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History of Inverness County, Nova Scotia
Chapter XI - District of Judique

The district of Judique is an important part of Inverness County. It was settled early. It is a large, rich and beautiful piece of country. It has a pleasant and accessible coast with some fine coves and beaches. The place is well adapted to fishing and farming pursuits. The virility and prowess of its pioneer settlers were proverbial. Judique was the cradle of religious organization for the lonely immigrants to this forest land. That fact has a right to be remembered. It is unquestionable that the triumph of our fathers in the forbidding wilderness of the new world was due to three principal causes. First, the physical strength and vigor of those hardy pioneers; second, their fine freedom, for the first time, from feudal laws and landlords; third, and greatest of all, their strong, simple and sincere faith. No matter what denomination of Christians our fore-fathers belonged to, they all harboured in their bosoms that clear, strong, light of faith which could only be extinguished in their graves. Out of these graves, today, there comes to us a voice that cannot be denied.

When Father Alexander MacDonnell came to America in 1811, there was no resident clergymen of any creed between Cheticamp and the Strait of Canso. Although he crossed the ocean in 1811 Father MacDonnell did not come to Judique until 1816, having remained five years at the Gulf shore of Antigonish with the veteran Scottish priest, Reverend Alexander MacDonald. On coming to Judique in 1816 he took up his abode at Indian Point where lived his cousin, Thomas MacDonnell (Bin). A part of the barn in which he used to say mass is still standing. His jurisdiction covered the whole county of Inverness except the French communities of the extreme North. His field was large, his work arduous. He lived in Judique for twenty-five years, died at his home at Indian Point on 25th September, 1841, and was buried by Rev. Father Vincent of the Monastery of Petit Clairvaux, Tracadie, Nova Scotia.

The district of Judique runs along the coastal waters Northwardly from the Northern boundary of Creignish near Long Point to the Southern boundary of Port Hood near Little Judique. It is subdivided into Judique North and Judique South, and elects two representatives to the County Council. Duncan MacDonnell of Judique Banks, Merchant, and the late Allan MacLellan, afterwards Sheriff of Inverness, represented the district for a long time, whilst the Old Reliable, Hugh Gillis, has been a foremost member of the Municipal body for so long that "the memory of man runneth not to the contrary."

The physical features of Judique are strikingly picturesque. The shore road leading from Port Hood to Port Hastings cuts through this district from side to side within half a mile of the sea, and parallel there to. It is a good road, affording full opportunity to view the scenic sights, on either side. The homes and houses of the people lie along this road, suggesting in various ways lives of peace and contentment.

The farms are prettily laid out and cleared, and in some cases highly cultivated. They would all be well cultivated but for the unfortunate exodus from these shores of the younger people in former times. In a smaller degree that exodus still continues.

In the centre of this shore settlement of Judique there have stood, for several generations, a handsome Catholic Church and Presbytery, with other appropriate glebe buildings, and a good school house. The first church, glebe house and cemetery were down near the sea towards Indian Point. We regret to record that the most recent church in Judique was destroyed by lightning two years ago. It is missed by all the travelling public. We trust it may soon rise from its ashes more resplendent than ever to remind us all, as we pass along, of its mission and its need. There are other settlements in Judique besides the shore one. On the rear there are several communities, on different heights, such as Hillsdale, River Dennis Road, Rear Long Point, and Rear Little Judique. All these are peopled by honest, forceful sons of toil.

The first settlement of white men in Judique was effected by Michael MacDonald, Sea Captain and Poet of Uist, Robert MacInnes of Blair Athole, Mason, Allan MacDonnell of Glengarry, Alexander MacDonald, Retland, Ewen MacEachern of Kinloch-Moidart, John Graham (Veteran of the American War of Independence) and Donald Ban MacDonald, a scion of the brave "Chloinn Sheamis". The first three named were married to sisters of Bishop MacEachern of Prince Edward Island, who died in 1835 after a long period of devoted and difficult labour as priest and bishop. The Donald Ban here mentioned was the grandfather of that noble Scotsman, the late Donald J. MacDonald, who was Registrar of Probate and County Treasurer for the County of Inverness; and who married Mary one of the daughters of the late widow McDonald, who for many years kept house for the late Vicar General Rev Alex. McDonald at Mabou.

James, the son of Donald Ban and father of Donald J. was the first white child born and baptized in this part of the county. The second child so born and baptized was Alexander Graham, son of John above noted. The third was, it is said, Flora MacDonald who was afterwards married to Donald MacLean, Tailor, and died at the home of her daughter in the town of Antigonish some years ago at the age of" one hundred and three years. John Graham and his wife both attained to the age of ninety-six years and lived together in Christian wedlock for seventy-five years. Several of their children ran up into the nineties. The son Stephen is now the grand old man of Judique, but goes around hale and hearty with all his faculties unimpaired. Such was the stuff of which our forefathers were made.

The group of Judique settlers mentioned above did not come together. Michael MacDonald was the actual pioneer. He came in 1775, leaving his wife and two children in Prince Edward Island. He remained several months near Indian Point with not a soul in the region except himself and the redmen. He built him a rude but strong stockade as a protection against the Indians at night. Day and night. he went about with the axe in one hand, the gun in the other, and his heart in his mouth, in fear of Indians, bears, wildcats, and ghosts. That indeed, was "high cost of living"; but those intrepid settlers faced it all undaunted. The following year Michael MacDonald returned to,. Prince Edward Island and brought over his wife and family. His son Hugh was married and had four boys, Lawrence, John Sr., John Jr. and Hugh. They settled on the farm afterwards owned and held by Christopher MacDonnell. Some years they stayed in Judique, but finally all returned for good to Prince Edward Island.

Ewen MacEachern was a brother of Bishop MacEachern. He obtained a grant of 600 acres of land at Indian Point. This land he subsequently sold. The purchaser resold half of the six hundred acres to Thomas MacDonnell, Ban. Ewen MacEachern returned permanently to P.E.I. and the large estate at Indian Point passed forever to the MacDonnells and the MacDonalds.

Robert MacInnes stayed in Judique and was the progenitor of alt, the (Rob) MacInneses there since. Allan Ban MacDonnell, Alexander MacDonald (Retland) Donald Ban MacDonald and John Graham also, remained, and all made happy homes for themselves and their numerous descendants, of whom more anon.

The Grahams of Judique were Catholics, their ancestors and relatives Protestants, in Scotland. We have before us a letter dated 14th March, 1825, written to old John Graham by his brother Hector, from, which we are permitted to take the following extracts:

"Mallow, Co. Cork, Ireland,
"My dear Brother:- 14th March,

Having this moment received a letter from my brother Angus, stating that he had met a gentleman who had arrived from Cape Breton and told him that you reside in that Island, that he had frequently dined with you and that Mrs. Graham and you were very well, with an only daughter named Isabella.

On receiving this apparently authentic account of you, after so long an absence you may easily conceive how anxiously I must feel until I hear from yourself. Indeed, I was apprehensive from your long silence that you were not in existence. I therefore beg you will lose no time in making me acquainted how you are circumstanced in -every particular, and whether you have any intentions of ever returning to your native land; which I suppose you might be induced to do for the education of your daughter, as I should imagine education at ,Cape Breton could only be had on a limited scale.

I was married in 1817 in the County Limerick (when there with my Regt.) to the eldest daughter of the Reverend John Parker, and have the following family: viz. The eldest boy 10 years if age, named Alexander Slade Graham, the second boy 9 years of age, John Parker Graham; the third boy, 6 years, David Ross Graham, and my only ,daughter called after her grandmother, Catherine Isabella Graham.

Our brothers David and Donald are, I am sorry to say, no more. The former died at the West Indies, and the latter at Malta. Both ,were in the army and ornaments to the profession. If my young sons had not prevented my going out to the West Indies, I should have ,commanded the Regt. now as Lieut. Colonel. But on the whole, situated as I am with a family, probably I am as well off. Our children are very handsome and well forward in their education. Their mother is a religious, exemplary and good woman in every respect.

With our united affections to Mrs. Graham, yourself and Miss Graham whom I should be most happy to see some time or other.

Dear Brother,
yours very affectionately
Hector Graham,
Lieut. Half Pay 60th Regt.

John Graham came over to America with a British regiment when the United States had rebelled against British Rule, His father in Scotland did not know for years where he went or was.

One would scarcely expect that the quiet, mild-mannered Grahams of Judique came of a fighting race, but the fact appears to have been even so. Three of the brothers of John, (Donald, David and Rector), were military men in active service in the old land, and all three would seem to have added renown to the arms of their sovereign. Old John Graham himself, came here out of the welter of the Colonial revolution. He fought for his flag and lost; but the flag was still dear to him. He could not brook the rule of the victor,-hence his advent into Judique. With an older Scottish warrier one can almost hear him say:

"Soldiers, I have sworn a vow,
"Ere the evening star shall glisten
"On Schehallion's lofty brow,
"Either we shall rest in triumph,
"Or another of the Graemes
"Shall have died in battle harness
"For his country and King James."

The first Chisholm families at Long Point would appear to be Colin's, William's, Alexander's, John's and Alexander Ban's. They came to Pictou in 1801 from Strathglass, Scotland, and crossed over to Long Point in 1802. They were all able bodied Highlanders. They made a wise selection of land which they used with prudence and good judgment. It were difficult to see in the olden times a country settlement more prosperous and progressive than was Long Point in the hands of the older Chisholms. We have some slight fears that the younger generations have fallen behind their ancestors in the qualtities of careful, thrifty and successful farmers. Further on we hope to be able to give an account of these excellent people in families.

The clan names in early Judique were Beatons, Chisholms, Campbells, Camerons, Grahams, Grants, Gillises, O'Handleys, MacDonalds, MacDonnells, MacDougalls, MacEachens, MacInneses, Maclsaacs, MacLellans and MacMasters.

The early merchants of Judique were John Cameron (An Cam-shronach Beag) and Andrew MacDonald. After them came John Campbell, Hon. Peter Smyth and Duncan MacDonnell (Farquhar).

The old time teachers were John Vincent MacDonnell, John Mac-Dougall, John Shaw and Joseph Chisholm (all of whom became priests) Alexander MacEachen, John MacEachen (Big), Theodore Chisholm and John MacKay afterwards Postmaster and County Court Clerk at Port Hood. Malcolm MacKinnon and Roderick MacKinnon, two brothers who came from Scotland, and Angus MacDonald, afterwards of Port Hood, all taught here, in early times.

The resident Parish Priests here, in the order of seniority of service were. Reverend Alexander MacDonnell, Reverend James MacKeagney, Reverend Alexander MacDonald afterwards of Mabou, Reverend Ronald MacGillivray, Reverend James MacIntyre, Reverend Hugh MacDonald, Reverend Allan MacLean, and the present familiar pastor known through the length and breadth of Inverness as the grand, genial and good-hearted Father Archy.


Neil MacMillan, the progenitor of the MacMillans of Grand Judique, was born in Bornish, South Uist, Scotland, in the year 1769. He came to America in 1799, landing at Pictou, N.S. From Pictou he passed over to Prince Edward Island where he tarried for two or three years. In 1802 he came to Cape Breton and settled down in Judique. He was married in Uist to Effie MacLellan by whom he had a family of one son and four daughters, namely, Donald, Mary, Sarah, Christy and Flora.

This Effie MacLellan (Mrs. Neil MacMillan) belonged to a family of note in Scotland. She had three other sisters, one of whom (Sarah) was married to John MacEachen (Gobha) and had a fine family. After the death of John MacEachen, his widow was married again to John MacKay who lived at MacKay's Cove, Judique. Thus this Sarah MacLellan became the great-grandmother of F. A. MacEachen, Barrister of Inverness, and Daniel J. MacKay Postmaster of Port Hood.

Another of these McLellan sisters was married in Scotland to Donald MacDonald (son of the first Scottish Eugene). She was the grandmother of Dr. A. G. MacDonald, now Inspector of Schools for the Counties of Antigonish and Guysboro. Another sister, Mary, was married to Rory O'Handley. All these sisters, with their husbands and families, came to America and lived in Judique.

Neil MacMillan was married a second time to Mary Cameron, a native of Moidart, and had Archibald, Alexander, Angus, Isabel and Ann. Alexander and Angus of this family moved away from Judique and settled in Michigan, U.S.A. Some of Archibald's descendants are still in Judique. This Neil MacMillan with whom we have done, died at his home in Judique in 1855, at the ripe round age of 86 years.

Donald MacMillan (son of Neil by the first wife) was married to Mary McEachen and had a large family, some of whom died in youth. Those who reached maturity were Angus, Jessie, Mary Ann, John, Mary and Effie. Jessie was married to Duncan MacMaster and is still living. Mary Ann, who was married to the late Michael B. MacDonald is also living. John and his wife Mary Ann MacDonald are both dead. Mary, who was married to John MacInnis of Judique is dead, as is also Effie, who was married to Donald Chisholm of Long Point.

