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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 2
William C. MacKay

The progressive spirit of the west finds exemplification in the career of William C. MacKay, to whom the recognition of opportunity has ever been equivalent to the accomplishment of a task, and his name now figures prominently in business circles of Edmonton in connection with the coal industry. He was born and reared in Prince Edward Island, there attending the public schools and also completing a course in a business college. His first position was that of clerk in a mercantile establishment of Charlottetown, and in 1907 he came to the west, selecting Edmonton as his place of residence. He secured employment in a coal office and subsequently became manager for the Standard Coal Company, filling that office for several years. Ambitious to have a business of his own, he organized the MacKay Coal Company, Ltd., in 1915, and his success in that venture led him to expand the scope of his activities. In 1917 he formed the Fraser-MacKay Collieries, Ltd., which took over a group of mines, and their output now amounts to five hundred tons of coal per day. Each enterprise has enjoyed a continuous and healthful growth since its inception and the business has become one of large and profitable proportions. Broad experience and careful study have given Mr. MacKay a comprehensive knowledge of the coal industry and his business methods have commended him to the confidence and support of the Public.

Mr. MacKay was united in marriage to Miss Blanche Down and they have become the parents of two children: Gordon and Eleanor. He serves as president and manager of the organizations with which he is connected and two of the leading coal firms in the city stand as monuments to his initiative spirit and his powers of organization and administration. He has constructed his own success and in winning prosperity has also gained the esteem and goodwill of all with whom he has been associated.