From the Rebellion Back
to the Conquest.
Leaving the region of
the Great Plains, in the flower of their later-day development, let us
get back to the old historic Canadas on the St. Lawrence—the vestibule
of the North-West, as Lord Dufferin termed them—and to what may be
called the mediaival period in the national history. After the Conquest
came an extended period of military and semi-military rule, unfavourable
to literature. This was followed by a disturbed era of more or less
personal rule, on the part of the Governors-General and
Lieutenant-Governors of Canada, during which the people in the French
province endeavoured to free themselves from the bonds of feudalism and
clerical domination which had long retarded the progress of the colony.
In the English province much the same light was going on, chiefly,
however, against the paternalism of the Mother Country, or rather
against the tyranny of a bureaucratic Colonial Executive, which stood in
the way of progress and the attainment of some needed measure of
responsible government. This state of things produced a fevered
condition in both provinces, unfavourable to material advancement,
though in the end conducive to intellectual freedom and the increase of
popular power. Its results may be seen in the political gains of the
people, though to secure them the country was brought to a condition of
active rebellion, and almost to the verge of independence, or worse.
Happily peace came with the panacea of constitutional government and a
new and brighter era of progress and reform.
In the front rank of
the literature of this distracting period stands Lord Durham's famous
"Report and Despatches" to the Imperial Government, "on the Affairs of
British North America" (London and Montreal, 1839). This able State
paper, the work partly, it is said, of his Lordship's secretary, Mr.
Charles Buller, reviews the whole situation of affairs in both sections
of the colony, discusses all points of disagreement and the grounds of
disaffection, comments on the defects of the colonial system of
government and the inefficient administration of justice—and, as a
remedy, proposes the union of the two provinces. This latter specific,
as we know, was applied, and under it the ailing body corporate managed
to get along for the next five-and-twenty years. It was some time,
however, before the dust settled on the scenes of the conflict, and
though the embers of the fire are now scattered, literature has
preserved not a few of the brands in the strife. Of these we may
mention, on the Tory side, "that self-complacent piece of egotism," Sir
Francis Bond Head's "Narrative of his Administration in Canada," with
the causes of the revolt (London, 1839); the same writer's "Address to
the House of Lords against the Re-Union Bill, disclosing the improper
means by which the consent of the Legislature has been obtained to the
Measure" (London, 1840); "Canada and the Canada Bill: being an
examination of the proposed measure for the future Government of Canada,
with some views respecting the British Provinces in North America," by
Chief Justice Sir John Beverley Robinson, Bt., C.B.; "A Speech in the
Legislative Council on the subject of the Clergy Reserves," by the Right
Rev'd John. Strachan, D.D., Lord Bishop of Toronto, with other
comforting comfits from the members and adherents of "the Family
Compact." From the radical arsenal there belched volley after volley of
red-hot and inflammatory material, mostly in the shape of political
pamphlets, "dodgers," and hand-bills, with the occasional round shot
from the heavy guns, Gourlay, Papineau, and Mackenzie. Of the highly
seasoned, if not seditious, tractates of the time, prepared for the
delectation of the then obnoxious authorities, the curious reader will
find entertainment in such brochures as Papineau's "Histoire de
l'lnsurrection du Canada, en refutation du Rapport de Lord Durham "
(Burlington, Yt., 1839), and the "Seventh Annual Report of the Select
Committee of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, on Grievances," by
its chairman, Wm. Lyon Mackenzie (Toronto, 1835), together with an
earlier literary gem, from the same source, entitled "The Legislative
Black List of Upper Canada; or, Official Corruption and Hypocrisy
Unmasked" (York, 1828).
