Hon. LORD STRATHCONA and MOUNT ROYAL (High Commissioner for Canada)
Closer relations
between the Mother Country and the colonies, the keynote for the
development of the Empire—Canada’s position in the Empire—Constitution,
Federal and Provincial Progress of Canada since Confederation—Public
Works—Railways and Canals—Growth of Shipping'—Banking system—Climate—
Natural products of the country, and the exports of same-immense and
varied mineral resources practically untouched —The Yukon
gold-fields—Forest Wealth—Fisheries—Manufacturing industries—Foreign
trade of the Dominion and its distribution — Population and origins of
the people—Social Economy—Indians—Immigration and the duty of directing
British emigration to the British Colonies—Openings for the settler,
free lands—The classes in demand.
Not only in Canada, but
in all the other colonies, the feeling prevails that too little is known
in the United Kingdom—the heart of the Empire—of its outlying portions,
and we are all trying in every way to bring about a different state of
things. It is no selfish object which has prompted us in our endeavours.
We want to bring the colonies into closer relations with the mother
country. We wish to develop trade between the different parts of the
Empire, as well as with other countries, and we much appreciate the
great services of Mr. Chamberlain in directing public attention
prominently to the matter. In the colonies there are millions upon
millions of acres of land only waiting to be cultivated to produce
everything that man requires, and we want to attract to those lands the
surplus capital and muscle of the United Kingdom. The increase of the
population of the colonies must add to their wealth and strength, and
also to their productive and consuming capacities. Such results must
necessarily tend to make the British Empire, of which we are all so
proud, a greater factor in the progress of the world than it is even at
the present time. I am glad to be able to state that those throughout
the country who are entrusted with the education of the rising
generation seem to appreciate, more and more every year, the importance
of giving to the young idea a proper knowledge of what the British
Empire is, and what it may become in the future. The following extract
from the instructions to the Inspectors, issued by the English
Educational Department, must have caused much gratification in all the
colonies: “It is especially desirable in your examination of the fourth
and higher standards, that attention should be called to the English
colonies and their productions, government, and resources, and to those
climatic and other conditions which render our distant possessions
suitable fields for emigration and for honourable enterprise.” The
Dominion of Canada includes the whole of the American Continent north of
the United States, except Newfoundland, the small islands of St. Pierre
and Miquelon belonging to France, and Alaska. It is difficult to convey
an adequate conception of the vastness of a country which covers
3,456,383 square miles, and is forty times the size of England,
Scotland, and Wales. It represents nearly a third of the area of the
entire British Empire! It embraces the provinces of Nova Scotia, Prince
Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, British
Columbia, and the North-West. Territories, most of them of great size
and of large possibilities. They are all joined together in a practical
and effective union. They control entirely their own local affairs,
while the Federal or Dominion Parliament, composed of representatives of
the different provinces, deals with all matters affecting the community
in general. The representative of her Majesty, styled the
Governor-General, resides at Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion. The
present occupant of that important position is the Right Hon. the Earl
of Aberdeen, who has identified himself with the progress and
development of the country in such a way as to make him one of the most
popular of Governors-General. In his work he is ably seconded by the
Countess of Aberdeen, whose name is as familiar in the United Kingdom as
it is in the Dominion. The provinces all have their local Parliaments,
some consisting of one House and others of two, while the
Lieutenant-Governors are appointed by the Governor-General in Council.
The constitution of Canada is contained in what is known as the British
North America Act. It defines with considerable clearness the powers of
the Dominion, and of the Provincial Legislatures, and the admirable way
in which it has worked speaks volumes for the care and attention devoted
to its preparation. Disputes have arisen occasionally upon points of
interpretation, but the decisions of the Judicial Committee of the Privy
Council upon such matters have always been accepted as final. It is to
be hoped that before long Newfoundland may express a desire to become
part of the Dominion, so that the union of British North America may be
complete. If satisfactory terms can be arranged, there is no doubt that
the entry of England’s oldest colony will be advantageous both to itself
and the Dominion.
Two years ago was the
fourth centenary of the landing of the Cabots in what is now Canada, and
a part of the country is well advanced in the third century of its
actual occupation; the formation of the Dominion only dates from 1867,
and was completed, as it now stands, by the entry of Prince Edward
Island in 1873. Prior to Confederation, which was originated by Nova
Scotia, New Brunswick, and Upper and Lower Canada (now known as Ontario
and Quebec), the provinces-were in effect practically separate
communities. There was little or no communication between them except by
water. The trade exchanges were comparatively small, and their customs
tariffs were arrayed against each other. Upper and Lower Canada were
nominally united, but there was continual friction between them, which
undoubtedly tended to prevent the development of their great resources.
The population of Upper Canada was almost entirely confined to a strip
of country along the shores of the St. Lawrence, and of Lake Ontario and
Lake Erie. The country to the north and to the west, along the shores of
Georgian Bay and Lake Superior, and to the Lake of the Woods, its
present western boundary, was a terra incognita, practically
inaccessible, and habited only by a few Indians and hunters. The fertile
prairies to the west were under the administration of the Hudson Bay
Company, and their only inhabitants beyond those at the Hudson Bay posts
were Indians and hunters. Instead of the pleasant wheat-fields, and
herds of domestic cattle, that now meet the eye in traversing that
country, the plains were the habitat of millions of buffaloes, which
have entirely disappeared. To still go farther west, at the time of
Confederation, British Columbia (which became part of the Dominion in
1871) was an isolated British colony, separated from the rest of Canada,
not only by its own mountains, but by nearly 2000 miles or more of
intervening territory. Lt was only accessible at all by means of
communication through the United States, and by sea. Therefore, although
the union was inaugurated in 1867, and was only nominally completed in
1873, a great deal had still to be done before it could be consummated.
