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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 3
Lang Brothers

Hector and Adam Wilson Lang, well known in insurance circles, are successfully conducting business at Medicine Hat, where they have established an agency of large proportions, their patronage steadily growing. Hector Lang is a native of the province of Ontario, his birth having occurred in Elgin district in 1871, his parents being Daniel and Ann (Wilson) Lang, the former born in Argyleshire, Scotland, while the latter was born in Elgin district, Ontario, and both are living, their home being in St. Thomas, Ontario. The father was identified with the history of Elgin district for an extended period, taking up his abode there in 1853. He has been educated and reared as a farm boy and throughout his life his course has been characterized by high principles and most worthy motives. For several years he filled the position of reeve in the township in which he made his home and was also warden of the county for several years. He is a well informed man, keeping in touch with the trend of modern thought and progress along all lines of general interest. He has been especially active in municipal affairs and at all times has been an earnest supporter of the Liberal party. Both he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church, in the work of which they have taken helpful part, doing all in their power to promote the growth of the church and extend its influence. To Mr. and Mrs. Lang nine children have been born, eight of whom are living, Hector being the eldest. The others are: Malcolm, who is engaged in mining in northern Ontario and is representing the Cochrane district in the house of commons; A. W., who is a member of the firm of Lang Brothers; Daniel, a well known barrister of Toronto; Isabelle, at home; Annie, who is the wife of Rev. Mr. Hench, a Presbyterian minister at Ubly, Michigan; Mary, the wife of John B. Ferguson, a hardware merchant and farmer at West Lorne, Ontario; and Carrie, the wife of Dr. Gray of Vancouver.

Hector Lang pursued his education in the public schools of his native province and in in the high school at Ridgetown and at St. Thomas. There he was graduated and subsequently continued his education in the Toronto University, from which he was graduated with the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1002. He began teaching in the country schools in Elgin district, Ontario, and was identified as a teacher with the public schools in several towns and the high school at Uxbridge, Ontario, after which he removed to the west and was located for a time at Regina, Saschatchewan, being principal of the Collegiate Institute at that place from 1906 until 1913. In the latter year he came to Medicine Flat and entered the insurance business in association with his brother, A. W. Lang, under the firm style of Lang Brothers. Throughout the intervening period, covering a decade, they have given their attention to general insurance and with every phase of the business they are familiar, although they make a specialty of life and fire insurance. They are also conducting a loan business.

In 1907 Hector Lang was united in marriage to Miss Ethel Craig of Ridgetown, Ontario, a daughter of Thomas Craig, a general merchant of Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Lang have three children: Margaret, who is in high school; and Helen and Hector, who are also pupils in the schools of Medicine Hat. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lang hold membership in the Knox Presbyterian church, in the work of which they take an active interest, Mr. Lang being secretary of the managing board. He served as a member of the city council and is now on the school board and at all times his cooperation can be counted upon to further plans and measures for the general good. He recognizes the duties and obligations as well as the privileges of citizenship and has ever been true to every trust reposed in him in a public way, while as a business man he has made a most commendable record by his progressiveness and his reliability.