(Mammals and Birds)
Naturalist to the Government of Manitoba.
is 268 by
252 miles, or
74,448 square miles. It
lies wholly within the great wheat belt of the north-west, but faunally
speaking it is in the Temperate Region, partly in the Canadian Life-zone
and partly in the Alleghanian portion of the Transition Zone. A line
drawn from the south-east corner to the north-west corner would nearly
demark these two zones. The
Canadian area,
north-east of this line, is nearly all
forested. The prevailing trees being black spruce, white spruce and jack
pine. The
Alleghanian area,
south-west of the line, comprises the
prairies of the Province, and a considerable region of aspen forest.
Riding. Duck and Porcupine Mountains may be considered Canadian islands
in the Alleghanian region.
nomenclature is that of the United States Biological Survey.)
1 Wapiti or Canadian Elk,
Cervus canadensis
Erxleben. Formerly found in all the
Alleghanian region of the Province. Reduced to a few stragglers twenty
years ago, but since then, owing to good game laws, they have speedily
increased and now furnish a regular supply of game. The estimated number
of Wapiti in Manitoba to-day is 5,0U0.
2. Northern White-tailed
Odocoileus irirgmijrius borealis
Miller. Unknown in the Province until about
thirty years ago, since then it has greatly increased, following the
settlers; now found wherever there are. settlements adjoining woods.
Odoccrileus hemionus
(Raflnesque). Formerly abundant in all the Alleghanian Region; greatly
reduced some twenty years ago, but now once more abundant in its proper
region, wherever there is cover combined with broken ground.
4. Moose,
A Ices americauus
Jardine Abundant in all the forested area of the Province; apparently in
no danger of extinction, since reasonable game laws have come in force.
Several thousand are killed each year in the Province. The estimated
total head of Moose within our limits is between 20,000 and 30,000.
Caribou, Rangifer
caribou (Gmelin). Found only in the Canadian
region, and nowhere common. It is more or less migratory, coming fifty
to one hundred miles farther south
the winter.
Antilocapra americana (Ord). Formerly found
in all the prairies of the south-west. Recorded once or twice in early
days very near Winnipeg; last seen on the Souris about 1881. Now extinct
in the Province.
American Bison or
Buffalo, Bison
bison (Linnaeus). Formerly found in great
abundance on all
the prairies of Manitoba. Last seen wild near
Winnipeg m 1819. Last great wild herd on the Souris 1867; the last wild
individual on the Souris 1883.
Sauus hudsonicus
Erxleben Abundant in every timbered portion of Manitoba, and active the
year round. _ '
Eastern Chipmunk,
Tantias siriatus
griseus Mearns
the woods of the
south-eastern part
of the country and westward to Portage la Prairie.
Hibernating during the winter.
10. Little Chipmunk,
Eutamias quadrivittatus neglectus (Allen). Of
general distribution in the southern half of the Province wherever there
is timber and dry land. Exceedingly abundant, living like the preceding.
Hibernating all winter.
11. Franklin
Citellus franklini
(Sabine). Abundant in all the Alleghanian
Region of Mam toba wherever there is woodland alternating with open
sunny places. Like the rest of the Ground squirrels it is quite
omnivorous, but stores up only vegetable substances for bad weather
supplies. It hibernates for six months of each year.
Richardson Ground-squirrel,
Citellus richardsoni (Sabine). Exceedingly
abundant on all the dry rolling prairies west of Pembina Mountain and
south of Lake Manitoba extending
a little way in the Gilbert Plains country and the
Upper Assini-boine. Hibernating all winter.
13. Striped
Citellus tridecemlineatus (Mitchill). Common
on all the prairies of Manitoba, but much less so than in primitive
times. Its burrow is so easily disturbed by the plow that cultivation is
bound to exterminate it. It hibernates for six months of each year.
14. Woodchuck,
Marmota monax canadensis
(Erxleben). Found in all parts of the
Province where there is dry woods, but nowhere abundant. More common
probably about Duck Mountain than elsewhere. It hibernates for four or
five months of the year.
15. Canadian
Sciuropterus sabrinus (Shaw). Common in all
parts of the country. Some years very abundant, but rarely seen on
account of its nocturnal habits. It is active all winter.
Canada Beaver,
Castor canadensis
Kuhl. Formerly very abundant in all parts of
Manitoba. Reduced to very few some years ago, but owing to fostering
laws it has since increased and may once more become plentiful.
Linnaeus. Introduced with settlers in 1882; now
abundant in all towns.
Onychomys leucogasier
(Wied). Found only on the dry prairies at the
extreme south-western comer of the Province.
Arctic Deermouse,
Perovnyscus maniculatus arcticus (Mearns).
Abundant throughout the country wherever there is woods; especially fond
of frequenting barns and outbuildings that are near the edge of the
forest. Closely related to it, probably mere races, are the Prairie
Deermouse (bairJi)
found in the prairie regions and the plains,
or Nebraska Deermouse (nebrascensis)
found in the Souris country. True
should be found in western Manitoba.
Red-backed Vole,
Evotomys gapperi
(Vigors). Generally distributed throughout
the Province, though nowhere abundant. It appears in two races, the
bright colored, large prairie race (loringi)
and the small dark race of the Canadian woods
21. Drummond Vole,
Microtus pennsylvauicus drum tnondi
(Audubon and Bachman). Abundant m all sedgy
regions of the Province. A harmless species when not in excessive
numbers, confining itself to lowlands overgrown with tall grass.
Little Vole,
Microtus minor
(Merriam). Generally distributed in the
south-west or Alleghanian region, but nowhere very abundant.
(Linnaeus). Found in great numbers wherever there is
water throughout the Province. This animal is an important fur-bearer.
Two million of its skins are shipped to London every year by the
Hudson’s Bay Company, representing of course the entire north-west. It
lives in the water, and is rarely seen away from it except when forced
to migrate.
Synaptomys borealis
(Richardson). Never actually taken in the
Province, but recorded from surrounding localities which justify its
inclusion. It is abundant in the far north, but not elsewhere common.
Thomomys ialpoides
(Richardson). Abundant on the high, dry
prairies of Manitoba, but not extending very far into the woods. It is
commonly called Mole by the residents,as it forced up mounds of earth in
the fashion of the Mole. It is, however, a herbivorous rodent.
(Zimmermann). This extraordinary creature, famous
for its long tail and its jumping habits, is found throughout Manitoba,
except on the bare prairies. It appears in two forms. The typical
Hudsonian, found in the Canadian forest, and the prairie form
a bright colored race peculiar to the
woodland edges ST in the prairie portions of the south-west.
Canada Porcupine,
Erethizon dorsatum
(Linnaeus). Generally distributed in the
Canadian area of Mani toba, but nowhere abundant. Its quills were
formerly the favorite material for embroidery among the Indians, but in
recent times the squaws have used glass beads in preference, so that the
art is dying out
28. Snowshoe-hare or
Lepus americanus phaeonotus Allen. Found in
all parts of Manitoba wherever there is cover. In summer it is brown, in
winter pure white. In Turtle Mountain it is represented by the race
distinguished by its short ears and pale color. The prevailing form in
Manitoba is the dusky backed race (phaeonotus).
This hare has long been noted for the excessive fluctuation of its
numbers in cycles of seven to ten years. One hundred or more may be seen
every day when its numbers are at its height, but usually the plague
breaks out at this time and speedily reduces the Snowshoe population to
near zero.
Lepus campestris
Bachman. Formerly
found only in the extreme south-west of
Province, and exceedingly rare; now abundant in all
the prairie regions, especially in the vicinity of cultivated fields.
Canada Lynx,
Lynx canadensis
Kerr. Found in
all the wooded parts of the Province, but
varying greatly in numbers on different years.
Vulpes velox
(Say). Formerly common on the high dry prairie of the south-west; now
exterminated within our limits.
Royal Fox,
Vulpes regalis
Merriam. Common on the prairies of the province; probably replaced in
the woods by the form called
Less numerous than formerly.
