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History of Inverness County, Nova Scotia
Chapter XV - Loch Ban and North Ainslie

One of the prominent early settlers of Loch Ban was Murdoch Kennedy, who lived for more than a century. In 1791 six Kennedy brothers came from Canna, Scotland, and landed at Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, with other Scottish immigrants. They remained at Parrsboro and vicinity about seventeen years. In 1808 two of these brothers, Donald and John, came to Broad Cove, Inverness County, the other four coming into the County of Antigonish.

Around the year 1812 two of the brothers in Antigonish, Murdoch and Alexander, came to Inverness County. Alexander made his home at the shore at Sight Point, Murdoch marking out for himself a two hundred acre lot at Loch Ban, on which there was a large acreage of potential meadow. Later on he, Murdoch, acquired by purchase six hundred acres, contiguous to his original lot.

He was married to Jessie McLellan, sister of the late Squire Donald of Black Glen, with issue: John, Donald, David, Michael, Angus, Mary, Catherine, Mary Jr., and Annie. Mary was married to Donald Campbell who formerly did business at Strathlorne and removed to Codroy, Newfoundland. Catherine was the second wife of the late Donald McDougall of Rear Loch Ban. Mary Jr., was married to Hugh McLellan (California) B. C. Marsh. Annie died at home unmarried.

John, the oldest son of Murdoch, was married to Catherine Gillis of South West Margaree, with issue: John, Angus, Alexander and Murdoch. Jessie, Annie, Katie and Mary. The first two named sons, John and Angus, were drowned together while skating on the ice of, Loch Ban, Jessie died young, Annie was married to John D. McFarlane of South West Margaree, Katie was married to Dan N. McLellan of South West Road, Mary died unmarried in Boston. The son Alexander with a large family, occupies the homestead, and Murdoch is doing business at Kinloch. The Alexander of this family died recently.

David, son of Murdoch, was married to Emily McKinnon, daughter of Roderick McKinnon of Ben Virich, with issue: Michael, Roderick, John Murdoch, Neil, Jessie, Mary Jessie, Katie, Mary Ann, and Sarah. All the daughters are married except Sarah who died young. The oldest son Michael remains on the farm.

Donald; son of Murdoch, was married twice, first to Margaret McLellan of Creignish, and last to Mary Jameson of Rear Loch Ban. He had no family by the last wife. By the first marriage he had Murdoch, who died unmarried, Archibald who was married and died in Boston, Angus A., who is married in Boston, and John A. married at home. The daughters by the first wife were Annie, married to Angus McDonald of Deepdale, Katie, married to a Mr. Smith of Boston, Mary Ann married to Alexander McPherson, Blacksmith, of Boston, Mary Jessie married to Archibald Cameron of Inverness, and Margaret unmarried in Boston.

Michael, son of Murdoch, was married to Mary McIntyre, Donald's daughter, of Port Ban, with issue: Dan, Murdoch, Johnnie, Joseph, John Angus and Mary C. Three little girls died young of diphtheria and one of whooping cough. Mary C. married Duncan Gillis, James' son of South West Mabou.

The son Dan is married and lives on the homestead. The son Murdoch was married to Mary Bell Rankin of South East Mabou, enlisted as a soldier for home defence at Canso in the world war, and was taken sick and died at Inverness while home on furlough. Joseph is a blacksmith and Police Officer at Inverness, is married to Mary McIsaac, daughter of Alexander McIsaac (Rory) and has a sprightly little family, Johnnie is in Boston. John Angus, a splendid specimen of a man, was married to Sarah Beaton of the Imperial Hotel at Inverness, by whom he had one son. He was a foreman in the Inverness Colliery when he contracted a bad case of "Flu" of which he died in the prime of life.

Angus, son of Murdoch, is the only one of the sons that is living. He was not a farmer by occupation, but has acquired quite a group, of farms in different localities. In his younger life Angus was a school teacher in various sections for many years. Later on he commenced a retail mercantile business at Loch Ban, right across the road from, his fathers house. Contrary to general expectations he succeeded well. He retired some years since, and is now looking after his various: farms. He was a Justice of the Peace who did a good deal of work in that line. He kept the Post Office at Loch Ban for a long time, and was Municipal Councillor for the District of Strathlorne during the first decade of the County Incorporation Act.

