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History of Inverness County, Nova Scotia
Chapter XVI - Kinloch and Broad Cove Marsh


The most notable family that ever lived here was that of the late Reverend John Gunn, the first resident minister for the district of Strathlorne. In a previous article we gave a short account of the late Reverend Mr. Gunn, himself, but said nothing of his family who were all born and raised here.

Mr. Gunn was born in Strath Navar, Scotland, and graduated from the College of Aberdeen. Through the instrumentality of the Edinburgh Ladies Society he was sent, with four others, by the Church in Scotland to minister to the Highland immigrants of Cape Breton. He came here in 1840 and remained till his death in 1870. On the eve of his departure from the old land he was married to Catherine Gordon, in Edinburgh, daughter of Captain Charles Gordon of the Sutherland fencibles. Mrs. Gunn was a well raised young woman, and received her education in one of the Ladies Seminaries in Scotland.

Mr. and Mrs. Gunn had a family of nine children, three of whom died in infancy. The names of those -who lived long enough to become known were, Neil K., John Y., Hugh and Robert G., Catherine and Maggie.

The father, being himself an educated man, was a life long patron of letters. His first care was to instruct his own family, which he continued to do all his life. His sons Neil and John were well up in the classics before they ever left home for their academic courses. Besides teaching his own children, Mr. Gunn, also, taught Latin privately to neighbouring Catholic boys who expected to study for the priesthood—and he would not consent to be paid.

The son, Neil, studied medicine in Harvard from which he graduated in 1862. Three weeks after his graduation he enlisted in the American Civil War, which was then in progress, as a surgeon and physician. Within a year, while actively employed in the military service of Uncle Sam, he contracted an illness—some kind of fever—of which he died on June 3rd, 1863. He was a young man of splendid promise. Long after his death we read some letters, addressed to his parents, by the American authorities, highly praising his work and bravery in that great conflict of the Sixties.

The son John Y., after completing his school studies, devoted himself to the teaching profession, principally in the County of Inverness, and nearly always in the Strathlorne section. As a teacher he was full of life, taste and ambition, and his heart was in his work. When his services could be secured, Strathlorne would not look at any other teacher. For a few years he carried on a fish business at Port Ban in association with Alexander Campbell, Ex. M. P. P. In 1868 he was appointed School Inspector for the County of Inverness. Some years later the Counties of Inverness and Victoria were made one Inspectoral district, and John Y. Gunn was designated as Inspector for the enlarged territory. He held this position until failing health obliged him to retire. No man born in this district did more to advance the cause of education, in a period of bitter need, than did John Y. Gunn. When he was Inspector he was the Gamaliel of the young teachers of the day,—and he was nice and kind.

The daughter Catherine was the older of the daughters, and was. married twice, first to John McPhail, Merchant, of Whycocomagh,. by-whom she had one handsome son, John G. McPhail, now a rising medical doctor in the City of Boston. After the death of her first husband she got married again to Edward Campbell of South Side Whycocomagh, by whom she had several intelligent daughters, one of whom has travelled extensively in Europe and America. At her father's home, in her young days, this daughter Catherine was a dashing, young damsel, gay, gifted and comely. She is still living, but is getting up in years like us all.

Maggie, the younger daughter, also, taught school for several years in various parts of Inverness County, and was liked everywhere. In the prime of her young womanhood she died of measles, at her home in Kinloch, on the first of April, 1873. She was very sincerely mourned by all who knew her. Too good for earth, she was called early unto a higher life.

The son, Robert G., was himself, a teacher for several years, in various parts of this County. He then studied medicine and has been practising at Strathlorne and vicinity for more than forty years. Within the last twenty years he took at different times, two years of a post graduate course in New York, specializing in surgery, a circumstance which shows his Highland pluck no less than his laudable professional ambition. He is a wide reader, a deep thinker, and a good, careful and successful doctor. He was married twice, first to Margaret Campbell, daughter of Alexander Campbell, Esquire, deceased, by whom he had three sons and three daughters. Two of these sons went through the great war. One of them, an exceptionally fine boy, was killed in action, the other got back unhurt. The doctor's second wife was a Miss McLennan, formerly of Middle River in the County of Victoria, by whom he has three sprightly little girls. Inverness would welcome many more citizens like this quiet, learned, unassuming gentleman.

Since writing the foregoing Doctor Gunn has, we regret to state, departed this life. His unexpected death threw a pall of sorrow over the district of Strathlorne. He had an attack of Influenza in the spring of 1920 from which, although he afterwards returned to his medical practice, he never fully recovered. He had a second seizure early in January 1921 to which he succumbed within a month. In the communities that knew him he shall be missed as a good doctor, a good citizen, and a good man. Not all of his numerous acquaintances realized, in his lifetime, the sterling worth of this enlightened neighbor who is now no more.


This district is situated about the centre of the Inverness coastline, and extends along the shore from the eastern boundary of Strathlorne at Deepdale to the Western boundary of West Margaree at or near St. Rose; and cuts deeply into the rearlands, comprising quite an area on the western side of the South West River of Margaree. It is an important district possessing as it does, excellent advantages for the dominant pursuits of farming and fishing. The farmers here are coming fast into their own. They have risen to higher planes and methods; they bring to the discharge of their modern pastoral duties not only the strong power of their hands, but also, the intelligent power of their heads. And it may be noted that this place has always been famous for its strong and powerfully built men. This was so in a special degree, in the days of the pioneer settlers.

Some of the farmers on these shores worship the call of the blue sea. We know some who are owners of fat bank accounts derived from their fishing operations between seed-time and harvest, and later on in the autumn. The waters washing this coast abound in food-fish, such as salmon, herring, cod, lobsters and mackerel. At Marsh Point, Broad Cove Chapel and the St. Rose shores, respectable catches are made every summer. The results are obvious among the industrial people.

We think all the permanent residents of this district are of Scottish descent and the Catholic faith. It was always so. Every one of the regular pioneer settlers was a Scotsman and a Catholic. Broad Cove was the first parish but one in the County to get a resident Scottish Priest. The Broad Cove parish formerly included what are now the parishes of Broad Cove, South West Margaree, Inverness and West Lake Ainslie. At first this large territory could only be served by an occasional visit from a missionary priest. Father Alexander MacDonnall of Judique who was this County's first resident Scottish priest served Broad Cove, Mabou and Port Hood as often as he was able to do, for some years.