A commencement was made by the construction of the Inter-Colonial
Railway (provided for in the Act of Union), which brought the maritime
provinces into connection with Quebec and Ontario. It was completed in
1876, although much of it was in operation before that time. For many
years the question of the construction of the Trans-Continental Railway
was in the air, and commencements were made, but nothing tangible or
effectual was done until the contract was made with the Canadian Pacific
Railway Company in 1881, for the completion of the railway from
Callander to the Pacific Coast within ten years. This stupendous work
was practically completed in half the stipulated time, and the first
public train travelled from Montreal to Vancouver in 1886. Strictly
speaking, therefore, the positive, actual life of the Dominion, with all
its potentialities brought within reach of the people, commenced a
little more than twelve years ago.
Even now, although the
population exceeds 5,250,000, only a fringe of the territory available
for cultivation is inhabited. There arc no very large cities in Canada,
in the sense in which the term is understood in the United Kingdom and
elsewhere. Montreal and Toronto, each with their populations of nearly
three hundred thousand people, are the largest in Canada ; but the last
census (1891) shows that there were 46 cities and towns of 5000
inhabitants and upwards, of which only nine exceeded 20,000. There were
also 46 towns with from 3000 to 5000 people, and 91 villages containing
from 1500 to 3000 people. The urban population in 1891 was nearly
1,400,000, or 28.77 per cent, of the whole. Over 45 per cent, of the
population find their means of subsistence and their opportunities for
the accumulation of wealth in agriculture. Canada is proud of its sturdy
yeomen farmers. Large holdings are the exception and not the rule, and
the policy of the Dominion and of the provincial governments is to
encourage the immigration and settlement of small farmers. The holdings
may be said to average from 100 to 300 acres.
As mentioned before, an
important factor in the growth of the Dominion has been the development
of railway communication. In 1868 there were only 2522 miles of railway.
Now there are over 16,000 1 miles, and, in proportion to its population,
Canada is probably as well served as any country in the world. The
railways connect the Atlantic with the Pacific, they connect the
coal-mines with the manufacturing and industrial centres, and they
enable the products of the country to be easily conveyed from one part
of the Dominion to another, and to the ports of shipment both on the
Atlantic and on the Pacific. It hits been the practice for railways to
be constructed in advance of settlement, which has no doubt contributed,
in a large degree, to the great progress the country has witnessed in
recent years. Canada differs in many respects from other colonies in
regard to its railway policy. The Government only own 1351 miles out of
the total mileage before referred to, the balance being in the hands of
public companies. Many of them have been aided by subsidies from the
Dominion Parliament, from the provinces, and from the municipalities,
but this assistance, as a rule, has not been in the nature of a loan,
but of a gift. The country may not have had any direct return for its
large expenditure upon railways, which in the case of the Dominion has
amounted to $154,000,000 (^30,800,000), exclusive of land grants, but
the indirect effects of the policy have been numerous and important. The
country has been bound together in the closest possible way by these
railways. They have made it accessible and available for immigration,
and have lod to the expansion of trade. All these results are more
important, from a national standpoint, than a direct return of so much
per cent, per annum.
Mention must also be
made of the effect the development of the -waterways has had upon the
expansion of Canada. They were commenced long before railways became
common. Some of them, indeed, date back to 1779, and they are all
Government works. The great river St. Lawrence, up till 1858, was not
navigable above Quebec for vessels drawing more than 11 feet of water.
There were also obstructions higher up the river; and navigation was not
possible between the great lakes in the early days, owing to the
difference in the levels of those enormous sheets of water. Work upon
the canals was started nearly one hundred and twenty years ago, and
improvements have been going on ever since. As the result of the efforts
of the Harbour Commissioners of Montreal, seconded as they have been by
the Dominion Government, vessels drawing 2/i feet can proceed to
Montreal, 1000 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, 250 miles above salt
water, and nearly 100 miles above tidal water, and moor alongside the
streets of the commercial metropolis of Canada, where over five miles of
quays and wharfage have been provided. It is stated to be the intention
of the Government to increase the channel in the near future to 30 feet.
Vessels drawing 14 feet of water pass from the extreme end of Lake
Superior to Kingston, and it will not be long before such vessels will
be able to continue their passage, without breaking cargo, to the head
of ocean navigation at Montreal, a distance of 1274 statute miles, and
thence, if desired, on to Europe. The latest achievement is the canal
between Luke Huron and Lake Superior, known as the Sault Ste. Marie
Canal, on the line of a small boat canal made by the North-West Company
a hundred years ago. Formerly Canada was dependent upon the United
States for the passage into Lake Superior, but the necessity of having
through communication from the great lakes to the Atlantic entirely
through British territory was forced upon public attention, and the
money required was voted by Parliament without demur. The canal, which
is over three miles long, was commenced in 1889, and completed in 1895,
at a cost of nearly $3,500,000, or £y00,000, and it is much appreciated,
and much used. The total expenditure on account of canals and
maintenance (up to 1898) has been over $86,000,000 (£17,200,000), of
which more than $20,000,000 were expended before
confederation—$4,000,000 by the Imperial Government, and $ 16,000,000 by
the provincial governments interested.