He was married to Matilda McIntyre, Donald's daughter of Port Ban, with issue: Dan, Alexander, Murdoch, Joseph, John Angus, Alexander, David, Christopher and Christopher James, Mary Jessie and Mary. Since writing the above, Angus the father of this family died: suddenly.

Mary Jessie is married to John Ryan, a conductor on the Inverness Railway, and lives at Inverness. Mary is unmarried and remains at home with several of her brothers, and her parents. Two, of the sons, Dan Alex and Christopher James are dead. All the, living boys, at home and abroad, are full of snap and industry and doing well.

The next pioneer settler at Loch Ban occupied a lot adjoining the Kennedy lands. His name was Patrick Walsh, and he was locally called "Irish Patrick." He was married to a Miss McGregor of the old McGregor family of whom more anon. Mr. Walsh sold his place afterwards to William McQuarrie, Blacksmith, of Broad Cove Intervale, and went away to the United States. William McQuarrie conveyed to his son John who lived thereon, got married and raised an able family of sons and daughters. Two of John's sons, Allan and John G., are now conducting the operations of that farm on intelligent modern principles.

The next to settle at Loch Ban was Roderick McLean, a genuine Scot from the Isle of Rum, Scotland, who came here in 1822. He had two sons and one daughter, namely: Donald, Murdoch and Ann.

Ann was married to Peter Nicholson and removed from this district. Donald and Murdoch remained on the farm, sharing and surmounting the hardships and difficulties of the early settlers.

Donald, son of Rory, was married to Mary McLean, daughter of Charles McLean, of Broad Cove Intervale, with issue: Charles, Neil, Rory Murdoch, Dan, Mary, Flora, Jane, Sarah, (Red), Catherine and Annie. The first four girls remained single. Catherine was married to John McKinnon (Ban) of Mount Young, and Annie to William Judson of Glencoe.

Donald held one-half of the two hundred acre lot taken up by his father Roderick. After the death of Donald, his family moved away from this district, and his holdings were sold to Malcolm, the oldest son of Murdoch, who then owned and occupied the other one-half of the aforesaid two hundred acre lot.

Murdoch McLean, son of Roderick, was married to Flora McLean, daughter of Allan McLean, Carpenter, another immigrant from the Isle of Rum-with issue: Malcolm, Dan, Allan, Roderick, Neil, John Allan and Mary Ann.

Malcolm, the oldest son, a carpenter by trade, and a clever athlete of his day, died at home unmarried. Dan went out West into the Kootenay Country and was not heard of for thirty years. He is presumed to be dead. John Allan, a dashing young man of much promise died at home of whooping cough. Allan is in the United States doing well. Neil, with his sister, Mary Ann, is now sole owner and occupant of the good old farm. It is a beautiful farm now, but one can see that it took many a hard and heavy blow to give it its present pretty face. Roderick, son of Murdoch, is a safe and prosperous general merchant at Kinloch. He is a man of mental and muscular strength, a good citizen and a most interesting conversationalist. The only blot on his fine Patriotism is that he persistently refuses to join the Benedicts.

John McKinnon from Coll, Scotland, was the next neighbour to the immigrant, Roderick McLean, above described. After spending some years at Loch Ban, Mr. McKinnon decided to try his fortune in Upper Canada. He therefore sold his farm to Angus Kennedy, son of Red John Kennedy of Broad Cove Marsh, who spent the remaining years of his life there.

We remember this Angus Kennedy quite well. We knew him best in the last decade of his life. He was getting old and bent then, but was the best looking man of his age we ever saw. If it were said that he was stooped from conscience, it could only mean that he made it a point of conscience to work as hard as he could all his life. That, precisely that, was what Angus Kennedy did. He was what is popularly called a hard man in a bargain. But he was perfectly open, honest and candid. He left no doubt as to what he wanted, and if that did not suit the other party, negotiations were called off. No secret diplomacy for him.