The Angus of this Donald MacMillan family was an outstanding citizen of Judique for sixty years and more. We knew him well. He was a man of splendid personality, and of a high order of intelligence and industry. At the advanced age of 93 years he died a few months ago. He was married twice, the first time to Margaret Smith who came to America from Arisaig, Scotland, in 1855', with her uncle, Rev. Allan MacLean; the second time to Flora Graham, daughter of Ronald of Judique. He had four children by the first, and eight by the second marriage. Angus MacMillan was one whole Highlander of the best pattern.


The Judique MacDonalds (Clan Ranald) are descended from Reginald, son of John, Lord of The Isles (who died in 1380) and his first wife Amie MacRuari. The Clan Ranald MacDonalds held extensive possessions in Scotland. Their history is an honourable and illustrious one. They were staunch Jacobites. To them is due the honour of first taking up arms for Prince Charlie. Whatever our views as to the Stuart claims it must be conceded that the action of the Highlanders in the espousal of the cause of Prince Charlie is one of the greatest exhibitions of chivalry in the annals of history,

"Up! then, and crowd to the standard of Stuart,
"Follow your leader the rightful-the royal!
"Chief of Clanranald, and Donald MacDonald!
"Come Lovat! Lochiel! with the Grant and the Gordon."

About the year 1798 three brothers, Ronald, Alexander and Ronald (Ban) sons of James MacDonald (Baillie) of Moidart, Scotland settled at Judique Banks. The descendants of these MacDonalds have been known as Clann Sheumais.

Ronald's family were (a) John who settled at Rear Judique Banks, was married and had a family nearly all of whom died at an early age. One daughter, Mrs. Alex. McInnis, is survived by a family of four sons, (b) Ronald who settled on a farm adjoining his brother John's place. He was married and had a family of three sons, Hector, Joseph and John and several daughters. Hector was a carpenter and lived at Port Hawkesbury, Joseph and John remained on the old homestead, were married and had families (c) Donald who married a Miss Livingstone, of Little Judique had a large family of sons and daughters (d) James who married a daughter of Angus MacDonnell of Long Point had a family of three sons, Hugh Donald and Alexander, and three daughters (e) Alexander who married a sister of the late Sheriff MacDougall had a family of three sons and five daughters.

Ronald son of James (Baillie) also had three daughters, one, Mary, of whom married with issue, James son of Lauchlin MacDougall of Moidart, Scotland. James MacDougall finally settled at Port Hood where a number of his descendants now reside.

Alexander, son of James (Baillie) married Janet MacDonald of Kinloch-Moidart, Scotland. Their family were (a) Allan who married Flora MacInnis of Creignish with issue, eight children, (b) James who was physically one of the ablest men of his time, married Christina MacNeil of Little Judique and had a family of four children. This James walked from Judique to Miramichi to lick an Irish "Bully" who had ill treated his brother, (James). The Miramichi champion was a nice fellow afterwards. (c) Donald, Dhu, who married Catherine MacDonald, had a family of nine children one of whom, Sarah, was the wife of the late Angus Mclsaac, Port Hood. (d) Alexander Og who married Mary MacNeil had a family of nine children (e) John who married a Miss MacDonald of Low Point with issue, six children (f) Donald, Junior, died unmarried. (g) Mary married Donald MacDonald (Ruadh) with issue ten children. (h) Anne who married Alexander MacEachen of Mabou had a family of five children (i) Margaret who married Angus MacInnis of Cape George, Antigonish, had issue four children (j) Catherine who married Hugh O'Brien with issue ten children, (k) Susan married Edward Johnstone of Rear Port Hastings and had a family of five children. Edward Johnstone of Port Hawkesbury and Malcolm MacDonald (Trader) Port Hastings are grandsons of said Edward and Susan Johnstone, (1) Ellen who married a Mr. Gerrior of Tracadie had a large family.

Donald Ban son of James (Baillie) was married and had issue: (1) James, whose family were (a) Allan who married Flora, daughter of Alexander MacDonald, Port Hood, and had a large family, (b) Donald J, who married Mary MacDonald of the MacDonalds of Keppoch a sister of the late Sheriff Hugh MacDonald who was for some time a Member of the Provincial Legislature. She was near of kin to the late Right Reverend Alexander MacDonald, Vicar General, Mabou. Their family were Alexander, James, John, Daniel J., Anne and Eugene.

The father of this family, Donald J. MacDonald, is heretofore referred to as a Registrar of Probate and County Treasurer for the County of Inverness. Donald J. was a man of distinguished personal appearance, and for many years a leading citizen of Port Hood. His children were uncommonly talented. (c) Mary married Angus MacDonald (John Ronald) Broad Cove Chapel and had issue (d) Anne married John MacDonald (Donald Ruadh) with issue three sons and three daughters (e) Sarah married John MacDougall, a brother of the late Sheriff MacDougall, with issue two sons and five dughters, (f) James, Alexander and Margaret died unmarried.

(2) John son of Donald Ban married Rachel MacDonald and had issue Allan, Donald, Roderick, Catherine, Anne and Margaret.

(3) Austin, son of Donald Ban, married Mary Beaton of Little Judique. They had a family of six son's and two daughters. This family moved to the United States.

(4) Donald Ban had another son John who died in early manhood. This John possessed in a marked degree all the splendid characteristics of his race.

(5) Sarah daughter of Donald Ban married Donald MacDonald "Ridge" of S. W. Mabou, - See Glencoe District.

(6) Catherine daughter of Donald Ban married John MacMillan. See Port Hood District.

James MacDonald (Baillie) was the progenitor of all the foregoing. He emigrated from Moidart, Scotland, to Arisaig in the County of Antigonish, and is buried in the old churchyard at Arisaig. He resided for a while at Bailey's Brook It is said that the name of that locality comes from the fact that James MacDonald (Baillie) dwelt there. We do not vouch for this fact: but its assumption seems reasonable. No family ever filled a larger space in the County of Inverness than did the redoubtable Clann Sheumais.


Among the first settlers of Judique were three McDonald Brothers from Moidart, Scotland, John, Angus and Rory. Sons of Donald Ronald.

John settled at Little Judique. He was twice married-first to Effie McDonald of Glencoe, Scotland, and secondly to Annie McKinnon of Arisaig, N.S. By his first wife he had John (Blacksmith) Ronald (Red) Ronald, Mary and Sarah, and by his second wife he had Alexander, Rory (Big) and Christie.

1. John the Blacksmith was married to a Miss McLeod of Broad Cove with issue Donald, Angus and two daughters.

1. (a) Donald son of the Blacksmith was married to Annie Gillis of Little Judique with issue John, Donald, Archy, Mary Ann and Katie.

1. (b) Angus was married to a daughter of John MacDonald of Rear Judique Banks with issue John, Angus, Donald, James, Colin, and daughters.

2. Donald (Red) took up a large tract of land at Little Judique and married Mary McDonald of Judique Banks, daughter of Alexander Mac Sheumais, with issue, John, Donald, John Jr., Effie, Maggie, Annie, Flora, Nellie, Jessie and Mary.

2 (a) John son of Donald, Red, married a Miss McNeil of Little Judique with issue one son Alexander and two daughters. After the death of his first wife he married the widow of John McDonald (hunter) ,of South West Mabou.

2. (b) Donald son of Donald, Red, married Christy Ann McPherson, a niece of the late Andrew McDonald, Merchant of Judique, with issue, Angus D. who was married to a Miss Gillis of S. W. Margaree and lived at Port Hawkesbury, Hugh married to Janet Grant formerly of Mabou. Archy on the homestead first married to daughter of Alexander Beaton of Little Judique and secondly to a daughter of John McDougall of Rear Judique Intervale, John and Daniel who died in youth, Gabriel of Port Hood married a Miss McLean of Long Point, John, Dan and Alexander who went West and three daughters, Mary, Marcella and Sarah.

2. (c) John McDonald, Jr., married Ann McDonald (Donald Jim's sister) with issue Donald, married to a Miss Jamieson of Broad Cove, John married to a Miss McDonald, daughter of Donald the Blacksmith, of Rear Judique, Banks, James married to Catherine McEachern of Creignish, and three daughters.

The daughters of Donald McDonald, Red, were married as folIows: Effie to Angus McNeil of Lake Ainslie, Maggie to Roderick McDougall of Rear Long Point, Annie to Angus McPherson of Judique, Flora to Donald Gillis of Judique, Nellie to Donald McIsaac who moved to New Glasgow, Jessie to Archie McDonald of Low Point, Mary to Donald McDonald of Mabou Harbour. They all had large families. Susan and Flora died young.

3. Ronald married a Miss McLean of Long Point-issue Donald John, Jane and Marcella. They resided near Port Hood.

3. (a) Donald married Ann daughter of Alexander McDonald "Mor" of Broad Cove with issue, Ronald who married Mary daughter of Peter Coady of S. W. Margaree, John who married Catherine daughter of Robert McDonald of Mabou Harbour, Lewis who married Margaret daughter of said Robert McDonald, Alexander who married Christina daughter of Peter Smith of Broad Cove Chapel, Margaret who married Alexander Gillis of S. W. Mabou. Catherine to Angus McDonald a nephew of the late Rev. Kenneth J. MacDonald, and Mary to Hugh Livingstone of Little Judique.

2. John, son of Ronald, married a Miss McPherson of Antigonish with issue, Alexander who died unmarried, Mary who Married Lauchlin Gillis (Big) of Rear Port Hood, and Catherine who married Alexander F. McLellan of Broad Cove.

3. Jane married Donald McDonald Alexander (Mor) Broad Cove.

4. Marcella married Dennis Doyle of Rear Port Hood.

One of these MacDonalds by the name of Alexander was married to a daughter of Donald MacDonald (Rory) of Creignish, and lived at Harbor au Bouchie. Dr. P. A. MacDonald who lived and died in Hawkesbury was a son.

Rory "Mor" MacDonald was married to Catherine MacDonald daughter of Ronald, son of James Baillie, and had Donald, John and Rory. He was married with issue a second time to Miss MacNamara.

Donald Big Rory was married to a daughter of Rory MacIsaac, Carpenter, and had a large family.

John was married to Sarah MacDonald, daughter of Rory of Judique, and had four sons and three daughters.

Rory was married with issue to Julia Mac Donald, Hugh's daughter of Judique.

A daughter of Big Rory's was married to John Livingstone of Little Judique, another daughter, Christie, was married to John Campbell of Little Mabou. John Campbell, plasterer, of Port Hood is a son.


In the year 1816 four McDougall brothers and two sisters immigrated to this Country from Moidart, Scotland. Their names were John, Donald, Archibald, Hugh, Margaret and Catherine. One brother, Alexander, a tailor, remained in the old Country but later emigrated to Australia. Another sister who was married to Alexander Gillis came to Judique and settled there with her husband and family a number of years before. They were the family of lain, MacGhileas buig ic Dhomhnuil.

During the first winter some of them remained at Arisaig, N.S, having landed at Pictou - and the others stayed with their sister Mrs' Gillis at Judique. In 1817 they took up lands on a high mountain at Rear Long Point called MacDougall's Mountain. The shore and most favoured lands were previously granted and as they desired to settle in close proximity to one another they went to this high and rocky mountain where by continuous labour and indomitable courage they converted the stout hardwood forests into arable fields.

1. John was married in the old Country to Mary MacDonald, a sister of Donald Ban who lived at St. Andrews, N. S. They had issue: John Donald, Alexander, Catherine Ann, Margaret and another daughter who died unmarried.

1. (a) John son of John was married to Margaret Cameron of South West Mabou with issue, Angus, John, Mary, Isabella, Margaret, Mary Ann, Catherine and Maggie.

1. (b) Donald was married to Mary McDonald, daughter of Angus McDonald a near kin of the Laird of Glenaladale, with issue, Angus, John, Archibald, Hugh, Donald, Alexander, Coll and James Paul. Alexander was married to a Miss Lamey and had one son. Catherine was married to Allan McLellan of Glendale, Ann to John Campbell of South West Mabou, and Margaret to Angus Finlay Beaton of Little Judique.

2. Donald was married to Ann McEachern.

3. Archibald married Margaret Fraser of Creignish with issue, John, Angus, Catherine, Mary, Christy, Isabella and Ann.

3. (a) John died unmarried.

3. (b) Angus was married to Mary McDougall, Duncan's daughter of West Lake Ainslie with issue, Duncan A., John, Christy, Mary Margaret, Catherine and Mary Ann.

3. (c) Catherine was married to Angus McEachern, (Red) Mary to Angus Cameron, Christy to Lauchlin McDougall of Hays River, Isabella to Hugh Cameron Port Hastings, and Ann died unmarried.

