(Agent for Ontario)
Ontario is the
principal member of that fair sisterhood of provinces which, along with
several extensive territories not yet organised as provinces, constitute
the Dominion of Canada. It ranks first in population and political power
as well as in wealth and general development. It is upwards of 1100
miles in length and 700 in breadth, and embraces an area of 220,000
square miles. By comparison it has been found to be as, large as the
whole of the six New England States, together with the States of New
York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. It exceeds the area of the United
Kingdom by nearly 100,000 square miles, and that of France by 15,000
square miles. It is also interesting to note that Ontario and France lie
in almost the same latitudes, namely, between the parallels of 42° and
52° north.
The principal
boundaries of Ontario are the Ottawa River and the Province of Quebec on
the east, the river St. Lawrence and the great lakes and the State of
Minnesota on the south and south-east, Manitoba on the west, and the
Albany River and James Bay on the north.
Before the conquest of
Canada by the British, Ontario was a part of “New Franco,” which name
was applied to the whole of the vast territory which came under the
Union Jack as a consequence of that important event. But it was not till
1791 that it was formed into a separate Province, under the name of
Upper Canada or Canada West. The territory to the east was at the same
time similarly organised under the name of Lower Canada or Canada East.
The latter was at that time comparatively well settled by the French,
who numbered about 100,000, and who, being guaranteed b}r treaty the
enjoyment of their own laws, language, and religion, were content to
remain in the country as British subjects. The population of Upper
Canada at the same period was only about 12,000. This disparity in the
respective populations of the two Provinces at that time is accounted
for by Ontario being an inland country, and being rendered still more
difficult of access by several formidable obstructions to the navigation
of the St. Lawrence River, between Montreal and the great lakes of which
it is the outlet. These obstructions consist of “rapids,” which have
long since been overcome by the construction of a series of canals along
the route of the St. Lawrence and the Niagara. These canals have a total
length of 51 miles, and are among the finest public works of the kind of
which any country can boast.
Colonel Simcoe was
appointed the first Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada. The first
parliament of the Province was summoned to meet at Newark or Niagara, a
town at the mouth of the Niagara River, in 1792. It consisted of a
Legislative Council of seven members and an Assembly of sixteen members.
For military reasons the seat of government was afterwards removed to
Little York, now Toronto, where the second parliament met in 1797.
Governor Simcoe was an able and humane administrator, and signalised his
term of office by framing and causing to be passed much useful
legislation, on English models, including trial by jury, and an Act for
the abolition of slavery which anticipated by forty years the famous Act
of the British Parliament abolishing slavery throughout all the
dependencies of the Empire.
The earliest settlers
of Upper Canada were for the most part refugees from the thirteen
colonies, during and after the war of American Independence. They are
known in history as “United Empire Loyalists.” Many of them were persons
of wealth and high standing. They made great sacrifices for the sake of
their loyalty to the mother country, leaving their homes and lands and
going forth to establish themselves in a distant forest wilderness of
which they knew little or nothing save that it was under the old flag.
The British authorities received them gladly, and gave them liberal
grants of land, with rations and other assistance, till they were able
to produce their own crops. But they nevertheless suffered terrible
hardships and privations in their early struggles with the forces of
nature. However, they found before long that Upper Canada was a goodly
land, with a fertile soil and salubrious climate, which would in time
yield them an ample reward for their labours and perseverance. The fame
of the Province as a desirable place of settlement, where free grants of
land were to be had, quickly spread through the neighbouring states and
the British Isles, and great numbers of emigrants soon began to arrive
to help to clear the forests, to make roads, cultivate farms, erect
villages and towns, and share in the rapidly-growing prosperity of the
new colony.
The population of
Ontario at the present time is about two and a quarter millions. It
includes about 17,000 aboriginal Indians; a good many people of foreign
origin, especially German and French (from Quebec Province); but the
great bulk are emigrants, or the descendants of emigrants from the
United Kingdom.