Gray-wolf or
Cams occidentalis Richardson. Generally
distributed, but nowhere common.
Prairie-wolf or
Coyote, Canis
latrans Say. Abun dant in all the
south-western half of Manitoba; probably as numerous now as in the days
before settlement.
Canada Otter,
(Schreber). Found all along the rivers, but
exceedingly rare now.
Bonaparte Weasel,
Putorius cicognanii
(Bonaparte). Common in most parts of the
Province, but varying greatly in numbers on different years.
Least Weasel,
Putorius rixosus
Bangs. Nowhere numerous, but ranging over the
whole Province. This is the smallest known beast of prey.
Putorius longicauda
(Bonaparte). Abundant in all the prairie
region of Manitoba, etc.
Putorius vison
(Schreber). Abundant throughout the Province
wherever there is water and swamp.
Spruce Marten,
Mustela amerirana abieticola
Preble. Found only in the coniferous forest,
and rare there.
Pekan or
Mttsiela pennanti
Erxleben. Found only in the coniferous
forest, and rare.
(Linnaeus). Rare everywhere, but found in most of
the heavily timbered parts of North-eastern Manitoba.
Prairie Skunk,
Mephitis hudsonica
Richardson. This large Skunk is abundant,
especially in the half wooded region.
Common Badger,
Taxidea taxus
(Schreber). Common in all prairie region, but
not found in the woods; it is less common than before settlement.
Procyon lotor
(Linnaeus). Very rare and confined to the
south-western part of the Pro\ ince, along rivers whose banks are
heavily wooded.
Ord. Now extinct in Manitoba, for perhaps 100
years. The records show that at one time there were Grizzlies in all the
Pembina Hills, Brandon Hills and Turtle Mountain regions.
Ursus americanus
Pallas. Quite com mon yet in all parts of Manitoba where there is cover.
Both black and brown phases occur in the same litter.
Cooper Shrew,
Sorex personates
I. Geoffroy St. Hilaire. Generally distributed, and very abundant in
some seasons.
Richardson Shrew,
Sorex richardsoni
Bachman. Apparently of general distribution, but not common I have
records from Carberry, Shoal Lake, Norway House, etc.
Hoy Shrew,
Microsorex itoyi
(Baird). All of Manitoba falls within the known range of this species.
Yet there is but one actual record, that from Red River Settlement.
Neosorex palustris (Richardson). All Manitoba
falls within its known range, but there are only two or three records.
It is an inhabitant of marshes and river banks, nowhere common.
brevicauda (Say). Found only in the woods
east of Winnipeg; common there.
Star-nosed Mole,Condylura
cristata (Linnaeus). Recorded once from
Winnipeg, but rare, and near the west end of its range at this point.
Little Brown-bat,
Myotis lucifugus
(Le Conte). All
Manitoba falls within its known range. But 1
know of but one specimen taken within our limits; that I got from Poplar
Say Bat,
Myotis subulatus
(Say). The accredited range of this Bat includes Manitoba, and the
records nearly surround the Province, but it has not yet been taken in
our limits.
Silver-haired Bat,
noctivagans (Le Conte). This species is
commonly and generally distributed in Manitoba. It comes from the south
about the vernal, and retires about the autumnal equinox.
Big Browii-bat,
Epiesicus fuscus
(Beauvois). There is a single Lake Winnipeg record for this species Its
proper range is to the southward, and Manitoba is its northmost limit so
far as known.
Lasiurus borealis
(Muller). The records show that this handsome bat is found in all the
south-western part of the Province as a summer visitant.
Lasiurus cinereus
(Beauvois). This fine species is found in all parts of Manitoba. It is
somewhat common, and, like the rest of our Bats, is a migrant, never, so
far as known, hibernating within our limits.
nomenclature used is that of the A.O.U. latest check list.)
Swan-grebe, Western Grebe.
occi-dentalis. Common summer resident
parts of the Alleghanian region, chiefly towards the
north. Quite common at Shoal Lake, near Lake Manitoba, breeding in
colonies in the marshes about Lake Winne'pegosis. Very local in
Grebe, Holboell Grebe.
Colymbus holboelli.
Summer resident in Red River Valley. Breeding in most of the large
marshes of the Alleghanian portion of Manitoba.
Horned Grebe.
Colymbus auritus.
Abundant summer
resident throughout the Province, April to
American Eared-grebe.
Colymbus nigricollis
cali forniais. A common summer resident in
all the prairie region, but not yet found in the Canadian or
north-eastern half of the Province.
5. Pied-billed Grebe,
Podilymbus podiccps. Common summer resident
in all parts of the Province where there are small ponds, from mid-April
to October.
Gavia hnmer.
Common summer resident on all the large lakes and rivers that are well
supplied with fish.
Red-throated Loon.
Gavia stellata.
Rare; known only as a migrant.
Long-tailed Skua.
September. 1<S9(>, Samuel Slater brought to
Alexander Calder of Winnipeg, in whose collection
now is, an immature Long-tailed Skua, shot on Lake
Winnipeg. Its dimensions are: Length, 1 inches; wing 12 inches; tail,
inches; tarsus, 1X inches; middle toe and claw,
inches. All above sooty, except the neck, which is cream color, and
crown, which is sharply blackish.
American Herring-gull.
Lams argentatus.
Abundant; of general distribution. Breeding in all the large lakes and
prairie ponds. Arrives April 20.
Ring-billed Gull. Lams
Common summer resident. Breeding in all the lakes and large prairie
Franklin Gull, Rosy Gull.
Larus iranklini.
Abundant; common summer resident, breeding in
most of the large marshes of the Alleghanian region.
Larus Philadelphia.
Regular summer visitant. A few breed on the large lakes of the Province
13. Forster Tern.
Sterna forsteri.
Common summer resident* breeding about the larger lakes.
14. Common Tern.
Sterna hirundo.
Common summer resident on the large lakes, breeding with the preceding.
15. Black Tern.
Hydrodielidon nigra
surinamensis. Abundant summer resident
everywhere, breeding in colonies on the prairie ponds. Arrives May 20;
departs August 30.
10. Double-crested
Cormorant, Crow-duck.
Phalacro-corax auritus.
Generally distributed, and breeding in colonies about the large lakes of
the Alleghanian part of the country.
17 American White
Pelecanus erythrorliyn-chos. Apparently of
general distribution, breeding about most of the lakes, chiefly west of
Lake Winnipeg; less numerous than formerly.
IS. American Merganser,
Sheldrake. Mergus
ameri-canus. Common summer resident, breeding
commonly in the rivers of the Lake Winnipegoosis basin.
19. Red-breasted
Merganser, Fish-duck.
Mergus ser-rator.
Common summer resident. Generally distributed. but breeding only in the
northernly parts
of the Province.
Hooded Merganser.
cucullatus. Common summer resident of general
distribution, breeding wherever it finds hollow trees near the water.
Very abundant summer resident everywhere,
breeding in all marshes. Arrives April 15; departs late in October.
22. Black Mallard or
Dusky Duck.
rubripes. Very rare. Three or four specimens
taken at
Long Lake in four years. In my collection is a
specimen from Shoal Lake, taken by Geo. H. Measham in 1901, and another
taken near Winnipeg, by W. R. Hine. According to Measham, two more were
shot at Shoal Lake in 1899. C. C. Helliwell reports one taken on Lake
Manitoba in the fall of 1898.
Chaidelasmus streperus.
Common, breeding about all the large lakes
and the ponds of the prairie region.
Baldpate or
Mareca americana.
Summer resident. Not common, but generally
distributed and breeding.
Green-winged Teal.
Nettion carolinense.
Abun dant summer resident everywhere;
breeding. Arrives April 20; departs in October.
Blue-winged Teal.
Querquedula discors.
Very abundant summer resident. Arrives late
in April; departs early in October.
Spatula clypeata.
Common summer
resident everywhere. Departs late in October,
like the other Ducks, when the frost seals the ponds.
Dafila acuta.
Common summer resident, breeding. Arrives
late in mid-April; departs in October.
Aix sponsa.
