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History of Inverness County, Nova Scotia
Chapter XII - Hillsborough

District No. 5.

This is the central district of Mabou. The name was first given to a pretty hamlet, built upon a hill, three miles Southeast of Mabou Village. When the County was incorporated in 1879, this name was applied and extended to the whole of District No. 5, and the name is quite appropriate. This is in sooth a land of hills. Not the bare and barren variety, but luxurious heights and slopes, rich in soil, and rare in symmetry. Go where you may in this district, these bounteous altitudes are smiling down upon you from all directions, calling your soul to higher things, like the silent heralds of destiny.

But there are more than hills in Hillsborough. There are rivers and streams, and fine stretches of meadows and marshlands. On one side, dividing this district from that of Glencoe, we find the South East river rolling down the dales for miles until it loses itself in Mabou Harbour. On the other side we see Black River and Hay River both flowing into West Lake Ainslie. From the West the South West River comes tumbling down until it empties itself, also, into Mabou Harbour, where many brooks and streams of minor measurements achieve the same end. It was this "noise of many waters" that moved the children of the forest - the primitive Micmacs - to give unto this whole region the purifying name of Mabou. It was the scenic inspiration, so strong in Mabou and other parts of Cape Breton, that caused the local and loyal poet to sing:

"With cliffs of white and bowers of green;
"And ocean bending to caress it,
"With hills and studded streams between,
"Our Island home, God bless it!"

Nearly all the people here devote themselves to farming pursuits exclusively. They do not divide their time and energy between their chosen occupation and other industrial callings, such as fishing and mining. For that reason, among others, the farmers here are more comfortable and successful than many more of our Inverness husbandry. Another reason for the advanced position of the farmers here is, that some of these early settlers were trained in tilling the soil before they came to America. They belonged it is said, to that historic band known early annals as The United Empire Loyalists. They were men of force and fortitude; they showed it everywhere. They were industrious men of judgment and character; they proved it here. They take to the land as ducks to the water. Our regret is that more of them did not come into the fine county of Inverness. Further on we shall refer to them in detail.

Hillsborough is divided from Poplar Grove by the main road leading from Mabou bridge to Glenville; and from Glencoe by the Southeast River. These three communities, Hillsborough, Glencoe and Poplar Grove, constituted the old original Mabou. At that time Mabou was a powerful section of Inverness County.

We remember when the two great political parties of the county were locally designated as "the Mabou party", on the one hand, and "'the Port Hood Party" on the other. The late Samuel Macdonnell (with whom were the late Hon. Peter Smyth, the late Hon. Dr. Campbell, and the late Hon. John McKinnon) resided in the Shiretown, and was the leader of the so-called "Port Hood party"; while the late Dr. Hugh Cameron (associated with the MacKeens of Mabou, Hugh MacDonald of Mabou, Alexander Campbell of Strathlorne, and, for a long time, the able Dr. McLennan of Margaree) resided in Mabou, and was the leader of the so-called Mabou party". These two parties were exceedingly vigorous. Their battles were hard won and well fought. It is, of course, a debasement of state parties to give them even the appearance of being used for sectional advantage or ascendancy. At the same time, we are bound to say that a good deal of honour was -displayed by the political gladiators of that day in Inverness.

The inhabitants of this district are fairly divided in religion; one half is Catholic, and the other half consists of Presbyterians and Baptists. All are living together on the best brotherly terms. There is a little old Baptist church, with a small cemetery, at the end of the Glendyer road which would seem to indicate that the adherents of that belief are not numerous. On the other hand, the solemn and antique appearance of the little church and graveyard would suggest deep roots. There is not now, nor do we know that there ever was, a resident Baptist clergyman here.

There is a handsome Presbyterian Church, built -upon a hill, on the very brow of Hillsborough proper; and since the days of the early settlers this congregation has had, from time to time, its own devoted resident Minister. The first minister, and the one who stayed longest , was the Reverend Mr. Miller with whom we deal in another chapter. It is difficult to measure correctly the advantage of having a good resident leader of souls in any given community. In truth, we some times fear that we are all lacking in due appreciation of the exalted mission of our accredited clergy. The pastors of the people! 0#1, what a force! Wealth is strength; position is eminence; knowledge is power; education is progress; law is a sanctioned rule of conduct', but of all the institutions known to man the Christian Church, alone, can adequately prepare a person, or a people, for life and death.


In the year 1821 two brothers, named Alexander Campbell and Angus Campbell, with their wives and two or three young children, came from the Braes of Lochaber, Scotland, to the new world of America. They landed at the Strait of, Canso, and were rowed in an open boat from Port Hastings (then called Plaster Cove) to Mabou Harbour by the pioneer immigrant, the first Hugh MacMillan.

From Mabou Harbour they made their way inland to North East Mabou, where their cousin John Campbell (son of Big Donald) was located. This John Campbell had come from Scotland a few years earlier, and his place was quite near the Black River. The Campbell brothers remained with him for the first winter. The three families lived in one log house for some months. All their farm stock that winter was one milch cow. Next spring the two new comers each took up a farm of two hundred acres, side by side, on the Black River Alexander Campbell (Allisdair MacCallum) was married in Scotland to Lucy Kennedy, who was a convert to the Catholic faith. None of her people came to Nova Scotia, but her brother, Lachlan, settled in Ontario. Other members of her family went to Australia. Alexander Campbell's family consisted of five sons and five daughters namely: Malcolm, Finlay, Alexander, Angus Donald, Ann, Mary Marcella, Flora and Catherine.

Malcolm and Angus died unmarried. Malcolm was the first man buried in the first Catholic cemetery of Mabou.

Finlay was married to Jessie Campbell, daughter of the Gobha Ban, with issue: Katie, married to Allan MacDonald of Broad Cove Banks, with issue: John A., Alexander, Jessie, Finlay, James, Donald, Catherine, Cassie and Ronald D.; Malcolm married to Mary MacDonald, with issue: Catherine A., Jessie, Mary A., Donald F., Annie L, Catherine F., Mary Margaret, John, Alexander and Sarah Catherine; Alexander married to Flora Walker; Mary to Hugh McLean; Isabel married to Duncan McNeil; Angus, in the U. S., and unmarried; Annie, married to John Gillis.

Alexander (son of Alasdair MacCallum) was married to Ann Beaton, with issue: Alexander J., died unmarried, Malcolm, single; Katie, married to S. E: Joyce with issue, Alexander and Francis; Annie died young and unmarried; Angus R., married to Mary Cameron with issue, Annie, Finlay and Alexander Ronald; Mary Martha, single, and Alex Ronald who died in college in Antigonish.