Angus Kennedy was married to Elizabeth McNeil, daughter of Alexander McNeil of Broad Cove Ponds. She died recently after passing the 90th milestone. We heard of a sister of hers who lived a full century, and we knew another sister and a brother of hers who attained to the age of ninety-six and ninety-eight years respectively. It is said that the Lord rewards some people by giving them length of days in the land of their sojourn.

The following were the family of Angus Kennedy: John, Alexander and Michael, Mary, Katie, Euphemia, Annie, Jessie, Eliza, Christy and Sarah.

John was married to Jessie Beaton daughter of Angus Beaton. Alexander who is Doctor A. E. Kennedy of Mabou, was married to Catherine A., daughter of the late Dr. Hugh Cameron of Mabou. Michael married a daughter of the late Angus McKinnon of Deepdale and lives on the old homestead.

The daughter Mary was married to Allan McCormick, Jr., of West Lake Ainslie, and was the mother of the late Dr. McCormick of Boston, and of Father Michael McCormick, P. P., of East Bay, C. B. Katie was married to Angus Gillis (Allan) Rear Broad Cove Marsh, Euphemia was married to Michael McLellan of B. C. Marsh, Annie was married first to the late John J. Campbell of Strathlorne and afterwards to John N. McLellan now of Inverness, Jessie was married to Michael Gillis formerly of B. C. Marsh, now of Port Hood. Eliza was married to Joseph B. MacDougall, S. W. Margaree; Christy was married to John J. McFarlane, B. C. Marsh, and Sarah died young and unmarried.

Adjoining Angus Kennedy's lot to the South was Quarrie McQuarrie. We have not been able to secure the date of his coming. He selected a nice sheltered two hundred acre lot which was afterwards owned and worked by his son Donald. Donald was married to a daughter of Donald McLean of Beech Hill, and had, as far as. we know, one son and three daughters. The son's name also was Quarrie McQuarrie, and was a pleasant man, and a very neat and thrifty farmer. This Quarrie Jr., was married to a daughter of Allan McKinnon, teacher, of Mount Young. Alick Allan, son of this Quarrie Jr. owns and occupies the old homestead.

Further on Southwardly one of the first settlers was Donald McLean, Domhnull Mac Lachlin. He came from the Isle of Rum, Scotland, about 1820, and took up a farm near McLean's Point at North Ainslie. He was married to Mary McInnis with issue: Flora, Lauchlin, Ann, John, Sarah, Jessie and Donald. There were other children who died young. The son Donald remained on the home stead. The son Lauchlin with the assistance of his father, bought a neighbouring farm of two hundred acres from Duncan McGregor who went from North Lake to Upper Canada. This Lauchlin was married to Isabel McDonald daughter of Hugh McDonald of East Lake. Lauchlin and his wife lived to a very old age. They had the following family, namely: John L., Mary Ann, Sarah, Christy, Hugh, Ann Donald and Jessie Ann. The grandson Dan L. is now the owner and occupant of the old homestead.

Five McGregor brothers who came to Inverness from Pictou took up farms as follows: James at Port Ban on the farm now owned by John Y. Beaton, John at Loch Ban, at first, and afterwards at Scotsville where he died at a very advanced age, and where his son John now lives on the farm. John Senior had a family, one of whom was a fine Presbyterian Minister who died at Amherst, Nova Scotia. Old John McGregor bought the Outlet farm from Hector McKay who went to Upper Canada. The brothers Malcolm, Donald and Duncan located side by side at North Lake. It was the farm of Duncan that Lachlin Mac Dhonnull ic Lachinn bought.

The farm held by Malcolm McGregor was bought by Charles McLean, Tearlach Mac Allan. Mr. McLean was married twice. By the first marriage he had Donald, Flora and Sarah. He was married again to Sarah McKinnon, daughter of Malcolm McKinnon near Loch Ban, with issue: Allan, Archibald, Ann, Malcolm, Roderick and Hugh. The sons Donald and Archibald, with respectable families, now hold forth on the old farm.

