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Videos About the Micmac

A Tribe Called Mi'kmaq

Our Lives in Our Hands - PREVIEW
Purchase: Our Lives In Our Hands examines the traditional Native American craft of split ash basketmaking as a means of economic and cultural survival for Aroostook Micmac Indians of northern Maine. This documentary of rural off-reservation Indian artisans aims to break down stereotypical images. Basketmakers are filmed at their craft in their homes, at work on local potato farms and at business meetings of the Basket Bank, a cooperative formed by the Aroostook Micmac Council. First person commentaries are augmented by authentic 17th century Micmac music.

Mi'kmaq Fry Bread (Four Cents)

Honoring the Mikmaq NOGAMA
A Native flute music video honoring the Aroostook band of Micmac, and the Mikmaq Nation, aswell as...All our Relations. M' Sic Nogama

A Mi'kmaq Creation Story © (Part 1/2)

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