Donald (son of Allisdair MacCallum) was married to Mary Campbell, daughter of Angus Campbell of Glenora, with issue: Alexander, died unmarried; Malcolm married to Catherine MacMaster with issue: Angus, Jane, Margaret, Donald and Catherine; Annie, married to Angus Beaton, with issue: Janet, Mary, Ronald and Donald; Mary married Angus Cameron, with issue: Finlay, Alexina, Donald, Angus, Margaret, John Angus, and Mary Ann. Sandy, married to Mary Cameron with issue: Mary and Catherine; Angus died unmarried and Lucy, not yet married.

Ann Campbell (daughter of Allisdair MacCallum) was married to John MacNeil of Mabou Ridge, with issue: Alexander who was married in the U. S. A., William, married to Kate McNeil, with issue: John, Donald, Neil, Alexander, Sarah, Mary, Catherine and Lizzie; Neil married in U. S. A. Angus married with issue: William, Frances, Hugh, John and Lizzie; Malcolm, dead; Flora married to Alexander McFarlane; Mary, married to Donald Gillis of St. Rose with issue:

two sons and two daughters; Isabel married to Angus MacDonald with issue: Archie Alex, and one girl dead; and Ann, married to John McFarlane.

Mary Campbell (daughter of Ailisdair MacCallum) was married to Angus MacDonald of Mabou, with issue: Angus, married to Martha Cooper with issue: Alexander, Isabel, Alexina, Victoria, Maud, Martha and John; Alexina, Isabel, Maud and Victoria are dead.

Marcella was married to Angus MacLellan late of Glenville with issue: Malcolm, John, Flora, Mary, Annie, Archie and Lizzie. Malcolm was a school teacher and died young. John is married to Christy Kennedy, Flora was married to Alexander McEachern and had a family, Mary was married to Donald McLellan and had seven children, Annie remained single, Archie was married to Maggie Kennedy and had four children, Lizzie was married to the late Farquhar McLellan and had quite a fine family.

Flora was married to Alexander MacDougall of S.W. Margaree, and had three children, all of whom are dead.

Catherine was married to Alexander Cameron with issue: Mary married to John McLean, Sarah to John McNeil, and Alexander to Mary Ann McLellan.


Came from Scotland in 1831. Was married in Scotland to Kate MacDonald (sister of Alasdair Dhu of Mount Young) with issue: three daughters and one son, to wit, Jessie, Annie, Sarah and Alexander. As it is stated elsewhere, Jessie was married to Finlay Campbell. She was born at sea coming to America. Annie and Sarah died young and unmarried. The only son, Alexander, was married to Sarah Cameron, but had no family.

The Gobha Ban, as the name implies was a blacksmith by trade. He bought the farm on which he made his home here from the Trustees of Mabou Parish. There seems to have been some uncertainty and dispute as to which side of the Harbour the first permanent church should be built on. In that doubtful period this farm was bought for Glebe land. Afterwards it was found that it would not be a central or suitable location for the church and presbytery. Whereupon another farm for parish purposes was bought down towards the Northeast, and this one sold to the Gobha Ban. We think the legal ownership-of this farm vests; at present, in Angus Campbell, son of Finlay, who is away in the U.S.A. and unmarried.


"Aonghais an Araich" was married in Scotland to Catherine MacDonald with issue: Malcolm, Donald, Angus (Gillie Ban), Flora, Katie, Mary and Alexina.

Malcolm was married to Catherine Cameron, daughter of John Cameron of South West Mabou, and had two children, Angus and Katie. This Angus, who is now dead, was married to Catherine Beaton, daughter of the late Donald Beaton of Port Ban, and had a family of sixteen children: Katie is married to John E. Beaton of Inverness and has, also, a good sized family. This Malcolm bought a farm at Broad Cove Banks on which he afterwards lived and died. We remember himself and his wife very distinctly. They seemed ever happy, and were the very spirit of kindness in their own house.

Donald was married to Mary Macdonald, daughter of John McDonald (Lord) of Margaree, with issue: Malcolm, Angus, Katie and Teresa. Malcolm and Katie were unmarried, Angus is dead, and Teresa married Lauchlin MacKinnon of Margaree Harbour, and had the following family; John, Dan, Katie and two other daughters who have joined the Order of St. Martha at Antigonish.

This Donald Campbell's wife died when the children were very young. Her people, the (Lord) Macdonalds, took the children, and for their support the father sold his portion of the fine farm at Black River to the late Allan Macdonald (California) whose sons now occupy it. Donald Campbell himself died comparatively young.

Angus (Gillie Ban) was married to Mary MacLellan, daughter of the late Squire Donald McLellan of Black Glen, with issue: John, Angus, Alexander, Katie, Mary Bell and Andrew.

The son John is well-to-do in the U. S. A., and married to Onie McGraw with issue: Margaret, Ruth and Angus D.

This son of Angus (Gillie Ban) has spent many years of his young manhood in the United States and Mexico. We take the following excerpt from "The Cananea Herald" of Sonora, Mexico, dated April 4th, 1903:

"John A. Campbell was born on a farm on the Black River, Inverness County, Nova Scotia, Aug. 1st, 1864. ' In 1882 he took up his residence in Newton, Mass., being in the employ of an express company. Two years later he removed to Pennsylvania, where for four years he was connected with a lumber company in the capacity of office man and store manager, excepting when taking a Course in accounting and commercial law in Williamsport in 1855-6. He went to St. Paul in 1888 to enter the service of a wholesale house, moving later to Chicago with the business. In October 1890 he went to Bisbee, Arizona, and entered the service of the "Copper Queen Consolidated Mining Co.," in the Capacity of general cashier and chief clerk to the General Manager. Here he continued until Oct. 1st, 1901, at which time he resigned to accept a position with the Cananea Consolidated Copper Co., and on January 1st, 1902, he was elected Secretary. On January 1st, 1903, he was appointed acting Treasurer. He has been prominent in Cochise County politics, having been urged to accept Republican nomination for Treasurer in the election of 1900, but declined. He was instrumental in organizing the Bisbee News Co., the first owners of the Review. He is prominent in home affairs as well, being vice president of the Cananea Club and vice-president of the Cananea Exploration Co."

Angus lives on the valuable homestead, and is married to Mary McLeod, daughter of the late Alexander McLeod (Duncan) of Dunvegan. He owns and operates one of the most productive farms in Inverness County, and is at present the Municipal Councillor for the district of Hillsborough.