The Indians are a
remnant of the powerful and warlike tribes that held possession of the
country before the advent of the white man. They are harmless and
peaceable enough now. A portion of them have settled down to farming,
and have made good homes for themselves on the land preserved for them
by the Government. They have also schools and churches of their own. But
too many of them still prefer a gipsy sort of life, with its squalid
privations, to the rewards of regular industry and the restraints of
civilised society.
By a comparison of the
vast area of Ontario with its sparse population, it will be seen that
only a small part of it is actually occupied by settlers. In fact, its
exploration may be said to be yet incomplete. Only the year before last
a new river, 300 miles in length, was discovered by a Government
surveying party in the region of James Bay. The country through which it
flows is covered with timber, much of which is valuable ; and the soil
is said to be well suited for agricultural purposes. The southern
portions of the Province, where the older settlements are situated, are
noted for their fertility and the rich variety and abundance of the
agricultural and horticultural wealth they produce. All the ordinary
farm crops are raised in perfection, besides others such as maize, which
it is impossible to bring to maturity as a field crop in England. Fruit
is also cultivated with great success, especially apples, pears, plums,
peaches, grapes, melons, and tomatoes. The three last named, as well as
the others, grow freely and come to maturity in the open air. It has
been estimated that Ontario has an area suitable for grape culture at
least equal to half the present area of vineyards in France. In average
years grapes can be bought at a halfpenny per pound or less, peaches 2s.
to 3s. per peck, and tomatoes a shilling a bushel. Strawberries and
raspberries, as well as a great variety of other small fruits, grow in
great abundance in every part of the Province.
At the Chicago
Exposition, where all the States of the Union competed with the Canadian
Provinces, Ontario obtained by far the greatest number of awards for the
excellence and variety of her fruit as well as many other exhibits.
As to climate, Ontario
has a warmer summer and colder winter than Britain, but the cold is
tempered by a clear, dry atmosphere, so that it causes less discomfort
than the damps and fogs of winter weather in England. In Canada, snow is
as welcome as the flowers in spring. Here, it no sooner falls than it is
converted into slush, causing universal discomfort and disgust. In the
steadier and more reliable winter season of Canada, it comes as a boon
and a blessing to men, ministering alike to their convenience, their
pleasure, and their profit. It makes excellent roads everywhere, along
which the farmer can drive with ease and celerity heavy loads of produce
to market in his winter vehicle, the sleigh. It also greatly facilitates
work in the woods, which is mainly carried on in the winter season.
Again, the Ontario farmer having then little to do but feed his live
stock and get his year’s supply of fuel from the woods, is enabled to
take advantage of good sleighing to pay visits to distant friends. Young
people of both sexes also find pleasure in sleigh drives, and in this
way attend concerts, parties, and other social gatherings. Plenty of
amusement is likewise found in skating, curling, tobogganing, and other
exhilarating pastimes. When it is added that often for weeks together
the winter sun shines from a clear sky, and the snow remains dry
underfoot, it will be easily understood that the winter season in Canada
is a time of social enjoyment and healthful recreation. Indeed nearly
every person who has had experience of the two countries prefers the
winter of Canada to that of Great Britain. There are of course
occasional thaws, when the snow and icu become slushy, but the Canadians
protect themselves from this inconvenience by universally wearing rubber
overshoes or boots. Dwelling-houses are kept warm by means of stoves or
furnaces, wood being generally used as fuel in the country and hard coal
in the towns.
There is but a very
short spring in Ontario, the transition from ice and snow to the
awakening of vegetable life being remarkably rapid.
The typical summer of
Ontario is bright and warm, with occasional periods of oppressively hot
or sultry weather, but with fewer wet and cloudy days than in this
country. The autumn temperature, and especially the later portion of it,
is usually most delightful. The glories of the Ontario landscape during
this latter season, the foliage of the trees and shrubs being brilliant
with rich colouring, if once seen are never forgotten.