A rare but regular sumirer visitant as far north as Lakes Winnipeg and
Winnipegosis. I saw a pair taken at Carberry in 1883, and in 1880 got a
male at Kenora. It is reported from Cook’s Creek, Westbourne, Portage la
Prairie, Lake Winnipegosis. Over a dozen were taken on the Souris River,
about 25 miles southwest of Brandon, between 1882 and 1899, by H. W. O
Boger. Three were killed at Brandon by C. C. Helliwell, who saw also two
on the roof of the town station, one day about 1890. G. H. Measham
reports it rare at Shoal Lake, but one or two are seen there each year.
These, with previous records, completely spot the map of south-western
Manitoba. The species is doubtless found throughout the Alleghanian
region of the Province, as it has been recorded from Qu’Appelle and
Cumberland House.
Marila ameritana.
Abundant summer resident of the Alleghanian region. Arrives in April;
departs in October.
31. Canvas-back.
Marila vallisneria.
Generally distributed in the Alleghanian region and breeding, but
nowhere common.
32. American Scaup-duck,
Big Blue-bill.
Marila marila. Common in spring and fall in
all parts of Manitoba; a few may breed in the northern district. Arrives
late in April; departs in October.
33. Lesser Scaup-duck,
Little Blue-bill.
Marila a find).
Very abundant summer resident in all parts of the
Province. Breeds.
34. Ring-necked Duck,
Marsh Blue-bill.
Marila col-laris. A rare summer resident.
Reported from Winnipeg. Portage
Prairie, Waterhen River.
American Golden-eye, Whistler.
Clangula Americana.
A common summer resident in all parts of Manitoba where there are large
trees near water.
Barrow Golden-eye.
Clangula islandica.
"1 shot a brace at Lake Manitoba in 1879, and a drake at Shoal Lake in
the spring of the following year. And I saw a drake which was killed at
the mouth of the Red River.” (R.
H. Hunter.)
Charitonetta albeola
Common summer resident wherein there is timber and water. Arrives April
15; departs in October.
White-winged Scoter.
Oidcmia deglandi.
Summer resident, breeding in marshy ponds. Found it quite common at
Shoal Lake.
Surf Scoter.
Oidemia perspicillata.
Rare migrant; reported from Lake Winnipeg (Hine),
Red River
(Hunter), Nelson River (Blakiston).
Ruddy Duck.
Erismatura Jamaicensis.
A summer visitant; not common, erratic in distribution. Breeds in most
of the large marshes.
Blue Goose, Silver Brant.
Chen caerulescens.
Noted as a rare migrant. Specimens taken at Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie
and Brandon. At Fort Chipe-wyan, Lake Athabaska, where 10,000 or more
geese were killed each autumn, only one of this species was taken in
several years. This is now in my collection.
Snow-goose, Wavey.
Chen hyperborea.
Abundant spring migrant; less common in the fall Arrives May 15, and
again in October.
Ross Goose.
Chen rossi.
A specimen was taken on Red River near Winnipeg by Frank Marwood of that
city, Sept. 20, 1902. It is now in the collectior of Alexander Calder at
44. White-fronted Goose.
Anser albifrons
gambeli. Rare’, but regular migrant.
45. Canada Goose, Wild
Goose. Branta
canadensis. Abundant in the migrations.
Arrives in April; departs late in October.
Hutchins Goose.
Branta canadensis
hutchinsi. A rare migrant or straggler. Taken
on Red River by Kennicott, observed at Portage la Prairie by C. W. Nash,
and noted at Brandon by C. C. Helliwell
4fi. Brant.
Branta bermcla
glaucogastra. A rare mi grant.
Wnistling Swan.
Olor columbianns.
A rare migrant of general distribution.
Olor buccinator.
A very rare migrant. George H. Measham secured three on Roseau River. A
single specimen is in Manitoba Museum.
American Bittern.
lentiginosus. Common summer resident; of
general distribution, especially about the extensive marshes of the
Alleghanian region. Arrives the middle of April; departs in October.
Least Bittern.
Ixobrychus exilis.
Very rare summer visitant. On Nov. 9, 1907, E. W. Darbey showed me a
Least Bittern, a young male, that was taken about Oct. 20 at Oak Point,
Lake Manitoba, by J. C. McNab.
According to W. R. Hine, a specimen was shot in the Bishop’s Marsh near
St. Boniface in 1885 by Wm. Gordon (of Winnipeg). C. C. Helliwell has
seen one or two about Oak Lake, Manitoba. Frank M. Chapman saw one at
Shoal Lake, June, 1901.
Great Blue Heron.
Ardea herodias.
Generally distributed as a summer resident; nowhere common.
American Egret.
Herodias egretta.
In the summer of 188S, David Armit, an officer of the Hudson’s Bay
Company stationed
at Manitoba House, while out shooting at Duck
Bay, Lake Winnipegosis, came across and collected a fine adult specimen
of this bird in breeding plumage. He has most generously sent the prize
to me; it is now Xo. 1,776 of my collection. This is, I believe, the
northernmost record for the species.
53. Black-crowned
Nycticorax nycticorax naevius. Summer
resident of general distribution in the Alleghanian region. I found it
quite numerous and breeding in colonies at Shoal Lake. In other parts of
the region it is somewhat rare.
Whooping Crane.
Grus americana.
Formerly common and breeding; now nearly extinct.
Little Brown
Crane. Grus
canadensis. Summer resident of general
distribution; much less common than formerly. Arrives in mid-April;
departs in September.
Virginia Rail.
Rallus vhginianus.
Rare, but regular, summer resident of the Alleghanian region. The
specimen in my collection was taken near Morden by D. Nicholson. I saw
another in the collection of Geo. E. Atkinson of Portage la Prairie, and
heard of another at Brandon. I have seen several taken near Winnipeg.
Sora, Common
Abundant summer resident throughout Manitoba.
Arrives May 1; departs in October.
58. Yellow Rail, Water
Coturnicops novebo-racensis. On the 13th of
July, 1883, a specimen
this Rail was brought to me alive, by a farmer who
caught it in a slough where he was cutting wild
Being just then called away, I placed the bird in a coop, and on my
return it was gone. But the record is, I believe, safe, as Treble found
the species numerous at York factory, and there are other records to
completely surround the Province.
Fulica americana.
Abundant summer resident. Arrives in mid-April; departs late in October.
Lobipes lobatus. Rare straggler in migration;
noted about Winnipeg only.
Wilson Phalarope.
Stegampus tricolor.
Common summer resident, breeding on most of the large ponds and marshes
in the Alleghanian region.
American Avocet.
americana. While abundant in the adjoining
Province of Saskatchewan, the species is a rare straggler in Manitoba.
H. Hunter writes: “I have killed the bird along the Souris, south-west
of Plum Creek.” In the Museum of the Geological Survey at Ottawa is a
specimen of the Avocet, marked “from Mani' toba.” Shaw Cottingham killed
neariy a dozen at a place 9 miles south of Brandon in 1899, and C. C.
Helliwell got three or four out of a flock at Oak Lake, ten years
American Woodcock.
Philohela minor.
Very rare summer resident. At Winnipeg W. R. Hine reports that he got
four during four years. At Portage la Prairie, one or two pairs seen
each year by C. W. Nash. At Stuartburn, on Roseau River, George H.
Measham shot one in 1891.
Wilson Snipe.
delitcata. Abundant summer resident on all
extensive bogs. Arrives April 20, departs September 30.
scolopaceus. Abun
migrant in the western part of Manitoba
Stilt Sandpiper.
himantopus. On August 29, at Carbcrry, I made
the first positive capture of this species in the Province. It was in a
mixed flock of Sandpipers of several species.
Knot, Robin Snipe
Tringa canutus.
Occasional migrant; noted along Red River and west of Brandon.
Pisobiu maculata. A common migrant; noted
along Red River.
Pisobia fuscicollis. Migrant; sometimes
common, chiefly in western Manitoba.
Baird Sandpiper.
Pisobia bairdi.
Common migrant, chiefly in Angust.
