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History of Inverness County, Nova Scotia
Chapter XI - The Catholic Parish of Princeville

The Parish of Princeville when formed in the early part of the last century was known as the Parish of River Inhabitants. It then included Glendale and the adjoining sections.

The first church was built near the River about half a mile below where the Long Stretch Steel Bridge now stands. There was also a Cemetery nearby. It was at that time and for a number of years afterwards in charge of the Parish Priest of Judique.

The present church was built about the year 1852. The pastor at that time was Rev. Alexander McDonald. He was succeeded by Rev. Allan McLean. In the year 1861 this mission was joined to Creignish and was placed in charge of Rev. Archibald McKenzie, who was ordained in that year. In 1875 Glendale was made a separate parish with Rev. Donald McIsaac in charge. In the year 1882 Princeville was joined to Glendale parish.

In 1884 Rev. Duncan P. McDonald was appointed parish priest of Princeville and Lower River Inhabitants. He was the first and only resident priest on this mission. During his incumbency the church property was improved and some of the land brought under good cultivation. He was succeeded in 1889 by Rev. Colin F. McKinnon, P. P. Creignish. In 1891 Rev. Ronald McDonald, P.P. Hawkesbury, was given charge of this parish and in 1894 Rev. Alexander McDonald now at Inverness. In 1896 Rev. Hugh Gillis, the apostle of temperance, (now Monsignor), was appointed parish priest of Hawkesbury, Princeville, and Lower River. Father Gillis resigned in 1907 and Rev. John J. McNeil was appointed in his place. In 1908 Rev. Donald McPherson, P. P. Glendale, had charge of Princeville, and in November 1909 the present pastor, Rev. Peter Rankin was appointed parish priest of Creignish and Princeville.

This parish, like other parishes in this County, always had priests who were assiduous and zealous in the discharge of their duties towards their parishioners in matters both spiritual and temporal.


Alexander MacDonald, son of Donald MacDonald, was born in South Uist, Scotland and emmigrated to Cage Breton in the year 1790. 3e took up a farm of 600 acres on the western side of the River Inhabtants, at the place now called Glenora. He died in 1861. His first wife was Catherine McDougall of Rear Long Point. They had issue me son and one daughter, namely: Angus and Margaret, Angus married Isabel McVarish and had three sons, Angus, Donald and Alexander, and six daughters, Mary, Annie, Katie, Margaret, Catherine and Sarah.

Margaret married Donald MacDonald (Og) of Creignish, and had We sons and three daughters.

Alexander's first wife died and his second wife was Mary MacDonald. They had issue: one son, John and three daughters, Catherine, Mary and Anne. John married Margaret McIsaac and had issue: three sons and four daughters, viz: Malcolm, who died in Seattle, Washington, in 1892; Alexander, who died in 1894 and John on the old homestead. The daughters are Catherine, wife of John Cameron, Annie, wife of Alex M. MacDonald, Mary, wife of Angus MacDonald and Mary Jane, who died in 1894. Catherine, Alex's daughter married Alexander MacDonald of Creignish, and had one son. Mary married Alexander McIntyre, and had a family of four sons and four daughters. Ann died in the year 1911.


James Lacey emigrated from Ireland about the year 1800 and took up a farm at River Inhabitants Forks (Glenora).

He married Janet McPherson of Askilten and they had a family of four sons and four daughters. The sons were Alexander, John, Thomas and William.

Alexander married Mary McLeod of Big Brook and had issue: seven sons and two daughters, namely: Alexander (Captain) lost at sea, William, John, James, Malcolm, David and Dan. The daughters were Elizabeth and Ellen.

William's first wife was Katie McInnis of Queensville by whom he had two sons and two daughters. His second wife was Mary McDonald of Princeville by whom he had one daughter. John (Sailmaker) Port Hawkesbury married Susan Philpott and had issue two sons and five daughters. James, who was councillor for the district at the time of his tragic death in April 1919, married Katie McDonald of Queensville and had issue: five sons and two daughters. Malcolm died in early manhood. David died in British Columbia in 1917, Dan was last heard of in Alaska about twenty-five years ago; Elizabeth died in 1918; Ellen married John McDonald (Butcher) Princeville and had one son and one daughter.


John McArthur emigrated from Mull, Scotland, and took up a farm at Princeville. His wife's name was Ann McLachlan. He had a family of three sons, Neil, Alexander and John and two daughters, Janet and Grace.

Neil, married Ann Cameron and had a family of six sons and three daughters, namely: Alexander, Donald, Duncan, James, John and Archy, Mary, Ann and Maggie.

Donald married Annie McIntosh and had issue three sons,: Neil, James and Finlay and four daughters, Mary, Jessie, Margaret and Martha.

Duncan married Mary Jane Cameron and had five sons, John, Neil, Dougald, Abraham and Allan and three daughters: Annie, Margaret and Mary Jane.

Alexander (Neil's son) died in the United States.

James married Flora McDonald and had one son and one daughter.

John Neil's son was drowned at sea.

Archy took up a farm in Manitoba where he still resides.

Mary Neil's daughter married Lauchlin McFadden, River Dennis and had a family of five sons and two daughters.

Ann Neil's daughter married Allan McColl, Glendale, and had issue: five sons and two daughters.

Maggie Neil's daughter married Charles Smith of Gloucester and had a family of three sons arid two daughters.


John McIntosh emigrated from Glenelg, Scotland with his family about the year 1790 and took up a farm at Princeville where some of his descendants still resides. His wife was Ann McLennan. He had family of three sons and two daughters. The sons were Neil, Donald and Angus. The daughters, Flora and Mary.

Neil married Janet McArthur and had issue: six sons: John, Donald, Neil, James, Angus and Finlay and five daughters, Mary, Annie, Flora, Margaret and Sarah.

John and Donald both died in Provincetown, Mass.

Neil married Janet McLean and had a family of two sons and four daughters. The sons are Donald, Angus (deceased) and Dan. he daughters are Mary, Annie, Hannah and Katie.

James ex-Councillor first married Mary Cameron and had a family of three sons: Neil, James and Dougald, and two daughters, Katie and Flora.

James' first wife died and he married the second time - Christy McPhail of River Dennis, by whom he had one daughter Mary.

Angus and Finlay died at home. Flora, Neil's daughter first married Donald McKinnon: after his death she married the second time - John B. McLellan, Kingsville and had two daughters.

Mary Neil's daughter married David McPherson, Askilton and a family of five sons, namely: Alexander, John, Dan, Allan, and William.

Sarah married Hugh Cameron Lake Horton and had two sons and two daughters.

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