Among the chief
physical features of Ontario are the great lakes or inland seas which
lie along the southern and south-western borders. These lakes, together
with the St. Lawrence River, which conveys their surplus waters to the
ocean, constitute the largest body of fresh water on the globe. They
have considerable influence on the climate, moderating both the heat of
summer and the cold of winter. The Niagara River and its world-famous
Falls form another striking feature of the geography of the Province.
The Niagara is a part of the long boundary line between Canada and the
United States, so that the two countries share between them the
ownership of the great cataract. But the principal portion of the Falls
belongs to Canada, and the finest view of the sublime scene as a whole
is obtained from the Canada side of the river.
Rivers and streams and
lakes abound everywhere in Ontario, and manufacturing industries of
various kinds are very largely carried mi by water-power.
Considering the extent
of the Province, there is a remarkable absence of hills of any
considerable height. The surface is everywhere undulating, and where not
under cultivation is wooded.
The Ontario farmers
have for several years past devoted a great deal of attention to
dairying and cattle-raising, and have achieved great success in both.
Canada is now the largest exporter of cheese to the British markets,
where it meets an ever-increasing demand at remunerative prices. This
favourable state of things is largely the result of a wise policy on the
part of the Ontario Government, in encouraging the formation of cheese
factories and employing experts to train and instruct the farmers in the
most advanced scientific methods of manufacture. A similar course of
procedure is being followed with a view to improve the quality of
Canadian butter. “Creameries” in charge of experts have already been
established in a great many districts, in which butter of the finest
quality is manufactured specially to suit the requirements of the
British market. Government instructors are also employed in diffusing
information throughout the rural districts by means of “travelling
dairies.” They give practical demonstrations to the wives and daughters
of the farmers of the best methods of butter-making. By these means it
is believed that before long the manufacture and export of Canadian
butter may be placed on the same secure basis as Canadian cheese. The
value of dairy products exported from Canada in 1896 amounted to upwards
of £3,000,000 sterling.
Ontario has long been
noted for its valuable herds of thoroughbred cattle, and for the
enterprise of its principal breeders. All the most famous and most
approved breeds are well represented, but shorthorns are the most
numerous. Much attention is also bestowed on the breeding of horses,
sheep, and swine, which are largely exported; the last named in the form
of bacon and hams, which have a high reputation in Britain for their
excellent quality.
In order the more
effectually to improve the state of agriculture in the Province, the
Government many years ago established an Agricultural College, with a
large experimental farm attached, for the practical education and
training of farmers’ sons in every branch of the business. The college
has a principal and a large and efficient staff of professors to carry
on the work of instruction. The pupils attend classes one half of the
day, and the other half work in the fields or among the stock. For their
work on the farm they are paid wages, which go towards the reduction of
the fees for board and tuition. The fees are very moderate. If there are
vacancies, pupils from other provinces and from the old country are
occasionally admitted to the privileges of the college. Branch schools
for instruction in dairying operations, and model or experimental farms,
have been more recently established in other districts. The Agricultural
College proper is situated near the town of Guelph, and is considered
one of the most thoroughly equipped and most successful institutions of
the kind on the American Continent. The important work of agricultural
and horticultural education is further promoted by a great many
voluntary associations, each devoted to some special subject, regarding
which they collect and diffuse information for the general good. All
such associations receive grants of money from the Government to aid
them in carrying on their operations. Farmers’ Institutes and
Agricultural Societies are similarly assisted and encouraged. As might
be expected, this liberal and enlightened policy has been productive of
an amount of good out of all proportion to the money spent in carrying
it out.
Free grants of land are
allotted to settlers in some of the back townships of Ontario on easy
conditions of settlement; but as a rule emigrants are wisely advised to
buy a partly-cleared farm rather than proceed to select and clear a
“free grant” for themselves. “Land hunting”—that is, the searching for
and taking up of a free farm—is an arduous and tedious operation, which
many attempt and give up in despair. Only the pioneer who has been
brought up in the backwoods, and who is consequently accustomed to such
undertakings, can properly cope with the difficulties attending them. It
is therefore far better for an old-country settler to purchase an “
improved farm ” in the older-settled districts than to face the risks
and hardships of the bush. This course is especially recommended to
those who have considerable capital. Such persons can generally purchase
for cash, or partly on credit, a good farm agreeably situated, with
house and outbuildings upon it, and within easy reach of churches,
schools, and market towns, at from £S to £15 per acre. For those
possessed of but a small amount of capital, a good plan is to take a
rented farm. These can be generally had on moderate terms. To persons of
independent means, and with young families to educate and settle in
life, Ontario offers the advantages of cheap living and cheap education.