The son Alexander is abroad and unmarried. The son Andrew is dead.

The daughters of Angus Campbell (Aaraich) were married as follows: Flora to Archibald McDonald (Gillesbeag Mac Allisdair Dhu) ,of Mount Young, Mabou, with issue: Alexander, died unmarried; Allan, died unmarried; Angus the famous piper, unmarried; Sandy unmarried; Mary, Kate and Isabella, unmarried. Flora was married to John Rankin, Hugh's son of Broad Cove Banks. No issue. Ann was married to John McDonald, Saddler, with issue: Alexina, Sarah, Kate, married to Dan Campbell (York), no issue; Mary married to Alexander MacDonald (Burke), had one son and one daughter; Flora, married to Dougald McNeil, had three children.

Kate was married to Angus McDonald of Judique Banks with issue; Angus, married to a Miss McMillan, with issue: Mary, married to Mr. McMillan, no issue, Donald married to Kate McMillan, had three children; and Archie, unmarried.

Alexina was married to Duncan McMaster, and had one son Duncan, who died young. She was married again to Duncan McMaster, with issue: two daughters and one son.

Mary was married to Duncan Boyle of Strathlorne, with issue: Kate, Margaret, Isabel, Alexander, Angus and John G.

Katie is married to Michael McDonald of Glencoe:- no issue.

Margaret was married to the late John McQuarrie, shoemaker, with issue: Mary, Ann, Duncan, Mary Bell, Edward, Catherine, Margaret and Alexander.

Isabel died in infancy.

Alexander was married to Flora Gillis with issue: Mary Ann,. Joseph, Maggie Jane, Alexina, Duncan and Mary Bell. Angus is a tailor and unmarried.

John G., is married to Mary McDonald, daughter of Angus McDonald, Rear Banks of Broad Cove, with issue: John Duncan, Angus, Josephine, Margaret Bourgeois and Mary Catherine.


John MacDonald came from Lochaber, Scotland, in 1826, and took up a large tract of land at Black River. He was married in Scotland to Margaret MacDonald, a sister of the old "Saddlers", Donald and Ronald, of Black River. The issue of that marriage consisted of the following children, namely: Hugh, Archibald, Dougald, Angus, Elizabeth and Katie.

Elizabeth was married to the late Donald McPhee of Mabou Harbour, who formerly owned a farm and resided at Black River, with issue: Neil, John, Bessie and Margaret.

Katie was married to Donald MacDonald (Big) commonly known as Big Donald Mirimachi, with issue, (see Glencoe).

The son Hugh was married to Catherine MacDonald of Mount Young, with issue: Johanna (died unmarried), Ann, died unmarried), Alexander (died unmarried) ; Isabel, (died unmarried) ; Mary married to Allan MacDonald, Tulloch, had a family; Margaret, married to Alexander MacDonald, had a large family; Janet married to David Parker, issue: Hugh and Lizzie.

The son Archibald was married to Marcella McDonald (Cross) with issue: Alexander, Dougald, Angus, Ronald, John, Angus, Senior, and Mary.

Mary was married to a Mr. Fraser of Antigonish. Alexander, who is dead, was married to Mary McDonald (Saddler) with issue; Dougald was married to Alexina McDonald with issue: Angus, John, Dan, John E., Alexander, Dan C., James F., Marcella, Margaret, Catherine, Irene, Georgina.

Angus died unmarried. Ronald was married to a Miss McDonald of Glencoe, with issue: Duncan and Mary Ann. John died unmarried, and Angus Senior, was married in the U. S. A.

The son Dougald was married to Catherine MacDonald, with issue: John, married to Mary McDonald, Tulloch, of West Lake, with issue: one son Joseph. John and his wife are dead, but the little boy Joseph, is still living, and the sole heir to the fine property held by his parents.

Angus, son of Dougald, died unmarried: Donald died unmarried; Alexander was married to Bessie MacDonald, with issue: Joseph, Laurier and Stephen; Ann, was married to Duncan MacDonald of Mull River with issue (See Glencoe) and Margaret married to Donald Walker, with issue: one daughter, Catherine.

Angus MacDonald, one of the four sons of John MacDonald (Big) died unmarried at the age of twenty-six.


For forty years Mr. Daniel Black was a valued resident of Glendyer, having come in 1856 and died in 1896. On the invitation of Mr. Donald McDonald, the Dyer, he came here as a young man from McLellan's Brook in the County of Pictou. By trade he was a Blacksmith and had the reputation of being a good one. Mr. Black was all his life a good reliable man, and between the needs of the various mills of Glendyer and the country trade he developed quite a business here. He was married to Elizabeth Forbes of Pictou with issue: James, Laura, Catherine, Sophia, Margaret, Jessie, Mamie, Ada, Mack and Henry. They were a very intelligent and highly respected family. The two oldest sons and some of the daughters are in California, doing well. One of the younger sons and two of the daughters usually remain on the homestead with the widowed mother.


Mr. McKay had been for many years a trusted employee of the Glendyer factory. He was a faithful, honest, industrious servant. It would be fairly correct to say that he gave his life to the service of the Glendyer Mills. He never left the institution after the day of his first hiring until his last illness compelled him to retire from work. He was a native of West Lake Ainslie and was married to Catherine McDougall of Broad Cove Banks, with issue: Mary-Maggie, MaggieJane, Louise, John, Rosie, Matilda, Catherine, James and Clarence. The son John enlisted in the world war in 1914 and died in the service. The widow and all the rest of the family, except Mary Maggie, who is married in Boston, are now residing in the City of Winnipeg. Several of the daughters are married there, but all are near each other and their mother. All the family were good, but the second oldest daughter, Maggie Jane, who had been a school teacher, and a good one, since her teens, deserves special credit for her steady devotion to her mother and the family, at home and abroad.


Mr. Murray was, in his time, not only a prominent business man of Mabou, but also one of the most successful retail merchants in Inverness County.

He was born in Newfoundland, and came to this Country in 1825. He commenced his mercantile career in a small way at North East Mabou, near the old Catholic church. In 1838 he moved to Hillsboro where he conducted a prosperous trade for several decades.

Mr. Murray was married to Rachel Smith, daughter of Lewis Smith of Mabou, and had the following family:

Harding Smith Murray, married to Clara McKeen, without issue, did business at Mabou Bridge and died there October 25th, 1869.

John Murray, married to a Miss Moore of Shubenacadie, with issue: Rachael, John and Maud; died in Kansas, U. S. A., about the year 1892.