71. Least Sandpiper.
Pisobia minntilla.
A common migrant in all the western part of the Province, especially
during August.
72. Red-backed Sandpiper,
Pelidna alpina sakhalina. Reported a common
migrant along Red River (Hine)
and at Portage la Prairie in fall
I have not seen a Manitoba specimen.
Ereunetes pusillus. Generally distributed as
a migrant; especially abundant in the country west of Red River.
Calidris lucophaea.
Common migrant; recorded from Lake Winnipeg, Lake Manitoba, Portage la
Prairie and Oak Lake.
Marbled Godwit.
Summer resident, frequenting the wet prairies near Winnipeg and on the
plains of the Souris, etc. Formerly common, now becoming rare.
Hudsonian Godwit.
Limosa haemastica.
A rare migrant, chiefly along Red River and westward.
Totanus melanoleucus. Abundant migrant.
Spring migration, late in April; fall, early in August.
Totanus flavipes.
Abundant migrant in mid-May and in August.
Helodromas solitarius. Com mon migrant,
especially in fall; probably also it breeds.
80. Western Willet.
semipalmatus inor-natus. Common summer
resident on all the wet prairies of south-western Manitoba.
81. Bartramian Sandpiper,
Prairie Plover.
Bartramia longicauda. In early days this was
an extremely abundant summer resident on all the prairies of the
Province. It has now become very scarce. Arrives May 7; departs August
82. Spotted Sandpiper.
Actitis macularia.
Common summer resident. Arrives May 1, departing late in September.
83. Long-billed Curlew.
resident on the wet prairies of the Red River and on the Souris.
Formerly common about Lake Manitoba, now rare.
Plover. -
Squatarola squatarola.
Rare spring migrant; no autumn records.
85. American Golden
Charadrius dominions. Common spring and fall
migrant. Affects burnt prairies and ploughed land. Spring migration,
middle of May; fall, in August and September.
Oxyechus vociferus.
Common summer resident throughout the Province. Arrives late in April;
departs last of August.
Plover, Ring-plover.
Aegialitis semi-pahnata.
Rare migrant.
Belted Piping
Aegialitis meloda. Somewhat common, migrant
throughout the Province, and, according to Macoun, found actually
breeding on Lakes Manitoba and Winnipeg.
Arenaria inter pres morinella. A rare
migrant. Goes north about May 15; returns about August 15.
Spruce Grouse.
Canachites canadensis.
Common permanent resident of all the Canadian or north eastern half of
the Province.
Canadian Ruffed Grouse.
Bonasa umbellus togata.
Common permanent resident of the Canadian
portion of Manitoba.
91a. Gray Ruffed Grouse.
Bonasa umbellus umbel-loides.
Abundant resident of the Alleghanian or south-western half of the
country whereon there is woods.
Willow Ptarmigan.
Lagopus lagopus.
A common resident of the extreme northern parts of Manitoba, moving
southward in winter as far as Shell River, Lake Manitoba and Shoal Lake.
Tympaunchns americauns.
In 1871 Dr. Coues wrote: “ I have no reason to believe that it occurs at
all in North-western Minnesota or "Northern Dakota.” In 1882, when first
I visited Manitoba, the species was nearly unknown in the country, the
only known specimen having been taken near Winnipeg in 1881. In 1883 W.
R. Hine, informs me, it began to be common at Pembina. In 1884 it was
not only common at Winnipeg, but had also for the first time made its
appearance at Portage la Prairie, on the Assiniboine. In 1886 I first
saw it at Carberry. Since then it has spread with cultivation, and is
now abundant in all the settled parts. ,
Columbian Sharp tailled Grouse, Prairie Chicken
Pediocaetes fhasianellus
columbianus. Abundant resident everywhere,
especially in the country west of Lake Winnipeg, north to the narrows of
Lake Winnipeg, and thence eastward as far as Long Lake and Pic River, on
Lake Winnipeg
(Bell). This species lives by preference on
the prairies in summer and in the wooded districts during winter, so
that it is in a sense migratory.
Passenger Pigeon.
Ectopistes migratorius.
In 1885 I wrote as follows: ‘‘Common summer resident, probably
everywhere, as it was noted on Riding Mountain, along the Assiniboine,
on Big Plain, on Turtle Mountain
and northward, as well as all over the Red River Valley, throughout the
Winnipegosis region. Often abundant during the migrations. I am not
aware of the existence of any extensive ‘rookeries.1 Arrives
early in May; departs in October.”
1908 my notes on the species are: “ The following are all the specimens
I know of in Manitoba :— Adult male taken at Winnipeg in 1892, now in
collection of Father Blain, St. Boniface College; adult male taken at
Winnipeg in 1894 by E. Wilson, now in possession of J. K. Hardy of St.
Boniface; adult male taken at Winnipegosis on 13 April, 1898, by J. J.
last year in which the Pigeons came to Manitoba in force was 1878. Next
year they were comparatively scarce, and each year they have become more
so. In the early eighties a few were seen each season. The above three
specimens were the last reliable recorded. None have been seen since. It
is interesting to note that 1878 was also the last year of the vast
Buffalo herds on the Saskatchewan. In my collection are three specimens
of Passenger Pigeon: young male taken at Carberry, Man., by Miller
Christy, 30 Aug.,1883; adult male and female taken at Fort Holmes, Ind.
T., U.S., by C Dewar, Jan. 1889.
Mourning Dove.
macroura carolinensis. Formerly far from
common, now abundant in all parts of the Alleghanian region where there
timber, frequenting barnyards that are near the
Turkey Vulture.
Catharies aura
septentrionahs. Common summer resident of the
prairie region, probably breeding here.
Kite. Elanoides
forficatus. Geo. Grieve tells me that two
have been taken ut Winnipeg, one in 1889 and one in 1892, neither seen
by me. I observed one in Minnesota, near Pembina, in 1883. Coues reports
it as occasional at Pembina, and R. H. Hunter writes me that he has seen
at Selkirk, Pembina Mountain, and Fort Qu’Appelle.
Circus kudsunius.
Abundant summer resident. The adults, in blue plumage, are common in
spring and fall. Arrives April 15; departs October 15.
100. Sharp-shinned
Hawk. Accipiter
summer resident in all wooded regions. Arrives April
15; departs October 15.
101. Cooper Hawk or
Chicken Hawk.
Accipiter cooperi. May be entered as a rare
summer resident. Reported by Hine and Hunter. I saw one at Edmonton, but
do not know of a specimen taken
the Province.
102. American
Goshawk. Astur
atricapillus. Common fall and winter
visitant, usually appearing in August. Not noted during the breeding
103. Red-tailed Hawk.
Buteo borealis.
Common summer resident of the wooded regions. Apparently complementary
of the Swuinson Hawk, which is . found in more open country and on the
prairie. Arrives April 15; departs October 15.
103a. Krider Hawk.
Buteo borealis krideri.
Three specimens of this beautiful Hawk have been taken at Winnipeg—one
shot at Rosenfeld by Charles Stewart, Sept. 20, 1905; two now in the
collection of A. Calder.
104. Red-shouldered Hawk.
Buteo lineatus.
R. H. Hunter writes me that he found this species in Eastern Manitoba.
105. Swainson Hawk. Common Henhawk
Buteo swain-soni.
Very abundant summer resident of the prairie region; breeds perhaps
twice each season. Have seen several black specimens. Arrives April 15;
departs October 15.
Broad-winged Hawk.
Buteo platypterus.
Regular summer visitant wherever there is woods. In my collection are
two specimens, one collected near Winnipeg May 3, 1905, by Ashley Hine.
It is reported from various parts of the Province where well timbered,
and is generally distributed, though not abundant. A. Calder has a
beautiful melanistic specimen, killed at Winnipeg, April, 1907.
107. American Rough-legged Hawk.
Archibuteo lagopus
sancti-johannis. Migrant; only seen in spring
and fall, but not numerous.
108. Red Roughleg, Uopher-hawk.
Archibuteo ferru gineus.