The expense of a complete collegiate or university course in Ontario is
a mere fraction of what a similar training costs in England.
Lovers of hunting and
fishing can find plent}7 of sport in Ontario. Excellent fish abound in
all the rivers and lakes, and there are 110 restrictions. Those fond of
the gun, by going far enough afield can find plenty of big game, such as
the moose, the caribou, and the deer; also wolves and bears arc often to
be met with in the northern parts of the country.
Next to agriculture,
the timber trade is the most important interest in Ontario. Many
thousands of square miles of forest still exist, from which a
considerable portion of the revenue of the Province is derived, and many
thousands of the population obtain their livelihood. The Crown lands are
leased to “lumber men,” who take out the more valuable timber for
exportation and home consumption. Licences to cut and remove the timber
over given areas are sold by public auction to the highest bidder. In
the year 1893, 21,545 square miles of forest were under lease for
lumbering purposes. During the last few years the demand for wood-pulp
for paper-making has made the Ontario forests more valuable than ever,
and added one more to the many important manufacturing industries
carried on in the Province. The trees used for this purpose arc mainly
spruce and poplar.
There are few countries
richer in minerals than Ontario. Besides the precious metals, there are
enormous deposits of copper, iron, nickel, lead, petroleum, s;dt,
gypsum, &c. The nickel mines of Sudbury, in the northern part of the
Province, arc among the largest in the world, the supply of ore being
enormous. This metal has acquired a fresh importance and an enhanced
value from its property, only recently discovered, of adding greatly to
the strength of steel used for the making of big guns, armour plates,
steam boilers, &c. This important discovery has largely increased the
demand for nickel during the past few years. Gold-mining is also fast
becoming a leading industry. The gold discoveries lately made in the
Rainy River and other districts to the west of Lake Superior, have
produced the liveliest interest not only throughout Canada, but also in
mining circles in this country. Already several mines have been opened,
and are now producing gold in paying quantities. The districts over
which the auriferous rocks extend cover an area of many thousands of
square miles. The ore is known as “free-millm”—that is, the gold can be
extracted from it comparatively easily and cheaply. This is an immense
advantage, as it renders even low-grade ore, containing but a few
pennyweights of gold to the ton, capable of being worked at a profit.
Among the other advantages in the Ontario gold-fields are a healthy
climate, an abundance of water, unlimited supplies of timber for mining
and building purposes and for fuel, and cheap supplies of food. The
district is also easily accessible. The vast extent of territory over
which the gold-bearing rock formations extend leads to the inevitable
conclusion that the ore they contain is practically inexhaustible, and
thus gold-mining gives promise of becoming a permanent as well as a most
valuable industry. The most recent discoveries have naturally given a
great impulse to the work of exploration, testing of reefs, and the
staking out of claims. There are therefore plenty of opportunities in
these Ontario gold-fields for young, energetic, enterprising men,
especially those with capital, and who are not afraid of the rough life
of the mining camp.
industries of nearly every kind are carried on successfully in Ontario,
and some of their products are extensively exported to this and other
countries. One of the principal of these is that of musical instruments,
especially organs and pianos. Several large firms are engaged in this
branch of manufacture, and a considerable proportion of their output
finds a market in the United Kingdom.