The following are the names of the parish priests of Broad Cove since, Father John Chisholm's time, given in the order of time:—Rev. Wm. McLeod, Rev. Alexander McLeod (Ban), Rev. John Grant, Rev. Ronald McGillivray, Rev. Donald Chisholm, Rev. A. L. MacDonald of Inverness, Dr. Joseph Chisholm and the present able incumbent, Rev. Alexander McPherson. Father John Grant and Fr.. Ronald McGillivray are buried in Broad Cove.

The men from this district who have been raised to the priesthood are the following, we think, in the order of seniority:—Rev. Joseph McLeod who died while parish priest of the South West of Margaree; Reverend Ronald H. McDougall, P.P. of Heatherton, Antigonish; Rev. John N. McLeod who died while P.P. of D'Ecousse; Rev. Francis McRae, now deceased; Rev. John D. McLeod, P. P., of New Glasgow, Rev. Angus R. MacDonald, P. P., of Grand Narrows; and Rev. Dougald McEachern who is through with his studies and just about to be ordained at Quebec. The Rev. Stanley McDonald is also a brilliant native of this district. Quite a number of young ladies from this district also entered religious orders, and are all a: credit thereto.


One of the notable pioneer settlers in this district was Donald McLeod, the progenitor of all the McLeods in this place. In the year 1791 he came from the Isle of Eigg, Scotland, to Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, where he prepared a home for himself and family. After staying and working there for seventeen years he could not see any near prospect of getting a priest stationed there, and fearing his children would lose their religion, he decided to move, and did move, from that place, leaving all the improvements of seventeen years behind him. In 1808 he came with his family to Broad Cove and took up a large tract of land at Broad Cove Marsh. He drove six head of young cattle from his former home at Parrsboro to his new home at B. C. Marsh. He had a family of two sons and seven daughters, and prospered here from the start. The names of the sons were John and Duncan.

The older son, John, being then a full grown man took up a farm for himself a few miles further North at a place then called "The Ponds," now St. Rose. The younger son, Duncan, then sixteen years old, remained with his father at B. C. Marsh.

This older son John married Ann McKinnon by whom he had a family of three sons and five daughters. The names of the sons were, Neil, John Ban and Alexander. Neil was married to Euphemia McLeod of Antigonish Harbour a sister to Reverends Alexander McLeod and Wm. McLeod, and to Hon. James McLeod, Barrister, M. P. P., who represented the County of Cape Breton and died in Halifax. They had a family of four sons and two daughters, namely: John N. Donald, Alexander, James, Mary and Ann. This John N. was the highly esteemed priest who died of typhoid fever at D'Escousse in 1892. Donald joined the Christian Brothers in Baltimore and died there while yet a young man. His name in religion was Brother Adrian. Alexander died in Boston, James is on the old homestead, Mary was married to John McIsaac of Inverness and had a family, and Ann died unmarried.

John Ban was married to Catherine, daughter of Alexander McLellan (Ban) of S. W. Margaree, with issue five sons and three daughters. They are all dead now, except Alexander J. in Boston and John on the old homestead.

Alexander was married to Margaret McQuarrie of Little Mabou with issue: four sons and two daughters. The oldest son John is a merchant and Collector of Customs at Margaree Harbour, another son Joseph has a farm of his own at St. Rose, a third son Colin is on the old homestead; and the fourth son, Lauchlin, died in the prime of life. The daughters are living and well married.

Jessie the oldest daughter of old John McLeod was married to Hugh Jamieson of Strathlorne with issue five sons and two daughters, Catherine was married to John McRae, Mary to John McNeil, and Betsey to Angus McDonnell formerly of S. W. Margaree, but now in Judique.

Duncan, the youngest son of Donald, took up a farm of his own adjoining his father's property at B. C. Marsh, and was married in 1822 to Christina McLennan, daughter of Roderick McLennan of Kintail, Scotland. She came to this country in 1821 in the sixteenth year of her age, and was married to Duncan McLeod the following year. They had fourteen children, seven sons and seven daughters. The first two of these children, a boy and girl died in infancy.

The Reverend Joseph McLeod who died at S. W. Margaree in 1877 at the early age of thirty-two years was a gifted son of that marriage. He was ordained in 1870. The other sons were Donald, Rory, John, Alexander and Archy.

Donald was a farmer and merchant and a distinctive leader in his district. He was married to Catherine McEachen of Judique, and had a family of three sons and five daughters. The sons were Alex-Rory, John Duncan and Donald Joseph. The first named son is doing an extensive business in Seattle, Wash., the second is the respected Rev. John D. McLeod, P. P. of New Glasgow, and the third is Donald Joseph on the homstead. The daughters, three of whom joined the Cong. de Notre Dame order, were named Sr. St. Joseph, Sr. St. Catherine and Sr. St. Mary. Christina was married to D. D. McLellan of Glenville. Rev. Alex. J. McLellan is her son. Catherine is married to John D. McEachen of Inverness, and is one of the most worthy ladies of that town.

Roderick, the second son of Duncan, who was a particularly powerful specimen of a man, died in California in the year 1864 at the age of thirty two years.

John, son of Duncan, is married to Kate, daughter of John C. MacDonald of Antigonish Harbour, and has a family of six sons and five daughters. The sons were Duncan D., Joseph Roderick, John Chrysostom, John James, Archie.

Duncan D., is in the hardward business in Minnesotta, Joseph Roderick died out West, John James died at the age of sixteen years, Archie is employed in one of the Dominion Coal Company's Stores, and John C. remains on the homestead at Broad Cove Marsh.

The daughters of John (son of Duncan) were Maria Christina, Mary Ann, Margaret Alice and Teresa Isabel. Maria Christina is married to John R. McDonald of Inverness, and has a family of seven sons and four daughters, Mary Ann and Margaret Alice joined the Con. de Notre Dame order, and Teresa Isabel died in St. Joseph's Hospital, Glace Bay, the result of an operation for appendicitis. She had been teaching in the Convent School at New Waterford.

Alexander (son of Duncan) was married to Katie, daughter of Samuel Campbell of the Forks. Their family consisted of three sons and six daughters. Lt. Col. McLeod who died at Bramshot was a son. The other sons are John of Inverness, and Joseph of Seattle, Wash. The daughters are Annie, Christina, Mary Bell, Louisa Jane, Mary Ann and Katie Agnes. The first four are well married. Mary Ann is in California, and Katie Anges is at home.