Ellen Murray, married to John Fraser, with issue: Rachel, and John; died in Shubenacadie, N. S., about the year 1864.

Christina Murray, married to Rev. James McLean, issue: Murray, David, Margaret, and Wendell; died at Shubenacadie, N. S., in 1882.

William Murray, married to Jane Pollock, with issue: Ellen, Robert, Maud and Jean; married the second time to Elizabeth Smith with issue: Carrie, Dagie, Mildred, John and Maud. William is still living on the old homestead at Hillsborough.

Lewis Murray, unmarried, died at Hillsborough, March 5th, 1867. Isaac Murray, married to Annie Stevens, with issue: Fred, Lewis, and Alexander, did business for years in Halifax, and died at Riverside, California, in 1900.

Rachel Murray, married to Rev. E. Annand, with issue: Edward, and Minnie; died at Truro, N. S., in 1909.

Emma Murray, married to David Smith, with issue: Dan and Ray, died in Truro, N. S., in 1903.

Hezekiah Murray, married to Margaret Cameron, with issue: Edward, Harding, Allan, Rachael, John, Jean, Winnifred, Claude and George. Hezekiah succeeded his brother Harding, in business at Mabou Bridge, and met with satisfactory success which he well deserved. He is living yet, and well, though somewhat disabled by an injury received a few years since from an accidental fall on ice. The business is continued by his sons.

George Patterson Murray, married to Malinda Burton, died in 1893 at Indian Head, Saskatchewan, with issue: Maud, Eva and Ernest.

Elizabeth Eva Murray, married to A. C. Thompson, is living in Antigonish.

RONALD McMASTER (The Village Blacksmith.)

Among the first to settle at the cross-roads, Brook, Village, Mabou, was the late Ronald McMaster, Blacksmith. He was the son of Hugh McMaster (Big) who emigrated from Inverness-shire, Scotland, to Judique, in this County about the year 1820. The father, Big Hugh McMaster, was married to Margaret Graham of Judique.

After serving his apprenticeship with the late Malcolm McNeil of Hillsborough, Ronald McMaster commenced a blacksmith's and general hardward business at Brook Village, which he successfully conducted until his death on the 13th of April, 1896. Mr. McMaster was, in his younger years, an able-bodied, fine looking Scotsman-one of the special Highland stalwart sons of a time that is past.

In the early days when farming implements were made by hand the Smith, or Gobha was an important personage in a community. Customers invariably found "Raonul Gobha" at his, post, always ready to attend to their calls and interests. Everybody trusted and respected him. At his own house he was a prince of hospitality, and his good wife was equally considerate, and kind. He was married to Sane McDonald, daughter of Angus MacDonald of South East Mabou. It was a favorite place of call for the travelling public. In fact this worthy couple would feel grieved if any of their friends or acquaintances passed along without calling on them. Their friends could not forget their large hearted hospitality. In 1895 when the present Archbishop of Toronto visited the County of Inverness, one of the first men he called upon was the loyal friend of his father, Ronald McMaster. The family left by the aforesaid Ronald McMaster were the following: Hugh and Alexander on the homestead; Catherine, wife of Alexander Jamieson, merchant and Postmaster at Brook Village; Mary Bell, wife of Charles McInnis of West Lake Ainslie; Catherine Ann, wife of Malcolm Campbell (Donald's son) of Black River, and Alexina in Boston. Margaret another daughter who was married to Neil Murray died some years ago.


Daniel Meagher was born in Killaloe, County of Kilkenny, Ireland, about the year 1794. He immigrated to America in the second decade of the 19th century. After some stay in St. John's, Newfoundland, he came to Port Hood around 1820, and remained there for three or four years. While in Port Hood he frequently walked or rode across the neck of land then connecting the inner Island with the mainland.

In 1823-4 he moved to Mabou and took up a farm on the road from Brook Village to Lake Ainslie. He was married to Mary O'Brien, with issue: Edmund, Michael, John, James, Nicholas H., Ellen, Honora Mary and Sarah. He died at the end of 1865.

The son Edmund was a farmer and died unmarried at Lower Stewiacke at the close of 1895; Michael, who was a sea captain, lost his life and his vessel in a severe storm on December 13th, 1859; John remained on the old homestead and was married to Isabel Macdonald, and died in 1873; James lived on a farm adjoining the old homestead was married to a Miss Jamieson and left a family.

Nicholas H., is now the only survivor of the fine family of sons just noted. He was born in October 1842, and remained at home, attending the district school and that of Hillsborough, till 1863. In August 1866, after nearly three years spent in various pursuits, he entered the office of McCully and Blanchard in Halifax to study for the legal profession. He was admitted to the Bar in 1872, and entered at once into legal partnership with Mr. Blanchard who died in 1874.

Mr. Meagher continued the practice and was appointed Queen's Counsel by the Dominion Government in 1881. In April 1890 he was raised to the Supreme Court Bench, and resigned his seat on that Bench in February 1916. He was one of the few men who were elevated to the Judiciary without seeking the honor. His great friend Sir John S. D. Thompson offered him the position by letter in December 1889. Mr. Meagher's reply was to ask for time to consider; and his acceptance of the proffered seat was not signified till the following March.

It seems unnecessary to say that Mr. Meagher's practice at the Bar was exceedingly large and varied. His friends wondered how he could stand such strenuous and unceasing endeavour; but he loved his work, effected it easily, and enjoyed it all.

The same uncommon capacity for work which he revealed at the Bar was equally evident on the Bench. His analysis of facts was remarkable. He subjected law and evidence to the inexorable scrutiny of an educated conscience.

We cannot help noting the amazing number of legal minds that passed through the law-offices of Mr. Meagher, either as students or Junior partners. At the moment we recall the following merely from memory: Angus MacGillivary, Barclay Webster and Daniel MacNeil were students, and W. B. Wallace was an assistant, in Mr. Meagher's office. All four became County Court Judges. J. W. Longley was a student in that office, he became Attorney General of the province, and later a Judge of the Supreme Court. W. T. Pipes was a student in that office; he became premier and Attorney General of Nova Scotia. Arthur Drysdale, J. J. Ritchie, and Humphrey Mellish were students and partners in that office; the three became brilliant members of the Bench. E. L. Newcombe was a partner in that office; for many years he has been the capable Deputy Minister of Justice for Canada. W. B. A. Ritchie was a student in that office; he died too soon, but ranked among the very keenest lawyers of this Dominion. "The good tree bringeth forth good fruit."

