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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 3
John Reid

John Reid, secretary-treasurer and traffic manager of the Calgary Live Stock Exchange at the Alberta Stock Yards, was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, on the 12th of May, 1884, a son of John and Ann (Main) (Main) Reid, natives of that country. The father was a tailor by trade and he followed that line of work in Aberdeen for the greater part of his life. His death occurred in 1904, and five years later, in 1909, his widow came to Canada with her children and they took up land near Red Deer, Alberta. Later, however, Mrs. Reid returned to Scotland and she is now residing in Aberdeen, surrounded by the many friends of her childhood.

In the acquirement of his education John Reid attended the public schools of his birthplace and subsequently entered a business college. After putting his texbooks aside he became boy copyist for the Bank of London and later served, with the board of agriculture. Subsequently he secured a position as clerk with Davidson & Gardner, Advocates, of Aberdeen, and he was active in that capacity until he came to Canada. He arrived in the Dominion in 1905 and the following year took up land near Red Deer, forty miles west, before the railroad was built. He cultivated this land until 1912, since which time he has rented it out. He installed all modern improvements on the place and it is one of the finest farms in the province. After moving from the farm he accepted a position as bookkeeper in the Red Deer Creamery and for some time was accountant for the Farmers Cooperative, Limited. Subsequently that organization established a live stock department and he became salesman for them, with headquarters at the Alberta Stock Yards in Calgary. On the 13th of October, 1919, he was made permanent secretary-treasurer of the Calgary Live Stock Exchange, which position he has since held. He is likewise active as traffic manager, this being the first public traffic department in the Dominion of Canada.

On the 9th of October, 1909, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Reid to Miss Eva Cameron, also a native of Scotland. To their union one child has been born: Rhoda Evelyn, whose birth occurred on the 2d of January, 1913.

In his political views Mr. Reid is a Liberal and he takes an active interest in party affairs, although lie has never sought nor desired political preferment. He is well informed on all important questions and issues of the (lay and his cooperation can always be counted upon in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community at large. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian church and he is a generous contributor to its support. In 1922 he was president of the Calgary Traffic Club and he is an active member of the Calgary Board of Trade. During the World war Mr. Reid gave generously of his time and money in the furtherance of the government's interests. He lost two brothers in active service.