One in the collection of E. W. Darbey was shot, ifi 1895, at Niverville,
fifteen miles south-west of Winnipeg, by Geo. Grieve. There is another
specimen in the Manitoba Museum.
109. Golden Eagle.
Aquila chrysaetos.
Rare, but ap parently resident.
110. Bald Eagle.
leucocephalus. Summer visitant, of general
distribution wherever there are fish.
111. Gray
Gyrfalcon. Falco
rusticolus. A rare winter visitant. A
specimen was killed near Winnipeg in the fall of 1904, and mounted by E.
W. Darbey for the Manitoba Museum. Two fine specimens taken by W. R.
Hine were at one time in the same collection. .
112. Duck Hawk.
Falco peregrinus
anaium. Much like the Goshawk in movements
and distribution. Probably breeds in the neighborhood of the large
lakes. Quite common on the Big Plain about August.
113. Pigeon Hawk.
spring and fall migrant, breeding in the
of northern Manitoba.
113a. Richardson
Merlin. Falco
columbarius richard-soni. A Plains race, said
to be a regular summt.r resident along Souris River. A fine specimen was
killed in Winnipeg during the summer of 1900 and brought in the flesh to
A. Calder, in whose collection it may now be seen. ^
114. American
Falco sparverius. Abundant summer resident;
of general distribution wherever there is woods.
115. American Osprey.
Pandion haliaetus
carolinensis. A summer resident about all the
fish-stocked rivers and lakes. Reported from all parts of the Province,
but rare.
116. American Long-eared
Owl. Asio
u.ilsnnianus. Sum-nier
resident in all wooded sections. Arrives April 15; departs October 20.
117. Short-eared Owl, Marsh-owl.
Asio flammeus.
Common summer resident in all marshy and prairie sections. Arrives April
1; departs October 30.
118. Barred Owl.
Strix varia.
Summer resident of the wooded sections. The records show it to be more
widely differed than was once believed. In 1886 I saw a specimen taken
at Kenora, In my collection is one taken at Winnipeg, March 30, 1906, by
Harry Jones. E. W. Darbey writes me that he had four, taken at Winnipeg
in 1906. and one early in April, 190S. At Portage la Prairie I was shown
a female taken by G. E. Atkinson, May 19, 1S99. J. S. Charleson writes
me that on May 9, 1901, while canoeing up the Assiniboine near Winnipeg,
he saw a Barred Owl in a tree. Also he secured a specimen from Riding
Mountain in January, 1905; it was killed by T. S. Kittson, and had in
its stomach a flying squirrel. Arrives about April 1; departs about
November 1.
119. Great Gray Owl.
Scotiaptex nebulosa.
One specimen, taken on the Big Plain, September 29, 1884. Rather common
along the Red River, and resident in the woods about Lake Winnipeg.
120. Richardson Owl.
Glaux funerea richardsom,
A common winter visitant in the Alleghanian region, but probably
resident and breeding in the Canadian part of the Province.
121. Saw-whet Owl.
Glaux acadica.
Rare, but apparently a permanent resident.
122. Western Horned Owl.
Bubo virginianus
pallescens. Common resident wherever there is
122a, White Horned Owl.
Bubo virginianus
subarcticus. Rare in Manitoba; in A. Calder’s
collection are two superb specimens of this northern form.. They were
taken recently at Winnipeg. It is recorded also from MacDonald, Duck
Mountain, and Touchwood Hills.
123. Snowy Owl, White Owl.
Nyctea nyctea.
Common winter visitant, sometimes appearing in large numbers. Arrives
October 1; departs April 15.
124. American Hawk-owl.
Surnia ulula caparoch.
Very abundant some years. Arrives late in September, and remains until
April. May yet be found breeding in the extreme north of the Province.
125. Burrowing Owl.
Speotyto cunicularia
hypogaea. There is one of the species that
have appeared in Manitoba recently. In the early eighties it was quite
unknown. In August, 1899, at the taxidermist shop of G. E. Atkinson,
Portage la Prairie, I saw two Burrowing Owls that were taken by a farmer
about four miles north-west of the town, on June 2, 1897. Two others
were brought to the shop in May, 1899. The specimen in my collection
(No. 2,594) is one of two taken at Morden by D. Nicholson, the
taxidermist. He reports it rare, but regular and increasing. Two others
were taken in 1902. E. W. Darbev tells me that it is becoming quite
common along the Pipestone and on the slope of Riding Mountain.
1904 J. P. Turner found a nest eight mdes north-west of Winnipeg. The
species utilizes the burrows of the Richardson ground-squirrel for a
nesting place.
126. Black-billed Cuckoo.
erythrophthalmus A common summer resident in
all the Alleghanian region; not yet recorded beyond that limit. Arrives
late in May, departing.at the end of August.
127. Belted Kingfisher.
Ceryle alcyon.
Common summer resident everywhere along streams and fish frequented
lakes. Arrives April 20; departs in October.
128. Northern Hairy Woodpecker.
Dryobat.es villosus
leucomelas. Common resident of woods
129. Downy Woodpecker.
Dryobates pubescens
medianus. Common resident throughout the
Province, excepting possibly the north-eastern corner.
130. Arctic Three-toed Woodpecker.
Picoidcs circticus.
Common resident in the forested region. Most
plentiful in winter, therefore probably in some degree migratory.
131. American Three-toed Woodpecker.
Picoides ameri-canus.
Rare permanent resident of the Canadian region. Unfortunately no
specimens are available. Both W. R. Hine'and R. H. Hunter claim to have
seen it in the woods eastof Winnipeg, and at Kenora, in 1886, I saw a
supposed specimen, beside which its known range includes the forested
portion of the Province.
132. Yellow-belUed Sapsucker.
Sphyrapicus varius.
Common summer resident of all the Alleghanian
region; not yet recorded from the Canadian. Arrives about May 1.
133. Pileated Woodpecker, Cock-of-the-Woods.
Phloeoto-mus pileatus
abieticola. Rare resident in heavy timber and
spruce woods throughout the Province.
134. Red-headed Woodpecker.
erythroce-phalus. A rare summer resident of
south-western Manitoba, apparently confined to regions where oaks are
135. Flicker, Highholder.
Colaptes auratus luteus.
Very abundant summer resident throughout the Province wherever there are
trees. Arrives April 15; departs September 30.
136. Red-shafted
Colaptes cafer collaris.
A full plumaged female in my collection (No.
2,546) was shot near Winnipeg, Sept. 30, 19U4, by T. Dolphin. At Portage
la Prairie, in August, 1899, I saw in G. E. Atkinson’s taxidermist shop
a fine adult hybrid Flicker, shot in the vicinity, April 16, 1897.
137. Whip-poor-will.
Antrostomus vociferus.
Abundant summer resident in woods and partly
wooded regions throughout the Province.
138. Night-hawk.
Chordeiles virginiauns.
The Night-hawk
common throughout Manitoba, and thus the typical
form seems to be the one in all but the true prairie region.
138a. Western
Chordeiles virginianus henr-yi.
Very abundant summer resident of the prairies
in south-western Manitoba. Arrives
24; departs August 30.
139. Chimney Swift.
Chaetura pelagica.
Summer resident of the Alleghanian region,
nowhere very common, and most numerous about the towns. Arrives about
May 15; departs early in September.
140. Ruby-throated
Trochilus colubris. This is a summer resident
in the Alleghanian region, wherever it finds suitable surroundings—that
is, a
warm sheltered garden with red flowers. Arriving
about May 23.
Muscivora forficata.
Accidental straggler. One found by C. W.
Nash, at Portage la Prairie, October 31, 1884. (See Auk, April, 1885, p.
142. Kingbird.
Tyrannus tyrannus.
Very abundant summer resident throughout the
Province wherever there are trees or even small bushes. Arrives May 20;
departs August 30.
143. Arkansas
Tyrannus verticalis.
Two specimens of this, an adult and one in
first plumage, were taken by D. Losh Thorpe at the Souris coal fields,
August 20, 1891. This is not many miles to the wtst of the Province, and
justifies the insertion of the species as
144. Crested
Myiarchus crinilus.