Ellen Meagher was married to Malcolm MacNeil of Hillsborough, and became the mother of the following family, namely: Neil, who is now His Grace, The Archbishop of Toronto; Daniel, who was the County Court Judge for District No. 6, and died in 1918; Alexander, a Barrister of Washington, D. C., John, a merchant who died in 1890, Michael, doing business in the West; Roderick, a manufacturer who died some years since; Mary, the second wife of Peter Smyth, Esq., of Toronto; Catherine, the widow of the late Alex J. MacDonald of Seaside, Port Hood; Christina, wife of D. A. Macdonald, Commercial Traveller, Antigonish; Honora, Superioress of St. Bernard's Convent, Antigonish known in religion as St. Martin of Tours; and Margaret, wife of A. A. Chisholm, M. D., of St. John's, Newfoundland.

Malcolm McNeil, the father of the above noted family, was one of the most actively useful men of Inverness County. He was born on a farm at Mabou Bridge, and before he was more than out of the common school, he and his brother Donald took a contract for carrying the mail on their backs once a week from Mabou to Margaree, a distance of thirty miles. After that he learned the blacksmith's trade and set up at Hillsborough where his industry, probity and care brought him a large trade. He then started mercantile business in which he did well, bought a small farm which he made quite productive. raised a large family whom he trained and educated as only an ideal father would; kept the post office at Hillsborough for years and died under fifty years of age. He was a liberal in politics, a Catholic in Religion, a prince in his own home, and a brave reliable man in all the practical realms of life. For many years he satisfactorily discharged the duties of a Justice of the Peace.

Daniel Meagher enjoyed in liberal measure the esteem of all who knew him, for his uniform kindness and high moral principles. He was noted for his wit and keen sense of humour. Two of his brothers, John and Nicholas, came from Ireland some years later than he did. John, who was well educated, settled at Skye Glen, but died comparatively young, leaving one daughter. Nicholas settled at Mount Young and became a fairly prosperous farmer. He left a large family many of whom died young. Those who reached maturity went to the United States in early life, and did not return. Daniel Meagher ,,poke Irish Gaelic and could converse freely in Gaelic with the Scottish Highlander,.; who lived near him. This was an added reason why this genial neighbour from Kilkenny was always a fond favorite with "the blue bonnets from over the Border."

Peter Murphy, born at River John, lived on a farm adjoining Daniel Meagher. His wife was Widow Johnston from the Strait of Canso. They had a large family all of whom, with the exception of Thomas, Henry, Patrick, and Mary, removed to the United States in early life,. Patrick died in midlife, and Thomas and Mary took up their abode in Washabuck. The old gentleman was an exceptionally intelligent man, though wholly uneducated. About the year 1852 he sold his farm to Hugh MacDonald (Big John) of whom elsewhere.

Another Irish settler at Brook Village was Patrick Murray. He was married to a Miss Doyle, a sister of the early Doyles of North East Mabou. One of his daughters, Mary, died in December 1920 at the great age of 103 years. Catherine married Robert McGeaghan, and Johanna married Brien Dwyer.

Next to Murray was another Irishman by the name of John Parker, married to a daughter of Lewis Smith, with issue: Lawrence, David, William, Robert, Rebecca, Susanah, and another daughter who married a Mr. Buckley and lived in St. John's. Rebecca of this family was a bright, capable woman who never married. Susanah married a Mr. Fraser of Dunmore, Port Hood, Mr. Fraser died many years ago, and his widow now resides with her son Sinclair Fraser in Halifax.

Three brothers, Alexander, Angus, and Colin Chisholm lived right near Patrick Murray. They were strong and sturdy men who had fine farms and large families. Next to them lived Francis Gasper (Native of Portugal) a kindly soul who married a Miss Breen. They - had a large family. One of the daughters was married to Wm. McQuarrie, school teacher. Frank the eldest son lived at Brook Village, and later moved to Colchester County near Truro, where his sons now reside, and where he recently died. The daughters other than Mrs. McQuarrie, became respectively the wives of Lawrence Parker, Reuben Hawley, James MacLeod, -Wilmot, and James MacLellan. Not one of the family is now in this county.

John MacDonald (Blue) a one time teacher and Justice of the Peace, lived next to Francis Gasper. Mr. MacDonald was married to a daughter of Donald Ban MacLean of Foot Cape Strathlorne, by whom he had one son Donald. Near by was James Smith, a strong farmer and good citizen. He was married to Jane, daughter of Hon. W. McKeen by his first wife. The sons of Mr. James Smith were Thomas, Richard, John and William. The son Richard was a born orator. There were, also, several daughters one of whom was Mrs. George Bishop of Whycocomagh. Another was the first wife of Allan MacMillan, Merchant, of Mabou. George Smith, brother of James lived opposite James' place across the valley of Skye Glen.

Richard H. Austen was a well known Crown Land Surveyor who lived in this section, near Peter Murphy. He was a Halifax man by birth and fairly well educated. All the Deeds, Wills, Agreements, and conveyances required in the neighbourhood were written by him. His work in that line was done with care and neatness. His eldest son James H. spent half a century in the Crown Land Office in Halifax, and for the major portion of that period was the Deputy Head of that important Department. Like his father, he always put care and conscience into his work, and was a popular and competent official. He died recently. Two of his brothers still live in this County; Thomas at Whycocomagh and Richard at Margaree.

Samuel MacKeen, Farmer, resided at Hillsborough proper. He was a brother of Hon. Wm. MacKeen noted elsewhere. His son S. G. A. MacKeen, M. D., practised first at home, and afterwards in Baddeck where he died. Another son of Samuel was Rev. David MacKeen, a Baptist Minister who had a charge at Southampton, Cumberland County. Two other sons of Samuel were William, a farmer near by, and John a mill owner. Margaret, daughter of Samuel was married to a Mr. Kidson of Baddeck.

Wm. Frizzle, merchant, and his wife came from the North of Ireland. He carried on a farming and mercantile business at Hillsborough with substantial success, and was highly respected by those who knew him intimately. He was very reserved in his manner, and consequently made but few intimate friends. His son Robert conducted a successful business at Brook Village for many years, and now resides in Truro. One of Wm. Frizzle's daughters was the first wife of Joseph Hunt, a prosperous Merchant at Mabou. Another daughter, Maggie, was the first wife of the late Dr. McLennan, M. P., for Inverness County.

