Rudyard Kipling says of
“It is a great country;
a country with a future. There is a fine, hard, bracing climate, the
climate that puts iron and grit into men's bones, and there are all good
things to be got out of the ground, if people will work for them. What
it wants is more men and more money. Why don’t Englishmen think more of
it as a field for English capital and enterprise? Surely there is an
excellent opening both for the investing and emigrating Briton there.
Things don't, perhaps, move quite so fast as in the United States, bid
they are safer, and you are under the flag you know, and among men of
the same stock and breed. Send your folks to Canada; and if they can’t
go themselves, let them send their money—plenty of it.
Lord Dufferin, in a
speech in Canada, at the close of his office as Governor-General, said
“Love your country,
believe in her, honour her, work for her, live for her, die for her.
Never has any people been endowed with a nobler birthright, or blessed
with prospects of a fairer future. Whatever gift God has given to man is
to be found within the borders of your ample territories. It is true
that the zone within which your lines are cast is characterised by ruder
features than those displayed in lower latitudes, aiid within more
sunward-stretching lands, but the north has ever been the home of
liberty, industry, and valour.
The volumes forming the
British Empire series will commend themselves to those who are
interested in making the Colonies better known than at present. Much has
been done in that direction in the last few years, but the prevailing
knowledge about the outlying parts of the Empire is certainly not as
extensive as it might, or ought to, be. For any permanent improvement in
this respect we must look largely to the education of the young. It is
gratifying to know that the Colonies—their history, geography, and
resources— are a more frequent subject of study in the schools than used
to be the case; for it is of the highest importance that the rising
generation should be taught what the British Empire really is, and what
an important heritage is being handed down to them. Anything that will
help the cultivation of the Imperial sentiment, or the Imperial idea, as
some term it, is to be cordially welcomed, and this Canadian volume is
sure to be most useful in this connection.
What must impress the
student of Canadian affairs is the great progress that has been
witnessed during the reign of our present Sovereign, and even in the
shorter period that has elapsed since the federation of the various
provinces in 1867. Little more than thirty years ago, the provinces of
British North America were separate and distinct, and treated one
another as independent communities. There was little or no communication
between them, except in the ease of Upper and Lower Canada. The Maritime
Provinces were practically only accessible to the rest of British North
America by water. The country to the west of Upper Canada, until British
Columbia was reached, was under the control of the Hudson Bay Company,
and the haunt of the Indian and the trapper. The various industries, as
we now know them, were in their early stages, and development to any
extent did not seem to be possible without the stimulus which federation
and the acquisition of the Hudson Bay Company’s Territory was to
Now, the country from
the Atlantic to the Pacific is under one Government, so far as the
general welfare of the community is concerned, local affairs being
controlled by the different provinces. There are over 17,000 miles of
railway in operation, connecting the two great oceans and providing
means of communication between all the provinces. There is a splendid
system of canals, and vessels drawing 14 feet of water will shortly be
able to proceed from the great lakes direct to the seaboard. Everything
that tends to reduce the cost of the conveyance of the products of the
country to markets is regarded as of the highest importance in the
Dominion. The largest ocean-going vessels trade to and from its
seaports. Agriculture is in a flourishing condition, and nearly 50 per
cent, of the population is engaged in its development. There is still an
unlimited area of land only waiting to be cultivated, to provide happy
homes for millions of people. The fisheries are productive and a great
source of wealth. and the 70,000 fishermen engaged in the industry form
an immense reserve 'of naval strength. Canada contains an abundance of
the chief economic minerals and of the precious metals; and its mines
arc becoming known all over the world. The value of the mineral products
of Canada is sure to increase rapidly in the near future. Its timber
wealth does not need special mention ; but it is not generally
recognised that Canada has, within recent years, become a great
manufacturing country.
Indeed, Canada has
everything that has tended to place the United Kingdom in the industrial
position it now occupies, and many advantages that the mother land does
not enjoy. There is plenty of timber, coal and iron, unlimited
water-power, a splendid agricultural country, a fine climate, excellent
means of communication, a long coast-line giving access to markets: and
it is the half-way house of the Empire, standing midway between the East
and the West. It is not surprising in these circumstances that Canada
has advanced along the road of prosperity by leaps and bounds, and that
its people are among the happiest and most contented in the world.
The moral is the old
adage, “Union is strength.” The results of the federation of Canada
should be an object-lesson to the other parts of the Empire, indeed to
the Empire as a whole. The more closely it is united the greater will be
its wealth and strength, and the power of its people for doing good. The
present series of volumes is calculated to promote this most desirable
consummation. So long as England regards Canada from the standpoint of
Rudyard Kipling’s words, and Canada lives up to Lord Dufferin’s eloquent
advice, the future of the Dominion will rest on the surest of
foundations. |