Summer resident about Winnipeg; noted several
times at Carberry. Taken by Professor Macoun at Lake Manitoba, June 17,
1SS1. Quite common along the Assiniboine. On Aug. 20, 1904, I got one at
Lake W innipegosis. This is the northernmost that I know of.
145. Phoebe.
Sayornis phoebe.
Rare summer resident, but apparently found in
all parts of the Province; recorded even from Norway House.
146. Olive-sided
Nuttallornis borealis.
A com mon summer resident in all the wooded
parts of the Province.
147. Wood Pewee.
Myiochanes virens.
Summer resident of the heavy woods in the
Alleghanian region.
148. Western Wood Pewee.
Myiochanes richardsoni,
Common summer resident of the willow thicket
and open groves throughout the Alleghanian region.
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher.
Empidonax flaviventris Summer resident,
frequenting woodlands. Noted at Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie, Duck
Mountain, and Oak Lake. Probably throughout the Alleghanian region
150. Alder
Empidonax trailli ahwrum
Re corded from Pembina, Carberry, Lake
Manitoba, Duck Mountain, Riding Mountain, ami Norway House, so doubtless
it is generally distributed throughout the Province wherever there is
cover. An abundant summer resident.
151. Least
Empidonax minimus. Very abundant summer in
all wooded localities. Arrives May 20; departs late in September.
152. Prairie
Horned Lark.
0tocoris alpesUis praticola. Abundant,
breeding in all the prairie regions. Resident, excepting during
December, January, and February. Breeds twice each season.
152a. Shore Lark.
alpestris. Fall migrant. Taken at Carberry
and Kenora.
153. American
Magpie. Pica
hudsonia. Irregular, rare resident. Found
west of Fort Ellice, and occasionally along the Upper Assiniboine. A
single specimen reported from Brandon.
154. Blue Jay.
cristata. Common summer resident of woodlands
throughout the Province. Arrives early in April; departs late in
November. May be resident in southern localities.
155. Canada Jay,
Whiskey-jack. Wis-ka-tjan,
Periso reus canadensis
Abundant resident throughout the wooded region. The common name of this
bird is a corruption of the Indian Wis-ka-tjan. This last name should
not be lost sight of.
156. American
Raven. Corvus
corax principalis. Winter visitant in all the
Alleghanian region. Said to be resident, and of course breeding, in the
Canadian regions to the north; not common anywhere.
157. American
Crow. Corvus
brachyrhynchos. Summer resident throughout
the Province. Abundant in the Alleghanian region; scarce in the Canadian
15S. Bobolink.
Dolichonyx oryziiorus.
Abundant summer resident in all the prairie
region. Arrives May 20, departs September 7.
159. Cowbird.
Molothrus ater.
Very abundant summer resident throughout the
prairie region. Arrives May 15; departs late in the fall, but disappears
for a time during the moult at the end of August. They are then to be
found, I believe, in the sloughs and marshes with the Grackles.
160. Yellow-headed
Xanthocephalus xantho-cephalus.
A summer resident of the marshes throughout
the Alleghanian region; found also, but much less numerously, in the
Canadian region; wherever there are extensive marshes. Arrives May 1,
departs late in October.
161. Northern
Agelaius phoeniceus arctolegus. Abundant
summer resident of the whole Province. Arrives April 20; departs late in
162. Western
Meadow Lark.
Siurnella neglecta.
Abundant summer resident of all the prairie
regions. Arrives April 15; departs October 15.
163. Orchard
Icterus spurius.
One specimen, taken
Pembina, June 6, 1873, by
164. Baltimore
Icterus galbula.
Abundant summer resident of the Alleghanian
region. Arrives May 30; departs August 30. .
165. Rusty
Euphagus carolinus.
Extremely abundant migrant during April and
late September. Not found in the Alleghanian region during summer, but
probably breeding in the north-west parts of the Province within the
166. Brewer
Blackbird, Satin Bird
Euphagus cyanoce-phalus.
Abundant summer resident, apparently conlined
to the Alleghanian region. Arrives April 15; departs November 1.
167. Eronzed
Quiscalus quismla aeneus. Abundant summer
resident wherever there is wood' land. Arrives April 20; departs October
168. Evening
Common winter visitant in the vicinities of
Winnipeg, Portage la Prairie, and Qu’Appelle, Big Island
Lake Winnipeg, and Selkirk. (R.
H. Hunter.)
169. Pine
Pinicola enucleator leucura.
Com mon winter visitant in all the wooded
sections, probably breeding in the northmost parts of the Province.
170. Purple
Carpodacus purpureus.
Common summer resident of all wooded regions. Arrives early in May;
departs middle of September.
171. English
Passer domesticus.
This species is now found in all the settled
portions of Manitoba, and at every farmhouse and in all the towns of the
North-west as far as AthabaSka Landing, Alberta, about N. Latitude 55,
W. Longitude 113. It first appeared at Carberry in 1892, but was nut
found in numbers until 1894. According to Criddle, it
developing a habit of migration.
172. American
curvirostra minor.
Common as a winter visitant at Winnipeg,
Purtage la Prairie and Big Plain, possibly breeding, as it is known to
do so in Minnesota (Trippe).
173. White-winged
Common winter visitant about Winnipeg and
Plain; may breed in the Canadian region.
174. Gray-crowned Finch, Pink Snowbird.
Leucosticte tepkrocotis.
I have in my collection an adult of species taken near Birtle, Manitoba,
in January, 1S91, by George Copeland. Also in the Manitoba Museum are
two specimens taken in the Province by W. R Hine. These give a
considerable eastward extension to the range of the species.
175. Hoary
Acantliis hornemanni exilipes. Noted only as
a rare migrant; in fall and
A. linaria.
176. Redpoll.
Acanthis linaria.
Abundant fall and winter visitant, arriving from the north about October
20, and departing about May 1.
Astragalinus tristis.
summer resident of the Alleghanian region. Arrives
last week of May; departs middle of September.
178. Pine Siskin.
Spinus pimus.
An irregular and abundant spring and fall visitant; may breed in the
Canadian region.
179. Snowflake,
Plectrophenax nivalis. Very abundant spring,
fall, and winter resident, arriving about the middle of October and
staying until the end of April.
180. Lapland
Calcarius lapponicus. Very abundant spring
and fall migrant. Arrives May 15, and again September 20.
181. Painted
Calcarius pictus. Abundant spring and much
less plentiful fall migrant. Arrives on May 10, stays two weeks, and
again on September 15 for
few days.
Black-breasted Longspur.
Calcarius ornatus.
Common summer resident of the dry prairies. Local in distribution, many
pairs sometimes affecting a limited area of dry prairie, while again for
miles no more of the species are to be seen. Arrives May 16; departs
August 30.
183. McCowu
Rhynchophancs mecou'ni. A epecimen of this
bird, taken by D. Losh Thorpe, near Dalesbro, just west of our borders,
justifies its inclusion as a probable straggler.
184. Western
Pooecetes gramineus con-finis.
Very abundant summer resident of the prairie
region. Arrives May 1; departs Septem ber 30.
185. Savanna Sparrow.
Passcrculus sandivichmsis savanna.
Doubtless found as a summer resident in open
places throughout our Canadian area, as Preble found it general in
Keewatin and at Norway House.
185a. Western
Passerculus saud-wichensis alaudinus.
Abundant summer resident of the prairie
region. Arrives May 1; departs September 30.
186. Baird Sparrow.
Cottmiicnlus bairdi.
Abundant summer resident throughout the
prairie region wherever there are alkaline flats. Taken at Grand Rapids
1S7. Leconte Sparrow.
Ammodramus lecontei
Abundant summer resident of willow
bottom-lands throughout the prairie region. Arrives May 1 ; departs
September 30.
1S9. Nelson Sparrow.
Ammodramus nelsoni.
In 1892 I found this sparrow abundant at
Carberry and secured specimens, both breeding and migrant. In
1901 I
found it common at Shoal Lake.
my collection are three specimens taken at Winnipeg.