4. Hugh was married to Margaret McDonald of Low Point with issue, Roderick, John, Mary, Rebecca, Catherine, Sarah and Ann.

4. (a) Roderick married Mary McIsaac daughter of Archibald McIsaac who was one of the pioneer teachers of this county, with issue, Angus R. of Port Hood, N. S. who married Mary McInnis of Judique, Hugh of Antigonish who married Ellen Fraser of Port Hastings, John A• of Port Hastings married to Janet McDonald of Low Point. Mary who married John D. McDougall of Troy. Margaret who married John McLellan of Creignish, and Annie married to Angus McInnis of Low point.

4. (b) John married Jessie McInnis Donald's daughter of Rear Long Point, with issue, Hugh, Allan, John, Dan and Charlotte.

Mary was married to John McVarish of Rear Creignish with issue five sons and three daughters.

Rebecca was married to Angus McInnis, Catherine to Archibald McIssac of Rear Port Hastings, Sarah to Alexander McDougall of West Lake Ainslie, Ann died unmarried.

Donald MacDougall (Domhnall Mac lain Og) of Moidart, Scot-, land, and his wife Catherine MacInnis emigrated to Rear Long PointInverness County, in 1823. Their family were (1) Hugh who in Scotland married Mary Gillis of Morar with issue a son John who was ordained to the Roman Catholic Priesthood in 1860. This Reverend John MacDougall was Parish Priest at Red Islands until his decease in 1893, A daughter of Hugh's named Mary died without issue at Red Islands. Hugh's second wife was Anne daughter of Roderick MacDougall (Clerk) Malignant Cove, Antigonish. She was maternal aunt of Right Reverend Bishop MacDonald who died at Pictou a few years ago. Hugh's second family were Ann who remained unmarried and Roderick who married Catherine daughter of Duncan Hector MacIsaac of Rear Judique with issue, Hugh, Duncan, John, Augustus, John Jr., Allan, John D. and Mary Anne. (2) Archibald died in Scotland. (3) John married a Miss Gillis, daughter of Alexander Gillis, Judique, with issue (a) Angus who with his family resided on the old homestead, Rear Long Point (b) Archibald was a Sea Captain and whose home was at Cape George, Antigonish. There were also several daughters in John's family. (4) Donald married a daughter of the above named Alexander Gillis and had one son Angus and four daughters, (5) Janet died in Scotland (6) Alexander married and had two sons and four , daughters (7) Roderick married Margaret daughter of Donald Ruadh MacDonald of Moidart, Scotland, latterly of Little Judique, elsewhere referred to, with issue, (a) Hugh married Mary daughter of Roderick MacDonald, (Tailor). They had a large family. Hugh married secondly with issue, Mary, daughter of Angus Gillis (b) Allan who married Isabel, daughter of Angus MacDonald and his wife Anne, daughter of John the son of Donald Ban MacDonald, S. W. Mabou. This Donald Ban was great grand-father of Right Reverend Alexander MacDonald, Bishop of Victoria, B.C. (See Port Hood).

Allan's family were Roderick MacDougall, Merchant of Port Hood, and President of the North Bay Steamship Co: John Angus, Accountant, with his brother Roderick; Jessie, known :n religion as Sr. St. Mary Colena of the order of St. Martha, Antigonish.

(c) Alexander who married, with issue, Anne, daughter of Angus MacDonald (blacksmith).

(d) John whose family resided at Sydney (e) Mary married, with issue, Roderick, son of Lauchlin MacDonald, Broad Cove Banks, (f) Margaret married, with issue, Alexander MacIntyre, MacIntyre's Mountain, (g) Mary Anne married, with issue, Angus MacDougall, MacDougall's Mountain (h) Jessie died young.


Angus Beaton (Aonghas MacDhomhnail) the first Beaton that came to Little Judique was a son of Donald Beaton son of Alex. Himself and Finlay Beaton (Fionnlagh Mor) that came to Mabou were first cousins. Angus had three brothers. They had a sister, Janet. She married John McDonald of Lochaber by whom she had a son, John McDonald C. (Lord), Margaree. Angus Beaton was married to Isabel McDonald, daughter of Angus McDonald commonly called Iseabal Aonghais Uidhre. They were of the McDonalds of Keppoch. Angus and Isabell had ten children, six boys and four girls, namely, Angus, Alex., Donald, John, Finlay, Archie, Catherine, Maggie, Ann and Sarah. Angus and his wife and children emigrated from Lochaber, Scotland, to America in the year 1801. They landed in Pictou, Nova Scotia, and came to Judique. He settled on the farm where his great grandson John Archie Beaton, now lives. Angus, son of Angus settled on the farm where his son Angus Postmaster and grandson Malcolm P.M. lived, in Little Judique. This Angus, son of old Angus was married to Mary McDonald daughter of Donald McDonald (Domhnal Ban). They had six children, five boys and one girl, namely, Angus, Donald, Alex. Finlay, and Isabell. Angus was married to Mary McKinnon (Mairi an T'Saor), they had eleven children, six boys and five girls, namely, Rory, Malcolm, Angus, Alex, Donald, John, Mary, Katie Ann, Isabell, Mary Ann and Isabell. Donald was married to a Miss Campbell in Miramichi. They had one child. Alex. was married to Christy McDonald sister of John the Hunter and An-"Us the Tailor. They had three children, two boys and one girl, namely, Donald Angus and Ann, still living at Rear Little Judique. Alex. was married the second time to Mary McPhee of Mabou. She had three sons who died young.

Finlay, was married to Maggie Cameron, daughter of John Cameron of Mabou. They had two children, namely, John and Donald. John died young. Donald (Painter) is still living at Little Judique. The other Finlay died young. Isabel was married to Archie Cameron of South West Mabou.

Alex. son of old Angus Beaton, was married to Ann McDonald of Badenoch. He was married and had one child coming to Nova Scotia (Iseabal Bhreac). He settled on the farm where James McDonald (Jim Sandy) now lives. They had ten children, five boys and five girls, namely, Angus, John, Alex, Ronald, Allan, Isabel, Janet, Catherine and Sarah. Angus (Aonghas Ruadh) was married to Mary McMillan, they had seven children, five boys and two girls, namely, Donald, Hugh, Alex. John, Alex, Janet and Ann.

Alex was married to Isabel McDonald. He lived in Glencoe. They had five children, one boy and four girls, namely, Alex, Isabel, Maggie, Ann and Mary.

Alex. was married the second time to Ann Forbes. She had four children, three boys and one girl, namely, John, Alex. (Sandy Ban) Hector, and Isabel. Ronald was married to Isabel McMillan, sister of Duncan and Hugh McMillan of Rear Little Judique. They had seven children, three boys and four girls, namely; Alex., Archie, Hugh, Ann, Maggie, Mary Ann, and Katie.

John was dumb. He lived with his brother Alex. in Glencoe. Allan died young.

Isabel was married to Pat Purcell.

Janet was married to John McDonald (Iain Mac Adalsair Dhuibh). Catherine was married to Alex. McDonald (Alasdair Og), South West Mabou.

The other Catherine was married to John McDonald, (lain Mac Ronaill) Judique Banks.

Sarah was married to Angus McDonald, Glencoe. (Aonghas Og).

Donald Beaton son of old Angus Beaton settled on the farm where Flora McEachern (Florag lain `Ic Ronaill) now lives. He moved from there to Indian Point, Mabou, and settled on the farm where his grand son Angus Beaton now lives. He was married to Sarah Cameron of Mabou. They had eight children, namely; Donald, Alex. Angus, Finlay, Mary, Maggie, Isabel and Ann.

Donald was married to Miss McDonald, daughter of Angus McDonald (Aonghais Mac Gilleasbuig). They had five children, namely; Angus, Archie, Donald, Finlay and Sarah.

Alex. was married to Janet McDonald, daughter of Finlay McDonald (Fionnlagh MacIain Og). They had three children, Angus, Coll and Maggie. He was married the second time to Mary McDonnell, daughter of Alex. McDonnell. She had four children, namely; Donald, Alex. Janet and Sarah. He was married the third time to Ann McDonald, daughter of John McDonald. She had two girls, Mary and Katie. He was married the fourth time to Christy Nicholson.

Angus was married to Maggie McEachern, daughter of John McEachern, (lain Ruadh). They had no children. Finlay was married to Maggie McDonald, daughter of Archie McDonald (Gilleasbuig Mac lain Oig). They had seven children, namely; Archie, Donald, Angus, Sarah, Isabel, Flora and Ann.

Mary was married to Angus McDonald (Aonghas Mac Alasdair).

Maggie was married to John McDonald (lain an Eilein.)

Isabel was married to Alex. Rankin of Mabou Harbour.

Ann was married to Donald Beaton (Morar).

John Beaton, son of old Angus Beaton lived on the farm with his father. He was married to Maggie Beaton, daughter of John Beaton. They had ten children, namely; Donald, John, Finlay, Archie, Alex., Angus, Mary, Isabel and Ann. Donald was married to Christy McDonald. She came from Scotland. They had nine children, namely; Alex, Donald, John, Duncan, Elizabeth, Isabell, Mary, Margaret and Maggie Ann.

John was married to Ann Mclsaac of Broad Cove. They had one daughter. He died in California. Archie was married to Mary McDonald, daughter of Rory McDonald. They had one son, John. They lived in the States. Alex. was married to Catherine McIsaac of Broad Cove. They had eight children, namely; Alex, John Archie, Angus, John, Murdoch, Mary, Flora Ann and Margaret. Finlay was married to an Irish woman in the United States. He was drowned and left no children. Angus was married to Sarah McGillivray in Antigonish. They had no children. He died and was buried in Antigonish. The other Angus was not married, he died in Boston and was- buried there. Mary was married to Austin McDonald (Uisdein Mac Domhnaill Bhain).

Isabel was married to Hugh MacDonald of Rear Creignish. Ann was not married.

Finlay, son of old Angus Beaton settled on the farm on which Dan McEachern (Red Donald) now lives. He moved from Little Judique to Monk's Head, Antigonish with his wife and children, except Angus. Finlay was married to Ann McDonald, sister of Allan `the Ridge.' They had eleven children, namely; Angus, Donald, Alex., Allan, Patrick, Alex, Angus, Mary, Isabell, Ann and Catherine. Angus was married to Maggie McDougall. They had six children, namely; Alex., John, Alex., Jane, Mary and Ann. Angus was married the second time to Isabel McDonald, sister of Rev. Kenneth McDonald, P. P., of Mabou. She had four children, namely; Kenneth, Maggie, Katie and Mary Jane. Donald was married to Annie McDonald. Alex. was married to Janet McDonald, sister of Angus McDonald (Aonghas Cibeir). Allan was not married. Alex. was in a Monastery. Patrick was married to Mary Dunn. Mary was married to John McDonald of Creignish. Isabel was not married. Ann was married to some one in Antigonish. Catherine was married to Angus. McDonald.

Archie, son of old Angus Beaton settled in Mabou on the farm afterwards occupied by Donald McDonald (Domhnall Cleireach). He was married to a Miss McDonald. They had eight children, namely; Donald, Angus, Maggie, Catherine, Ann, Mary, Isabel and Christy.

Donald was married to a daughter of John Walsh of Mabou. Angus, whereabouts not known. Maggie was married to John McDonald (lain Posta). Catherine was married to Richard Mullins. Ann was not married. Mary was married to John Mclsaac (Iain Mac Iain Ic Aline). Isabel was married to Donald Cameron. Christy not known. Arch-ie moved from Mabou to Ingonish. Catherine, daughter of old Angus Beaton was married to Finlay MacDonald (Fionnlagh Mac Dhomhnaill Bhain). Maggie, daughter of old Angus Beaton was married to Angus Cameron (Aonghas Mac Eoghain) of South West Mabou.

Ann daughter of old Angus Beaton was married to John Gillis (Iain Mac Pheadail) of Glencoe. Sarah daughter of old Angus Beaton was married to Donald McDonald (Domnhall Mac Dhomhnaill Bhain) of Mabou.