The six daughters of old Donald McLeod, and the married daughters of his son Duncan were married in this and adjacent districts, and had large families. It will be more convenient to describe these families by themselves further on.


A very respectable family of Kennedys came from Canna, Scotland, to Cape D'Or or Parrsboro in 1791 in the same vessel which brought the Donald McLeod whom we have been describing. Only two of these Kennedys came into this district, and with these alone we propose to deal here. The other Kennedys in this County will receive attention when we are writing the sketch of their district.

Donald Kennedy and his brother John Kennedy (Red) came to Broad Cove from Parrsboro in 1808, and took up two farms adjoining one another a little North of Smith's Cove near Broad Cove Chapel. Thereafter both lived and died on those farms. Both brothers got married and had large families. Donald Kennedy was married to Mary McLeod daughter of Donald McLeod above noted. He had a family of eleven children, two of whom died in infancy. The names of the surviving nine were Mary, Donald, Ann, Sarah, Catherine„ Bridget, Angus, John and Elizabeth.

Mary the oldest daughter of Donald Kennedy married Ronald McLellan (Angus Archie) Rear Broad Cove in February 1845. Ann was married to Angus McDougall (Hugh's son) of Broad Cove Marsh, Sarah was married to Ronald McLellan (Farquhar) Rear Broad Cove Chapel. Catherine married Angus McEachen of Mount Young, Mabou, Bridget died unmarried, and Elizabeth married Archibald Cameron of S. W. Margaree.

Donald (son of Donald Kennedy) lived and died in single blessedness, Angus went to sea and died abroad, John married Catherine Smith, daughter of Hugh Smith, and had sons and daughters.

John Kennedy (Red) lived and worked on a farm adjacent to his brother Donald. He bought this farm with a grist mill on, the first in Northern Inverness from James Ban McDonnell. He got married to Elizabeth Fraser of Antigonish and had a family of five sons and two daughters. The sons were Angus, Archie, John, Alexander and Donald The daughters were Mary and Jessie.

Angus took up a farm at North Lake Ainslie and married Elizabeth McNeil daughter of Alexander McNeil of St. Rose. Archie took up a farm near Broad Cove Chapel and married Margaret Beaton, daughter of Angus Beaton (Finlay) of Mabou Coal Mines. John died unmarried. Alexander was twice married, first to a daughter of Donald McIsaac (Allan) of the Shean, and secondly to Catherine Beaton daughter of Angus Beaton of Strathlorne, and Donald was married to a Miss McDonald of Antigonish. Both Donald and Alexander left the County of Inverness and went to Antigonish. Mary was married to Ronald McDonald of Broad Cove Chapel and Jessie to Donald Beaton of Port Ban.


In 1817 Angus McLellan (Archibald), married in Scotland to Isabella McLellan, came from Swordland, Morar, Invernessshire, and located on a 200 acre lot of land at the rear of Broad Cove Marsh. He had four children in Scotland, before he left for America, two of whom died in infancy. Two more, Donald and Ronald came with him here. The farm on which he located was granted to him in 1832. They left Scotland in 1816 and landed at Malignant Cove, Antigonish, where they spent the ensuing winter with relatives. In 1817 they came by vessel to Broad Cove. Two other brothers, Donald and Sandy Ban, came here with Angus and his family. Donald settled at Black Glen (now Glenville) and Sandy Ban settled at the Ponds (now St. Rose), but afterwards removed to S. W. Margaree. Another brother Neil McLellan (Ban) who had been on a farm at Rear B. C. Marsh since 1811, coaxed these three brothers to come out.

Donald (son of Angus) was married to Marcella McEachen of Mount Young by whom he had a large family to wit: Angus now deceased, was married to a Miss McIntosh of Glace Bay; John (unmarried) drowned in January 1875 going to the Grand Banks; James, unmarried, died in Chelsea Marine Hospital, Mass., on 28th June, 1871; Michael a blacksmith married to a Miss McLellan of Brook Village (father of Robert S. McLellan, Barrister, of Sydney); Fred married to Mary Chisholm of Port Hood, is a blacksmith in Boston; Charles (tanner) at home and married twice; Hugh married to Ann McPherson of Broad Cove, on the homestead; Ronald and Archie died unmarried; Isabel died unmarried; Mary and Ann both died in infancy.

Ronald McLellan (son of Angus) was married to Mary Kennedy (Donald's daughter) and had three sons and four daughters, as follows: Archibald, married to Euphemia B. Chisholm of River Dennis, John R., unmarried; Donald married to Mary McIsaac of Broad Cove Banks; Mary and Ann and Catherine died unmarried. Isabel married John Chisholm of River Dennis.

Neil Ban McLellan, already referred to, was married in Scotland, to Catherine Gillis of Morar. He received considerable education in the old Country, came here in 1811, and was among the first of three sons and four daughters. The sons were, John, a young man of some schooling who used to be clerking with Andrew McDonnell of Judique, went away in a vessel from the Strait of Canso, and never more was heard of, Donald, married Marcella McLellan (Neil's daughter S. W. Road) remained and died on the homestead: Archibald, a mason, left for New Zealand in 1862 in the Brig "Helen Lewis" built by William Ross, came back to California about 25 years ago, and died there. The daughters were Catherine, wife of Martin Cameron, S. W. Margaree; Ann and Sarah who died unmarried; and Mrs. Archibald Gillis of Mount Pleasant. The farm held by Neil Ban consisted of 200 acres, and is now owned and occupied by his grandson Neil, a worthy son of a worthy sire.


Another of the old families of this district was that of Angus Smith (Anonais Ban Gobha). He lived near Broad Cove Chapel and had five sons, namely: James, Hugh, Peter, Donald and Angus (Og.)

James married to Miss McDonald of the Allan Ban people of Judique, with issue as follows:

Ann, married to John McDonald who went to Australia; Christy who died unmarried at the age of 90 years, Mary married to Angus Gillis (Alex's son) B. C. Marsh; Flora, unmarried; Catherine, unmarried. The sons were Angus, who left the country young and never returned; Capt. John who died unmarried; Hugh, married to Miss McDonnell daughter of Andrew Ban; Peter married to Rebecca McDonald of Rear Judique, went to Bay St. George in 1869, his son Hugh is living on the homestead; Donald married Ann McIsaac of Strathlorne and after his death, the widow and family went to Minnesota.