John Dwyer, an old country Irishman, and one time school teacher, resided at Brook Village. For his opportunities he was well informed in history and especially in the Holy Scriptures. He would walk ten miles in bad weather to secure a controversy on questions of history or religion. He was the father of Peter and the well remembered Brien Dwyer. The elder Dwyer's wife was a sister of Captain Paul Murphy of Mabou. None of their family is now living.

William MacKeen, a nephew of Hon. Wm., resided on Mount Young. His wife was a daughter of David Smith, brother of the elder Lewis. They had a large family of girls and two boys. The eldest daughter married Peter Benvie, the rest moved away and were married elsewhere, except the second oldest who was married to a McLean (?) and resided at River Dennis.

On the road last mentioned leading to Lake Ainslie there lived Neil McKinnon, John MacDonald, Donald MacDonnell, Carpenter, Mathew, James, and Isaac Hawley, sons of Mathew Hawley of Hillsborough. Neil McKinnon was a son of Lauchlin of Hay River. There were several McKinnon families at Mount Young and Hay River, some from the Isle of Muck, some more from the Isle of Rum, and all of them industrious, thrifty and progressive. All the above named were men of good character, and held a rank in intelligence beyond their day and opportunities. There was another resident ,on that road by the name of Peter Shugart (a German) who served in a regiment of French Cavalry, took part at Waterloo, was taken prisoner by the English and confined in jail three years. The writer heard him describe the prison conditions which were horrible and brutal, and caused the death from small pox, fever and other malignant diseases, of a large percentage of the inmates. Mr. Shugart was a man of large stature, but so gentle and kind that no one would suspect him of having warlike qualities.

Among the born residents of Hillsborough at a comparatively early date were the four brothers John, James, Mathew and William Hawley, and their half-brother Thomas Whitehead. They were in all respects good, useful and intelligent citizens. Mathew was one of the earliest appointees to the magistracy and rendered impartial service in that office, especially at the Court of Sessions. James, his brother, was one of the best beloved in the district. Alexander Hawley, son of John, is a harness maker residing at Mabou Bridge. He and James, son of William, residing on the old homestead near Mabou Village, are the sole surviving members of their respective families. Mr. Whitehead, who owned the John Murray farm at Hillsborough, sold cut and moved out of this County many years ago. Several of the Hawley families of the second generation moved to Ingonish many years since.

One of the early settlers at Mount Young was John MacEachen (lain Mac Ewin ic Dhual) a native of Arisaig, Scotland. He came to America with two brothers, Angus and Ronald, the former locating at Mount Young near John, the latter settling at Little Judique. John was married to Mary McLean whose people lived on the West River of Antigonish County. Their family consisted of six sons and three daughters, namely: Dougald, Angus, John, Donald, Hugh, Duncan, Kate, Sheelah and Mary. Not one of that family is now living. The boys had a turn for mechanics, some of them became house carpenters, some more shipwrights, and some millwrights. Angus, John, Donald and Hugh spent several years in the cities of Maine and Massachusetts, working in shipyards at high wages. John died in Boston, leaving a widow, two sons and a daughter. Hugh and Duncan lived in California. The former died unmarried, the latter without issue. Donald and Angus returned to the County of Inverness, where they spent the rest of their days. Angus built several vessels at Port Hood, Mabou, and Margaree, and afterwards settled down on a portion of the old homestead at Mount Young. Donald erected a water power grist mill and bought a farm at Rear Broad Cove Chapel. Dougald was married to Mary MacDonald daughter of John MacDonald (Ronald) of Broad Cave Chapel, with issue: John, Angus, Donald, Michael, Charles, Hugh, Ronald, Margaret, Mary, Annie, and Katie.

Angus was married to Catherine Kennedy, daughter of Donald Kennedy of Broad Cove, with issue: Mary and Lizzie.

Donald was married to Ann Macdonald daughter of John Macdonald (Ronald) of Broad Cove Chapel, with issue: John D., Dan, Hugh, Duncan, John A., James, Katie, Mary and Mary Bell. The John A., of this family was a fine promising young man just entering his ecclesiastical studies at the time of his death. He was drowned while bathing near B. C. Chapel.

Katie daughter of John MacEachen, was married to Allan MacDougall (son of Angus Ban) of West Lake Ainslie, with issue: John, Alexander, Angus, Donald, Stephen, John Jr., Margaret, Mary and Julia. The mother of this family was ninety-four years old at the time of her death. Her sister Sheelah, who was not married, reached the uncommon age of ninety-seven years.

Mary was married to Lauchlin MacDougall (Ban) of Broad Cove Banks, with issue: Duncan, John L., Hugh L., Mary, Annie, Jane, Mary Jr., (died in infancy) and Mary Ann. The mother of this family was eighty-five years old at the time of her death. None of her family died before herself except the oldest son, Duncan, and the little girl that died in arms. The daughter Annie has died since. All the surviving children of Mary are married, each with a good sized family.

ANGUS MacEACHEN (Hugh Dougald's son).

This Angus was a brother to John just described. He also took up a farm and resided not far from John at Mount Young. He was married to Isabel MacDonald, daughter of Hector MacDonald of Arisaig, Scotland, with issue: Angus, Hugh, Donald, Marcella, Christie and Margaret. The brothers John and Angus MacEachen died while their respective families were quite young. In early times there was a lane of travel from the Margarees and Broad Coves up the South West River, across Lake Ainslie in small row boats or canoes, up the Hay River to Mount Young, and thence to Mabou and Port Hood. These two MacEachen homes at Mount Young were special places of call for the travelling Gaels of the North. The two widows were distinguished by the phrases "the big widow" and "the little widow"; the former being the widow of John, the latter that of Angus. Many were the weary pedestrians who found rest, food, shelter and plenty welcome in those widowed homes of Mabou's Heights.

Angus, son of Angus, never married. He remained on the old homestead till he was well past the meridian of life, with his unmarried sisters Margaret and Christie. Later on he sold out, and bought a pleasant little farm at Low Point, Cape Breton County, where he died.

Hugh, son of Angus, known by his intimates as "Hugh the Shingler", lived and died on a part of the parental property. He was a large sized man, of splendid conversational powers. If news were scarce, as they often were in the semi-wilderness, he could weave entertaining Romances, more cheering by far than the cold facts of pioneer life. He was married to a daughter of Donald MacDonnell of Brook Village and had a very bright family, all of whom have left this County in early life, and have not returned. Donald, son of Angus, left Mount Young and went to Prince Edward Island. Marcella, daughter of Angus, was married to Big Donald MacLellan of Dunvegan, and had a large family (see B. C. Marsh). Christie and Margaret were never married.