John MacEachen (Alexander) of Eigg, Scotland, settled at Hillsdale, Judique, about 1825. His family were (1) Lauchlin who married Anne Gillis, sister of Donald Gillis (Malcolm) Hillsdale with issue (a) John who married Mary daughter of John MacEachern (Hugh Ban) of Eigg. John possessed more than ordinary education. He was for many years Church Warden and Catechist in the parish of Judique. His family were Lauchlin, Hugh and Donald (Senior) who died unmarried, John, who moved to Woburn, Mass., where his family reside, Donald (Junior) who resides on the old homestead, Catherine who married Donald T. MacDonnell who for many years was the efficient Superintendent of the Inverness County Asylum. Mrs. MacDonnell is well remembered as a kind and capable Matron (She was Mr. MacDonnell's second wife), Mary Anne, who married Angus Campbell, Blacksmith, Port Hood. Mary who married Duncan Campbell, Rear Port Hood, Christina who married Daniel J. MacDonald, Telegraph Operator, Port Hood, Anne and Marie died young. (b) Lauchlin's daughter Margaret married, with issue, Allan MacIsaac (Major) Rear Judique, (c) Lauchlin's daughter Mary married John Gillis (Teacher) Rear Long Point with issue three sons (d) Lauchlin's daughter Catherine married Dougald MacEachern of Glencoe, with issue, Lauchlin who with his family reside at S. W. Port Hood, John whose wife and family are dead, Mary whose husband was the late John A. MacDonald, Light Keeper, Port Hood; Margaret, wife of D. T. Campbell, Councillor, Glencoe; Anne and Catherine died young. (e) Christina married with issue Alex. MacDonald (Neil) Hillsdale.

The first mentioned John MacEachen had a son Hugh (Red) who married a Miss MacInnis of Mabou with issue Angus, Alexander, Andrew, John, Ronald, Lauchlin, Charles, John Jr., Catherine, Mary and Isabel. Said first mentioned John MacEachern also had a son Alexander who married and had a large family. He also had two daughters who married and had families.


Hugh MacLean (Ban) was a native of Eigg, Scotland, and was born in 1759. In the last decade of the 18th century he emigrated to America, landing first at Pictou. A few years afterwards he crossed over to Cape Breton and made his home at Judique Intervale. He was married to a woman from the Isle of Rum, with issue, four sons and four daughters, namely; Hugh (Eoghan Og), Alexander, Stephen, Donald, Erick (Aorig Effie), Elizabeth, Margaret and Mary. This family appeared to be peculiarly gifted mentally. Eoghan Og and Alexander were recognized poets in their day, although their education was quite limited. Woe unto the man who came under the fire of their satire. And yet, they were kind, sociable and hospitable.

Eoghan Og was married to Flora MacRae of Beaver Meadow, Antigonish County, with issue, Hugh, Murdoch, Stephen, Jennie, Elizabeth, Annie, Mary, Margaret and Flora. Shortly after his marriage he removed to Sight Point where he took up a farm and remained about twenty years. In our district sketch of Strathlorne we make mention of the annoyance caused to certain of his Sight Point neighbours by his vitriolic songs. These songs were not malicious, but they stung painfully. One of the victims came to him on a Sunday to complain of his merciless shafts. The answer he got was expressed in Gaelic and our spelling of it must be crudely phonetic. It ran, or rang, something like this:

"Didomhanich thainig thu do, m'ionnsaidh,
"S cinnteach nach do ghabh thu t-urnaigh;
"Coltas caothaich na t-shuilean,
"S cha b'e sugradh nochdadh riut."

Eoghan Og's sons, Hugh and Stephen (both now dead) moved to Big Brook over fifty years ago where Hugh's son, Eogan and Stephen's grandchildren now reside.

In 1833 Eoghan Og left Sight Point and returned to Judique Intervale.

Alexander (son of Hugh Ban) was an equally facile rhymester, with a strong dash of actual poetry. He, also, left Judique Intervale when he got married and took up his abode on the rearlands. His wife was a MacIsaac woman (nighean 'Illeasbuig Bhain) and his family consisted of five sons and four daughters, to wit, Hector, Hugh, Archie, Donald, John, Catherine, Elizabeth, Mary and Flora. All are now dead excepting Donald, and Mary who live at Big Brook.

Stephen, (son of Hugh Ban) moved to St. Peters, C.B., where he got married and lived the remainder of his life. The daughters of Eoghan Ban, all but Mary, were married and had large families. Erick (Aoirig) was married to Neil MacInnes of Judique; Elizabeth was married to Archd. MacLean, Rear Port Hastings; Margaret to Hugh MacEachen, Cooper of Creignish.


The first man of this name to settle at Little Judique was Angus Gillis of Morar, Scotland, who came to Pictou, N.S., in 1798, and crossed over to Cape Breton in 1800, settling down at the head of Little Judique, where he selected and secured 1200 acres of land. He was married to a Miss MacMaster of Lochaber, Scotland, and had the following family, namely; Archibald, Donald, Hugh, John, Sarah, Marcella and Janet.

The daughter, Sarah, was married to Donald MacMillan of Lochaber, Scotland with issue, John, Mary, Nancy, Isabel, Marcella and two other daughters whose names we could not ascertain. Marcella was married to a MacLean, Janet was married without issue to a MacDougall of Cape George, N. S.

The son, Archibald, was married to Mary MacDonald of Lismore, N.S., and had one son, John, and two daughters.

Donald was married to Nancy MacMillan of Lochaber, Scotland, with issue: Angus, Archibald, Hugh, John, Mary, Janet, Nancy, Margaret and Catherine.

Hugh was a Sergeant in the British Army in Bristol, England, when his father came to America. Consequently he did not come here. He was married and had a family, but his daughter Margaret was the only member of that family that ever came over here.

John, son of Angus, was married to Christie MacPherson of Clune, Scotland with issue: Alexander, Hugh, John, David, Angus, Donald, Isabel, Elizabeth, Janet, Betsy and Mary Ann. The father and son Angus were drowned together while starting in a boat from the shore of Little Judique for Port Hood Island. The son David was drowned in a fishing vessel on the Northern coast of Prince Edward Island, in a storm long remembered here as the "Yankee Gale". In October 1857 the son Hugh died in his early manhood. The sons Alexander, John and Donald, each of whom had a large family, lived and died at Little Judique.

The son Alexander, in his early life was an active master mariner,. sailing his own vessels for many years. He was engaged in the coastal, Newfoundland and New England, trade for a considerable period of time. When he retired from the sea he settled down on his large farm and became not only one of the most prominent men of Little Judique, but, also, one of the most prominent citizens of Inverness County. He was an early Justice of the Peace, and always prompt and conspicuous in the Court of Sessions at Port Hood. In his magisterial capacity he gave long and useful service in deciding and disposing in the first instance of irritating litigation affecting the inhabitants. On four different occasions he was nominated and ran an election in Inverness for the Nova Scotia Legislature. His colleague in all these contests was John Lewis Tremain, an excellent man, but both were unsuccessful in every bout. It is said that Mr. Gillis, on one occasion, actually received a majority of votes, but was deprived of the fruits of victory by the tricks of the enemy. We have since become accustomed to the smart ethics of party politics. He possessed a high order of intelligence and was much respected by those who knew him.

Alexander Gillis was married to Isabel Gillis of Grand Judique, an estimable woman, and a daughter of Domhnall Mor Mac Chaluim, one of the finest looking men in Judique. Their family were the following, namely; John Sr., Hugh, Angus, John Jr., Dan, David, Mary, Jessie and Katie. Mary was married to Donald MacFarlane and is now deceased. Jessie died unmarried, and Katie. is well married in the State of Massachusetts.

The three sons, John Sr., Hugh and Angus are dead, the youngest son, David, is a priest in Regina, Dan is now comfortably settled with a fine family in the town of Port Haswkesbury, and John Jr., has made for himself a magnificent home on the old ancestral farm, and stands high in the estimation of all who know him, and deservedly so.

For more than a quarter of a century the sons Dan and John Jr., were each in charge of a government Dredge operating in Nova Scotia. For this reason they are familiarly known and referred to as Captain Dan and Captain John.

Captain John was married to Annie MacKinnon (Annag an T'Saoir) one of the most beautiful of the beautiful women of Grand Judique. Their family were the following, Viz.: Hugh, Alexander, Roddie, David Angus, Hiram Augustine, Annie Bell, Senior, and Annie Bell, Junior. All of this family are dead except Hugh Alexander and Annie Bell Junior. The former is married and holds a very lucrative and responsible position in the New England States, the latter is still unmarried, and the joy of her father in his spacious home at Little Judique.

The son "Roddie", who died at the age of twenty-two, was a young man of bright promise. He received his education in the Pictou Academy, and in the colleges of St. Francis Xavier at Antigonish, and Dalhousie of Halifax. He was well advanced in the study of law when cruel death claimed him. From a letter written in Ottawa, at the time of Roddie's death, by Dr. Weldon, Dean of the Law Faculty of Dalhousie, we take this extract:

"Ottawa, May 15th, 1894.
"Capt. John Gillis,

"My dear Sir:

"In the Pictou Advocate of the 11th instant I have "just read a notice of your son Roderick's death.

"In the Law School he had always taken a foremost place. His argument in the last Moot Court he was in was the most skilful argument that I had heard from any student during the entire session.

"Had he lived he would have had a successful career. Accept my sympathy in your great bereavement.

I am,
Yours faithfully,

Another letter addressed by Doctor Weldon to the deceased himself, after his health had broken down, was touching in its tender sympathy. The editorial obituary of the Pictou Advocate bore excellent testimony to the qualities and character of this brilliant boy.

All true Highlanders are strong in their clan ties and personal attachments. These Gillises were and are peculiarly so. To illustrate: "The MacDonald" and "The Gillis" of Morar were special personal friends. They entered into a gentleman's pact to the effect that when one of them died, the survivor and family should be the pall bearers at the funeral.

MacDonald died first, and Gillis came to the house of mourning to say that he would carry out the terms of the pact. The younger MacDonalds objected strenuously. Gillis went away quietly, but soon returned with his eight husky sons. The objection to the pact was immediately withdrawn. That strange and time-honored pact or agreement, made in the misty and distant past verbally, by two men in the mountains of Scotland, is, to this day, religiously observed in Little Judique.


Neil MacDougall, son of Patrick, a native of Eigg, Scotland, emigrated to America in 1791, landing first at Pictou, N. S. A few years later on he came to Judique Intervale where he settled down, taking up four hundred acres of land. He was married in Pictou to Flora MacEachern (of the Creignish MacEacherns) by whom he had a family of six sons and six daughters namely; Angus, Donald, Patrick, Charles, John, Alexander, Ann, Mary, Jessie, Catherine, Flora and Margaret.

The son, Angus, was married to Elizabeth MacInnis, daughter of Robert the Mason, and a niece of Bishop MacEachern, the son Patrick to Ann MacDonnell daughter of Thomas MacDonnell (Ban); the son Donald to Sarah Cameron daughter of Donald Cameron; the son Charles to Mary MacInnis.

The daughters were married as follows: Ann to Donald MacKinnon of Broad Cove; Catherine to James MacNeil of Little Judique; Mary to John MacDonald, Rear Judique Intervale; Jessie to Duncan MacIsaac, Rear Intervale.

Neil, the common ancestor, died February 27th, 1845.

The family of Angus MacDougall, son of Neil, were: John, Robert who was the second Sheriff of Inverness County, Joseph, Alexander, Neil, Cecilia, Mary, Jessie and Margaret.

The family of Donald, son of Neil, were: John, Neil, Alexander, Angus, Hugh, Robert, Donald, Hugh, Flora Ann and Flora.

The family of Patrick, son of Neil, were: John, Alexander, Neil,. Joseph, Thomas, Mary, Margaret, Isabel and Julia.

The family of Charles, son of Neil, were: John, Neil, Angus, Alexander, Mary and Jessie.

The family of Ann, daughter of Neil, were: Hector, John, Alexander, James, Neil, Mary, Mary Ann, Flora, Catherine and Sarah.

The family of Catherine, daughter of Neil, were: John, Neil, Hugh, Alexander, Angus, Catherine, Marcella, Mary and Christina.

The family of Mary, daughter of Neil, were: Archibald, Joseph, John, Roderick, Anthony, Allan, Mary Ann, Flora and Catherine.

The family of Jessie, daughter of Neil, were: Neil, Archibald, John, Mary, Margaret, Jessie, Flora, Mary D., Ann and Catherine.


MacIsaacs or Isaacs, owned the territory of Ariskeodnich, MidArgyle, Scotland, as early as the 12th century. Very early in their history Malcolm became the favourite christian name of the Maclsaacs until ultimately there were no less than seven Malcolm MacIsaacs in succession, a circumstance which brought about the change of MacIsaac to MacCallum, and thus was established the Clan Chalum of Poltalloch and the name MacIsaac ceased to have that territorial distinction that would found a self contained clan.

Some of the original stock are found in Argyle but of more numerical account are the descendants of the member of the family who founded the line of hereditary Chamberlains to Mac'ic Ailein, Chief of the Clan Ranald MacDonald. From him are the Maclsaacs of Moidart, Uist and Eigg.