The Dominion occupies a
position midway between Europe and the East, and is admirably situated
for purposes of trade with the different parts of the world. She holds
the fourth or fifth place among the list of ship-owning nations in the
quantity of her tonnage; her coasts are excellently lighted, and there
are no light-dues— a fact in which ship-owners will be much interested.
It is not surprising, therefore, that successive Governments have kept
before them the desirability of providing effective communication
between Canada and Europe, and between Canada, Australasia, and China
and Japan—in that way practically extending indefinitely the termini of
the great railway systems. The first steam-driven vessel that ever
crossed the Atlantic—the Royal William—was constructed at Quebec, and
engined at Montreal in 1830-31; and the first, steamer on the Pacific
was the Beaver, built and sent out by the Hudson Bay Company, via Cape
Horn, in 1835. It is the desire of the Canadian Government to provide a
fast service between Canada and Great Britain which will rival anything
now crossing the Atlantic. The large subsidy of £150,000 per annum has
been offered towards its establishment; and her Majesty’s Government,
recognising its importance, have also agreed to render material
assistance. Lines of steamers are now subsidised between Canada and
different ports in the United Kingdom, for summer and winter services;
also to Belgium, France, and to the West Indies. On the Pacific Ocean,
Canada shares with the Imperial Government the subsidy for the service
to China and Japan, which has brought Yokohama within twenty-one days of
London, and assists, in conjunction with two of the Australasian
colonies, the line of fast steamers between British Columbia and
Australia. The Pacific services, which are performed by fast vessels,
equal in comfort to anything to be found on the Atlantic, are developing
with great rapidity, notwithstanding the absence of direct telegraphic
communication with Australasia, and with other parts of the East, and
there is every probability that in the near future more frequent
sailings may have to be arranged. Steam communication and trade across
the Pacific are, however, in their infancy, and they can never develop
with the rapidity which the interests of the countries on either side of
the great ocean render practicable, until they are in direct telegraphic
communication. This, and the cheapening of rates, would do more than
anything else to bring Australians and Canadians closer together, and to
effect that improvement in their commercial relations which must be
beneficial to both parts of the Empire.
Another important
factor connected with Canadian development is the excellence of the
banking system. It is a matter for pride that during the crisis in the
United States, and in Australasia, there was little or no financial
disturbance in the Dominion, 'rimes were bad, and Canada felt the
depression as other countries did, but during that time of trouble,
while banks were failing everywhere in the United States, Canadian banks
stood the test, and largely assisted to uphold the credit, the trade,
and the integrity of the country. The minimum capital of Canadian banks
is fixed by law, as w^ell as the amount to be subscribed. A deposit has
to be made with the Government, and a certificate of permission obtained
from the Treasury Board before business can be commenced. The minimum
holdings of directors are also provided for, and no dividends or bonus
exceeding 8 per cent, per annum may be paid by any bank, unless, after
deducting all bad and doubtful debts, it has a reserve that is equal to
at least 30 per cent, of its paid-up capital. A bank is also required to
hold not less than 40 per cent, of its cash reserve in Government notes;
and the notes at any time in circulation must not exceed the amount of
the unimpaired capital of the bank. The payment of notes issued by any
bank is a first charge on its assets in case of insolvency. Every bank
is obliged to pay to the Government a sum equal to 5 per cent, on the
average amount of its notes in circulation, such sum to be annually
adjusted. These amounts form a fund, called the Bank Circulation
Redemption Fund, to be used on the suspension of any bank for the
payment of the notes issued and in circulation. All the notes would bear
interest at 6 per cent, per annum until redeemed, and payments from the
fund are to be made without regard to the amount contributed. Happily
the necessity has not arisen to draw upon this fund to any extent. Other
provisions in the Act are that no bank may lend money on its own shares,
or on those of any other bank, or upon mortgage of real estate, or on
the security of any goods, wares, or merchandise, except as collateral
security; and further, except as required for its own use, no bank may
hold real estate for a longer period than seven years. As a further
security to depositors, there is a double liability attaching to the
shareholders. Of the thirty-eight banks making returns to the
Government, ten have head-quarters in Ontario, fourteen in Quebec, eight
in Nova Scotia, three in New Brunswick, two in Prince Edward Island, and
one in British Columbia. These banks have a large number of branches,
and there is no lack of legitimate financial facilities in any part of
Canada, although the banks are not allowed to degenerate into general
mortgage and loan associations, with which we have been familiar
elsewhere. In addition to the chartered banks there are the Post Office
Savings - Banks, and other Government and special savings-banks, mostly
used by the working-classes. The deposits in these banks have advanced
from $5,000,000 (£1,000,000) in 1868 to nearly $6 4,000,000
(£12,800,000) in 1897 — which is eloquent testimony of the continual
improvement in the social condition of the people. The amount of such
deposits per head of the population in 1871 was $2.96 (1 2s. 4d.), and
$12.33 (51s. 9d.) in 1897.
In a country like
Canada, with a frontier nearly four thousand miles in length, the
climate necessarily varies. But, speaking generally, the summer is
hotter than in England, and the winter much colder. Canada, however,
lies well within the temperate zone, and much of it is in latitudes
lower than those of the United Kingdom. The country produces everything
that is grown in England. Its best samples of wheat bring the highest
prices on the English market. They have gained gold medals in London, in
Chicago, and San Francisco. Canadian flour is also in demand, as well as
its oats, barley, and peas. Canadian beef and mutton come into
competition with, and I rather fancy are often sold as, best English and
Scotch. Canadian apples are popular, while the cheese and bacon from
Canada bring higher prices than similar products from the United States.