Hugh Smith (son of Angus Ban) was married to Mary McNeil, who lived to be about 100 years old. They had issue as follows: John, Alexander, Angus and Donald, Mary, Flora, Ann, Catherine, Jessie, Elizabeth and Jane.

John, son of Hugh, married Mary Gillis of Judique, issue: Eliza and John, Alexander was unmarried, Angus married a Miss McMaster of Creignish. They had a large family. Donald was married twice, the first time to Margaret McDonald of B. C. Chapel by whom he, had quite a family, the second time to Margaret Gillis without issue.

The daughters of Hugh Smith married as follows: Mary to Angus McIsaac of Strathlorne, they had a large family. Flora to Rory McDonald (James). Issue, a large family among whom were John R. McDonald of Inverness and Rev. A. R. McDonald, P. P. of Christmas Island; Ann died unmarried and was the first to be buried in the new cemetery at Broad Cove, Catherine was married to John Kennedy. (Donald's son. They had quite a family. Jessie was married to John McArthur of Glendale, Elizabeth to Angus McDonald (Wm's son) of Rear B. C. Chapel, and Jane to Donald McMaster of Creighnish.

Peter Smith, Angus Ban's son was married to Christie McNeil of Broad Cove Ponds, issue one son, Alexander and four daughters, namely; Catherine who married James Gillis of Rear Dunvegan; Elizabeth who married Hugh MacVarish, Ann who married Captain Angus McFarlane of Port Hawkesbury, and Eliza who was married in Massachusetts and died there in the spring of 1920.

The daughters of Angus Smith, Ban, were married as follows: Sarah to Thomas Dougherty, Mary to Alex McLellan, S. W. Margaree, Elizabeth to Captain Allan McDonald, S. W. Margaree, and Catherine to a Mr. McMaster to Creignish.


John McDonald, a native of Moidart, Scotland, blazed out a farm of 200 acres of Crown land on the coast of Broad Cove Marsh in the beginning of the 19th century. Not many years afterwards he died without issue. His brother James (Semuas Mac Ruaridh), with his wife, two sons, Alexander and Rory, and three daughters, Flora, Catherine and Ann left Moidart for Cape Breton to occupy and develop the farm made vacant by the death of John.

Seumas MacRuaridh left the farm to his son Roderick who married Flora daughter of Hugh Smith (Ewen Mac Aonghais Ban). Roderick reared a large family, one of whom is Angus R. McDonald, P.P. of Christmas Island, another son, John Angus, is now in charge of the farm.


Lot No. 18 at Broad Cove Marsh, containing 440 acres, was taken up by this Alexander Gillis (Alasdair Mac Illoios). He was a native of Kenloch Morar, Scotland, and was but three years old when his father died. The mother married again, and at the age of fourteen, Alexander, with a young sister by the first marriage, left Morar for-Cape Breton. He came in 1900 and found employment with the Jersey firm at Cheticamp "Point" for several years, after which he took up this large tract of land, built a log cabin, and married Mary McIsaac (Marini ni'n Alein ic Neil), an aunt of those saintly servants of God, the late Most Reverend Canaon McIsaac and Reverend Donald McIsaac.

Mr. Gillis reared a large family of sons and daughters. The sons were John, Allen, Hugh, Donald, Angus and Archibald; the daughters were Mary, Margaret, Nancy and Catherine.

John, was married to Sarah, daughter of John McDonald (lain MacLoddy) of Antigonish. After a few years at Broad Cove Marsh, they went to Newfoundland and had a family of two sons and six daughters.
Allen was married to Margaret McLellan daughter of John McLellan of Black Glen, now Glenville (lain MacDhomhnull ic lain ic lain) a native of Morar. Allen had a family of eight children, whose names were these: John, Donald, Angus, Michael, and Alexander, Mary, Flora and Catherine. Allen, the father and John, the oldest son, aged 16 years died in 1856 of malignant type of typhoid fever, leaving the widowed mother and the remaining seven children to mourn their bitter loss. Donald, Allen's son died unmarried in January 1873.

Angus (Allen) married Catherine daughter of Angus Kennedy, Senior, of Loch Ban, by whom he had a family of four sons and four daughters. The names of these children were as follows: Donald Allen, John Alexander, Angus and Alexander, Lizzie, Flora, Mary Flora, and Lizzie Maggie. The son Donald Allen died unmarried. John Alexander who is a merchant in Deepdale, is married to Mary, daughter of Charles McNeil. Angus is married to Mary Ann, daughter of the late David Kennedy of Loch Ban. Alexander is married to Annie, daughter of Donald McDonald (Domhnull a Ghoba) of Judique, and is a blacksmith in Boston. Euphemia is married to Ronald Dan McDonald of B. C. Chapel, Lizzie Flora to Alexander McDonald (Sandy h-Seumas h-Sandy) of Port Hood, and Lizzie Maggie to Neil P. McLellan, Mine Manager, Inverness. Mary Flora is in Boston, not yet married.

Michael Gillis (Micheil Aillein) is married to Jessie daughter of Angus Kennedy, John's son, of Loch Ban. He was for many years one of the tall teachers in the public schools of Cape Breton Island. Subsequently he carried on a quiet business on a small scale at Don-vegan. Since a few years he took up his residence at Port Hood. He is well known, and as well respected where known. If everybody was as peaceable and well minded as Big Michael, we should never have wars, nor rumours of wars.

Alexander Gillis (Sandy Allein) died in the City of Duluth, Minnesota, where he had been a member of the Police Force. His remains were brought home and buried in St. Margaret's cemetery at Broad Cove. A beautiful gold medal was found in one of his trunks, on which the following words, facts and figures were inscribed:—"Awarded to Alexander Gillis, Police Officer, by the citizens of Duluth for bravery during riot, July 6th, 1889." Requiescat in pace!

Mary, Mairi Allein, was married to John McPherson, blacksmith (Iain un Taillear) of Dunvegan. She left two daughters, Mary and Annie. Mary is married to John J. McEachern of Dun-vegan, and Annie to Hugh D. McEachern of Broad Cove Chapel.

Flora (Allen) was married to Angus Gillis (Aonghas Alasdair ic lain) of South West Margaree. She left a family of five sons and two daughters. Simon A. the oldest son is on the homestead (both parents being dead). Donald died in Alaska, Joseph and James are in British Columbia, Mary Ann is married to John McDonald, blacksmith, Inverness, and Jessie was married to Ronald Gillis, Duncan's son, S. W. Margaree.