Allan MacIsaac (Major) of Eigg, Scotland, emigrated to Rear Judique early in the 19th century. He married Margaret daughter of Lauchlin MacEachen; Hillsdale, with issue, Lauchlin, John, Allan, Neil, Daniel Malcolm and Kate. (1) Lauchlin married and had a family, all of whom are dead. (2) John married and is survived by a family of two sons and three daughters. (3) Allan's first wife was Mary daughter of Big Angus MacDonald (Borrodale) Glencoe. They had a family of two daughters, Allan's second wife was Isabel daughter of Angus Campbell, Judique, and his wife Anne, the daughter of Hugh MacMaster (Mor). Allan's second family were five sons and four daughters. A son, Daniel Hugh, was killed in the Great War. He went over seas with the First Contigent. He served with distinction and was awarded the 1914-15 Star. A. B. MacIsaac, CustomsExcise Officer, Port Hood, is of this family. (4) Neil married and is survived by a family. (5) Daniel, Malcolm and Kate died unmarried. Allan MacIsaac (Major) had a broth' Pr who moved from Judique to L'Ardoise where his descendants reside.


John MacIsaac, the first MacIsaac to settle at Rear Judique Intervale, came with his family from the Island of Eigg, Scotland, in the year 1820. Following is a receipt for payment of freight which he received before sailing for the New World.

"Dated Tobermorry, Aug. 10th, 1820.

"Have received from John MacIsaac Island of Eigg and family "consisting of eight, the sum of 52 Pounds 10 Shillings, being their "freight to Pictou."

(Sgd.) E. P. Rankin".

Although they were bound to Pictou they were landed at Ship Harbour, now called Port Hawkesbury, the Captain claiming that his vessel was leaking, and could go no further. They then worked their way along the shore to Neil MacDougall's at Judique Intervale where they spent that winter. Next spring they went out to Rear Judique Intervale and took up 800 acres of land. The family consisted of husband and wife, four sons and two daughters.

Allan, son of John, cleared and cultivated the fine farm now owned and occupied by John MacDougall and Stephen MacDougall for merly of West Lake Ainslie. This property was once considered one of the finest farms in Judique and was at one time the home of two well known masons, Malcolm MacIsaac and James MacIsaac.

Alexander, son of John, was married to Ann Livingstone, and owned that part of the 800 acre lot now vacant. He, Alexander, had a. family of four sons and three daughters, all of whom are now dead.

Donald, son of John, owned the farm now occupied by Dan Mac-Isaac, (Sawyer). This Donald was married to Catherine Campbell with issue, four sons and two daughters, all of whom are now dead.

Archibald, the youngest son, married Sarah MacKay and had six sons and three daughters. Three sons and two daughters are still living.

These son are Duncan of Haverhill, Mass., Joseph of Haverhill,. Mass., and Neil at home on the old homestead. The living daughters of Archibald are Catherine, Mrs. Rory MacMillan, Blacksmith, Port Hood, and Mary, Mrs. Raymond Smyth of Judique.

Of these MacIsaacs is the energetic and honest merchant of Port. Hood, A. D. MacIsaac, Esquire.


John Campbell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was by trade a cabinet maker. He had two brothers, Hugh and Donald, both of whom served for twelve years in the Black Watch, and each of whom: received a Grant from the Government of 500 acres of land in Australia. Neither of them got married, and each left a very considerable, estate.

The brother John came out to America in the year 1818, landing first at Lunenburg, N.S. From Lunenburg he came to Halifax, an& thence to Long Point where he stayed for a year before settling down in Judique. On the shore of Judique he built a dwelling house and a store, after which he got married to Christina MacDonald, daughter of Angus MacDonald and Isabel his wife. It is said this Isabel walked. four times to Sydney for a grant of 500 acres of land, 100 acres of which she gave to this son-in-law, John Campbell, after his marriage.

John Campbell had a family of seven sons and one daughter; namely: Duncan, who left home in 1850 at the age of twenty-one years, and was last heard of as first mate of a ship in Boston; Donald, who, left two years later and never was heard of afterwards; Angus who was married to Annie MacMaster, daughter of Big Hugh of Judique, and had a large family: James married to Kate, daughter of Andrew Mac-Donald, Merchant; William, married to a daughter of Roderick MacMillan, Blacksmith; John, married to Isabel MacDougall of St. Peter's C. B.; Hugh married to Katie MacDonnell, Big Duncan's daughter, with issue, Dan, John, Duncan, Mary Ann, Isabel and Christina.

Some of the Campbell men did business in Judique for many years, and were much respected. All of them who remained in Judique are the owners of beautiful farms of which they seem to be well worthy.


Angus MacKinnon (Carpenter) came to Judique from the Isle of Eigg, Scotland in 1843. He was an active and intelligent man, with an interesting and respectable wife and family. He was married in Scotland to Catherine MacDonald of the Clan Ranalds, with issue: Allan, Malcolm, Roderick, Margaret, Annie arid Mary. Mrs. MacKinnon was a niece of Reverend Anthony MacDonald, who had been Parish Priest in the Isles of Eigg and Canna. Her noble grandmother, with her brave and loyal husband, carried food to Prince Charlie when he was hiding in the caves and a vast reward was offered for his head.

Mary, daughter of this Angus MacKinnon, was married to Angus. Beaton, Merchant of Little Judique, and had a fine large family. The, daughter, Margaret was married to Angus Gillis of Little Judique who died 53 years ago. She (Margaret) is still living in her 86 year, and in good health, though deprived of her sight. It is an inspiration to, witness the grand resignation with which she carries her burden of years and affiictions: she died since writing the foregoing. The daughter Annie (Annag an T'Saoir) was married, as heretofore mentioned to Captain John Gillis of Little Judique. She was a handsome woman in all the best senses of that word, and died in Pictou where the family then resided, in the year 1889.

The sons of this Angus McKinnon were nicely educated before coming to this country, and two of them, Malcolm and Roderick, were bright teachers in the County of Inverness for quite a few years. Roderick was drowned on his way from Broad Cove to Port Hood in the year 1849, and Malcolm died of fever in Broad Cove, where he had entered into mercantile business, in 1848. This Malcolm was noted in this country for his manly looks and lofty character.


The first of this family of MacMasters to settle in Judique was Donald MacMaster who took up 400 acres of land, and had the following family, namely: Donald, Angus, Annie, Maggie and Kate. The last named daughter, Kate, did not remain in Judique, but proceeded with other immigrants to Upper Canada.

Donald, son of Donald, was married to Sarah O'Handley with issue: Alexander, Flora, Katie, Maggie, Effie, and Micey.

The Alexander of this family was married and had the following family, viz: Donald, Sr. Donald Jr., Duncan, Allan, Angus, Mary Ann and Kate.

Angus the son of Donald, was married to Annie MacDonald, with issue: James, Alexander, Flora, Micey, Katie, Annie and Mary.

There was another MacMaster family in Judique commonly identified as the family of Big Hugh MacMaster. Of this family were Ronald the Blacksmith, of Brook Village, Donald, Blacksmith, of Mabou Harbour, and Hugh married to Sarah MacDonald, daughter of "Donald the Counsellor" of Port Hood. We are eager to get, and hope to get, the full family history of these people.


This Donald Cameron was descended from Lochiel, and had several of the earmarks of his renowned ancestor. He settled down on a farm in Judique and was an early immigrant to that district. He was married to Mary Maclnnes, daughter of Robert the Mason, with issue: Duncan (died at age of 18 years) Angus, John, (two boys who died in infancy) Sarah, who was married to Donald MacDougall of Judique Intervale; Isabel, married to John MacDonald (Retland); Nancy, married to Stephen Gillis; Jane, married to Angus MacDonald; Flora married to Hugh MacLean; Jane married to Donald MacDonald, and Mary who died unmarried.


The first of this family to emigrate to America was Roderick, native of Uist, Scotland. About the year 1800 he came to Judique and settled down on 290 acres of land. His family were John, Stephen, Angus, Neil, Mary, Sarah and Flora.

From these were descended all the Judique O'Handleys, and their name was legion. We think their remote ancestors were Irish and spelled their name O'Henleys. Whatever their origin they were recognized Scotsmen long before they saw Cape Breton, and they seemed of superior stock. They were men of good lives and special talents. Many of them had a decided turn for music: their violin players were numerous and noted. They were quite prolific and multiplied fast, but like many more of the early families of Cape Breton they scattered into all lands and spaces.


Donald MacLean, the progenitor of all the MacLeans of Long Point, came to America from Scotland in 1794, landing at Cape D'Or, Cumberland County, where he stayed thirteen years. Leaving Cape D'or in 1807 he came to Long Point in the County of Inverness where he made his home for life, settling down upon a 200 acre farm.

Coming to America this Donald MacLean had two sons, John and Hugh, and eight daughters, namely: Sarah, Mary, Christy, Annie, Catherine, Flora, Margaret and Jane.

The daughter Sarah was married to John MacIsaac at Cape D' Or, by whom she had three sons, Donald, Neil and Archy.

The daughter Mary was married to Donald MacLeod, and had a family of five sons, namely; Reverend William, Reverend Alexander, Hon. James, Neil, arid Donald who was lost at sea.

Christy was married to Angus MacIsaac of Antigonish. John A. MacIsaac late Manager of the Royal Bank of Canada at Port Hawkesbury, was a descendant of this Christy MacLean.

The daughter Annie was married to John MacPherson of Antigonish, and had two sons, Dougald and Duncan, and two daughters, Effie and Christy.

The daughter Catherine was married to Ronald MacDonald of Red Banks, or Seaside, in the County of Inverness, with issue: Donald, Duncan, John, Mary, Effie, Sarah, Marcella and Jane.

Flora, daughter of Donald MacLean was married to Alexander MacInnes, of Creignish, with issue four sons and four daughters, namely: John, Angus, Donald, Angus Jr., Mary, Flora, Annie and Katie.

The daughter Margaret was married to John MacDonald, Centennial, and had one son and one daughter, John and Mary.

The daughter Jane was married to Angus Gillis, Hugh's son, of South West Margaree, with issue: Hugh, James, Angus, John, Duncan, and Martin; Annie, Mary and Margaret.

The family of Hugh, son of Donald, consisted of three sons and five daughters as follows, John, Joseph, Colin, Mary, Isabel, Katie, Annie and Flora.

The family of John, son of Donald, were:-John, Roderick, James, Sandy, Donald, Duncan, Mary, Maggie, Katie, Annie, Flora and Effie.

John MacLean (John's son) was married to Ann MacLean of Judique and had a family of four sons and six daughters.

Duncan MacLean (John's son) was married to a Miss Hefferin of Troy and had a family of five sons and four daughters. This family moved to the United States where they are married and each has a family.

Joseph MacLean (Hugh's son) was married to Annie Graham of Judique, and had a family of two cons and four daughters. The two sons were killed in the lumber woods of the Atlantic States. Only two of the daughters are now living, and they are married in the United States with large families.

Colin (son of Hugh) is still living in the State of Massachusetts. He was married and had one daughter who died.


This Thomas MacDonnell is hereinbefore referred to as a cousin of Reverend Alexander MacDonnell, the first parish priest of Judique. He was a native of Strathglas, Scotland, and one of the early settlers at Indian Point, Judique. He acquired by purchase Three Hundred acres of land at and around Indian Point, was married and had the following family, namely:

Christopher, who married Mary MacMaster (Big Hugh) with issue:-Alexander, Hugh, Donald, Janet who married John Kennedy, Glenville; Jessie, who married Alexander Beaton (Donald) Little Judique, Ann, who married Lauchlin MacNeil, Mabou; Margaret married to Alexander MacInnis (Angus Tailor) Mabou Ridge; and Mary who married Dan Beaton Mabou Mines. In the old days of crude coaches and bad roads many a traveller heaved a sigh of relief on hearing the stage driver announce the welcome hostelry of "Christopher's", where whole hearted hospitality was always extended, and often gratis.

Hugh, son of Thomas Ban, was married to Margaret MacIsaac sister of John MacIsaac below mentioned with issue:-Donald, John, Colin, Duncan, Alexander, Angus, Thomas, Donald (Og), Janet, wife of Michael MacEachen (Charles), and Mary, wife of John Chisholm, Miller.

Thomas, son of Thomas Ban, was married to Cecilia, daughter of Alexander MacInnes (Robert), Ann, daughter of Thomas Ban, was married to Patrick MacDougall Judique Intervale, Mary to Colin Chisholm of Long Point; Catherine to Alexander Chisholm (Tailor) River Dennis; Janet to Alexander Chisholm (Big John) of River Dennis, and Isabel to John MacIsaac of West Lake Ainslie.

Angus MacDonnell late of Judique Intervale and family are described with Samuel MacDonnell and family in the district sketch of Port Hood, which please see.