ANGUS MacEACHEN (Son of Black Hugh).

In the near neighbourhood of the other MacEachen families just described lived this Angus, known locally as "Aonghas Mac Ewen" "Angus son of Hugh." Ewen Dhu, or Black Hugh came from Scotland, with a large family of able bodied sons, and settled down in Mabou. The sons Ronald and Alexander located at Mabou Harbour, Andrew at the North East of Mabou, John at Ben Virigh, North of Mabou Coal Mines, and Angus at Mount Young, Mabou. All of these brothers had large families. Angus was married to Isabel Cameron, with issue: Neil, Angus, Dougald who died in Montreal ; Hugh who was drowned at the Strait of Canso, John, Alexander, Sandy, and Donald who went to Australia. Several sons died in infancy. One daughter was married in Lowell, Massachusetts.

All the sons of Angus except John who was we think, the youngest, moved away in early life from Mount Young and Inverness County. John remained and was a notably thrifty and industrious man. He bought the farm and property of the late Dr. Hugh Cameron, and set up in retail mercantile business at Mabou Bridge. About three` year ago, while crossing Mabou Bridge after nightfall, in a buggy, his horse got baulky and backed the carriage over the Bridge, and. poor John was drowned in the harbor. His widow still lives, and his son Jack continues the business.

Neil the oldest son of Angus MacEachen, was married to Isabel MacKinnon of Grand Narrows, Cape Breton County, and moved away to the United States, settling down in the State of Ohio. Some, at least of Neil's family are distinctly renowned in faith, morals and letters. One of the daughters is the Superioress in The Monastery of the Good Shepherd in Toledo, Ohio. Another sister, Mary Margaret, is a gifted writer in Rome. She has already published several works, one of which is a delightful Child's Life of Mary Queen of Scots. Her "St. Francis" is being published in Rome in the Italian language, and in English by the Extension Press, Chicago. The Pope was so much pleased with this work that he wrote a preface for it. She died not long ago.

This Neil's son, the Reverend Roderick, who is yet a young man, has already won a world fame, not only as a singular linguist but also as a fertile writer, on the higher subjects of thought. After completing his preliminary education in America he spent six years in Europe,. matriculating in the four following Universities, namely: Innsbruck, Prague, Budapest and Rome. He has been all his life a student of languages, speaking with ease French, Italian, German, Spanish, Polish, Hungarian, Slavish and Bohemian. It goes without saying that he knows Greek, Latin and English. He is now a Professor in the Catholic University of America at Washington, D. C. In 1918 he was called to the Vatican by the Holy Father to prepare material for a Universal Catechism. Later he returned to America as Secretary to Archbishop Cerratti, the personal representative of the Sovereign Pontiff to the Golden Jubilee celebration of Cardinal Gibbons.

So far, his published works are the following, namely: Life of Christ (Dogmatic Series) 5 Vols; Moral Series, 5 Vols; Archeology series, 5 Vols. edited; Catechism series (4 parts) ; Matrimonial Catechism; Guide to Catholic Worship; Child's Book (5) ; The Teaching of Religion (a new system of religious training) ; Religion (First Manual) Religion (First Course) ; Religion (2nd Manual) ; Religion (2nd Course). Some of these books are translated into several languages. (One small catechism into fourteen). The first manual for the teaching of religion is now being printed in the Vatican press, after being approved by a special Papal Commission.

Shades of Mount Young! Have we not heard your voices?


Lewis Smith, who was the son of Captain David (see Port Hood) took up a large tract of land in Mabou, in a place now called Smithville. His family were the following: Benjamin, David, Lambert, Harding, Sarah, Rachael, Chrissie and Rebecca.

Benjamin was married to Janet MacDougall of Musquodoboit, a sister to the first wife of Hon. Wm. MacKeen, with issue: Lewis, William D., Isaac, Alexander, Benjamin, Hanna (never married), Christiana (married to Benjamin Worth), Elizabeth, who died unmarried, and Janet who was married to Daniel Sinclair of Guysborough, and moved away to the State of Idaho.

The sons of Benjamin Sr., are all dead except Benjamin Jr. They lived on separate farms, side by side at Smithville, except William D., who followed business pursuits. In his younger life he started store keeping at Mabou Bridge. Subsequently he acquired the ownership of the outer Island of Port Hood, where he did successful business for many years. Afterwards he removed to Pictou where he bought a valuable farm on which he died.

David Smith, son of Lewis, lived on a large farm at Smithville. He was commonly called Black David, and had the name of being the most tireless worker in Mabou. At one time he had a thousand acres of land under his feet and he left his mark on most of it. He was married Mahala Clarke, a sister to Mrs. Richard Potter who lived in Mabou, with issue: Isaac, John, David, Rachael who was married to Alexander Pushie, Carriage maker, Elizabeth who married Murdoch MacLean of N. E. Margaree, and Christina who married Neil MacLean Donald's son of Loch Ban.

The only one of Black David's family now on the old homestead is his son David, better known in home circles as "Dave Colorado." He is married to Sarah Etheridge of N. E. Margaree with issue: Edward Bendell, David Harvey, Lea, Rachael and Betsy. Dave Colorado is just as big a "stir" as was his valiant father, with the added distinction that he has covered the East and the West. His soubriquet comes from the fact that he spent years in the State of Colorado, when the mines and the toughs were going full strength. The experience did not spoil Dave. He worked hard out West and returned home to work still harder He is now bordering on the four score, and has earned a rest. The burden of the farm work now falls upon his son Eddie, who is a veritable "chip off the old block."

Lambert Smith, son of Lewis, was married to Elizabeth Wood of Arichat, born in the city of Ripon, England, on July 30th, 1812, with issue: George, Lewis L., Thomas, James, Jane, Diana, Rebecca, Christiana and Sarah. It is a moot question whether he or Matthew Hawley, Esquire, was the first white child born in that neighbourhood.

The son George was married to Catherine MacDonald of N. E. Margaree with issue: Hugh, Fenton, Roger, Annie, Minnie and Celia who died young. There is none of this family here now.

Lewis L., son of Lambert was married to Flora Ann MacDonald of N. E. Margaree with issue, Lambert, who died unmarried in Seattle Washington, Hugh Reginald, Alex Percy married in Halifax, Isabel Alice married to John Fraser of Vancouver, Margaret Ann married to John Hart of Port Hood, Ethel Jane married to W. F. Dickson of Norwich, Connecticut, and Sarah Lorina married to Asa Wolff Stuckey of Nebraska, owning a valuable homestead in the province of Alberta.

