fall of 1888 and located at Macleod, Alberta. They are now living in Vancouver and are highly respected and esteemed citizens of the community in which they reside.

The public schools of Macleod, Alberta, afforded W. H. R. Gardiner his early education, and after putting his textbooks aside he engaged in cow-punching for a number of years, being active in that capacity with the late Sheriff Campbell, and he also worked under him in his office for five years. Subsequently lie came to Calgary and in 1906 he began to work for the city, starting in a minor capacity as rodman and helper in the city hail. At an early age Mr. Gardiner determined to make his mark in the world and he applied himself diligently to every task assigned him, with the result that he won constant and well deserved promotion. For a time he was foreman of the public works, under S. J. Clarke, and subsequently he was made Superintendent of public works under construction. At the present time he controls three branches of the public works, namely: general, street cleaning, and garbage collection. He has held this office for sixteen years, longer than any other man in the service of the city. Mr. Gardiner devotes his entire time and attention to the office and this close application to business and excellent management have won for him the confidence and esteem of all who know him, lie is watchful of every detail of his office and the prosperity of Calgary is certainly due in a large measure to one of its most popular and efficient public officials— the gentleman whose name initiates this review.

In Calgary, Alberta, on the 9th of August, 1905, Mr. Gardiner was married to Miss Clara Adcock, who was a nurse, and a daughter of Richard and Mary (Orton) Adcock, natives of England. Her parents made the trip to Canada in a sailing vessel at an early day and located in London, Ontario, where they resided until death, being prominent members of that community. The father's demise occurred in 1910, and his widow died three years later. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner have five children: Minnie Beatrice, Mary Orton, Henry Mortimer, William Hugh Richard, and Gwendolyn. Mrs. Gardiner is a woman of culture and refinement and she takes a great interest in her family and home and the culture of flowers and plants.

The religious faith of Mr. Gardiner is that of the Anglican church. Fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, belonging to all branches. He finds his greatest recreation in curling and he is past president of the Calgary Curling Association and the only honorary president of the branch. He is a man of pleasing personality and has the genius for making and keeping friends. He holds membership in the Southern Alberta Old Timers Association, which requires a residence of thirty years in the province before membership is possible. When Mr. Gardiner took up residence in Calgary the city was in its infancy and he has witnessed the remarkable changes that have been wrought, in which he has played a prominent part.