John MacLellan above noted came with his parents from Morar, Scotland, to West Lake Ainslie in this county in the year 1818. He was then fourteen years of age. His father Donald MacLellan, who was married in Morar to a Scottish lady named Ann Gillis, took up and granted Two Hundred and Fifty acres of land at West Lake. Before coming to America the family had lived for fourteen years in the city of Glasgow, where the son John received all his education.

In the year 1832 John was married at West Lake to Margaret MacLellan, a daughter of Captain Angus MacLellan, and lived for a few years thereafter with his parents, removing to Judique in the year 1841. From 1841 until his death in 1882 he lived continuously on his farm at Hillsdale. He had a family of one son, Archibald, and three daughters, namely: Ann, who was married to Allan MacDonald (Andrew); Catherine, who was married to Alexander MacInnes (Mason), and Margaret to Alexander MacDonnell (Christopher). In 1830 Mr. John MacLellan was appointed a Justice of the Peace for the county of Inverness, and was thereafter familiarly known as Squire MacLellan. In his day he was considered a man of good education, and did a great deal of magisterial work for the County, particularly at the Court of Sessions which he punctually attended.

His only son, Archibald, always remained with his father on the farm at Hillsdale, and was married in 1862 to Catherine MacEachen of the big Peter MacEachen family of River Inhabitants, with issue; John D., Road Inspector for Inverness County, on the old homestead; Dan and Charles in the United States; Alexander at Port Hood Mines; Sarah, wife of John Archy MacDonnell of Judique Intervale; Margaret married to John V. MacEachen of Seaside; Annie to Dan H. MacInnes of Port Hood Mines, and Mary to Donald MacEachen present Mayor of Cobalt, Ontario. The father of this last described family, Archibald MacLellan, was appointed a Justice, of the Peace for Inverness County in 1885, and died in 1914 at the age of 81 years. His son John D. was appointed a J.P. for Inverness in 1908.


John Gillis, son of Hugh, son of Angus, son of Donald, a native of Morar, Scotland, came in early life with two sisters to Prince Edward Island. He was induced to quit, the sireland by his friend, Gilchrist MacDonald, who had, himself, emigrated to yonder Island, where Mr. Gillis spent his first years in the new world.

In 1812 John Gillis and his two sisters crossed over to the Island of Cape Breton, making their permanent abode at the rear of Judique Banks, where John acquired two hundred acres of good land. Not long afterwards John Gillis was married to Ann MacInnes, daughter of Hugh MacInnes of Cape George, with issue: Hugh, Angus, John, Colin, Donald, and three daughters. Four of these sons and two of the daughters were well married and had large families.

The son Hugh was married to Mary MacInnes, daughter of John, Rear Judique, with issue: seven sons and six daughters.

The son John was married to Mary MacEachen and had a family living at Dunmore near Port Hood. Two of the sons, John and Lauchlin, were once familiar figures in the Shiretown, John employed by Samuel MacDonnell, Lauchlin by Dr. Campbell.

The son Angus always stayed on the parental homestead, and was married to Margaret MacDonnell with issue: one son and five daughters. Angus was a husky Highlander of industry and honesty.

The son Colin was married to Catherine MacNeil, daughter of Roderick MacNeil of Mabou Bridge, and had sons and daughters. His eldest daughter, Annie, was the wife of the late A. A. Taylor, Esquire of Margaree. This Colin was for a space of years engaged in mercantile business, first at Mabou, and afterwards at Margaree. After retiring from mercantile pursuits, he conducted an hotel at Margaree till the time of his death.

The son Donald never got married. He was a shoemaker by trade and lived at Mabou Bridge. Donald was a good soul, and a superior craftsman. When he made you a pair of boots you would be too fastidious if they did not suit you. In cases of emergency he might miss the date on which he promised to have them ready; but that was -only to train you in the exercise of the great virtue of patience.


The original seat of the Chisholms in Scotland was Roxburghshire. John de Chisholm, the first of the name known in history is mentioned in an official document dated A. D. 1254. The Chisholms occupy a prominent place in the ecclesiastical history of Scotland.

As already stated the Pioneer Chisholms at Long Point, Judique, were Alexander (Colin's son), William and Colin (Rory's sons) and the brothers Alexander Ban and John Ban. They emigrated from Strathglas, Scotland, in the ship "Aurora" in 1801, remaining on the mainland, Nova Scotia, until 1802 when on the advise of Father MacEachen (afterwards Bishop MacEachen of P. E. Island) they settled at Long Point. They were sturdy and skilful workers and in a short time made for themselves comfortable homes. As soon as, possible they established a school. They built grist and saw mills and their community was a prosperous one.

Pioneer Alexander Chisholm (Colin) was killed by a falling tree. He was the first person buried in the old grave yard, Long Point. Over his remains was mournfully sprinkled consecrated earth brought by the pioneers from Strathglas. He left two sons Alexander and Colin and several daughters. Reverend D. J. MacDonald, M.A., St. F. X. College, is a grandson of one of his daughters. His daughter, Ellen, married Duncan Grant, a native of Glenmoriston, Scotland, with issue: Allan, Alexander, Angus, Patrick, William, Donald, Christina, Catherine, Mary and Ellen (Mrs. Roderick MacNeil). Alexander (Colin's) daughter, Isabel, married John MacEachen, son of John Gow. Alexander son of Alexander (Colin) had four sons, William, Alexander, John and Neil (New Town) and two daughters Margaret and Janet all of whom married and left families excepting Alexander and Janet.

Alexander (Colin) son Colin had issue William, John, Archibald, Alexander, Ellen, Kate, Ann Janet, Margaret and Christina.

Alexander, pioneer, had a brother Archibald at Lismore who married Anne, sister of the late Father Alexander MacDonnell, P.P. Judique. Their daughter Catherine married Alexander Chisholm (John Donn), Stonehouse, Heatherton. The noble Father Archibald Chisholm P. P. Judique, already referred to, who celebrated his golden jubilee in 1921 is a son of Alexander (John Donn). Another son was the peerless Father John Chisholm whose benevolent disposition, dignified manner and stately figure are well remembered by the older people of Margaree where he was parish priest for a number of years.


The family of Pioneer Colin Chisholm and his wife Flora MacRae were Archibald, Alexander, Colin, Duncan, Rory, John, Jessie, Anne and Catherine.

(1) Archibald and John moved to River Dennis (See River Dennis).

(2) Alexander married Anne Chisholm, a sister of the late Rev. Father John Chisholm, son of Donald Chisholm (Mor) Antigonish Harbour. Father Chisholm was in charge of the Missions of Broad Cove and Mabou in 1826-27.

Alexander's family were: (a) Donald, Alexander, John and Anne who moved to the West.

(b) Rory who married Isabel Chisholm of River Dennis and had issue two sons and three daughters.

(c) Colin who married Jessie daughter of Angus MacDonald (Aonghas Mac Alastair), S. W. Mabou, with issue one son, Alexander.

(d) Duncan who resided at Harbour au Bouche. He married Mary daughter of Hugh MacGillivray, St. Andrew's and had issue Colonel (Doctor) Hugh Alexander, C. M. G. (Major) Edward who made the Supreme Sacrifice in the Great War, Raymond (Lieutenant), Daniel G. Angus V., John F., Vincent R., Mary Mabel wife of Roderick MacDougall, Port Hood and Anne who married Hubert Stewart, Newton, Mass. .

(e) Mary who married Hugh Gillies (Donald) S. W. Mabou, with issue: one daughter Margaret whose first husband was the late Allan MacLellan (Sheriff ) and whose present husband is Councillor D. J. MacDonald, Merchant, Judique.

(f) Margaret who married John Gillies son of Allan Mor Gillies a native of Arisaig, Scotland. Alexander C. Gillies recently of Port Hood is of the John Gillies family.

(g) Flora married a Mr. MacMaster. No issue.

(3) Colin died in Guysborough County. He was married to a Miss MacMaster and is survived by a family.

(4) Duncan's wife was Margaret, daughter of Farquahar MacDonnell issue-: Colin D. William, John„ Mary Catherine, Flora Barbara and Jessie.

(a) Colin D. married Mary MacMaster, Creignish, with issue William Joseph, John D., Alexander, John F., Hugh, Murdoch, Flora, Margaret and Agnes. The four first named sons of Colin D. fought and fought well in the Great War. William gave his life in the Cause.

(5) Rory left no issue.

(6) Jessie married Hugh MacLean, Long Point, and left a family. Pioneer William Chisholm (Rory) left no issue.


Pioneer Alexander Chisholm (Ban's) wife was Catherine Chisholm, Antigonish. They had issue: Alexander, William, John, Colin,. Janet, Mary, Anne, Isabel, Kate and Margaret. (1) Alexander married Mary daughter of Hugh MacLean, Long Point, with issue Hugh (Miller), Colin, Archy, William, John, Duncan, Alexander, Rory Margaret, Jessie and Catherine. (2) William married Mary daughter of William Chisholm, Og, with issue: John, Catherine and Julia.

(3) John, Merchant-Port Hastings, married Christie, daughter of Alexander MacMillan, Port Hastings, with issue: Alexander, Mary Belle, Anne and Katie Belle.

(4) Colin married Anne, daughter of John MacEachen (John Gow) with issue: Colin E. (Land Surveyor) who died at Long Point; Archibald, Joseph, John, William, Dougald and Alexander who died abroad, Isabel, who married James MacDonald River Dennis and Ellen who died unmarried.

(5) Mary married John Chisholm, River Dennis, and Margaret married Allan son of Pioneer Angus MacDonnell (Glengarry) of Creignish.

(6) Janet, Anne, Isabel and Catherine died unmarried.


John Chisholm (Ban) married Anne Chisholm, sister of Pioneer Alexander Chisholm (Colin). They had eight sons, - Rory, Colin, John, Alexander, Donald, Archy Alexander, Og and Angus.

(1) Rory married Isabel Chisholm, Antigonish, with issue: Colin who was a Member of the Nova Scotia Legislature for the County of Cape Breton, Donald Medical Doctor; Duncan, School Teacher; Alexander, who was a merchant at Mahone Bay, John, Archibald, Anne (Sister of Charity), Isabel, who married the late Principal Peter O'Hearn of Halifax, Flora who married John Chisholm (Gusset) Antigonish and Catherine and Mary Anne who died unmarried.

(2) Colin, son of John Ban married Ellen Chisholm a sister of Rev. John Chisholm, Antigonish Harbour, above reverred to. They had issue: William, Colin, Donald, James, John, Alexander, Archy, Duncan, Margaret, Anne and Mary none of whom married excepting Archy and Alexander.

(3) John son of John Ban married Catherine Walker of P. E. Island and had issue: Reverend Father Joseph Chisholm who was Pastor at Little Bras D'Or and at different parishes throughout the Diocese. Alexander (Tailor) River Dennis, William, John, Angus, Rory, Anne (Mrs. Dunlop), Mary (Mrs. MacKenzie).

(4) Alexander (Miller) son of John Ban married Mary MacDonald of River Inhabitants with issue (a) Colin who died within a few months of completing his course for the priesthood; (b) Donald (Miller) who married Margaret Chisholm with issue three sons and six daughters. One of the daughters is a religious, Sister Mary Donald, of St. Anne, British Columbia. (c) John (Miller) son of John Ban married Mary MacDonell (Hugh Thomas) with issue: one daughter, Mary Anne, who married Angus Sutherland, Port Hood.

(d) Janet married John P. MacDougall, Judique Intervale.

(e) Anne married Kenneth Chisholm, Antigonish.

(f) Catherine, Mary, Margaret and Jane unmarried.

(5) Donald son of John Ban married a Miss Forbes of Antigonish with issue: John F. and Catherine. His second wife was Mary Mac Donnell by whom he had a son Theodore (School Teacher).

(6) Archy son of John Ban married Flora Chisholm (John Mor) with issue three daughters.

(7) Angus son of John Ban married Catherine MacDonnell (Duncan). Three of Angus's sons were Gloucester sea captains.

(8) Alexander Og moved to Harbour au Bouche.

Four brothers, Rory, William, Colin and John Mor, sons of Alexander Chisholm of Scotland a brother of Pioneers Colin and William Chisholm emigrated to Long Point some years after the arrival of the first Pioneers. These four brothers did not arrive at the same time. John Mor was a passenger to America in the ship "Dunlap" in 1824.

(1) Rory moved from Long Point to Rear Judique. He had issue Alexander, Robert, Colin, Allan, Hugh, Mary and Margaret.

(2) William also moved to Rear Judique. He married Julia MacDonell. Their family were: Colin, Angus, Allan and Alexander and four daughters, Mary, Anne, Catherine and Jessie.

(3) Colin married Mary MacDonell (Thomas), Indian Point. He left no surviving issue.