There can be little doubt that it is found throughout south-western
Manitoba, and breeds wherever found.
189. Lark Sparrow.
Chondestes grammacus.
Rare summer resident. Noted only in the
vicinity of Winnipeg and at Portage la Prairie.
190. B’ack-faced
or Harris Sparrow
Zonotrichia que-rnla.
Abundant spring and fall migrant. Arrives May
15 and again September 20, remaining a week or ten days each time.
Breeds in Hudsonian fauna. Nest found in far north. See Auk, Jan. 1998,
p. 72.
191. White-crowned
Zonotrichia lencophrys. Migrant, not common.
Passes through in early May and late September. Probably breeds in the
extreme north-eastern part of the Province.
191a Gambel
Zonotrichia leucophrys gambeli. A migrant
only, abundant on the Souris in fall migration (Coues).
I have seen specimens taken at Carberry and at Portage la Prairie.
192. White-throatei
Zonotrichia albicollis. Common summer
resident of all the wooded country Arrives early in May; departs late in
193. Tree-sparrow.
Spizella monticola.
Abundant migrant in all parts of the Province
from mid-April to mid-May, and again through October.
194. Chipping
Spizella passerina.
Summer resident about small towns and along
wooded edges, apparently throughout the Province, as it is recorded from
Pembina, Winnipeg, Norway House, Oxford House, Grand Rapids, Prince
Albert, and Qu’Appelle, as well as Carberry and Portage la Prairie. Not
common; mid-April to late September. .
195. Clay-colored
Spizella pallida.
Very abundant summer resident of the
Alleghanian region. Arrives May 15; departs October 1.
Slate-colored Junco.
Abundant migrant throughout the Province, and
doubtless breeding in all the Canadian region, though there are few
records of it. Arrives the first week of April, and departs m October.
197. Montana Junco.
unco hyemalis montanus.
Among the migrant flocks of the preceding I
have several times seen this race near Carberry ; one or two were
198. Song Sparrow.
Melospiza melodia.
Summer resident throughout the Pr'ovince.
common Arrives late in April; departs early in
199. Lincoln
Melospiza lincolni.
Spring and fall migrant. Noted during first
week of May and last week of September. Probably breedijtg in the
extreme north-eastern part of the Province.
200. Swamp
Melospiza georgiana.
Common summer resident throughout the
Province, but most abundant in the Alleghanian region
Fox Sparrow.
Passerella iliaca.
Common migrant in the prairie region,
arriving in mid-April. Breeding abundantly on Duck Mountain and
apparently in all the Canadian region of the Province.
202. Towhee.
Pipilo erylhroplhalmus.
Common sum mer resident of the Alleghanian
region north at least to Carberry; not yet recorded beyond.
203. Arctic
Pipilo maculalus arcticus.
This Western species appears in this list on
the strength of a specimen -taken on the Souris at the boundary,
September l(i, 1S73, by Dr. Elliot Coues.
Zamelodia luJoviciana. Common summer resident
of the Alleghanian region, possibly farther, as there is one record for
the north end of Lake Winnipeg.
205. Indigo Bunting.
Passerina cyanea.
A mule adult Indigo Bunting (No. 2,531 Seton
Coll.) was killed on June 3, 1893, by W. R. Hine, near St. Boniface,
between the Seine and Assiniboine Rivers, on the land between, the
Bishops’s Marsh and the River Seine. Another adult male was taken at
Estevan, South Saskatchewan, by D. L. Thorpe, 29 May, 1892. Estevan is
eighty miles west of Manitoba. In the collection of Father Blum, St.
Boniface College, is an extraordinary specimen killed at Winnipeg. After
careful examination E. A. Preble and I agree that it is probably a
hybrid Indigo Bunting
Common Canary, maybe escaped from captivity. With the general form and
color of an Indigo Bunting female, it has some patches of yellow, and a
white tail and wings.
200. Dickcissel or
Black-throated Bunting.
Spiza americana.
August 10, 1899, I was shown an adult specimen of this bird by G. E.
Atkinson, who shot it at Portage la Prairie, June 1 , 1S97. This was
recorded in “Man. Free Press,” March 5, 1904.
Scarlet Tanager.
erythromelas. I have seen two specimens that
were taken at Winnipeg in 1892, one in the collection of George Grieve,
the other in the collection of W. R. Hine. He also took another, and saw
a third in 1888. It was about the end of May, during a sudden cold
spell. The third he saw on the bank of Red River in the city limits; he
was within two yards of it for some time, but did not collect it.
H. Hunter writes me that in June, 1880, while camping east of Winnipeg,
he observed a pair, evidently nesting, and adds that his companion,
Clementi-Smith, has “seen several pairs on the shores of Lake Winnipeg.”
“Lake Winnipeg” (Ridguay).
“Rare at Qu’Appelle”
208. Purple
Martin. Progne
subis. Common summer resident of all the
Alleghanian region wherever there is large timber to furnish nesting
sites; also in towns.
209. Cliff
Petrochelidon lunijrons. Abundant summer
resident in all parts of the Province where cliffs or tall buildings in
quiet places furnish nesting sites. Arrives May 15; departs August 30.
210. Barn Swallow.
Hirundo erythrogastra.
A summer resident of erratic distribution. .Seldom seen about Winnipeg,
not recorded from Portage
Prairie, and yet in
1901 J.
S. Charleson the taxidermist told me it was common
at MacDonald and at Brandon. There is quite a colony at the former place
under the long bridge. At Carberry I saw one or two each year; they
arrived in the first half of May. Thus there are many records to show
that, though rare, it is of general distribution, and further, it is
increasing with the advance of settlement. Near Wawanesa, on September
13, 1904, 1
long straggling flock of nearly a hundred of the
species flyng south-west; many were within three or four feet of me as I
211. Tree Swallow.
bicolor. Abundant summer resident in all
parts of the Province where there are large trees.
212. Bank Swallow, Sand
Martin. Riparia
riparia. Common summer resident wherever it
can find suitable banks for nesting. Arrives mid-May; departs late in
213. Saw-winged
Stelgidopteryx serripennis. In the Manitoba
Museum is a specimen of this Swallow, taken at Winnipeg by W. R. Hine.
214. Bohemian
Bombycilla garrula. A common winter visitant
in most parts of Manitoba; often seen in November and April. Not known
to nest here.
215. Cedar Wax-wing,
Cherry Bird.
Bombycilla cedro•
Abundant summer resident throughout the Province. Arrives late in May.
Northern Shrike.
Lunins borealis.
Common spring and fall visitant, passing through toward the north
in the first half of April, returning durng October.
Shrike. Lanius
ludovicianus excubi-torides. Abundant summer
resident throughout the Alleghanian regions. Arrives early in May;
departs late in September.
218. Red-eyed
Vireo. Vireosylva
olivacca. Abundant summer resident wherever
there is cover in all parts of the Province. Arrives May 24; departs
late in August.
Philadelphia Virec.
philadelphica. A regular summer resident, not
abundant, but prob-nbly in the woodlands throughout the Province. I
found the nest and eggs near Fort Pelly (north-west of Duck Mountain),
June 9, 1884. (See Auk, July,
pp. 305, 300.)
220. Warbling Vireo.
Vireosylva gilva.
Common summer resident of the Alleghanian region. Arrives May 30.
Vireo. Lanivireo
flavifrons. This species has not yet been
taken in Manitoba, so far as I know,
being an Eastern species taken at Yorktown, Sask.,
by W. Raine, and at Moose jaw by Miller Christy, it is included as
probable. W. R. Hine claims to have seen it on the Red River.
222. Blue- headed
Vireo. Lanivireo
solitarius. Summer resident in all parts of
Manitoba; not common. Arrives about May 15.
223. Black and
White Warbler.
Mniotilta varia.
irter resident in all the wooded parts of the
apparently most numerous in the spruce forests of the Canadian region.
Arrives about May 15; departs at the end of August.
224. Nashville
Helminthophila rubricapilla. Rare summer
resident. Noted at Aweme, Lake Manitoba, Duck Mountain, and along Red
Orange-crowned Warbler.
