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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 3
John C. McDonald, B.A., LL.B.

One of the leading law firms of Edmonton is that of Mackay, McDonald & Wells, of which John C. McDonald is a member, and the extent and importance of their clientele indicates the confidence reposed in their integrity and legal acumen by the general public. John C. McDonald was born in the province of Ontario, in 1882, and is a son of Neil and Mary (McKay) McDonald, who have spent their lives in Ontario, where the father is following the occupation of farming.

After completing his high school training at Owen Sound, Ontario, John C. McDonald entered Toronto University and was graduated from that institution of learning in 1907, with the degrees of B. A. and LL. B., obtaining the gold medal on political science. He began his professional career at Owen Sound, Ontario, where he engaged in the practice of law until 1915, when he came to Edmonton and formed a partnership with the late Hon. A. G. Mackay, under the name of Mackay, McDonald & Company. In 1919 William A. Wells joined the partnership and the firm has since carried on business under the name of Mackay, McDonald & Wells, although the senior partner died in 1920. Mr. McDonald has never lost the attitude of a student toward his profession and his ability is manifest in the logic of his deductions and the clearness of his reasoning.

Mr. McDonald finds diversion in football and bowling and his fraternal connections are with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Beneolent Protective Order of Elks. He is a Presbyterian in religious faith and a Liberal in his political views. For thirteen years he has been identified with the legal profession, in which he has steadily progressed, and his life record is proof of the fact that success is not a matter of fortunate circumstances, nor even of genius, as is held by some, but is the outcome of clear judgment, experience, careful preparation for the work in hand and unabating industry.