One of the first in the
cause of reform to strip himself for the fray, was Robert Fleming
Gourlay, who came to Canada in 1817, with the laudable and innoxious
motive of promoting emigration. Pursuing some statistical inquiries into
the resources and capabilities of the province, he became aware of the
existence of various abuses in connection with the public administration
of affairs, and in dragging them rather Quixotically to light he brought
upon himself the wrath of the Provincial Executive, with subsequent
banishment from the country. The sad story of this hapless "patriot,"
mixed up, unfortunately, with much that is otherwise really valuable in
his writings, may be gathered from the author's "Statistical Account of
Upper Canada," which appeared in London, in two 8vo volumes, in 1822.
The troubles and persecution of Gourlay, with the obstinate refusal of
the Executive Council of Upper Canada to remedy crying abuses and show
some deference to the wishes of the people, did much to excite public
feeling and fan the flame of rebellion. The first authority 011 the
events of this period is Mr. Charles Lindsey, the Nestor of Upper
Canadian journalism, and the son-in-law and biographer of Win. Lyon
Mackenzie, the chief actor in the drama of the times. Mr. Lindsey,
however, belongs to the writers of the modern period, and though his
theme, like that of Mr. J. C. Dent, is the Rebellion of 1837, we must
defer our notice of him and his important work for the present. It would
have been advantageous, we are aware, to have discarded the
chronological order of this sketch and dealt with the writers,
irrespective of their period, grouped around their several themes. Had
this been our plan, which circumstances prevented our adopting, we
should here make mention, besides the two special writers alluded to 011
the Rebellion period, of a number of biographies which have of late
years issued from the press, and which throw a strong light on the
actors and the events of the time. The books we refer to are such works
illustrative of the period, and that immediately following it, as Sir
Francis Hinck's "Reminiscences," the Life of the Hon. George Brown, by
the Hon. Alexander Mackenzie; Collins' Life of Sir John A. Macdonald;
the Biography of the Right Rev. Bishop Strachan, by Bishop Bethune, his
successor in the Toronto Episcopate; the "Story of the Life of the Rev.
Dr. Ryerson," by Dr. J. G. Hodgins; and Mr. J. C. Dent's "Canadian
Portrait Gallery," and "The Last Forty Years" of Upper Canadian history.
The reader will find interest, also, in referring to Mr. J. W. Kaye's
Life and Correspondence of Sir Charles Metcalfe; to Mr. Theodore
Walrond's Letters of Lord Elgin (London, 1847-65), and to Major
Richardson's "Eight Years in Canada, embracing a review of the
administrations of Lords Durham and Sydenham, Sir Charles Bagot, and
Lord Metcalfe" (Montreal, 1847).
But it is time to get
back to the earlier era from which we digressed, in speaking of the
military and personal rule which followed the Conquest, and the events
which led to rebellion, and the union, in 1841, of the two old provinces
of Canada. For at least half a century after the Conquest, as we have
already hinted, literature in the Lower Province fell upon a period of
lean years, while Upper Canada, as yet, was a wilderness. The story of
the Conquest itself is nowhere better or more interestingly told, in an
English source, than in the pages of Major G. D. Warburton's "The
Conquest of Canada," edited by his gifted brother, Eliot Warburton
(London, 1849). The author was an English officer of the Royal
Artillery, stationed for a time in Canada, and while in the country he
made good use of his opportunities in gathering the material of this and
an earlier work entitled "Hochelaga: or, England in the New World." His
book on the Conquest, particularly with respect to Indian life and
legends, has a fascination not inferior, though of a different sort, to
that which makes Mr. Park-man's "Montcalm and Wolfe" so absorbing a
study. The biographies of the French and English heroes of the strife,
the translation of "Montcalm's Letters" (London, 1777), and Wright's
"Life of Major-General Wolfe" (London, 1865), will also well repay
perusal. Nor should the pages of the American historian, Bancroft, on
the Fall of Quebec, the closing chapter of Miles' "History of Canada
during the French Regime," and Dr. Daniel Wilson's eloquent article in
the Canadian Monthly on "Wolfe and Old Quebec," be omitted by the reader
or the student of one of the most notable events in Canadian annals. |