In addition to what may be termed the ordinary productions, grapes and
peaches grow and ripen in the open air in some parts of the country,
while tomatoes and melons are field crops, as are potatoes. These facts
are merely mentioned at this point as showing what the spring, summer,
and autumn climate of Canada really is. In Manitoba and the North-West
Territories, in some parts of which the winter climate is more severe
than in Eastern Canada, between two and three hundred varieties of wild
flowers are found in the summer, which transform many parts of the
prairies into huge flower gardens, while the smaller and delicious
fruits that are cultivated here grow wild all over the country. It is
supposed by some people that all work is impossible in the winter.
Nothing could be further from the truth. All the industries go on much
as usual, and even the Canadian farmer does the same work as his
prototype in England during that season. It is true that the Canadian is
not able to plough his land at that time of the year, but all the other
duties of the farm require attention. Carting can be done much cheaper
at that season, when wheeled vehicles are discarded for sleighs, than at
any other period, and if there is a scarcity of snow the farmer is the
first to complain. The winter in Canada, although cold, is a period of
bright sunshine, and no one who has experienced its delights and its
pleasures can fail to appreciate what a good country it is to live in.
There are a large number of Canadians who annually come to the United
Kingdom on business or on pleasure, but at the approach of winter they
migrate to their own country. They will tell you that they prefer the
dry atmosphere of Canada in the winter, with its blue skies and bright
sunshine, to what they at any rate describe as the depressing and damp
weather that usually prevails in England from November to March, if not
later; and that they feel the humidity of the atmosphere much more than
the far severer cold which, according to the thermometer, prevails in
the Dominion. The conditions of life in Canada arc so pleasant and so
healthful that, but for the thermometer, it may be doubted if the people
would often appreciate that they were living in the very low
temperatures which that interesting instrument sometimes registers.
What I have said so far
naturally paves the way for a short account of the industries of the
Dominion. In Canada, as in most other countries, especially in
comparatively new communities, the cultivation of the soil is of the
first importance, and of the present population it may safely be said
that nearly one-half are more or less connected with agriculture.
According to the census of 1891, the area of improved lands in Canada
was 28,527,242 acres, of which 19,904,826 acres were under crop. There
were 464,462 acres in gardens and orchards, and 1 5,284,788 acres in
pasture. The increase in lands under crop in 1891 compared with 1881 was
4,792,542 acres. Relatively to the whole area of Canada the area under
crop and in pasture was about 10 per cent., so you will sec that there
is plenty of room left for those who wish to join us in developing our
country. In Manitoba and the organised districts of Saskatchewan,
Assiniboia, and Alberta, there are nearly 239,000,000 acres, of which
only 7,832,000 acres have been brought into use by farmers and ranchers.
There is room for much expansion in the older provinces, and the
possibilities in the great west arc practically illimitable. As I have
already mentioned, the different provinces grow all the staple cereals
and roots, vegetables, and fruits that arc produced in England, and many
others that arc not cultivated here in the open air. Over 6000 tons of
grapes are annually raised, and the wine growing industry is rapidly
developing, while the cattle-raising and dairying industries are of
exceptional importance. Not only is enough food of various kinds
produced to feed its inhabitants, but large quantities are annually
exported, chiefly to the United Kingdom, where Canadian produce of all
kinds is becoming well known. The recent controversy on the subject of
the admission of Canadian cattle into the United Kingdom will be fresh
in your minds, and I only refer to it as demonstrating the importance of
the trade. Notwithstanding, however, the restrictions that were imposed,
the trade maintains its volume. In spite of the suspicions that were
entertained of the health of the Canadian herds, not a single case of
contagious disease has been discovered in the Dominion, although more
than six years have passed since the Board of Agriculture called
attention to the matter. Canadian cheese has now become a staple article
of consumption in the United Kingdom. More cheese is imported from
Canada than from all the other countries in the world which send that
commodity to Great Britain, and compared with the cheese from the United
States, with which it particularly comes into competition, it is
invariably quoted at a higher price. In 1898, the latest year for which
statistics are available, no less than 196,703,323 lbs. of cheese were
shipped of the value of $17,572,693, the whole of which came to this
country. In 1 868 the export was only $600,000 (£ 1 20,000). The
Canadian butter trade used to be much larger than it is at present, and
the decrease is no doubt chiefly attributable to the immense expansion
of the cheese trade. The Government experts, however, are impressing
upon the farmers the importance of winter butter-making, and they quite
expect, in the course of a few years, that the export will equal that of
cheese. This seems to be rather a bold prophecy, but the experts are men
whose opinions are entitled to every respect.
To show the development
that has taken place in the agricultural exports of Canada, it is only
necessary to say that in 1868 they were valued at 819,000,000
(£3,800,000), while in 1898 they were 877.365,000. No doubt the feeling
is becoming prevalent in the United Kingdom that if agricultural produce
must be imported, it is advantageous to the Empire that it should come
from the colonies, as increased supplies from those sources must lead to
the development of the colonial markets for the manufactures of the
United Kingdom. In Canada the Government takes a paternal interest in
the development of agriculture, and in the welfare of its farmers. There
are experimental farms established in various parts of the country at
the public expense, affording object lessons to the farmers, and centres
where interesting experiments may be tried.