Another of the early farmers of North Lake was Charles McInnis, Tearlaich na Dhollar, signifying his care and thrift for saving the dollars. His son, John, occupied the farm after his father, and died a couple of years since. John had a fine, intelligent, enterprising family, one of whom is a young Minister in Pictou County. William, son of Charles, was a school teacher for many years, and died unmarried, not long before the death of his brother John.

In the year 1828 Allan McLean, Shoemaker, with his uncle Hector McLean, came to North Lake and bought the farm at the Point from John McKinnon, who had previously bought it from Norman McLeod, presumably the first settler there. This nephew Allan McLean learned the trade of a shoemaker in Scotland. He worked afterwards at his trade in Glasgow, and conducted therewith a small retail store of goods. He was always a prosperous farmer at North Lake. Whether there was scarcity elsewhere or not, there was always abundance at Allan the Shoemakers. The uncle Hector was a bachelor - coming and going.

Allan McLean, the shoemaker, was married to Margaret McLeod who lived at Whycocomagh but was a native of South Uist. The following was the issue of this marriage: Sarah, Hector, Mary, Jessie, Isabel, Lauchlin, William, Margaret, Jane, Charles John, John William, Donald and Catherine. Doctor J. W. McLean of North Sydney was the John William of the above family.

Still further Southeastwardly towards Scotsville there lived two Macquarrie brothers, Donald and Roderick, each of whom had a family and a farm. We are not aware that any of Donald's descendants are now there. After Roderick's death his property fell into the hands of his son Donald who did ample justice thereto. This son Donald was a good upright man of sound judgment, who was well liked. The family are now in useful possession.

The late Hugh McKenzie bought his farm at North Lake from Donald McIntosh who went to Cape North or Pleasant Bay. Mr. McKenzie worked hard and thought wisely. He developed that large farm into a notably productive asset, and left it to his only son Hector who is now its sole owner and occupant. Hector had a large and clever family of sons and daughters, but like very many young people, this interesting family was moved by the lure of the urban life and the wealthy West. All of them, however, are giving an honourable and satisfying account of themselves.

Hugh McKenzie was one of four strapping brothers, every one of whom was a six-footer, and powerful in proportion. Their names were Hugh, Neil, Donald and Charles. Their father landed and remained in Pictou after coming from Scotland. Their father was a Protestant who happened to get married to a Catholic woman by the name of Flora McKinnon. When their first-born was to be baptised, that holy man and veteran missionary to the Scottish immigrants, Reverend Dr. McGregor, came to the house to perform the sacred function. He spoke very kindly to Mrs. McKenzie, telling her that her husband had sent for him to christen this child, but was quite willing that half their children should be baptized into her church, the other half into his.

"Very well," she said, "we may as well commence the division now." Taking the child, she laid it on the door step, then, brandish ing the broad axe, she asked, "Which half do you prefer, Hector?"

We need not say that the religious ceremony was called off with out debate. After that, the woman had her way,-as is usual among the sons of men.

As far as our recollection extends, the next two farms were occupied by William Dunbar and John Dunbar, two brothers who came here from Pictou, Nova Scotia. They were both excellent men. They bought their farms from Angus Campbell and Neil McKay, who, it is said, were the first settlers. These Dunbars made good at North Lake. They were millwrights and did much work in that line before settling down to farming. Besides attending to his farm William operated a dyeing mill and a carding mill, both of which had a large and well-deserved patronage. It was on these lands that borings for oil have been going on for years. Whether oil in paying quantities is, or is not there, we know the indications, some indications, are there. The smell is there on speaking terms with all comers.

John Dunbar was married to Euphemia MacDougall, daughter of John Macdougall late of East Lake, but had no family.

William Dunbar was married to a daughter of the late Hugh Campbell of East Lake, and had two fine sons, John James and Thomas and several worthy daughters. John James is, and always was, a man of great popularity in the community. He is now the holder of his father's fine estate, and although he sports no title, it is correct to say that he is a "lord" in his own house. The view from his residence in summer is a natural scene of uncommon beauty.