Helminthophila celata. Common summer resident
of all woodlands, apparently throughout the Province, Arrives May 12;
departs end of September.
226. Tennessee
Helminthophila peregrma. Summer resident,
breeding in most woodlands, but not plentiful. Noted on Big Plain and
Duck Mountain, and along Red River near Winnipeg. At Pembina common in
the spring migration
(Cones). North
shore of Lake Winnipeg
Arrives in mid-May; departs at the end of
227. Cape May
Dendroica iigrina.
Abundant migrant along Red River and
common summer resident in some regions, but erratic
in distribution. Recorded from Winnipeg, Shoal Lake, and Moose Factory.
Migrates in mid-May and late August
228. Yellow
Dendroica aestiva.
Very abundant summer resident of all thickets
and woods throughout the Province. Arrives May 15; departs September 7.
229. Myrtle
Dendroica coronata.
Abundant migrant throughout the Province,
breeding in the Canadian region. Arrives April 23; departs September 12.
230. Magnolia
Dendroica magnolia.
Noted only as a migrant, but doubtless
breeds in
the Canadian region. Arrives mid-May; departs
Chestnut-sided Warbler.
Dendroica pennsylvanica.
Common summer resident in woodlands of the
Alleghanian region. Arrives about May 20
232. Bay-breasted
Dendroica castanea. A regular migrant,
especially along Red River; not common. Probably breeds in the
northernmost part of the Province. Arrives mid-May.
233. Black-poll
Dendroica striata. Noted only as a migrant;
not plentiful. Arrives at Aweme about May 13.
Black-throated Green Warbler.
Dendroica virens.
Norman Criddle reports this at Aweme on May 13 and
17, 1898.
235. Blackburnian
Dendroica blackburniae A rare migrant in the
Alleghanian region, probably breeding in the Canadian. Arrives l^-te
236. Pine Warbler.
Dendroica vigorsi.
A rare summer resident in the evergreen forests of South-eastern
Manitoba. ‘‘ AJrives about May 10; departs about September 2”
237. Palm Warbler.
palmarum. A common spring and fall migrant in
the Alleghanian region; may breed in the Canadian. Passes about the
first week of May, and again about September 15.
238. Ovenbird.
aurocapillus. Common summer resident of
woodlands; apparently found throughout the Province. Arrives in mid-May;
departs in mid-September.
239. Water-thrush.
noveboracensis notabilis. Common summer
resident of all woodlands where there is water. Arrives in mid-May;
departs late in September.
240. Connecticut
Oporornis agilis. Somewhat common summer
resident from mid-May to early
September. Noted on Duck Mountain, Big Plain, and along Red River. Nest
found June 21, 1883. (See Auk, April, 1884, pp. 192, 193.)
241. Mourning
Oporornis Philadelphia. Common summer
resident of dry scrub lands throughout the Alleghanian region, arriving
in late May, “departing early in September” (Criddle
242. Northern
Geothylpis trichas. Common summer resident of
thickets in the Alleghanian region, arriving about May 20, departing in
343. Wilson
Warbler. Wilsonia
pusilla. Summer resident throughout the
Province; not common.
in mid-May, departing in mid-September.
241. Canadian
Warbler. Wilsonia
canadensis. Apparently found throughout the
Province as a rare
summer resident. According to N. Criddle it
arrives about May 20 and departs the
of August.
245. American
Setophaga ruti cilia. Common summer resident
of all woodlands Arrives in midMay; departs in mid-September.
246. American
Pipit. Anthus
rubecens. Abundant spring and fall migrant
throughout the Province.
247. Sprague
Pipit.. Missouri Skylark
Anthus spraguei.
Formerly resident summer of Assiniboine region
wherever there were high dry prairies, arriving May 1, departing
September 1-. This bird was very abundant on the Big Plain in 1882, but
m 1892 I failed to see or hear a single individual in the country. It
appears to have totally disappeared. This is unquestionably owing to the
breaking up of the virgin prairie.
248. Catbird.
carolmensis. Abundant sum mer resident of the
Alleghanian region. Arrives in mid-May; departs mid-September.
249. Brown
Toxostoma ruftm.
Common summer resident of the Alleghanian
region wherever there are open woodlands. Arrives May 15; departs
September 7.
250. Western House
Troglodytes aedon parkmani. Abundant summer
resident, apparently confined to the Alleghanian region. Arrives May 20;
departs about the end of September.
251. Winter Wren.
Nannus hiemalis.
This is a woodland species, apparently common
in the southeastern quarter of the Povince only. R. H. Hunter found it a
common summer resident in the woods east of Winnipeg. C. W. Nash saw one
at Winnipeg, and another at Portage la Prairie. N. Criddle found it at
252. Short-billed
Cistothoriis stellaris. Summer resident of
the Alleghanian region; erratic in distribution. Preble found
at Norway House. Arrives May 15; departs Sept. 15.
253. Long-billed
Telmatodytes palustris iliacus.
Summer resident; of extensive, though
erratic, distribution. Common at Winnipeg, Shoal Lake, and Portage
Prairie. Recorded at Oak Point, Aweme, Waterhen
River, and on Saskatchewan. Arrives early in May.
254. Biown
Certhia familiar-is americana.
A rare summer resident. Noted at Winnipeg and
Portage la Prairie, and Riding Mountain.
Slender-billed Nuthatch.
carolinensis aculeata. Somewhat rare resident
of the heavily timbered regions. Absent from the Province only during
the hardest part of the winter.
256. Red-breasted
Nuthatch. Siita
canadensis. Rare summer resident of the woods
in all parts of the Province; abundant during the migration in
257. Long-tailed
Penthestes atricapillus sep-tentrionalis.
Resident; abundant in all the woodlands. The Manitoba bird is not
scptenlrio-nalis, but is nearer to that form
than to
258. Hudsonian
Penthestes huds&mcus. The only record is as
follows:—“In flocks around the Porcupine Mountains” (.Macoun).
The bird is certain!}' not found in the Asainiboine region, and there
are no Red River records, though it should be the prevailing species in
the Winnipeg Basin.
Golden-crowned Kinglet.
Regulus satrapa.
Rare migrant. Noted at Carberry, November 5, 18SA, and recorded also
from Aweme, Portage
Prairie, and Winnipeg.
260. Ruby-crowned
Kinglet. Regulus
calendula. Common migrant. Noted on Big Plain
about May 15, along Red River, and at Portage la Prairie. “On Souris in
{Cones). Probably breeds in the north-east
part of the Province. Passes through in late April and early May; again
about the 1st of October.
261. Willow Veery.
juscescens sahcicola. Abundant summer
resident of all thickets in the Alleghanian region. Arrives in mid-May;
departs earl}' in September.
262. Gray-cheeked
Hylocichla aliciae. Common migrant.
Imperfectly observed, as it is not usually distinguished from the next.
263. Olive-backed
Hylocichla ustulata swain-soni. Common summer
resident of, woodlands apparently throughout the Province. Arrives May
1; departs early in October.
Hermit Thrush.
Hylocichla guttata pallasi.
Common summer resident of woodlands in the
Canadian region. A migrant in the Alleghanian, passing in late April and
early October.
265. American
Planesticus migrator ins.
Abundant summer resident throughout the
Province. Arrives April 15; departs October 15.
266. Bluebird.
Sialia sialis.
Formerly very rare; has become quite a
regular summer resident in the country along the Assiniboine, and nearly
every grove of oak of any extent is found to have a pair making their
home in it along with the Purple Martins.
268. Mountain
Sialia airrucoides.
E. H, Patterson secured one of a pair that he
found at a place two miles west of Brandon, and sent the same to G. E.
Atkinson, who recorded it in “Man. Free Press,” March 5, 1904. To this,
Norman Criddle (the naturalist responsible for records from Aweme) adds
(“Ottawa Naturalist,” July, 1904, pp. 85, 86) that the species is by no
means uncommon about the Carberry sandhills, and that he has taken
numerous nests there. |