Canada, from her varied
geological formation, has the reputation of being immensely rich in
minerals, although their exploitation is only just commencing. An
American authority has said that “to particularise the undeveloped
mineral wealth of this northern land would require volumes.” In Nova
Scotia coal, gold, and iron are found. Gold also is worked in smaller
quantities in the Province of Quebec, and there are other valuable
minerals, such as iron, phosphates, and asbestos. In Ontario iron and
copper are abundant, and the gold industry is expected to become an
important one in the district north of Lake Superior, and in the country
between that great fresh-water sea and the Lake of the Woods. Mines are
being worked there now of considerable promise, and fresh discoveries
are frequently reported. There are large deposits of silver also, and
they can be worked at a profit even at the present prices. Coal has been
discovered in the neighbourhood of Sudbury, where very large quantities
of nickel also exist. If the deposits of coal should turn out to be of a
valuable nature, the discovery is bound to have most important results
in the development of the Province of Ontario. In Manitoba and the
North-West Territories coal is found all over the country, of qualities
ranging from lignite to bituminous and anthracite; and other minerals,
including iron. The rivers in the northern part of the Territories all
show deposits of gold, some in sufficient quantities to make it
profitable for men to work at the gravel during the summer months. But
it is British Columbia which probably contains the greatest of the
mineral wealth of the Dominion. Minerals of all kinds are found in the
fastnesses of the three ranges of mountains which form the province, and
coal of good quality, and in immense quantity, is found both on the
mainland and on Vancouver Island, the latter containing the best coal on
the Pacific Coast. You have all heard of the gold-mining boom in British
Columbia forty years ago, when the country was practically inaccessible;
and it is worth recalling that law and order were upheld there, and
justice properly administered—a very different state of things from that
which prevailed in the neighbouring States. In modern days, since the
construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway and the development of
local navigation, the air has been full of rumours of what might be
expected from the province. Immense deposits of silver are known to
exist, and are being worked; while gold mining in Southern British
Columbia, in the Kootenay district, and in Cariboo, is now attracting
attention all over the world. Towns of from 3000 to 5000 people have
sprung up in the last two years. American capital is pouring in for the
development of the mines, and the matter is also receiving the
consideration of financiers in the United Kingdom and in other countries
of Europe. Mining experts, who have visited both South Africa and
Western Australia, have formed opinions of the vine of the British
Columbia deposits as highly favourable, to say the least, as of the
deposits in those countries. It will bo remembered that the mountains
which in the western portion of the United States have been so prolific
a source of wealth, run for many hundreds of miles through Canada, The
deposits have only been exploited here and there, and if the indications
they give of mineral wealth should be realised, as it is quite expected
they will be, British Columbia will in the near future be known in every
civilised country. The value of the mineral production of Canada in
1898, published by the Geological Survey, was $37,757,197 (£7>5 5
1,400), including gold, $13,700,000; silver, $2,583,298; coal,
$8,227,958; copper,$2,1 59,5 56; nickel,$ 1,820,838; lead,$ 1,206,399.
Of coal the deposits are estimated to cover an area of 97,200 square
miles. The pig-iron and steel industries are expanding rapidly, and, in
fact, Canada is now in a fair way to derive much benefit from the
bountiful stores of valuable minerals of all kinds which Providence has
placed within her boundaries for the use of the world. [The discovery of
the Klondike gold diggings in 1S96, and the proof of the existence of
gold over a large area in the Yukon district, of Canada, lias been of
the greatest importance in attracting attention to the Dominion. The
output of gold in that part for the season of 1S9S is returned
approximately at ,£2,000,000, and there is every reason to believe that
enormous quantities will be obtained from these phenomenally rieli
placer minims during the next few years, as the country is rendered more
accessible by lines of communication, and the cost of living reduced to
a reasonable point. Last year over 30,000 persons crossed the coast
range on their way to the gold-fields, and Dawson City, the chief centre
of distribution in the district, is credited with a population of
20,000. The Lake Atlin region, in the extreme northwest corner of
British Columbia, is another promising alluvial gold-field discovered in
1S97 and 1S9S. The gravel deposits here are shallow summer diggings, but
they cover a wide area, and can be worked a month earlier and a month
later than the more distant Yukon gold-fields. The region can be reached
from Skaguay in throe days.]
Canada is the land of
the forest. In all the eastern provinces the pleasant farms of the
present day have mostly been hewn out of the virgin forest. The
emigrants who go out now to the provinces of the west have little idea
of the hardships that had to be endured by the early pioneers of Canada,
who had to clear the land of the trees before it became available for
agriculture. Immense areas of timber land still exist in all the eastern
provinces, and the lumber industry is a most important one, the exports
in 1898 being of the value of nearly $27,000,000. There is an immense
stretch of land in Manitoba and the North-West Territories, the fertile
prairie land, unencumbered with trees, which are only to be found in
clumps or along the river banks. This, of course, makes the land easily
adaptable for agricultural purposes, but the settlers realise not only
the climatic importance of trees, but their utility and beauty, and
their efforts in planting them round their homesteads are receiving
hearty support and assistance from the Government experimental farms.
But even in the territories north of the great river Saskatchewan there
are immense forests stretching away for hundreds of miles. In British
Columbia everything is on a large scale. The province covers an area of
383,000 square miles. Its rivers are large, and so are its mountains,
and it probably has some of the finest timber on the face of the globe.
