Echoes from the Backwoods
Or Sketches from Transatlantic Life by Captain R. G. A. Levinge
(Second Edition) (1847) (pdf) The Life and
Times of Sir Leonard Tilley
Being a Political History of New Brunswick for the past seventy
years by James Hannay (1897) (pdf) 1783 - 1883 Foot-Prints
Or Incidents in Early History of New Brunswick by J. W. Lawrence
(1883) (pdf) Annals of the Diocese of
By Ernest Hawkins, B.d. (1847) (pdf)
New Brunswick Scottish Journal
Got in the April 2017 issue. Journal of the New Brunswick
For the encouragement of Agriculture Home Manufacturers and Commerce
throughout the Province instituted at Fredericton, N.B., August 30,
1849 (pdf) A Monograph of the Evolution
of the Boundaries of the Province of New Brunswick.
(Contributions to the History of New Brunswick, No. 5.) By William
F. Ganong, M.A., Ph.D. (Presented by Sir John Bourlnot, and read May
23rd, 1901.) (pdf) New Brunswick Bibliography
The Books and Writers of the Province By W. G. MacFarlane, A. B.
(1895) (pdf) The Woods and Minerals of New Brunswick
Being a descriptive catalogue of the Trees, Shrubs, Rocks and
Minerals of the Province, available for Economic purposes, prepared
for use at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876 by L.
W. Bailey, Ph. D., Prof, of Natural History in the University of New
Brunswick, and Edward Jack, Esq., C. E., Surveyor of Crown Lands
(1876) (pdf)
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