I AM not conscious
that this book is written with undue partiality. I am certain that I
entered Canada without prepossessions in favour of the country.
During a tour of five months through the Dominion, I endeavoured to
judge fairly of the present condition — social, commercial,
religious, and political — of the country, and of its future
prospects. I have tried to give the result of my impressions and
inquiries in the simplest and most condensed manner possible. I
believe that, to estimate Canada justly, the country must be
compared not only with England, but also with the United States. The
contrast which Canada presents to the garden-like condition of the
old country and the highly-developed state of English society, is
calculated to startle and sometimes to aggrieve the sensitive
observer. These impressions are modified when it is perceived that
the crudity and roughness of the civilisation are not peculiar to
the British provinces, but are incident to the youthfulness of the
civilisation of the whole of this new continent. I had the advantage
of passing into Canada from a tour through the Eastern States of the
American Union, and of preparing this volume after the completion of
a visit to the Western States.
The Author
April, 1871.
The Canadian Dominion here (pdf)