The other brother, Thomas, was also quite popular, as well as exceedingly industrious and shrewd. With his own personal earnings he bought the property left by his uncle John. Just as he was expecting to settle down to a life of comfort and independence, he was seized with a sudden illness of which he died in the Victoria General Hospital at Halifax a few years ago. Verily, "we know not the day nor the hour."

Archibald McKinnon came to North Lake near Scotsville in 1865, and settled upon the lot now held by his grandson, Malcolm. Archibald had one son, Donald, and two daughters. One of the daughters was married to David Dunlop, the other remained single. The son, Donald, lived on the farm all his life and became blind in his old age. He had three sons and one daughter, namely: Archibald,. Malcolm, John and Isabel. The daughter Isabel was married to, Malcolm N. MacKinnon of Kinloch. The son Archibald died, and Malcolm and John are living on the old farm in good circumstances. John remains single; Malcolm is married and has a smart family.

Archibald Campbell came with his family to Cape Breton from the Isle of Skye, Scotland, in the year 18M. He first struck America at Leitch's Creek in the County of Cape Breton, took up one hundred acres of land at or near Bridgeport and taught school in that locality for a few terms. Later on he came into the County of Inverness, and taught for a while at Whycocomagh, settling down at North Ainslie near Scotsville on a two hundred acre farm. He had been a school teacher in Scotland, was married to a daughter of an army officer, and had coming with him to this country the following sons and daughters, namely: Ewen, Donald, Alexander, John, Charles, Ann, Christy and Margaret.

Ann never got married, lived with her brother Alexander at Strathlorne, and died there in the ninety-seventh year of her age.

Christy was married to Donald McKinnon of New Canada, with issue: John, who was a Presbyterian Minister in Scotland and died there, Bella, Margaret, Ann, Mary, Alexina and Christina.

Margaret was married to Hector McKay of Head Lake, with issue: Donald E., in Boston, Neil, who became a Minister and is dead, James, Collector of Customs at Inverness, Archibald who died at Inverness, Flora, Margaret, Ann, Mary, Christina and Charlotte.

The son Ewen carried on a mercantile business for some years at Whycocomagh, and built a large Brig there in which he and his brother Donald sailed to England where they sold the vessel. Donald left England in a ship bound for the East Indies and was lost at sea. Ewen went back to Scotland, studied for the Church, and spent the remainder of his life as Presbyterian Minister in the Parish of. Lochs, near Storonway. He never got married.

Alexander, to whom we refer specially in previous pages, lived the most of his life in Strathlorne, where he died on the 2nd day of September, 1909.

John Charles remained all his days on the old farm near Scotsville, was married to Sarah McLean, daughter of Charles McLean of North Lake, and died without issue.

The first settler on that portion of Black River which belongs to this District was Neil McLean from the Isle of Rum. He came about the year 1820, and was a brother to Roderick McLean who came to Broad Cove shore with a family in 1812. He had two sons, LauchIin and Hector.

Lauchlin was married to a daughter of Charles McLean of Broad Cove Intervale with issue: John, Charles, Neil, Hector, Sarah who died unmarried, Mary Ann (Mrs. Mutch), Margaret married to John McLean, Malagawatch, Mrs. John Moore of Inverness, and Jessie.

Hector was married to Sarah McQuarrie (locally known as the School master's daughter) with issue: Daniel, Neil, John, Hector, Lauchlin, and Malcolm, Flora, Mary, Sarah, and Katie. All the daughters were married except Flora who died young. The last named daughter Katie was married to John McKinnon, son of Alexander, of East Lake, and had the rare distinction of being the mother of five Presbyterian ministers, two medical doctors and a farmer. Her clerical sons are, Reverends Alex D. McKinnon, Hector McKinnon, Murdock McKinnon, Archibald McKinnon and John Y. McKinnon. Her medical sons were Dan and Hugh. The farmer's. name is Malcolm. Is there a woman in any rural section of the Province, who was married but once, that can boast this woman's record?


