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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 3
William A. Beebe

The history of William A. Beebe, if written in detail, would constitute a narrative as interesting as any stirring tale of fiction, for his has been a life of adventure, filled with varied and exciting experiences. For twenty-two years he has been a resident of Blairmore and his name is inseparably associated with the growth and development of the town from the time of its establishment until the present. He was born in Norfolk, Ontario, September 26, 1847, of the marriage of Jordan and Elizabeth (Thompson) Beebe, the former a native of Scotland and the latter of Canada. Both are now deceased. The father was one of the best known hotel proprietors in eastern Canada, conducting his operations in Oakland, Ontario, for twenty-one years, while for ten years he managed a hotel at Bentley, in that province. To Mr. and Mrs. Beebe six children were born, two of whom survive, William A. and Mrs. Lewis Andrews, the latter a resident of Portland, Oregon.

William A. Beebe

William A. Beebe was reared and educated in his native province and started out in commercial life at Bay City, Michigan, in the dredge and vessel business and later he established a wholesale fisheries business at Port Arthur, Ontario. While thus engaged he became known as "Captain" Beebe. He spent the greater part of his time on the American side and afterward sold out, going to the gold region of the Klondike. He remained in that country from 1898 until 1900 and his thrilling experiences during that period are recorded in a diary, for which he has received many tempting offers from newspaper owners, but has always refused to sell. In 1900 he made his way to Blairmore and established a real estate and insurance business, which he has since successfully conducted. At the time of his arrival here the town was in its infancy, consisting only of a railroad station, and it now has a population of twenty-five hundred. Through his real estate activities Captain Beebe has converted unsightly vacancies into attractive business and residential districts and his work has been of signal service in promoting Blairniore's upbuilding and improvement. He represents a number of 01(1 and reliable insurance firms and has built up a large business in both departments through honest methods and capable management.

William A. Beebe married Miss Mollie Holmes, a native of the United States. She was born in Kentucky and her fathei' was one of the successful planters of the south, growing principally cotton and tobacco. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes are both deceased, as is also their daughter, who became the mother of six children, three of whom survive: Emma, who is living in Detroit, Michigan; Frank A., a resident of Regina, Saskatchewan; and Jordan, who resides in Cincinnati.

Captain Beebe's I)UbI1C spirit has found expression in Practical efforts for the welfare of his community and he has been chosen by his fellow citizens to fill a number of public offices of honor and trust. He has served as mayor, and for twenty-one years has been a member of the school board, while he is also a member of the town council, doing effective public service in each of these connections. his fraternal relations are with the Masons and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was one of the first settlers to Penetrate into this section of the Dominion and belongs to that hardy type of pioneers whose courageous spirit and untiring industry have enabled them to aid in planting the seeds of civilization here. He has been an interested witness of the entire growth and up- building of Blairmore and his record is a matter of pride to its citizens, for his life has ever been an upright, honorable and useful one, commanding for him the respect and esteem of all with whom he has been associated.