Catherine (Katie Aillein) was married to Alexander Gillis (Alasdair Ewin ic Aonghas ic Ewin) of South West Margaree. She and her husband are dead, but left a family of five sons and three daughters. Two of the seven boys predeceased their parents. The sons, Hugh, Angus, Allen and Martin, are home, Jim Alick and John Dan are in the "States". Mary Jane is married to Angus McFarlane (Aonghas Chalum) of S. W. Margaree, Maggie Bell is married to Lewis McIsaac of Inverness, and Maggie is in Boston.

Hugh Gillis (Ewin Mac Alasdair ic Illios) went to Boston in the days of his young manhood. In that big city he married a young Irish girl, but died a few years later.

Donald (Domhnull Alasdair ic Illios) married Catherine Smith, daughter of Hugh Smith, Senior, of B. C. Chapel. They had a family of three sons and seven daughters, to wit: Sandy, Archibald, and Donald, Mary, Margaret, Annie, Catherine, Christy, Elizabeth and Jessie.

Alexander died unmarried. Archibald D. is married to Catherine, daughter of John McPherson late of Rear Port Hood. They have a family of one son and two daughters, and live in comfort at B. C. Marsh. Donald died unmarried. Mary lives with her brother Archibald D., Margaret married Angus McIsaac, they are both dead and their family is at Inverness. Annie is married to Donald F. McLellan of Inverness. They have a family of five sons and three daughters. Reverend Lewis McLellan, the promising young priest, now Curate at Little Bras D'Or, is one of those five sons, while Sr. St. Pancratius of Whitney Pier Convent is one of the three daughters. Christy is married to a resident of Minto Park, California. Catherine and her family reside in Inverness. She was married to John McDougall, Dougald's son, late of North Highlands. Elizabeth is married to Archibald McLellan of S. W. Road. They have a family of two sons and three daughters. Jessie was married to Ronald McDonald of S. W. Margaree. She died soon after her marriage.

Angus Gillis (Aonghas Alasdair ic Illios) was married to Mary daughter of James Smith (Seumas Mac Aonghas Bhain). They had a family of five sons and three daughters. Four of the sons are in different parts of the United States and one, Archibald A. holds a Part of the lot which his grandfather granted. Archibald A. is married to Annie, daughter of the late John McLellan (Clerk) of St. Rose. Mary, a daughter of said Angus Gillis, is dead. She was married to James McIsaac (Donald the miller's son). They had a family of two sons and four daughters, one of whom, Mary, is married to Charles J. McLellan of Dunvegan. Margaret, Angus Gillis' second daughter is married to Joseph Kennedy of Sight Point, and has quite a family. Catherine, the third daughter, is married to Donald McNeil, Allan's son, Port Hood. They have a family of one son and three daughters, but the son died in infancy.

Archibald Gillis (Gillesbrag Mac Alasdair ic Illios) died at Grand Mira where he was teaching school, in the year 1858. He was a single man.

Of Alexander Gillis' four daughters, three, Mary, Nancy and Catherine died unmarried. The fourth, Margaret, was married to Donald McLellan (Domhnull Mac an Taillear) late of Dunvegan. They had a family of three sons and one daughter, namely: John, Angus, Archibald D. and Mary. John married Catherine, daughter of Alexander McDougall of Rear Ponds. Angus moved to Newfoundland some years back, Archibald D. who is a land surveyor resides at Belle Cote. He was married to Margaret, daughter of Ronald McLellan of S. W. Road. They had a family of three son and five daughters, John, Donald, Ronald, Mary, Flora, Catherine, Christina and Annie, John, like his father, is a land surveyor. Ronald, who was teaching school in the West when the war broke out in 1914, immediately enlisted in the Canadian Army. He was killed in battle a few days before the armistice was signed. Donald, also, was a volunteer, and though in the war from start to finish, came through unscathed. Mary is married to Mr. Tompkins, a farmer of Margaree. Three of the daughters are teaching, two of whom are in the West. The fifth is at home with her father.


The first settler on a lot of 200 acres lying South of Alasdair Mac Illios' estate was Hugh MacDougall (Ewin MacLachinn). He was married to Catherine, Alasdair Mac Illios' sister, who came to America as a young girl with her brother Alexander. They had a family of five sons and three daughters, none of whom are now living. Hugh McDougall left the farm to his two sons, Ronald and Duncan. The latter afterwards sold out his part of the farm, and went to Codroy, Newfoundland, where he was drowned. There was an old tradition that several people in Broad Cove saw the ghost of Duncan McDougall after his death. "One man gifted with second sight alleged that the ghost spoke to him and told him that he was making a line fence one day, and took, without leave, an axe of one of the neighbours which he forgot to return. The ghost, it is said, told this man to follow that line fence from a certain point towards the shore to a large stone, and that alongside of that big stone, he would find the axe, and forthwith to return it to the owner. The man did as requested, found the axe and returned it, and the ghost was seen no more."

Ronald (son of Hugh) lived to an old age on his part of the farm, He was married to Flora daughter of Alexander McNeil of St. Rose. who lived to the borderland of one hundred years, in good health. They had a large family, seven of whom are still living, namely: Alexander on the homestead, Angus hotel keeper and blacksmith at Margaree Harbour; Hugh in British Columbia, Mary, wife of Hugh McEachern at Dunvegan; Christy married to Donald McLellan of St. Rose; Annie to Ronald McIntyre of Broad Cove Banks; Catherine to Duncan McLellan (Malcolm's son) South West Margaree. Alexander, who is on the old homestead, was married to Mary McEachen, daughter of the late Donald McEachen, miller. Sixteen children were born to them, some of whom died in infancy. Two of the daughters are nuns in the Convent of St. Martha, Antigonish. Another daughter Agnes, is superintendent in an Hospital in Massachusetts.

Ewin MacLachinn was one of the MacDougall pioneer settlers at Broad Cove Banks. Lachinn, himself, the father of them all, came to Broad Cove Banks with three other sons, Alexander, Duncan, and Archibald. He took up 600 acres of land on which he settled, side by side, the three sons above named. There was no land available at the Banks for Hugh, which was his reason for going further North.