The Provincial
Government of Ontario has exclusive jurisdiction in questions relating
to property and civil rights, education, and all other matters of local
Matters of a general
character, affecting all parts of Canada, are under the control of the
Dominion or Federal Government, which has its seat at Ottawa, the
capital of Canada. The Government of Ontario comprises an Executive of
seven members and a Legislative Assembly for the making of laws, and
having similar power over matters assigned to it as the Imperial
Parliament. There is a Lieutenant-Governor, who represents the Queen, in
whose name he sanctions the bills passed by the Assembly. The
Parliamentary forms and procedure are modelled on those of the
Parliament of England. The Ministry hold office only so long as they
enjoy the confidence of the people’s representatives. The Ontario
Assembly is unfettered by a Second Chamber. Members receive an allowance
to cover expenses while attending to their Parliamentary duties. Manhood
suffrage prevails in the Province.
The fiscal position of
Ontario is perhaps unique among self-governing commonwealths.
Notwithstanding the expenditure of enormous sums on the subsidising of
new railways and the making of hundreds of miles of “colonisation”
roads, undertaken with a view to the opening up of the country and the
development of its resources, it has no public debt, but, on the
contrary, possesses a considerable balance to its credit which varies
but little from year to year. This has accrued from a careful and
skilful management of the provincial resources during the thirty odd
years which have elapsed since the “British North America Act”
established Confederation and conferred self-government on the several
The provincial revenue
is derived from a variety of sources, the chief of which are—(1) the
fixed annual subsidy payable by the general Government to each province;
(2) Crown lands; (3) succession duties; and (4) liquor and mining
licences. The “death duties,” which are very moderate, are levied only
on rich estates, and the proceeds are applied exclusively to the
maintenance of hospitals, asylums, and other institutions of a
charitable or benevolent character.
The people of Ontario
have long enjoyed the advantage of an efficient and well-organised
system of public education, which is constantly undergoing improvement
and expansion, and upon which about one-fifth part of the provincial
revenue is expended. The schools are of two grades, primary and
secondary. The former correspond to the Board Schools in this country,
and are called public schools; the latter are called high schools, and
give an advanced English education, with science and modern languages,
or prepare their pupils, if desired, for a collegiate or university
course. Practically both classes of schools are free. They are regularly
inspected and examined by Government Inspectors. Besides the above there
are Normal Schools, Collegiate Institutes, and Model Schools for the
education and training of teachers, who must undergo examinations and
receive a Government certificate of fitness before being authorised to
teach. The schools are governed by local boards of trustees elected by
the ratepayers, and the cost of their maintenance is defrayed partly by
Government grants and partly out of the rates. The general system is
administered as a department of the Government, with a member of the
Executive Council at its head, who has the title of Minister of
The municipal system of
Ontario, like that of education, is very thoroughly organised. Equally
with the Parliamentary system, it is based on the principle of
responsible government. It is literally a “Government of the people, by
the people, and for the people.”
The laws of Canada
generally are much like those of the mother country. There are, however,
differences of more or less importance in relation to some subjects. For
example, marriage with a deceased wife’s sister has long been legalised
in the Dominion.
From this slight and
very imperfect sketch of Ontario it will be apparent that with her
superabundance of fertile soil, healthy and invigorating climate,
boundless natural wealth, and free institutions, she offers great and
solid advantages to enterprising and industrious emigrants, particularly
of the agricultural classes. The tenant-farmer could at once become his
own landlord with the capital required simply to stock a farm in
England; and the farm-labourer may, with a few years of thrifty
industry, attain to a practically independent position. The other
classes to whom the Province offers great inducements are families
possessed of independent, though limited, incomes. These would find
cheap living, cheap education, and great facilities for starting their
children in useful careers. To the British capitalist desirous of
engaging in mining, manufacturing enterprises, or industrial
undertakings of any kind, or of obtaining simply an increased return
from investments, Ontario offers a great variety of good opportunities
for the profitable use of money.
Female domestics are in
much request in all parts of the Province at good wages. There is,
however, no special demand at the present time for any other class of
working-people who are solely dependent on their own labour for the
means of subsistence.
Pamphlets containing
full information regarding Ontario can be obtained on application to the
Ontario Government Agency, 9 James Street, Liverpool. |