In the Stanley Park at Vancouver, fir and cedar trees may still be seen
with a girth of from 40 to 60 feet, some distance from the ground, and
British Columbia toothpicks, as they are called (timber 2 to 3 feet
square and 60 feet long), are exported all over the world. The lumber
industry is as important in British Columbia as it is in Eastern Canada,
and the trade is rapidly developing to large dimensions. There are about
100 varieties of timber trees in Canada, the most important being the
pines, spruces, firs, and cedars. But there is also a great variety of
valuable hardwood, which supplies the domestic consumption, and
contributes largely to the exports. The woodworking industries are
naturally extensive and important. They represent an invested capital
(1891) of nearly $ 100,000,000, the yearly wages paid amount to
$30,680,000 (£6,136,000), and the product is valued at $120,415,000
(£24,083,000). The wood-pulp industry, and the export of wood for
pulp-making, have come into prominence in recent years, and in the
opinion of experts Canada is bound to secure, in the future, a dominant
position in this business.
The immense coast line
on the Atlantic and on the Pacific of at least 15,000 miles carries with
it large and valuable fisheries. They provide employment for many
thousands of hardy fishermen, who form a great reserve of maritime and
naval strength for the Empire. Canadian codfish is well known in Europe
and South America, and large quantities of other fish are also exported.
At the present time it is the Atlantic fisheries which attract the
greatest amount of attention; those on the Pacific are equally valuable,
and are only waiting for markets to be developed. Canned salmon from the
Pacific, and canned lobsters from the Atlantic, the product of the
waters of the Dominion, are popular commodities in the United Kingdom.
Not only are the salt-water fisheries of the Dominion extensive, but the
rivers of Canada teem with fish of many kinds. Salmon and trout are
found almost everywhere. The great lakes, the parts of which belonging
to Canada are estimated to cover an area of 36,350 square miles, afford
excellent fishing, including the exceedingly delicate white fish, and
trout and salmon of the largest kinds are abundant in the rivers of the
Pacific slope. During the run of salmon up the Fraser River, it is not
an uncommon spectacle for the river to be so full of fish that some of
them are really forced out of the water upon the banks by the pressure.
This may sound
something like a fish story, but it is nevertheless quite true. The
commercial value of the fisheries is nearly $22,000,000 per annum
(excluding the consumption of the Indians), they employ 70,000 men, and
the capital invested in the shape of boats and nets is $10,000,000
(£2,000,000). Since the Confederation it is stated that the fisheries
have yielded no less than $460,000,000 (£92,000,000). The yearly exports
have increased from $3,357,000 (£671,460) in 1868 to over $10,000,000
(£2,000,000) in 1898. This important industry is also supervised with
great care by the Government. It is subject to regulations and close
times, and the fish hatcheries do much to replenish the in-shore
fisheries. Over 125,000,000 of fry of various kinds were distributed
along the shores of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and in the rivers
and lakes in the year 1895. The principal commercial fish are salmon,
mackerel, herring, cod, haddock, hake, pollack, halibut, smelts,
sardines, white fish, trout, and oysters and lobsters.
The manufacturing
industry in Canada is comparatively in its infancy, but it is rapidly
becoming important, as will readily be gathered when I state that while
the census of 1881 showed that the capital invested was $165,000,000
(£33,000,000), and the men employed 254,894, in 1891 these figures had
increased $3 5 5,000,000 (£7 1,000,000) and 370,256 respectively. Most
of the manufactures are used to supply local consumption, but the export
is not inconsiderable, being in 1895 of the value of $26,144,376
(£5,229,000). The number of manufacturing establishments increased from
49,731 in 1881 to 75,968 in 1891, and they include everything from the
button to the steam-engine. Most of the villages and towns are centres
of manufactures, and the tall chimney is a frequent sight. The country
is especially favourably adapted for the development of manufactures, as
it possesses abundant water-power, including Niagara Falls, timber in
large quantities, and most of the economic minerals, while the
facilities for the importation of raw material, and for the distribution
of the manufactured article, both internally and externally, are of an
excellent description.
There is entire freedom
of trade between the different provinces of the Dominion, an area, as
already pointed out, equal in extent to the United States, and nearly as
large as Europe. There are no means available of accurately estimating
what may be deemed the internal, or inter-provincial, trade of Canada,
but that it is immense is evidenced by the returns of the freight
carried over the railways and canals, and by the statistics of the
coasting trade. The imports of Canada for the year ended June 1S98 were
valued at $140,323,000 (£28,065,000), as compared with $118,000,000
(£23,600,000) in 1896, while the exports were $164,152,000
(£32,830,000), as against $121,000,000 (£24,200,000) in 1896. To show
the development that has taken place since the formation of the
Dominion, it may be added that the imports in 1S6S were valued at
$73,459,000 (£14,690,000), and the exports at $57,567,888 (£11,513,000).