Thomas W. Smith was married to Melinda Burton of North East Margaree with issue: Joseph B., married to Olive Munro of Whale Cove; Frank R., who died of Flu on 2nd Janauary, 1919; Ernest W., Robie, Harold R., Alice Jean, Ida May and Una Lent.

James MacL. Smith married Clara Burton of N. E. Margaree. with issue: H. Milton, George H., Mary E., Katie B., Melinda, Ethel, Myrtle (died in infancy) and Violet.

The daughters of Lambert Smith were, Jane, married to Wm. Chisholm of New Glasgow, with issue: John Lambert, Julia, married to Wm. Fee of Montreal, Lillie who died in Dorchester, Mass., in 1914; George W. married to Charlotte Mahon of Truro; James D., married to Myra McKenzie of New Glasgow; Margaret married to Daniel Drysdale, Salmon Packer of British Columbia; and Alice who died in Montreal in 1917.

Diana, who was married to Peter McIntosh of South River, Antigonish, Lewis A. McIntosh, Mayor of Antigonish and Dr. George S. McIntosh of Halifax are children of this marriage, as were also, Maggie A., married to George Taylor of Antigonish, Janie Bell married to J. A. Sinclair of Goshen, nephew of McLean Sinclair, and William W. married to Greta Sinclair of South River Lake.

Rebecca, daughter of Lambert was married to Charles Fisher of St. Marys, Guysborough County, with issue: Arthur, married Maggie Brown of Goldenville, Laurette, married to Rod Fraser of Garden of Eden, Pictou; Grace married Campbell MacLean East River, St. Mary's; Thomas A. married to Hanna McLean; Clarence married in Butte, Montana; Alice who died unmarried in 1902, and Alexander in Bisbee, Arizona.

Christina Alice, married to Joseph A. Ingraham of N. E. Margaree, without issue. Sarah who always lived on the old homestead, and died unmarried on May 14th, 1921.

David Smith, son of Capt. David, settled on a farm in Mabou where he lived for fifty-five years. He was married to Agnes Lyle of Guysborough. He died in Port Hood, at the home of his brother Parker, January 31st, 1851, aged seventy-five years. He had gone to Port Hood to attend the funeral of his brother Parker, took suddenly sick and died there. The two brothers were buried together, side by side, near their mother's grave in the Port Hood cemetery. The family of this David Jr., were the following:

1. David and Alexander who settled in New Brunswick.
2. Rebecca who married Richard Austen, Surveyor. The late James H. Austen who was in the Crown Land office in Halifax for forty-four years was a son of Rebecca.
3. Betsey, who married John Parker. The late A. H. R. Fraser of Cornell University was a grandson of Betsy.
4. William, who married his cousin Susan Smith, John's daughter
5. James who married Jane MacKeen, daughter of Hon. Wm.
6. Nathaniel who married his cousin Rachael Hawley.
7. John, who married his cousin Mary Smith (Isaac's).
8. Nancy, married her cousin Harding Smith (Lewis' son).
9. Susan married first to John Hawley, second to Archy Cameron.
10. George, married to a daughter of Alex McQuarrie of Centreville.

The Smiths of Hillsborough and Skye Glen all belong to this family of old Captain David's. These are sons of David, son of Captain David. They were all thrifty, industrious, comfortable farmers. The late Nathaniel Smith, on whose farm the Presbyterian Church at Hillsborough stands, was so well known, so conspicuous as a successful farmer, and so eminently popular with all good men that it is unnecessary to describe him. The same is true of his namesakes across the river. These men fulfilled their purpose in life triumphantly. So would many others who have failed if they had but humbly learned how to do their work,-and then to do it, "true to the kindred points of Heaven and Home."


Mr. MacDonald came to Glendyer from Middle River, Pictou in June 1848. His grandfather came to Pictou from the parish of Kilmorack, Scotland, in the ship "Hector" in 1773, and settled on Middle River. His father also settled on Middle River where now stands the town of Westville.

Donald MacDonald was but twenty-three years of age coming to Glendyer, died at the age of forty-one, but his short tenure of life was fruitful in service. He erected first a fulling and dyeing mill, then a grist mill, and subsequently a saw mill. He was a man of high character, intense industry and honour, and gave himself entirely to the service of the community.

In 1849 he was married to Nancy MacDonald of MacLellan's Brook, Pictou County, with issue: Walter, Duncan Taylor (died in infancy), Donald Skinner, Duncan MacL., Sophia and Jessie Ann. Jessie Ann was married out West to Daniel Chisholm a native of Brook Village. She and her husband are now living on the old homestead at Glendyer. Sophia was married to George H. Crowdis of Big Baddeck and had two sons and one daughter. Walter was married twice, first to Annabel Cameron of East River, Pictou, and had two daughters, Glennie and Hilda. His second wife was Mary Ann Creelman of Stewiacke, no issue.

D. Skinner was married to Maud Murray, with issue: Walter Burnbrae and George Murray. The first named son Walter Burnbrae died for King and Country in the recent great war with Germany.

Duncan MacL. was married to Helen Smith, daughter of Big David, with issue: Donald, Clarence, Harold, Louise and Hazel.

Dan the Dyer died 2nd October, 1866, his wife died on 13th September, 1903. The son D. Skinner died 13th June 1908, the son Walter June 9th, 1910.

The sons of the "Dyer" built in 1881 the first Glendyer Woolen Mills. In 1885 these mills, with all their plant and contents were totally destroyed by fire. Within three months a new mill, bigger and better than the first, was built, and operated for many years to the great advantage of Inverness County. It is doubtful that any one family in Inverness ever packed more public service into a short life than did this MacDonald family of Glendyer.


James Adams and his son John of the Lowlands of Scotland settled at Hillsborough about the year 1810. James was drowned near Cape Porcupine. John married Mary Campbell of Cape George. John had four sons and two daughters. They were (1) John drowned near Boston (2) Malcolm moved to Boston; (3) Allan moved to Cape George; (4) James who married firstly Catherine Livingstone of Cape George with issue Dougald, John and Archibald. Dougald resides. at Mull River. His son Malcolm ("Mack") enlisted during the Great War and died of illness at Winnipeg, while on duty. Dougald's son James H., also enlisted and was wounded. James Adams married secondly Jane Livingstone of Mull River (5) Janet daughter of Pioneer James Adams married Edward Meagher and James' daughter Mary married Archibald MacQuarrie.

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