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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 3
George Washington Craig

George Washington Craig, Calgary's efficient city engineer, was born in the United States, his birth having occurred at Mount Vernon, Virginia, in March, 1870, and his parents were James Y. and Elizabeth (Baines) Craig. The father was a native of Scotland and the mother was born in Liverpool, England. About 1868 they emigrated to America, settling in the state of Virginia. Mr. Craig has devoted his life to horticultural pursuits and now resides in Omaha, Nebraska, but the mother passed away in November, 1921.

Their son, George W. Craig, was reared in Omaha, attending the grammar and high schools of the city, and on starting out in life for himself he chose the profession of civil engineering, which he followed successfully in the States for several years. For a considerable period he was city engineer of Omaha and in 1913 he was tendered a similar position in Calgary. For ten years he has held this office and his services have been of great value to the municipality. He has an intimate acquaintance with the Physical characteristics of the city and therefore a comprehensive knowledge of its needs and his technical skill and practical experience enable him to find a ready and correct solution for all difficult professional problems.

In May, 1892, Mr. Craig was united in marriage to Miss Margaret B. McKay and they have become the parents of three children: Kenneth, who is following in the professional footsteps of his father and is now employed by the highway commission of Iowa as district engineer; Wallace D., who is taking an engineering course; and Margaret McKay, a teacher in a private school of St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. Craig is a member and one of the trustees of the Congregational church. He is a Mason and is also identified with the Rotary Club of Calgary and the American Society of Municipal Improvements. He is likewise a counselor of the Engineering Institute of Canada and an associate member of the American Society of Engineers. He has made continuous progress in his profession, experience and study continually bringing him broader knowledge and greater efficiency, and his public spirit prompts him to put forth earnest and effective effort in behalf of his city, in which he is widely known and highly esteemed.