The trade of Canada is naturally largely with the United Kingdom and the
United States. The imports from Great Britain consist chiefly of
manufactured products, while the imports from the United States are
either raw materials, which Great Britain does not export, or
manufactured articles in which, from the force of circumstances, she is
not able to compete with the great Republic. The export trade in food
supplies is largely with the United Kingdom, although the United States
is also a customer, but to the latter most of the exports consist of the
produce of the mine, the forest, and the fisheries, much of the two
first named being properly described as raw materials. Canada also has a
large and increasing trade with various countries in Europe, with South
America, with China, Japan, and Australasia; and the development of her
resources and the improved means of communication to which I have
referred in another place, seem to indicate the possibility in the
future of a great expansion in her trade. It is gratifying to the
colonics to observe that there is a growing feeling everywhere in favour
of closer commercial relations between the different parts of the
Empire. That the members of one family should trade on slightly better
terms than with outsiders does not seem an unnatural proposition, and
everything points to some arrangement of the kind in the not distant
future. If it is found to be practicable, which I firmly believe, it
will be beneficial to the colonies and to the mother country, and add to
the strength and power of the Empire.
With regard to the
people of Canada, they are, as you are aware, somewhat cosmopolitan in
their origin. There are nearly 1,500,000 of what are termed
French-Canadians, because many of them still speak the French language.
They are descended from the 70,000 settlers who became British subjects
in 1763, but although they are termed French-Canadians, Her Majesty has
no more loyal subjects than the French-speaking population of the
province of Quebec. The remainder of the inhabitants largely consist of
those who have sprung from good British stock. There are Scotchmen—I put
them first because I am one myself—Englishmen, Irishmen, and Welshmen,
and many of the countries of Europe have also contributed their quota.
During the last few generations there has been a largely increasing
immigration of Germans, of Austrians, and of Scandinavians.
They arc welcomed as
enterprising and energetic settlers, and their sons and daughters become
as thoroughly British as those whose families have for generations been
reared under the British flag. The social conditions prevailing in
Canada are much the same as those of the mother country, except that
there is no leisured class, and that everybody works. The system of
education is largely free, and equal to that in operation in the United
Kingdom. Pupils have an opportunity of obtaining a University education
at a comparatively small cost. This includes natural science, and the
faculty of applied science in the University of McGill, Montreal, is
equal to that of any other on the Continent of America or in Europe. It
is pleasing to be able to state that all the religious denominations
unite together for the purpose of making education popular and
effective. In no country in the world has an enterprising man a greater
chance of making a success in life than in the Dominion, if he possesses
the necessary qualities, and in Canada those qualities have always the
chance of making their influence felt. There is no established Church,
and many other questions which in England are still the subject of
controversy have settled themselves long ago in Canada. The political
privileges of British subjects in Canada are also of the widest
character. Manhood suffrage may be said, as a general rule, to prevail;
but, even in the Dominion, the franchise has not yet been extended to
the ladies, although in many other respects, especially in the matter of
education, they occupy a position equal to that of the other sex, and
there are fewer of them unmarried. Members of Parliament are paid, and
there are many opportunities for those who are so inclined to take part
in political affairs in the provinces and in the Dominion. Then, again,
the municipal system is managed by the people*, and for the people, and
it would well repay examination by those who are interested in such
subjects. Those who remember the books of their childhood and early
youth will know that the aboriginal inhabitants of the Dominion were the
Indians, but, in the aspect which was presented to our minds long ago,
these are things of the past. In Eastern Canada they engage in
industrial pursuits like other people, and the franchise has been
extended to them; while in the west they no longer roam at will over the
country, but are engaged in agricultural operations on their reserves,
under the influence of Government instructors. They are found on the
farms working side by side with the paleface. They undertake contracts
for freighting, for haying, and for other work; and they supply the
North-West Mounted Police with nearly all the hay that is used by that
force. In fact, although their numbers cannot be said to increase, they
are making much progress in the ways of civilisation, and successive
Governments deserve every credit for the efforts they have made, through
the medium of industrial schools and otherwise, to make the rising
generation capable of taking their part in life under moderate
conditions, and of obtaining their livelihood in the same manner as
their white brethren. The Hudson’s Bay Company deserve much credit for
the way in which they administered the immense territory for so many
years under their control. They treated the Indians as men, and thorough
confidence existed between the officers of the Company and their
proteges. It is that fact which made the transfer of the country and its
people to Canada so comparatively easy a matter in 1870.