(4) John Mor was married in Scotland. His wife was a Miss MacKenzie. They resided on the old William Chisholm property at Long Point. Their family were: Alexander, John (See River Dennis) Colin, Angus, Donald, William, Duncan and Flora. Colin married, Christie Chisholm of Antigonish and had issue: six sons and two daughters. Donald married Euphemia daughter of Donald MacMillan, Judique, and had a family. Donald's second wife was Catherine Cameron by whom he had three sons and two daughters. Angus (John Mor) left no issue. William moved to Halifax. He died recently, left no issue. Duncan moved to Montreal. Flora (John Mor) married Archy Chisholm (John Ban) with issue three daughters. Flora's second husband was Angus MacDonell (James) Indian Point.

Long Point Hero Honored By The King.

Mr. Colin D. Chisholm, is the recipent of a bronze plaque, on which is engraved his son's name William Chisholm and bears the inscription. "He died for Freedom and Honour," accompanying it was a monogramed letter as follows: "I join with my grateful people in sending this memorial of a brave life given for others in the Great War."

(Sgd.) GEORGE R. I.

Andrew MacDonald, a native of the Isle of Eigg, Scotland, was a pioneer merchant at Judique. Enterprising and honourable he was a prominent and much respected citizen and he became warmly attached to his new home. He married Anne daughter of Allan Ban MacDonell.

His family were: Archibald, Allan and Catherine. Archibald married Jessie Fraser and left a family of two sons and four daughters. Allan married Anne daughter of John MacLellan, Esq., Judique with issue John (deceased) who for many terms represented Judique in the Municipal Council, Hugh (Postmaster) Judique, Andrew in the United States; Archibald (deceased); Margaret, Catherine, Marcella, Mary Anne and Anne. Catherine daughter of Andrew married James Campbell, Judique and had issue.

Andrew MacDonald had three brothers in Inverness County, Allan, Malcolm and Rory none of whom left issue. Allan conducted business at Port Hood and at Mabou. Andrew had a sister named Marcella. She married a Mr. MacPherson. They resided at Hillsdale and left descendants.


In very many of the Scottish districts of Inverness County we find men and women of this name. We have met them at South WestMargaree, Broad Cove Marsh, Strathlorne, West Lake, Glen Coe, and a large number in this District of Judique. Some of them came from the Islands, some more from the mainland, of Scotland. They do not appear to be a tartan clan, but are, we believe, entitled to wear the generous tartan of the great Clan Ranold. They aroused our curiosity. We looked into Scottish history for their genesis. We know it is not a correct historical method to be planting an old history of Scotland in a new history of Inverness County. But the Mac Isaacs struck us as so intensely interesting in their name, origin and derivation, that we must crave leave to insert in our work a little of what we . found concerning them in the ancient annals of the parent land:

The McIsaacs are found recorded in the charters relating to Lorne and Mid Argyle. Sir Thomas McIsaac of Largie (The district immediately south of Lorne) married Mitilda, a daughter of King Robert the Bruce. There were seven Malcolm McIsaac's of that ilk in succession with the result that the surname ultimately adopted became McCallum, now the Malcolms of Poltollock.

1418 - Gilbert McIsaac was one of the 26 kings of Mann; 1422, Hawley McIsaac was arrainged for starting the insurrection against the Earl of Derby in Mann.

1514-The McIsaac family still retain a considerable tract of territory in the Isle of Mann. The surname is supposed to have originated from Saint Kissock, one of the St. Columba Saints. In their early history one of the name founded the hereditary hundred years of the McDonalds of Clan Ranald. It was this latter branch that became numerous throughout the Clan Ranald territory. They are still fairly numerous in Arisaig, Moidart and the Isles. I believe the Nova Scotia McIsaac emigrants would be from these. They had no Tartan of their own, but would be entitled to wear the Clan Ranald Tartan.

(1) The MacDonalds of Sleat is a Tartan personal only to the Lord of the Isles.

(2) The General MacDonald Tartan belongs to all the MacDonalds. The Glengarry MacDonald is n z with a white stripe through the middle of the green.

(3) The Clan Ronald McDonald is n z with two white stripes one inside both edges of the green both ways. Thus forming a square:


Thomas Mac Donnell (Ban) a native of Strathglas Scotland, was an early pioneer at Indian Point, Judique. He was first cousin of Father Alexander MacDonell, P. P., Judique. His family were: (1) Christopher who married Mary MacMaster (Big Hugh) Judique with issue: three sons: Alexander, Hugh and Donald and five daughters, Janet who married John Kennedy, Glenville; Jessie who married Alexander Beaton (Donald), Little Judique; Anne who married Lauchlin MacNeil (Rory) Mabou; Margaret who married Alexander MacInnis (Angus Tailor), Mabou and Mary who married Alexander Beaton, Mabou Mines. In the old days of coach, and miry roads, travellers had good reason to express gratitude on hearing the stage driver announce "Christopher's" at whose grand hostelry hospitality was extended gratis. (2) Hugh, son of Thomas Ban married Margaret MacIsaac, sister of John MacIsaac below mentioned, with issue: Donald, John, Colin, Duncan, Alexander, Thomas, Donald (Og), Janet (wife of Michael MacEachen - "Charles") and Mary, wife of John Chisholm (Miller). (3) Thomas, son of Thomas Ban married Cecilia daughter of Alexander MacInnis (Robert). (4) Anne married Patrick MacDougall, Ju
dique Interval. (5) Mary married Colin Chisholm, Long Point,. (6) Catherine married Alexander Chisholm (Tailor) River Dennis. (7) Janet married Alexander Chisholm (Big John) River Dennis. (8) Isabel married John MacIsaac (Donald) West Lake Ainslie.

Family of Farquhar MacDonell, of Rear Long Point.

Farquhar MacDonnell and his brother, Duncan MacDonnell, came to America in 1819 or 20. They, first, landed with their families and friends at Caribou Cove, on the Strait of Canso, where they remained but a short time when 'they moved to St. Ann's. This location was not satisfactory, and they next moved to Long Point rear, in the District of Judique, where they took up a large tract of land and finally settled. An incident that serves to show the hardships and difficulties encountered by those pioneers is evidenced by the fact that a son, Duncan MacDonnell, afterwards a prominent Merchant at Judique Banks, and County Councillor for that District, was born the night that the MacDonnell's reached the shores of Long Point, in Inverness County. This Farquhar MacDonell and his brother Duncan emigrated from Dornie, Kintail, in Rosshire, Scotland. His wife was Barbara MacRae, of Kintail, and his mother was Margaret MacRae. He had a family of eight children; Isabel, Alexander and John Vincent were born before their parents left Scotland. Isabel, the eldest of the family, married John MacDonnell, (lain Dhomnullach), and had a family of one son, Hugh, of Long Point, and three daughters; Isabel, married to Peter MacKinnon, of Pomquet River, Antigonish. Ellen married to Robert Sutherland, of Little Mabou, and Margaret unmarried. John Vincent, (Maisther Iain Mac Fhearracher), one of the first Priests to be ordained from this County, was born in Dornie, Kintail, in 1818, and ordained in 1851. He died at St. Andrew's, Antigonish County, in 1888, where he was then Parish Priest, and, by his own expressed wish, was buried in his beloved, native parish of Judique. Another son, Alexander, was also born in Kintail, and died at Judique Banks in 1876. Duncan also lived and died there. Margaret, married Duncan Chisholm, of Long Point (Big). One son, Colin D. on the old homestead, had four stalwart sons in the Great War. One of them, William, was killed there. Three daughters; Barbara, married to John MacMaster, of Long Point; Mary, married to Angus MacLellan, of Port Hastings; and Catherine also married. Farquhar's daughter Janet was married to John MacInnes, of Queensville, Inverness County and had eleven of a family-nine boys and two girls. Farquhar MacInnes, for several years Mayor of Port Hawkesbury, and Proprietor of the "Farquhar House" there, is a son. The youngest son, Dan, also lives there and a sister Barbara. The other daughter, Margaret, and the remaining sons live in different parts of the United States. Another daughter of Farquhar MacDonnell, Catherine, married Alexander MacEchen, of Harbour View, Port Hood, (Alastair Iain Mhic Iain Gobh). Her family are elsewhere enumerated under the "lain Gobh" family. John MacDonnell, lived on the old homestead at Rear Long Point.

Family of John MacEchen (lain MacEachuinn), Gobh.

The progenitor of this family in Nova Scotia - lain Gobh - was a Blacksmith as indicated by the description, "Gobh", and was, evidently, regarded by his own people and friends as a man of sound judgment, for they sent him to America in the latter part of the 18th century to select a suitable place for settlement. They were natives of South Uist, and from Uist he sailed in one of the small vessels in which our courageous forbears had to cross the Atlantic in those days. He first visited Prince Edward Island, and afterwards Pictou County, in Nova Scotia. He returned to Scotland and, in 1791, he again took passage, probably in the "Hector", with his family, kindred and friends. They landed at Fisher's Grant, Pictou County, in 1791. Among others, there came with him, Roderick (Mor) O'Henley, Neil MacMillan, who later settled in Judique, and Donald MacDonald, great grandfather of Professor A. G. MacDonald, L.L.D. of Antigonish, who later settled at River Dennis. A brother, Alexander, (Alastair Gobh) who afterwards settled at Mabou Harbor, also accompanied him. Those three with MacEchen were married to four sisters, named MacLellan, (Gille Fhaollain or Servant of St. Fillain), all noted for their superior endowments, physical and mental.

According to Adams history of the "Clans, Septs and Regiments" of the Scottish Highlands, this John MacEchen was descended from Hector (Gaelic, Eachuinn), second son of Roderick MacDonald, third of Moidait and Clan Ranald. Therefore, a sept of the Clan Ranald MacDonald. Adams relates an interesting fact concerning Neil MacEchen of South Uist, a near relative of this John MacEchen, (Iain Gobh). When the brave Flora MacDonald, befriended "Bonnie Prince Charlie" after Culloden and finally succeeded in getting him on board a French ship lying some distance off the Island of Uist, it was this Neil MacEchen, then a Schoolmaster in South Uist, and who had been out with the Prince in the 45's, who volunteered as boatman. He proceeded to France with the "Prince", was favored by the French Court; and later his son Stephen James MacDonald, (he assumed the original clan name) became Duke of Tarentum, and was the celebrated Marshall MacDonald with Napoleon Bonaparte. The well known Jesuit Missionary, Rev. Archibald Campbell, who visited Nova Scotia a few years ago was of this family.

"Ian Gobh" was married to Sarah MacLellan, one of the sister above noted, and had offspring, two children; John MacEchen (Ian Mac Iain Gobh), and Mary, married to Eoin MacDonald, of Little Mabou, Inverness County. John MacEchen (Ian Gobh), and the little colony that came with him to Fisher's Grant, remained there but a comparatively short time, as they deemed the environment unsuitable They moved to Inverness County, where they took out separate grants of land; John MacEchen, O'Hanley and MacMillan at Judique Banks; MacDonald at River Dennis and Alexander (Alastair Gobh) at Mabou Harbour. Ian Gobh died soon after coming to Inverness County, and was buried at MacKay's Point, Judique. This point was selected by those pioneers as a cemetery, as it was intended to be the site of their church, soon to be erected. About one hundred years later, in 1890, the erosion of the shore bank at MacKay's Point caused the caskets in this cemetery to become exposed, and the remains of John MacEchen were translated, by his grandson, Alexander MacEchen, of Harbour View, to the family plot in St. Peter's Cemetery, Port Hood, where three generations of this family now repose. A curious fact in this connection was, that, apart from a little dust, the casket contained only the hair and shroud. The shroud was of silk and wool, and the texture was still firm, and in a good state of preservation. His widow, Sarah MacLellan, afterwards married, John MacKay, of MacKay's Point, and had issue, two sons, Angus and Donald MacKay. John MacKay, late Postmaster of Port Hood, and County Court Clerk, was a son of Angus MacKay. John G. MacKay, Barrister, is another son.

John MacEchen (lain Mac Ian Gobh), continued to live on the old homestead at Rear Long Point, or Banks. He married, in 1818, Isabella, daughter of Alexander Chisholm, of Long Point. (This Alexander Chisholm was killed by a falling tree, and was the first to be buried in the cemetery at Judique Banks). They had a family of three sons and seven daughters. The eldest, John (a Maighster Scol Mor), was married in 1840 to Margaret MacLean, daughter of Alexanander MacLean, Blacksmith, of the Island of Barra, and his wife, a MacKinnon of Coll. All of this family were born on the old homestead at Judique Banks. This eldest son, John, was born April 21st, 1819. His ambition to acquire knowledge and an education was fostered by his parents, and at an early date he succeeded in qualifying into the teaching profession, completing his training at Halifax. He remained in his native County of Inverness, and did much good work in his profession, teaching at Judique, Dunvegan, Port Hawkesbury, Lake Ainslie, Glencoe, Brook Village and Whycocomagh.

