Many a book has
been published for which no good reason could be assigned, but this
book is not of that class. Many manuscripts might have been
consigned by publishers to the waste-basket or the flames and the
world have been none the poorer but to have withheld these “Manitoba
Memories” from the public would have been a distinct and serious
loss. Methodists would have lost some pages of inspiring
autobiography, as well as the story of the planting of Methodism in
the great North-West; Christians who can rise above the low level of
denominational shibboleths would have lost the profit which comes
from studying the movements of other divisions of the Lord’s army
than their own; patriots would have lost the record of some of the
most stirring scenes in the founding of our Western Empire ; and
coming historians of both Church and State would have lost a
veritable mine of materials of the highest value.
Only a single chapter is devoted to the author’s autobiography, but
the glimpses it affords of his early life serve the good purpose of
bringing the reader into sympathy with the man and his work. From
this starting point we follow him with sympathetic interest through
the valedictory services at Toronto, before setting out with his
companions for their distant mission fields ; the long and toilsome
journey over the hundreds of miles of unsettled prairie that
intervened between St. Cloud and Fort Garry; the difficulties which
beset his early ministry, growing in part out of the sparseness of
population, the long distances between the settlements, the scarcity
and cost of supplies, and, last but not least, the bigotry of some
who claimed a monopoly of religious teaching, poorly qualified
though they might be to supply it. But all these were successively
overcome, and the reader cannot fail to rejoice in the success which
ultimately crowned the labors of this devoted missionary and those
who succeeded him in the work.
The part of these “ Memories ” which will most deeply stir the
hearts of loyal Canadians, irrespective of name or party, is that
which covers the revolt of the half-breeds under Louis Riel in 1869.
In this book we have a simple narrative of the facts, recorded by an
eye-witness whose well-known reputation for integrity, veracity and
uprightness precludes any suspicion of unfairness. The narrative in
its simplicity, directness, circumstantial details and evident
freedom from mere partizan bias, bears the stamp of truthfulness
upon its face, and the future historian will find in it materials
which he can use with unhesitating confidence. The beginning of the
troubles; the persistent attempts of Riel to fan the passions of the
ignorant halfbreeds (which a word from the Hierarchy could have
checked, had it been spoken); the seizure of Fort Garry and the
imprisonment of loyal Canadians; the escape of some and the
recapture of part of them; the climax of crime and cruelty in the
cold-blooded murder of Thomas Scott; the enforced exodus of the
loyal element until order was restored by the triumphal entry of the
forces under . General Wolseley—all these occurrences are detailed
with simple but graphic power, and supply information of intense
interest and permanent value.
Following the stirring chapters on the Riel rebellion, the author
turns again to the peaceful scenes of missionary labor and the
planting of the Methodist Church. “The First Manitoba Missionary
Conference,” when Drs. Pun-shon and Wood, and John Macdonald, Esq.,
(all of whom have since joined the “great majority”) met the
missionaries of the North-West, is sketched chiefly in the language
of contemporaneous records, and Dr. Lachlan Taylor’s journey through
the “Great Lone Land” is given in the words of the Doctor’s own
journal and report. The history of the early educational movement is
an interesting chapter, and so is that which details two dissimilar
missionary journeys in 1874 and 1875. The second of these journeys
was in the winter season, through an uninhabited wilderness, and
gave our author some experience of the toils and hardships of
missionaries in the far North. But to follow the remaining chapters
in detail would exceed the limits properly assigned to an
Introduction, and I must refer the reader to the book itself for
further information.
A work such as was done by George Young and his associates in the
North-West does not bulk very large in the public eye at the time.
Theirs was emphatically the work of laying foundations, and this is
a work which has to be done quietly, and, for the most part, out of
sight; but its importance to the superstructure to be built
thereupon cannot be overstated. That these men planned wisely and
built solidly, the results abundantly testify. Not often is it given
to pioneers to see the full fruit of their labors; but it is matter
of profound satisfaction that the man who, under God, planted the
seeds of Methodism in the Prairie Province, has lived to see and
help to gather the wonderful harvest that sprang from his sowing.
Some men have monuments in dead marble, reared long after they have
passed away; George Young has his monument today in the living
Methodism of the great North-West.
Methodist Mission Rooms,
Toronto, May 10th, 1897.
Manitoba Memories (pdf)