My object in inviting
attention to Canada is twofold. That you would be interested in a short
account of Canada, of its resources, and of its people, went, I felt
sure, without saying. It occurred to me also that you would recognise
that the great necessity of Canada is more people, and that you might be
willing to render us your valuable aid in that direction. There is a
large emigration from the United Kingdom, a good deal of which goes
outside the Empire for want of proper direction. You will gather from
what I have stated that in no country can more advantages be obtained by
settlers of the right classes than in Canada, and that fact alone may
perhaps cause you to interest yourselves in the question. Every one is
able to do something to help to disseminate information about our
colonies, and to endeavour to direct the movement that takes place, so
that it may remain under the British flag. In a new country, as already
mentioned, there must necessarily be more openings for the young and
energetic than in the older ones, but it must be borne in mind that the
same qualities are necessary for success there as elsewhere. A capacity
for hard work, energy, and enterprise will make themselves felt
anywhere, but nowhere so rapidly, and with such great results, as in a
country like the Dominion. People are sometimes sent to the colonies for
their country’s good—some of them do well, but many of them fail, and
their want of success is not always attributed to themselves. That is
not the class we want. You will, I hope, endorse my opinion that Canada
is a good place to live in, and that it offers abundant advantages to
people of the right stamp who will come over and throw in their lot with
us; but we have no room for what may be termed the idle, the thriftless,
and the ne’er-do-well portion of the population. No one need fear
emigrating nowadays; formerly it was different. The present steamers arc
fast and comfortable, and the accommodation is regulated by law. The
cost of the voyage is not great, considering the distances, and there
are railways to take the emigrant right from the port of landing to his
destination. The colonist cars are comfortable, and contain sleeping
berths, and ample opportunity is provided of obtaining abundance of
cheap food—in fact, it may be said that modern arrangements rob
emigration of all its old-time terrors: and persons who go to Canada
from this country will find Government agents, to whom they can apply
for advice, from the time they start until they reach their new homes,
no matter in what part of the country they may be. The people who are
particularly wanted in Canada are capitalists, large and small, farmers,
farm labourers, and domestic servants. I suppose every country will
welcome capitalists, but there are few parts of the world to which they
can go with more certainty of success than in the Dominion. The
conditions of life are very pleasant, and persons with small incomes
will also find many advantages there. Living is cheap, there are plenty
of opportunities of enjoyment, plenty of sport to be had, while, as
already mentioned, the educational system offers great advantages to
those who have families. In any part of the Dominion a farmer either
with small or large capital can do well. He can either buy an improved
farm in one of the older provinces (they are to be had at very
reasonable prices), if he desires to have the social conditions and
surroundings to which he has been accustomed, or he can purchase an
improved farm at much less cost in Manitoba and the North-West; or take
up a free grant of 160 acres of land for himself and each male member of
the family over eighteen years of age. Prices of produce have been low
for a long time as in England, but in Canada the expenses of a farmer
are much less than in England, and the margin of profit is, therefore,
greater in any circumstances. In British Columbia improved farms are
also to be had, but prices are rather higher there, owing to the
fertility of the soil, and to the better rates realised by its produce
than in some other parts of the Dominion. Canada, of course, has its
drawbacks as well as its advantages, but the latter are generally
considered to outweigh the former, which explains the expansion that is
continually taking place. Although he is now getting better prices than
for some years past, it would be idle to ignore the fact that the
Canadian farmer has felt the depression that has been passing over the
world, but at the same time the low prices have hit him less hard than
farmers in many other countries. This arises from the fact that his land
is cheap, taxation is low, labour-saving appliances are in constant use,
he is his own landlord, and last, but not least, that he and the members
of his family do their own work, and only employ such additional hands
as arc absolutely necessary. There is no royal road to fortune by way of
agriculture in Canada, any more than elsewhere, but it is a strange
circumstance to me that farmers in the old country will go on struggling
against adversity, against the force of circumstances, while their
capital is being frittered away, when they can go to Canada and farm
there, with a smaller capital and with greater chances of success, apart
altogether from the advantages they have before them in providing
satisfactorily for their growing families. We have room in Canada for
thousands of farmers—one might say hundreds of thousands of farmers—and
I hope the time is not far distant when Canada will attract the
attention its many advantages deserve. If people are doing well in Great
Britain one would hesitate to advise them to move unless future
considerations prompt it; but those who are contemplating emigration
ought to bear in mind what a field the colonies, and especially Canada,
offer to them, and the consequences that must follow their development
by British hands and muscles.
Farm labourers are
always in demand in Canada, although their immigration is particularly
advised in the spring months. They get good wages, and if thrifty and
hard-working may look forward at no distant date to becoming farmers on
their own account, and III c the owners of their own farms. This applies
largely to single men, for the reason that cottages are not usually
provided on the farms as in the old country. The single men generally
live in the farmhouses, and become, as it were, a part of the family.
Hundreds of instances could be given where labourers have emigrated who
have been successful in the manner described, and one cannot help
thinking how much better it would be for the thousands of farm labourers
who, in the last few years, have migrated from the English rural
districts to the towns if they had gone to Canada, instead of passing a
more or less miserable existence among the congested populations which
they have helped to swell. In Canada they could have turned their skill
to some advantage, while in the English towns they have simply become
unskilled labourers, uncertain of employment, living from day to day,
and from hand to mouth. There is a great demand everywhere for female
domestic servants, both in the country districts and in the towns. Their
wages are generally good, although, excepting in Manitoba, the
North-West Territories, and British Columbia, not higher than in London;
but the homes are comfortable, and the girls seem to have more freedom
and more liberty than at home. One of the difficulties Canadian ladies
complain of is that their servants get married so quickly, which
perhaps, however, the servants do not regard as a disadvantage. No doubt
servant girls have a disinclination to travel far away from home,
especially if they have to go alone, and are without friends in the
places to which they may be going. This difficulty, however, is overcome
to a certain extent by the supervision afforded by emigration societies
in the United Kingdom, by the Government Agents, and by the Ladies’
Committees which are to be found in most of the Canadian cities and
There are many other
matters of interest relating to Canada to which I might have referred,
if there had been sufficient space. I have endeavoured to place before
the reader some of the considerations that have brought about the unity
that exists at the present time between the different parts of the
Dominion, the progress that recent years have witnessed, and which
enables the most encouraging opinions to be formed of its future. The
reader will understand that our greatest needs at the present time are
more people and more capital to develop the great resources with which
Canada is endowed. Canadians are proud of their country, and they
believe in it. They are proud of their connection with the mother
country; and their constant endeavour is to make their beloved Dominion
not the least important of that family of nations, all under one flair
and owning allegiance to one Sovereign, which seems to be the ultimate
destiny of our Empire. Its peaceful development and the strengthening of
the union of its component parts—socially, commercially, and
politically—is a question than which there is none other more important
that can engage the attention of British statesmen, whether in the
United Kingdom or in the colonies. |