His family by his first wife were John, who died in infancy; William A., of British Columbia, married to Sarah MacLeod, a grand niece of the late Bishop Fraser, of Antigonish; John Allan, now Brother Ananias, of the Christian Brothers, St. Vincent, Marion County, California; Dr. A. J. G., Barrister of Regina, Sask., and married to Arabella MacPherson, daughter of the late Murdock MacPherson, of Mabou, this County; Marianne C., married to Peter J. Coady, of Margaree Forks; Lauchlin, of St. Mary's, British Columbia and Sarah Isabel, who died young. In 1877, he married again, Margaret MacDonald, by whom he had issue: Dougald Alex. and John Alex., both dead.

Donald Joseph, of Dawson City; Margaret Isabel, married to Andrew J. Coats, of Reading, Mass.; Euphemia, wife of Dennis J. Ward, of Reading; Christine Marie, wife of Dr. Andrew MacKay, of Salem, Mass.; and Lucie and Marie Cassie, both dead.

The second son, Alexander, Senior, (Alastair Mor), lived for a time on the old homestead, when he sold out to Angus MacDonnell, of South West Margaree, whose son no 'w resides there, and purchased a farm at Little Judique, now Harbour View, near Port Hood. He married Catherine MacDonnell (Caith Fhearracher), daughter of Farquhar MacDonnell and Barbara MacRae, of Judique Banks. Both died a few years ago at the ripe age of eighty years. The family are Mary Margaret, widow of the late Angus MacDonald, Blacksmith, of Little Judique, and has a large family; John Vincent, married to Margaret, daughter of the late Squire Archy MacLellan, of Hillsdale. He resides on the old homestead at Harbour View. Euphemia, wife of Donald Mac-Donald, of Little Judique (Blks.). Frank A. Barrister and Town Solicitor f or the Town of Inverness, married to M. Anne MacKinnon, of Sydney, Cape Breton. Marie Christina married to Hugh Chisholm, Miller, of Long Point, Inverness, and John Alexander Farquhar, of Chicago.
The third son of lain Gobh, Alexander, studied at St. Francis Xavier's, Antigonish, and afterwards at Laval. He taught school at Port Hood for a short time. He went to the United States where he practised law for many years, and now is a Judge of one of the Superior Courts, at Poteau, Oklahoma. He first married Marie Anne Gallaher of Mass., by whom he had issue, Gertie, married to Mr. William Fraser, of Antigonish, (brother of the late Rev. John Fraser), their home is in Arizona. Florence married a Mr. Draper, of Dakota.

lain Mac lain Gobh's eldest daughter, Mary, married John Chisholm, (lain Chalain), of River Dennis. Issue two sons, John and Colin and several daughters. Rev. John N. MacLennan, of Glendale, Inverness County, is a grandson. Second daughter, Anne, married Colin Chisholm, of Long Point. The late, well known Colin E. Chisholm, Teacher and Land Surveyor, was a son. John J. MacDonell, Detective of Sydney, is a grandson. Ellen married John MacDonald, '(lain Mac Alastair), of Harbour View, Port Hood. The oldest son, the late Alexander J., married Kate MacNeil, sister of Archibishop MacNeil and Judge Daniel MacNeil, was a prominent Merchant at Harbour View. Alexander, Junior, is in the Yukon; Ronald J., at Port Hood; Euphemia another daughter of John MacEachen, Junior, married Dougald MacKinnon, of Antigonish, who did' business at Port Hawkesbury for a time. Mrs. MacKinnon, with her husband and sister, Agatha, afterwards emigrated to New Zealand. The MacKinnons, had no family. Agatha married, in New Zealand, Donald McPhee of Upper Canada, and had issue two sons and one daughter, who reside there now at Dundein. The next daughter, Margaret, married Allan MacIsaac, (Alain Mor), who was well known as one of the Pioneer Teachers of Inverness County. Their family consisted of two sons and four daughters. Ex-Mayor, Daniel A. MacIsaac, married to Mary Belle Cameron, of Mabou, is a son, and lives on the old homestead at Inverness Town; (the "Shean," as Inverness was called when the pioneer MacIsaacs and MacLeans settled there many, many years ago.) Another son is Doctor John Alexander MacIsaac, of New York City, a typical and true Highlander, whose affection for his early home and kindred is, indeed, warm, as shown in his frequent visits thereto. The Doctor is Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy, and last Autumn planned to visit Inverness by Aeroplane or Seaplane. His plans were all completed and the place of landing here, Lake Ainslie, selected, when an unlooked for accident made the machine useles:. The daughters are Mary, now deceased; Mrs. Maria Gillis and Mrs. Isabel - Roy, of Beverly Farms, Mass., and Mrs. MacGregor, of The youngest daughter of Ian Mac Ian Gobh, Catherine, married Donald MacLeod, of Dunvegan, (Mor), a prominent Merchant of that District. Issue, Rev. Sr. St. Joseph of the Congregation de Notre Dame, New Glasgow; Rev. Sr. St. Mary de l'Assomption, at Inverness; Rev. Sr.. St. Catherine, died at Montreal; Revd. John D. MacLeod, P. P. of New Glasgow, completed his Theological studies at Rome; Donald Joseph, of Dunvegan, on the old homestead, married to Mary Belle, daughter of Angus Collins, of South West Margaree, was Warden of Inverness County for several years; Alexander Roderick, a prominent business man of Seattle, Washington; Catherine, married to John MacEchen, of Inverness, (Ian Dhomnuill a Mhullain),- Christina married to D. D. MacLellan, Senior, of Glenville. Their family consists of four boys, Dan D., on the old homestead, at Glenville, is Councillor for his district. Donald Francis, this year completing his medical studies at McGill University, and Revd. Alexander MacLellan, of Vancouver, B. C.: John A. in the Yukon; three sisters: Mary Belle, Josephine and Christina are teaching in Western Canada. Marie Ann married to Alex. Cameron, Black River, Mabou. The youngest daughter, Agnes MacLeod, married John A. MacAdam, of Eskasoni, Cape Breton County.

Mary MacEchen, only daughter of Iain Gobh, married Eoin Mac Donald, of Little Mabou, and had issue, Ronald, married to a Cape Mabou woman, and married a second time to Mary MacDonald, of Mabou Harbor; Donald and Finlay; John in the United States, and Christie; Mary, married to MacIntyre, of Cape Mabou; Sarah, married Capt. J. MacNeil, of Codroy, Nfld. She now lives with her sons, Finlay and Alexander, at Inverness. Euphemia, married Mr. MacQuarrie, of Codroy, and afterwards came to St. Rose, Inverness County, where she died at a ripe, old age a few years ago. Annie, married to Alexander Beaton, of Indian Point, Mabou; Margaret, married Angus MacLean, of Mabou Coal Mines, (Aonaghais Mac Chalum Gobh).

Alasdair Gobh, brother of "Iain", accompanied him to America in 1791. He later came with him to Inverness County and took up lands at Mabou Harbour. He was married to a Miss Campbell, of South West Mabou. He had five sons and three daughters; Alexander, married to Miss MacMaster, of Judique; Samuel, married to Miss MacArthur, of Cape Mabou; Allan, married a Miss MacLean, of E. Side Mabou Harbour, (Colun Gohb's daughter). His second wife was Annie MacArthur, of Cape Mabou, and his third wife was Mary MacDonald, of Little Mabou. Mary, married John McInnes. She had two daughters; Mary and Annie. Mary married William Botherson. She again married Donald MacDonald, of Glenville. Alexander MacDonald, Junior, of Glenville, is a descendant.


As intimated in another place John Graham came to Judique some years after the ending of the American Revolution. He was a native of Inverness-shire, Scotland. He took up 500 acres of land at Grand Judique, and was married to Margaret MacDonald, with issue: Ronald, Stephen, David, Alexander, John, Angus, Isabel, Margaret, Euphemia and Annie.

Ronald was married to a Miss Morrison, with issue: John, Rory, Alick, Angus, Allan, Flora, Margaret, Euphemia, and Katie.

Stephen was married to Annie Gillis by whom he had, Angus, John, Archy, Alick, William, Ronald, Angus J. and Mary Bell.

David was married to Florence MacDonald of Antigonish and had the following family: Alick, John W., Allan, Mary, Margaret, Marcella and Katie Ann.

Alexander was married to a Miss White of Caribou Cove without issue. He was married a second time to Mary Ann MacDonald of Judique Banks, but had no family.

John was married to Catherine Gillis, sister of Stephen's wife, with issue: Angus, Alick C., John A., Mary, Margaret, Christina, Mary Ann, Keziah and Eunice.

Angus Graham was married to Annie MacEachern of P.E.I. with issue: John H., Dan R., Johnnie, Ella, Katie and Marcella.

The daughter Margaret of old John's family was married to William White of Caribou Cove; the daughter Euphemia to Allan Grant of Port Hawkesbury; and the daughter Annie to Joseph MacLean of Long Point, with issue: two sons and three daughters.


In Scotland of old this family name was written and used without the "Mac". The name we now write as Robert Maclnnes would have been written in earlier Scotland as Robert Innes. We presume this was the chief difficulty in proving the rights of this family of Judique to a vast estate left in Scotland to the heirs and next of kin of one Jane Innes.

It would appear that none of that name without the Mac can now be found in Scotland to claim that large legacy, and that the development of the prefix "Mac" is a disqualification for such of the family as have come to America. Hence, the large estate of Innes has to wait, nay grow, and go a-begging for claimants who know their own name. The case is a painful comment on the misfortune of not preserving family names and records.

Some years ago we saw an official statement anent the Innes Estate, a portion of which was then valued at more than Eight Thousand Pounds sterling. We have a strong moral conviction that the true and lawful heirs to that estate are the MacInnes family of Judique: but, as at present advised, we have not the positive legal proof. We believe the Government of the Province would do well to appoint a strong and reliable Commission to trace out the history of this family in Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island and Scotland, in connection with the above estate. According to certain documents which we have read, the direct heir of Jane Innes was one Robert Innes. Who is or was this Robert Innes?

About the year 1800 Robert MacInnes came, with his family, to Judique, where he settled down permanently. For a considerable period of years, just before coming to Judique, Mr. MacInnes had lived and worked at his trade (that of a stone mason) in Prince Edward Island. We think he came to yonder Island in 1772, in the ship A!exander, with a large body of Highlanders brought out hither by Captain John MacDonald, Lord of Glenaladale. He was married to Mary MacEachern, sister to Aeneas MacEachern who afterwards became a Catholic Bishop, with jurisdiction over Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton Island, and Nova Scotia. Two sisters and a brother of Mrs. Maclnnes also settled in Judique. They were Mrs. ZAllan Ban MacK Donnell, Mrs. Michael MacDonald, and Ewen MacEachern elsewhere referred to. The family of Robert Maclnnes by his wife Mary MacEachern consisted of three sons and nine daughters, namely: Alexander, Donald, Robert, Margaret, Mary, Cecily, Isabel, Elizabeth, Jane, Catherine, Mary and Ann.

Alexander (Alisdair Mac Rob) was married to Mary MacEachern of Creignish, and had the following sons and daughters: Hugh, Angus, Robert, Alexander, John, Allan, Charles, Cecily, Mary, Jessie and Flora.

Donald (son of Robert Sr.) was married to Mary Cameron, by whom he had: Charles, Robert, and several daughters.

Rob's daughters were married as follows: Margaret to John MacEachern of Creignish; Mary to Donald Cameron of Rear Judique; Cecily to Alexander MacDonald of East Bay; Isabel to John MacDonald of Little Mabou; Elizabeth to Angus MacDougall of Rear Judique Intervale; Jane to Wm. Sutherland of Little Mabou; Catherine to a MacDonald of Mabou Harbor; Mary (Jr.) was also married at East Bay; and Ann lived out her life on the homestead unmarried.

Robert, son of Alexander, was married to Rebecca Cameron with issue: Alexander, Robert, Allan, Mary, Cecily, Flora, Jessie and Mary.

John, son of Alexander, was married to Catherine Innis and had Alexander, Allan, and Mary. Charles was married to Flora MacLean with issue: Alexander, Allan and Mary.

Alexander, Rob Gow's son, was married to Jessie MacDonald of Port Hastings and had Robert, Duncan, Kate, Ann, Jane, and Mary Jane.

Allan was married to a Miss McInnis of Rear Judique with issue: Robert, Rebecca and Catherine.

Mary married Duncan MacEachern Rear Banks, Flora married Angus Cameron, West Lake Ainslie; Catherine, Hugh Gillis, Port Hood Mines; Jessie married John J. Daly, New York- and Mary married Angus R. MacDougall of Port Hood.

Duncan MacInnes married Martha Livingstone of Little Judique and his children are the sixth generation living successively on the one farm for more than a century.

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