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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 2
Walter Ramsay

Among the energetic and progressive business men of Edmonton is numbered Walter Ramsay, a well known florist here. His trade has assumed extensive proportions under his capable guidance and management and the business is today a very substantial one. Mr. Ramsay came to Alberta from the province of Ontario, his birth having occurred near Hamilton, in 1870. His parents were John and Helen (Mackay) Ramsay, the former a native of Scotland, while the latter was born in the state of New York, where their marriage was celebrated. Mr. Ramsay, who has passed away, was a farmer by occupation and he was also active in public affairs, serving for several years as a member of the town council. His political endorsement was given to the Conservative party and his religious faith was that of the Presbyterian church. The mother is still living in Ontario, at the advanced age of eighty-five years. Their family numbered eight children, six of whom are living.

Walter Ramsay, who was the sixth in order of birth, obtained a high' school education in St. Mary's, Ontario, and afterward took up the profession of teaching, which he followed successfully for thirteen years, proving most capable in imparting to others the knowledge he had acquired. In 1898 he came to Alberta and taught for seven years in the west after having had six year's previous experience in Ontario. In 1906, however, he entered commercial circles by turning his attention to the florist business, opening a small establishment. As his trade has increased he has developed his business plant until he now utilizes an entire acre of ground, with a store in the down-town district, while his shipments are sent throughout central Alberta. He devotes practically his entire time to his business and produces large quantities of rare and beautiful flowers. His business methods have at all times been progressive and thoroughly reliable and these qualities have brought him substantial success.

In 1901 Mr. Ramsay was united in marriage to Miss Lucy McRae, who was born in Belleville, Ontario, a daughter of Walter McRae, a merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay have become parents of two children: Donald, a student in the Alberta University; and Helen, attending the public school. Mr. Ramsay has always been a stalwart champion of the cause of education and served as a member of the school board for a number of years. He is also a member of the Board of Trade and manifests a keen and helpful interest in many progressive public measures. In politics he is a Conservative. He belongs to the Rotary Club and his interest in civic affairs has been manifest in many tangible ways. He finds his recreation largely in curling and motoring, but allows -no out- side interests to interfere with business or his duties along other lines. Fraternally he is a Mason, and the religious faith of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay is that of the Presbyterian church, in the work of which they take active and helpful interest, Mr. Ramsay now serving as clerk of the session. His sterling worth commands for him the respect and high esteem of all with whom he has been brought into contact.