This old Lauchlin McDougall was the first man buried in the old original shore cemetery at Broad Cove. The last man buried there was Neil Ban McLellan already referred to.


A family of particular prominence in this district was the John McDonald of Broad Cove Chapel (lain Mac Raoghnull). We are not certain whether he came from Moidart or Eigg, but are inclined to believe he came from the latter place. We have a distant recollection of seeing this old gentleman in church on several occasions. At that time we were very young, and he was very old. We should not be able to remember him but for the fact that he seemed to be the only person in church who continued to pray aloud during divine service. This circumstance impressed us, and we never forgot John McDonald's face and general appearance. We never got rid of the thought that he was a singularly gentle, pious and earnest old gentleman. He was a handsome man, straight as a rush, neatly dressed with clean shaven face and long curly hair. His father (Raoghnul Ban) came to Broad Cove. They were of the MacDonald's of Red Banks. John selected his home at Broad Cove Chapel, on a large and beautiful tract of land adjoining the Smith property to the West. Here, by the blue Laurentian waters of the Gulf, he lived in peace, honor and industry, for the rest of his life, a life which nearly filled the whole measure of the century. He was married to Catherine McLeod, daughter of Donald McLeod alluded to elsewhere, and reared a large respectable family. It is said that this Catherine McLeod was an uncommonly attractive woman, and had many suitors. A good natured neighbour, who attempted betimes to talk in numbers, composed a little ditty entitled "Co gheibh Cathriona bhan."

The following is a random verse:—

"Tha i loahach, moaghal mion,
"S ioma lenan aice s'n tir;
"lain MacRaoghnill air a ti.
"S' Seumas grinn Mac Aonghnais bahain."

We were not surprised to learn that our old friend, lain MacRaoghnull, won out triumphantly.

"Not his the form, nor his the eye,
"That youthful maids are wont to fly."

John McDonald's marriage was blessed with a family of seven sons and four daughters, and it is perfectly safe to say that a better family would be hard to find in any country. The four daughters were especially marked for their eminent usefulness, and consistent religious devotedness. The following are the names of this interesting family: Ronald, Donald, Angus, John, Charles, Hector and James, Catherine, Mary, Ann and Jessie. All of these are now dead, except the two daughters last named, and they are far up in the eighties.

Ronald was married to Mary Kennedy Red John's daughter, and had a large family. The genial Angus R., the only living son, now holds forth on his father's estate, and he is not unworthy of his noble parentage. Mary, the eldest daughter of Ronald, was married to Finlay Beaton of Mabou and is the mother of the able and educated priest, Rev. Ronald Beaton, who had been for years a learned professor in St. F. X. College in Antigonish, but is now labouring in the wider fields of British Columbia. The other daughters of Ronald were married in different parts of the land.

Donald, the second son of John, was married to Catherine McKinnon of St. Rose, and had a family of three sons and five daughters, namely: Ronald D., James, Neil John; Catherine, Margaret, Christy, Jane and Alexina.

Ronald D. owns and occupies one half of his father's land, is married and has a young family.

James is unmarried, and has been for years a steward on large American trading ships. He has done, and is doing well.

Neil John, who lived with his mother on the old homestead enlisted in the Canadian army in the recent war and was killed in action. The venerable widow and her grandson are now alone in the old home.

Catherine, the oldest daughter of Donald, is married to Roderick McNeil of Deepdale, and has a large and bright family. Margaret was married to Donald Smith of Smith's Cove. She and her husband are dead, but have left a nice family of sons and daughters; Christy is married to a Mr. Reid of Antigonish; Jane is married to Hugh L. MacDougall of Broad Cove Banks, and had a family of four boys and five girls, two of whom, Duncan and James are not now living. The living family are: Lauchlin Angus, Daniel, Mary Ann, Catherine, Maggie, Clara and Mary. Since writing the foregoing the son Laculin Angus died in Valporaiso, South America. He was a good wise and exceptionally smart boy, and his untimely death is a public loss.

Alexina was married to Dougald Arch'd McDonald of Black River. She died a few years since, but is survived by a nice young family.

Angus (son of John) was married to a daughter of James Donald Ban of Judique. He and his wife are dead, but have left a clever family of sons and daughters. The sons James and Ronald Dan both of whom are married and have families, are now the prosperous owners of their father's estate. Charles died unmarried.

John was married to a lady from South West Margaree, and had one son and two daughters. The son, James, lives at Inverness, and is always foremost in all religious movements there.

Hector was an old school teacher in this county, and did much to teach the younger folk some church music. He afterwards removed to Bay St. George, Nfld., where he got married and died.

James was lost at sea on the way to Bay St. George on or about the 19th of December, 18...

Catherine, the oldest daughter of lain Mac Raoghnuill, was married to Big Donald McLellan (Dhomhnull mor Mac Illeasbuig 'ic Dhomhnuill) of St. Rose, and had a strapping family of sons and daughters. One of the sons, Daniel, who was a fine intelligent young man, entered upon the study of law, but died ere his course was finished. Archibald and John, each having a fine family, now own and enjoy the old home property.

Mary, the second daughter of John McDonald, was married to Dougald McEachen of Mount Young, Mabou, and had a very large family. She was a remarkably fine woman and her husband was an equally fine man. Both were genial, good and friendly, and were as happy at Mount Young as ever king and queen were on a safe and satisfying throne. Unfortunately, however, a son who had spent some years in the "States" came home one winter and wanted the old couple to sell out the farm and property and go off with him to New York. In an evil moment they consented. This contented aged couple who never saw a city, set out in mid-winter to dwell in the vast city of New York. The husband died within three months, and on his death the wife became ill and had to come to Pictou with another son. In Pictou she died shortly afterwards. Oh, the dangerous and delusive lure of the city.

Ann was married to Donald McEachen, miller, and had a family of six sons and three daughters, namely:-John D., at Inverness, Donald and Hugh on the home property, Duncan in Sydney, John A., an ecclesiastical student who was drowned while bathing at the shore at B. C. Chapel, James, who died of the flu a few years since; Catherine, married to Alexander McDonald of Mull River, Mary who was married to Alex McDougall (Sandy Ronald) of B. C. Marsh, and Mary Bell, married to John McPhee of Mabou Harbour. Jessie was married to Neil McKinnon, a carpenter from Antigonish, who bought a fine farm at Strathlorne and died at an early age. The issue of this marriage was a family of one son and two daughters, namely: Alexander,. Flora and Catherine. The last named died some years since. Flora was married but her husband died and she returned to her mother. The son never got married. Mother, son and daughter are now living together in all the comforts of peace and plenty,—a fitting tribute to the memory of good old lain Mac Raoghnull.


