The Hudson's Bay
Company Organized, 1670—Prolonged conflict with older French Fur
Company—The North-west Company Organized, 1783—Its Enterprise and
Success—Fort William Lord Selkirk Plants Red River Colony, 1812 -
Conflict with North-west Company—Murder of Governor Semble,
1816—Hudson's Bay and North-west Companies Amalgamate, 1821—Council of
Assini-boia Organized,1836—Patriarchal Government of the Hudson's Bay
Company—Development of the North-west Territory.
The extension of the
Dominion of Canada so as to embrace within its bounds the whole of the
territory of British North America, was the strong desire of the leading
Canadian statesmen. A necessary preliminary to this was the cession to
Canada of the rights of the Hudson's Bay Company. This company had been
created by royal charter in 1670. For nearly a hundred years it was a
keen and eager rival with the Company of New France. In order to control
the lucrative fur trade, the Hudson's Bay Company planted forts and
factories at the mouth of the Moose, Albany, Nelson, Churchill, and
other rivers flowing into Hudson's Bay. Again and again adventurous
bands of Frenchmen, like D'lberville and his companions, made bloody
raids upon these posts, murdering their occupants, burning the
stockades, and carrying off the rich stores of peltries.
Grown bolder with
success, the French penetrated the vast interior as far as the head
waters of the Mississippi, the Missouri and the Saskatchewan, and
reached the Rocky Mountains long before any other white men had visited
these regions. They planted trading posts and small palisaded forts at
important river junctions and on far off lonely lakes, and wrote their
names all over this great continent, in the designation of cape and lake
and river, and other great features of nature. The voyageurs and
coureurs de bois, to whom this wild, adventurous life was full of
fascination, roamed through the forests and navigated the countless
arrowy streams; and Montreal and Quebec snatched much of the spoil of
this profitable trade from the hands of the English company. Every
little far-off trading post and stockaded fort felt the reverberations
of the English guns which won the victory of the Plains of Abraham,
whereby the sovereignty of those vast regions passed away for ever from
the possession of France.
After the conquest
numerous independent fur traders engaged in this profitable traffic. In
1783, these formed a junction of interests and organized the North-west
Company. For forty years this was one of the strongest combinations in
Canada. Its energetic agents explored the vast North-west regions.
Sir^Alexander Mackenzie, in 1789, traced the great river which bears his
name, and first reached the North Pacific across the Rocky Mountains. In
1808 Simon Frazer descended the gold-bearing stream that perpetuates his
memory; and shortly after Thompson explored and named another branch of
the same great river. Keen was the rivalry with the older Hudson's Bay
Company, and long and bitter was the feud between the twa great
corporations, each of which coveted a broad continent as a hunting
ground and preserve for game. The headquarters of the North-west Company
were at Fort William, jon Lake Superior. Its clerks were mostly young
Scotchmen of good families, whose characteristic thrift and fidelity
were encouraged by a share in the profits of the Company. The senior
partners travelled in feudal state, attended by a retinue of boatmen and
servants, "obedient as Highland clansmen." The grand councils and
banquets in the thick-walled state chamber at Fort William were
occasions of lavish pomp and luxury. Sometimes as many as twelve hundred
retainers, factors, clerks, voyageurs and trappers were assembled, and
held for a time high festival, with a strange blending of civilized and
savage life.
In the early years of
the present century the feud between the rival companies was at its
height. At this time Thomas Douglas, Earl of Selkirk, was the Governor
of the Hudson's Bay Company, and proprietor of a large proportion of the
stock. He perceived that by obtaining control of the Red River, and
erecting a fort at its junction with the Assiniboine, he would have a
strong base for future operations, and would possess an immense
advantage over his opponents. For this purpose he resolved to establish
a colony of his countrymen at that strategic position, the key of the
After incredible
hardships, the colony struck its roots deep into the soil. It grew and
flourished year by year. Recruits came from Scotland, from Germany, from
Switzerland. Exhausted by forty years of conflict, in 1821 the Hudson's
Bay and North-west Companies ceased their warfare and combined their
forces, and were confirmed by the Imperial Parliament in the monopoly of
trade through the wide region stretching from Labrador to the Pacific
Ocean. The policy of the Company was adverse to the settlement of the
country, and its agents endeavoured as far as possible to retain the fur
trade and sale of goods and supplies—the profits of which were very
great—exclusively in their own hands.
The Red River
settlement in 1858 had increased to a population of about eight
thousand, and during the next ten years to about twelve thousand. On the
formation of the Dominion of Canada, however, it was felt to be highly
desirable that it should be included in the new confederacy, and also
that the Dominion should acquire jurisdiction over the vast regions
under the control of the Hudson's Bay Company. Some years prior to this
date, numerously-signed petitions from the inhabitants of the Red River
settlement were presented to the Government of Canada, soliciting
annexation to that country. |