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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 3
Sylvester Low

Sylvester Low is leading a life of diligence and well directed business activity in Cardston, where he is manager of the Cardston Creamery. He was born in Afton, Wyoming, on the 6th of April, 1890, a son of Sylvester and Mary (Smith) Low. Sylvester Low, the father, was born in Scotland, on the 12th of March, 1836, a son of William and Jane Low. His father was a weaver by trade and he spent his life in Scotland. Sylvester Low, Sr., received his education in the schools of his birthplace and in due time learned milling, becoming an apprentice in an oatmeal mill. Glowing reports of the United States having reached his ears, he determined to come to America and he landed in this country on the 22d of May, 1855. He went direct to Salt Lake City, Utah, arriving there on the 13th of November, making the trip overland with oxen, Mr. Low had joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Scotland and he spent his first winter at West Jordan and Salt Lake. From 1857 to 1860 he operated flour mills in both places and in 1860 he established mills at Millville and Providence. He assisted in the settlement of Bear Lake and later removed to Smithfield, where he operated mills and also conducted a store from 1866 to 1879. He was very successful as a general merchant and upon leaving Smithfield he disposed of the business at a substantial profit. He was engaged in milling in Richmond until 1880, when he accepted a position on a construction train as bookkeeper, serving in that capacity in Montana for some time. Returning to Utah in 1882, he resumed milling, thus continuing until 1886, when he went to Scotland on a mission. While there he obtained forty-seven thousand names of ancestors of his and other families in the Cache valley. In 1889 he returned to Utah and worked in various places until removing to Freedom, Wyoming, where he operated a mill and engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1892 he came to Alberta and located at what is now Cardston. He bought considerable railroad land and he operated the first grist mill here and resided on his well improved homestead near Cardston. For some time Mr. Low conducted a butcher shop and he was stake tithing clerk here. lie was a splendid business man, with an aptitude for figures. lie was a well educated man for his day and during his residence in Wyoming taught school for a time.

Sylvester Low, Sr., was twice married. His first wife was Ann Patten, a native of Scotland, whose demise occurred at Smithfield, Utah. To their union fourteen children were born: Jacob 0. died in infancy; James R. is deceased; Sylvester is a resident of Smithfield; Osborne is residing in Wyoming; William is a resident of Cardston; Anna is the wife of Robert Reed of Smithfield, Utah; Janet is the wife of Alfred Erickson of Smithfield; Lydia G. is the wife of George Nelson of Smithfield; Lorena M. is the wife of Joseph Richardson of Salt Lake; Sylvia is the wife of Junius Jensen of Preston, Idaho; Jane died in infancy; Charles D. is deceased; Millicent is the wife of Oliver Nielson; and one died in infancy. Some time after the death of his first wife Mr. Low was again married, Miss Mary Smith of Smithfield, a daughter of Nathan and Jane Smith, becoming his wife. Her father was a native of England and is a prominent farmer and stock raiser. To the second union seven children have been born: Mary Jane is the wife of Thomas Anderson of Cardston; Sylvester is a resident of Cardston; Joseph S. is engaged in the garage business in Cardston; Sterling 0. is connected with the Beaver Lumberyard; Brigham Y. is engaged in farming near Cardston; Edwin L., who is teaching school at Kimball, is a veteran of the World war, having served with the Forty-seventh Infantry overseas, lie was in the front line trenches twenty-eight days and was severely gassed; and Mabel M. is the wife of Alexander Glenn of Cardston, a successful rancher. Sylvester Low, Sr., died on the 17th of May, 1908. lie was holding the position of state tithing clerk at the time of his death. He was public- spirited and served as justice of the peace for many years.

In the acquirement of his education Sylvester Low, whose name introduces this review, attended the public schools of Cardston and at an early age entered the business world. He held various positions and was clerk of the H. S. Allen Company for a time. In August, 1910, he went to Europe and visited Utrecht, Armsterdam and the home of the former Kaiser of Germany, being on a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In 1913 he returned to America and operated the Pioneer elevator for one year. Subsequently he accepted the position of manager of the Thomee Store at \Voolford and he was active in that connection until April, 1917, when he became manager of the Cardston Creamery Association, which was organized under the Alberta Dairymen's Act, and he is now also secretary-treasurer of the association. Mr. Low has proven himself equal to the many duties devolving upon him and he manifests those qualities which entitle him to the respect and esteem of his fellow townsmen. Aside from his business interests Mr. Low is actively engaged in stock raising. He owns some fine Holstein cattle, some of which he has imported from Ontario and Calgary.

Mr. Low married Miss Blanche Olson, a native of Snowville, Utah, and to their union two children have been born: Denver and DeLamar, both residing at home. Mr. Low is president of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association and he is a chorister in the Sunday school. He is a member of the school board and gives his aid in the furtherance of any movement for the benefit of the community. What time he can spare from his business he devotes to the church.