There is one particular family in this district to whom the County of Inverness owes much. This is the family of John McLennan noted above.

John McLennan came out from Kintail in the early days of the nineteenth century. He was then a fine, fresh looking young man. After a few years he married Ann McLeod, daughter of Donald McLeod Senior, and settled down upon a large lot of land near the cross roads at Dunvegan. His family consisted of seven sons and three daughters, namely: Roderick, Donald, Archibald, Neil, John, Alexander and Angus; Jessie, Catherine and Mary Ann. Jessie was married to Ronald McLellan (Red John's son) of Black Glen, and had a large family, Flora was married to Alexander McRae of St. Rose, and had a family, Mary Ann was married to Dougald McEachen (John's son), Sight Point, and had several sons and daughters, one of whom is Dr., Angus McEachen of Boston, Massachusetts.

Roderick the oldest son was a rarely able-bodied man of splendid physique, strong as a lion, but ever kind and peaceable. When he attained his majority, he started a moderate business at the crossroads. He was a prudent, careful man and managed to save enough money in a few years to buy him a farm at Chimney Corner on which he spent his remaining years. He was married to Catherine McFarlane, daughter of Malcolm McFarlane of .S. W. Margaree, by whom he had several sons and daughters, one of whom is John R. McLennan, Merchant of Inverness. A younger son, Simon, remains on the farm at Chimney Corner.

Donald, the second son, was married to Flora McDonald a daughter of Captain Allan McDonald of South West Margaree. He, also, bought a farm at Chimney Corner on which he lived and died. He left quite a number of children one of whom is Donald MacLennan, M. P. P. of Port Hood.

Archibald was married to a Miss Chisholm of River Dennis, and had a respectable family of sons and daughters. His son Roderick now occupies the paternal estate.

Neil was married to a sister of Archibald's wife, and was blessed with a family as good as it was large. Both brothers, with their wives agreed to work, use and enjoy the big farm as tenants in common. Not only that, but those two brothers, with their wives and families always dwelt under the one roof on the old homestead. It was an edifying example of a truly Christian home. No contentions or strife, no bickerings or quarrelling, no envy or jealousy, no nagging fault findings, no words of anger or reproach were ever known or heard in that-well ordered double home. We doubt that this case ever had a literal precedent in Inverness County, and we doubt still more that it will have a parallel or duplicate in future. "Blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God." Reverend John N. McLennan, P. P., of Glendale is a son of Neil's. Another son, Dan, now presides over the homestead, and is, at present, the Municipal Councillor for the District of Broad Cove Marsh.

John, Alexander and Angus were school teachers in different parts of this County for many years. This was in the dawn of our Public School System. Teachers of much value were exceedingly scarce. These three active young men, hopeful, cheerful and nicely educated, had open doors in our schools. All three had a genius for teaching and dearly loved the work. For years and years they laboured, when the labourers were few. The good they wrought in the County of Inverness in that way, at a time of distressing need, will never be fully known.

John was the first of the three to retire from the teaching profession. He then commenced a mercantile business at Upper Margaree and had a large measure of success, because he won and deserved the unqualified good will of his customers. In later life he bought a farm at Judique Intervale, where he also, carried on a small business. A few years before his death he was appointed Light Keeper on Port Hood Island—a position still held by his family.

Alexander taught longer than either of the other two. For long periods he taught at Broad Cove Chapel and Mabou Coal Mines, and for shorter periods at Strathlorne and Dunvegan. He was a genial man, a highly rated athlete, an earnest and devoted teacher, and a popular character everywhere. When he gave up teaching he resided for a short time at Dunvegan, until he was designated and appointed by the Dominion Government as Light Keeper at Cape St. Lawrence, where he died. He served for a term or two in the Municipal Council of Inverness as the elected representative of Broad Cove Marsh.

Angus was one of the very best teachers Inverness County ever had. After he had taught for some years he took courses in High Schools and Colleges, and again resumed the work of teaching. He evinced a high order of talent and industry. When he was studying medicine his college would close early in the Spring not to open again till the following winter. In the interim he taught every summer, during his medical course, at Dunvegan. All at once the Dunvegan School leaped into the front rank of our best schools. But we have sketched the history of this man supra. We shall not enlarge on his history here, except to say that Broad Cove Marsh never raised a worthier son, nor the County a worthier servant.

There are several other families in this district whom we cannot describe here for three reasons: 1. We have not been able to secure sufficient data as to their history. 2. We have already exceeded the space that should be given to any one district. 3. In rural communities where the people pursue the same avocations, the history of one family is largely the history of all. But the families we have not described are just as deserving as those with whom we have dealt.

There is that branch of the McLellan family locally identified as (Cloinn Fhearchair) branching out from five brothers, namely: Archibald, Donald, Alexander, John and Ronald. They and their descendents have been among the best assets of B. C. Marsh. The same can be said with propriety of that important Gillis family (Gillean Anghais bhain Shaoir).

There was another branch of the McLellans at Dunvegan, represented by three brother, Archibald, Donald and Neil. They were wont to be described as "the tailor's sons." Each of these brothers had a large family, and each family was worth its weight in gold to B. C. Marsh.

We had, also, the McLellans of the South West and South West Road. They were usually spoken of as (Gillean Dhomhnuill 'ic Aonghais). There were Donald, Andrew, Archibald and Ronald.

We knew Donald well. He lived long at Foot Cape, Strathlorne, and had a large family of sons and daughters. He was a blacksmith by trade, a kind and quiet neighbour, an extensive reader, and a wit. He removed with his family to Grand Mira where he died.

We did not know Andrew; but we happen to know that one of his daughters was married to Big Angus McLellan (Sandy Ban) and is now a widow with a family living in the town of Inverness. In our youthful days we knew a son of Andrew's by the name of Peter, who was a splendidly educated young man of magnificant character. After his college graduation in Arts, he took up the study of law with the late Samuel MacDonnell of Port Hood, but his health broke down and he died ere his studies were completed. Had he lived he would doubtlessly have been one of the most learned members of the Nova Scotia Bar.

