Lord Dorchester (Sir
Guy Carleton), Governor-General of British North America-1787. The
Constitutional Act divides Canada and reconstructs its Constitution
-1791. Early Legislation in Upper Canada—Choice of a Capital--York
(Toronto) Founded-1795. Major-General Hunter, Lieut.-Governor-1799.
Internal Development—Growth of Political Parties—Francis Gore,
Lieut.-Governor —1806. Social Organization - Education, Religion, etc.
In 1787, Sir Guy
Carleton, now Lord Dorchester, became Governor-General of British North
America. The Canadian colonists demanded the same constitutional
privileges as were enjoyed by the Maritime Provinces. The Habeas Corpus
and trial by jury in civil cases were secured to them by statute law.
But they wished also an elective Legislative Assembly, instead of a
crown-appointed Legislative Council, and a larger measure of
constitutional liberty.
In 1791, Lord Grenville
introduced into the House of Lords a bill, known as the Constitutional
Act, for the adjustment of Canadian affairs. It divided Canada into two
provinces by a line coinciding chiefly with the Ottawa River. In Western
or Upper Canada, British law, both civil and criminal, and freehold land
tenure were introduced. In Eastern or Lower Canada, the seigniorial
tenure and French law in civil cases were retained. In each province a
government was constituted, consisting of an elective Legislative
Assembly, and a Legislative Council and Governor appointed by the crown.
One-seventh of the land was also reserved for the use of the crown, and
one-seventh for the maintenance of the Protestant clergy—a provision
which gave rise to much subsequent trouble and agitation.
John Graves Simcoe was
appointed first Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, and entrusted with
the inauguration of the new constitution. He was a landed gentleman, a
member of the English House of Commons, and held the rank of Brigadier
in the army. He had assisted in passing the Constitutional Act, and was
anxious to. see it successfully carried out. His administration was
honest, prudent, energetic, and public-spirited He established his seat
of government at Newark, a village of about a hundred houses, at the
mouth of the Niagara River. The first Parliament of Upper Canada
assembled on the 17th of September, 1792. The Assembly consisted of
sixteen, and the Legislative Council of seven members—plain,
homespun-clad farmers or merchants, from the plough or store.
Deeming Newark too near
the American frontier for the capital of the province, Governor Simcoe
looked for a more eligible site. He wished to found a new London in the
heart of the Western District, on the banks of the winding Thames. Lord
Dorchester favoured the claims of Kingston, which he made the principal
naval and military station of the province As a compromise, York was
selected, chiefly on account of its excellent harbour, although the land
was low and swampy. The growth and prosperity of the noble city of
Toronto vindicate the wisdom of the choice.
Parliament continued to
sit at Newark till 1797. The principal Acts provided for civil and
municipal administration, for the construction of roads, fixing of
duties, millers' tolls, and the like. Rewards of twenty and ten
shillings, respectively, were offered for wolves' and bears' heads,
which is suggestive of the forest perils of the times. The payment of
members of parliament was fixed at ten shillings per day. The
introduction of slaves was forbidden, and their term of servitude
limited, ten years before similar legislation in Lower Canada.
Governor Simcoe removed
to York in 1795, before a house was built, lodging temporarily in a
canvas tent or pavilion,1 pitched on the
plateau overlooking the western end of the bay. In 1797, the Provincial
Legislature was opened in a wooden building near the River Don, whose
site is commemorated by the name of Parliament Street; but the founder
of Toronto had previously been transferred to the government of San
Domingo. He had projected a vigorous policy for the encouragement of
agriculture, fisheries, and internal development. On his removal most of
these wise schemes fell through. Land designed for settlement was seized
by speculators, and the general development of the country was greatly
Mr. Russell, the senior
member of the Executive Council, 1799, ministered the government till
the arrival of Major-General Hunter, who held office , for the ensuing
six years. The progress of the country in trade, population, and the
development of its resources, was rapid. The tide of immigration
steadily increased. The Irish troubles of "'98 " especially led many
hardy settlers to seek new homes in the virgin wilds of Canada. In 1803,
Colonel Talbot, an eccentric British officer, received a grant of five
thousand acres of land on Lake Erie, on condition of placing a settler
on every two hundred acres. For many years he kept a sort of feudal
state in his forest community. The obstructions of the St. Lawrence made
communication with Montreal and Quebec more difficult than with Albany
and New York. A brisk lake trade therefore sprang up, and additional
ports of entry were established, which fostered the prosperity of the
growing settlements of Cornwall, Brock-ville, Kingston, York, Niagara,
Amherstburg, and other frontier towns.