The first permanent settler of Beech Hill was Donald McLean from the Isle of Rum, who came here as a young man in 1826. He was married to Ann McDonald, a native of the Isle of Muck who had come to Mount Young in this County. The family by that marriage were the following:- Archibald, Murdoch, Allan, Daniel, and Alexander D., Mary, Flora and Catherine. The father attained to a ripe round age, and the mother was in her one hundred and sixth year when she died.

The son Archibald was married to Jessie McLean, daughter of Allan McLean (Shoemaker) and had a family: Murdoch, Allan, and Flora remained single. Daniel was a tailor in Winnipeg, married to Maggie McKinnon, daughter of Allan McKinnon, Teacher, of Mount Young, and left a family. Alexander D. was married to Annie Maria McLean of Strathlorne, with issue: Maurice, Donald, George M., Archibald and Russel; Annie, Gordon and Margaret.

As is elsewhere mentioned Mary was married to Donald McQuarrie, and Catherine to John C. McInnis of North Lake.

Allan McLean, a brother of the above named Donald from Rum, came to Beech Hill in 1826, located on a lot of land next to his brother's, and died there. He was married to Flora McLean, daughter of the first Neil McLean of Black River, but had no family. After the death of Allan the farm was acquired by John McLean, Big, who afterwards sold out and went to New Zealand where he died.


The first man that settled near Kinloch on the Northwestern side was Malcolm McKinnon. locally called Challum Ban. He came from the Isle of Rum, Scotland, and had a family of three sons and four daughters, namely: Neil, Rory, John, Mary, Isabel, Sarah and Margaret.

Mary married a man by the name of McVane. Isabel was married to Charles McLean, Sarah to Neil McKay, Margaret to John Kennedy. Neil was married to Christy McKinnon, Roderick to Sarah McLean, and John to Ann McInnis.

John had a family of six sons and five daughters, namely, Charles, Donald, Lauchlin, Malcolm, William and Allan, Sarah, Bella, Margaret Mary and Jessie.

Charles, (the blacksmith) was married to Eunice McLean, and had a family, Donald to a Yarmouth woman, and left a family, Lauchlin was married to Sarah Beaton, Malcolm to Jane Wright, William to Sarah McLean and Allan to Ann Beaton.

Sarah married Malcolm McKinnon, Bella, Neil McKinnon; Margaret. John McKay; Mary, Sandy McKinnon; and Jessie was married to John McDougall late of Portland, Maine.

Neil, son of Malcolm, had a family of five sons and three daughters, namely: Malcolm, Murdoch, Lauchlin, Donald, Archy, Katie, Peggy and Ann.

Malcolm was married to Bella McKinnon, Murdoch to Mary McLean, Lauchlin to Bella McLean, Donald to Ann McDonald, Archy to a New York woman, Katie to Angus McDonald, Peggy to John Clarke, and, Ann to Neil McKay.

Descendants or their widows now occupy the fine old farm.

Another old settler near Kinloch, bounding on the McKinnon farm, was Hugh Jameson, a strong farmer and a good man. He was married to a daughter of old John McLeod of St. Rose, with issue: Neil, William, Donald, John H., Charles, Alexander, Eunice and, Mary Ann.

Neil died in Montreal where he had gone to study law. William, who remained unmarried, is still looking after the farm, Donald died at home a single young man, John H., taught school for years, and died at Port Hood. We refer to this John H. elsewhere Charles was for many years Light Keeper at Cape St. Lawrence, and bought a farm within the town of Inverness, where he now resides with a large family. Alexander did business for a time at Port Hood, and afterwards at Brook Village where he now resides, and where he keeps the Telegraph Office and the Post Office. We regret to record that he has had a serious stroke of paralysis recently from which he has not recovered.

The daughter Eunice died unmarried. Mary Ann is married to Joseph McIsaac, Allan's son, of Foot Cape, and has a fine family of five girls and two boys, namely: John Allan, Neil, Mary Ann, Stella, Bessie, Janet and Lila.

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