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Alberta, Past and Present, Historical and Biographical
Vol 3
William Duncan Smith, M.D.

For more than three decades Dr. William D. Smith has been identified with the medical profession, each year bringing him broader knowledge and greater efficiency, and Edmonton numbers him among its foremost surgeons and gynecologists. He was born in Plantagenet, Ontario, in 1863, and in the paternal line is of English descent, while his maternal ancestors were of Scotch lineage. His father, Henry Smith, was born in Martintown, Ontario, in 1833, and was married in that province in 1862, to Isabella McMartin. His death occurred in Ontario, in 1919, when he had reached the advanced age of eighty-six years. The mother is living.

The public schools of Plantagenet, Ontario, afforded William Duncan Smith his early educational opportunities and he afterward attended the Kingston (Ont.) Institute. He next became a student in the medical department of McGill University at Montreal, from which he was graduated in 1890, and then spent a year as house surgeon at the Montreal General Hospital. He began his professional career at Richmond, Quebec, but remained there for only a year and then opened an office in Sherbrooke, Quebec, where he successfully followed his profession for fourteen years. He devoted his attention chiefly to surgical cases and for several years was a member of the surgical staff of the Sherbrooke Protestant Hospital. In 1906 he came to this province and has since made his home in Edmonton, where he has built up a large practice as a surgeon and gynecologist. He has been very successful in the treatment of women's diseases and has developed expert skill in surgery.

Dr. Smith was married at Montreal, Quebec, March 26, 1893, to Miss Mary Eleanor Kate Ibbotson, a daughter of Colonel W. C. Ibbotson, deceased. Dr. and Mrs. Smith have a son, Hubert Duncan Smith, who was born in 1894, and who enlisted for service in the World War, becoming a lieutenant in the Signal Corps of the Nineteenth Alberta Dragoons, and was ordered to France in the fall of 1915. He participated in several important engagements and was severely wounded by a shell in battle. He remained overseas until the close of the war and since his return to Edmonton has again assumed the rank of lieutenant. Dr. and Mrs. Smith also have a daughter: Eileen, now Mrs. James McQueen, of Hanna, Alberta.

Dr. Smith is a Conservative in his political views and in religious faith he is a Presbyterian, He is a Master Mason and also has membership in the Edmonton Club, while his professional relations are with the Edmonton Academy of Medicine, of which he served as president in 1911, the Alberta Medical Association, and the Canadian Medical Association. He is an exponent of all that is highest and most advanced in his profession, and prompted by broad humanitarian principles, he puts forth earnest and effective effort in behalf of humanity.