As the province
increased in wealth and population, the evils of a practically
irresponsible government began to be felt. The Executive Council,
composed of the Governor and five of his nominees, removable at his
pleasure, gradually absorbed the whole administrative influence of the
colony. The official Gazette, the only representative of the public
press, was in the hands of the Government, as was also the whole of the
revenue of the province. The Legislative Assembly, therefore, could
exercise no check by annual votes of supply. Many poor gentlemen,
half-pay officers, and others of similar character from the mother
country, sought to better their fortunes in the new colony. By birth and
training they were unfitted to cope with the hardships of backwoods
life. They soon engrossed, almost entirely, the departmental offices,
for which, by education and previous position, they were especially
adapted, or became hangers on and zealous supporters of the Government,
while they looked down with a sort of aristocratic exclusiveness on the
uncultivated, and perhaps sometimes uncouth, hard-working yeomanry of
the country.
Others, with a wiser
policy, adapted themselves to their altered circumstances and to the
condition of the province. While learning to swing the axe and hold the
plough, they preserved, amid the rudest surroundings, the tastes and
instincts of gentlemen. They became, from their education and cultivated
manners, centres of influence and leaders of opinion in the rural
communities in which they lived, which tacitly conceded a superiority
which they would never have yielded had it been directly asserted.
The sturdy yeomanry not
unnaturally regarded with jealousy and aversion the former of these
classes, and allied themselves with the latter as their legitimate
leaders and friends. Thus early in the century the origin of parties may
be traced in Upper Canada—on the one hand, the zealous supporters of an
irresponsible executive; on the other, the advocates of a larger measure
of constitutional liberty.
Mr. Hunter was
succeeded as Governor by Francis Gore, Esq. His personal character was
estimable and his purposes honest. In his ignorance of the country he
depended on his Council for information and advice. These gentlemen, not
unnaturally, endeavoured to maintain the privileges of their order and
of their friends. In 1811, Mr. Gore returned to England, leaving the
temporary administration of government in the hands of Major-General Sir
Isaac Brock, Commander-in-Chief of His Majesty's forces in the province.
Meanwhile the country
had steadily prospered, undisturbed in its forest isolation by the great
European war, which was deluging with blood a hundred battle-fields and
desolating thousands of homes. By the year 1809 the population had
increased to about seventy thousand. The chief commercial want was a
paper currency and banking facilities. * Popular education was at a low
ebb, although a grammar school had been established in each of the eight
districts into which the province was now divided. The people lived in
rude abundance, the virgin soil brought forth plentifully, deer roamed
in the forest, wild fowl swarmed in marsh and mere, and the lakes and
rivers teemed with the finest fish. Homespun and often hoine-woven
frieze or flannel furnished warm and serviceable clothing.
The houses, chiefly of
logs, rough or squared with the axe, though rude, were not devoid of
homely comfort. The furniture, except in towns and villages, was mostly
homemade. Oxen were largely employed in tilling the soil, and dragging
the rude waggons over rough roads. The fields were studded with
blackened stumps, and the girdling forest ever bounded the horizon or
swept around the scanty clearing. The grain was reaped with the sickle
or scythe, threshed with the flail, and winnowed by the wind. Grist
mills being almost unknown, it was generally ground in the steel
hand-mills furnished by the Government, or pounded in a large mortar,
hollowed out of a hardwood stump, by means of a wooden pestle attached
to a spring beam.
The roads were often
only blazed paths through the forest,'supported on transverse corduroy
logs where they passed through a swamp or marsh. The "Governor's Road,"
as it was called, traversed the length of the province, along the St.
Lawrence and Lake Ontario, and westward to Amherstburg. Yonge Street
extended from York to Holland River. Much of the early legislation had
reference to the construction of roads and bridges, chiefly by statute
labour. The judges and crown lawyers made their circuits, when possible,
in Government schooners, and the assize furnished an opportunity of
reviving for a time in the country towns the half-forgotten gaieties of
fashionable society. In the aristocratic circles of York a mimic
representation of Old World court life was observed, with only partial
Before the war there
were only four clergymen of the Church of England in Upper Canada. A few
Methodist and Presbyterian ministers toiled through the wilderness to
visit the scattered flocks committed to their care. Amid the not
altogether propitious circumstances were nourished that patriotic and
sturdy yeomanry that did doughty battle for Britain in the approaching
war, and many of those noble characters that illustrated the future
annals of their country; and then were laid the foundations of that
goodly civilization amid which we live to-day. |