Ronald and Archibald were two of the finest men in their Parish. All of them had a peculiar sense of humor. Father Ronald McGillivray was standing at the Chapel gate on a Sunday morning at S. W.. Margaree talking to some old gentlemen, one of whom was Archibald McLellan. The priest was looking at the people streaming in from all directions with their teams to attend mass. Then he remarked, "that would be a pretty sight, if all these were coming for the sake of mass and religion, but many of these are coming only from sheer force of habit." Archibald McLellan, looking at Fr. Ronald with a kind. smile answered: "If it please your Reverence, what a beautiful habit methinks it is?"

There were, also, the fine families of Martin McPherson, Angus McLellan (Donald Og), Farquhar McLellan (Red John) and his brother Donald, all of whom did their honest share in the advancement of Inverness County.

And lastly there was the well remembered family of Alas dair Mhor, particulars of whom we have been long waiting. These McDonalds are of the Kinlochmoidart family in Scotland, and are descended from John, son of Allan, eighth Chief of Clan Ranald. In 1584 John obtained from his father a charter of Kinlochmoidart, Askernish and lands in Uist, and became the first chief of Kinlochmoidart. This MacDonald family played a gallant and conspicuous part in the life of Scotland. They fought with distinction under Montrose, Dundee and Prince Charlie.

The first of the Kinlochmoidart MacDonalds to come to Cape Breton was Alasdair Mor Mac Aonghais 'ic Alasdair, who was born in Scotland about 1770, and came to America about 1800. He first settled in Prince Edward Island where he married a Miss McIsaac who died without issue shortly afterwards. Alasdair Mor then came to Broad Cove Marsh where he obtained a Grant of 400 acres from the' Crown. He married as his second wife, Margaret, daughter of Lewis MacDonald (Lody) of Anisaig, Antigonish County, by whom he had five sons and five daughters:-

1. Catherine, born 1809, married Farquhar McLellan, Rear Broad Cove Marsh, with issue:—Lewis, Donald, Alexander, John, Lewis Jr., Donald Jr., Angus, Alexander Jr., Flora, Sarah, Catherine, Mary and Margaret.
2. James, born 1811, married Margaret Gillis, daughter of Captain Alexander Gillis, Fraser Regiment of Highlanders, with issue: Alexander, Barrister, died at Port Hood 1909; Donald of Inverness, Lewis of Port Hood; Mary died at Port Hood 1915; Margaret died at Port Hood in 1914; Isabel, Flora (married John H. McDonald) died at Spring Hill 1898; Annie, Margaret died in infancy; Angus died from exposure on the Grand Banks 1889.
3. Donald, who married Jane McDonald by whom he had one daughter, Mary, who died with issue. This Donald was drowned in 1848 off Cape Mabou.
4. Angus, married to Annie McDonnell of S. W. Margaree with issue:—Alexander, New Zealand; Donald, died at B. C. Marsh; Catherine, Margaret, Annie, Mary, Jessie, Christina.
5. Sarah, married Angus McArthur, Broad Cove with issue: Allan, Lewis, John, Mary, Catherine, Elizabeth, Margaret.
6. Mary, married Martin McPherson with issue: John, Alexander, Lewis, James, Donald Jr., Mary Catherine, Margaret Catherine.
7. Ann, married Donald McDonald, Seaside, Port Hood, with issue: Ronald, Duncan, John, Alexander, Lewis, Margaret, Mary, Catherine.
8. Lewis, died in 1844, unmarried.
9. Alexander drowned in 1848 off Cape Mabou.
10. Margaret, married Archibald McIsaac, Broad Cove Marsh, with issue:—Ronald, Alexander, Angus, Donald, Alexander Jr.

We knew Alexander MacDonald, Barrister, noted above, from his early teaching days till his death. He was a marvel of intellect, and a lawyer apart. His ways were not the ways of other Knights of the sable gown. We seldom caught him reading law, but when it was necessary to cite it he had it at his finger tips. He literally basked at the shrine of Contemplation. He was, also, a well disposed man. It were difficult to find among men a mind more free from sheer malice. A prophet is not without fame except in his own country. Mr. MacDonald was never fully appreciated in Inverness. Only a few intimates can guess the priceless treasures that were buried in his grave.


Angus MacLellan, a native of Morar, Scotland, came with his family to America, in a vessel called "The Three Brother of Hull", in the year 1816. After a short stay in Antigonish he settled permanently at Broad Cove Marsh, where many of his descendants now are. These MacLellans were called the MacLellans of Buirblack, because, for generations they had lived on the Buir black Farm, on the Morar River, looking out upon the inner Hebrides.

Leaving Scotland Angus MacLellan had three sons, Archibald, Donald, and Neil, aged respectively 11, 9 and 8 years.


This son, being the oldest, was his father's first help in the wilderness, and he did help from a very early age. Even in his youth he was both intelligent and obedient. He was born in Morar in 1805 and died at Dunvegan in 1900. In his mere boyhood he took to fishing as well as farming, and was specially successful in the latter pursuit. It used to be said that he had peculiar luck as a fisherman; but in our experience the man is usually the Captain of his own luck. Wolfes Island, now Margaree Island, was always a capital fishing station. It is said that Archibald MacLellan was the first white man who slept there. He not only fished himself, but also bought the fish from other fishermen, and had it conveyed to market in French schooners. He also built a wharf on the Island. When the fishing season ended he returned to the farm where he stayed and worked till the sea called him again the following spring. In this way Archibald became very comfortable.

In 1828, he married Mary MacFarlane, daughter of Archibald MacFarlane of S. W. Margaree, with issue:—Angus, James, John, Donald, Joseph, Nancy, Jessie, Margaret, Marjory, Flora, Catherine Mary and Isabel. The daughters were all married in the neighborhood of the old home. We are not aware that any one of this fine family ever left the County of Inverness.

This Archibald MacLellan was a gifted man with some education. In his old age he took to writing in verse. He composed some Gaelic songs and hymns which, according to some competent judges, invoke the graces of the Muses. Had he been trained in that poetic pursuit he might have ranked among the celebrities of song. But, better than all this: Gillesburg Mac an Tailoir was a good man, and we sincerely hope he now shares the eternal glory of the real Immortals.

The brothers Donald and Neil, also had large farms and fine families at Dunvegan. Both were men of character who developed a high order of industry. They confined themselves more to the land than did their older brother Archibald. Otherwise their history and reputation were much the same. Neil was married in 1830 to Catherine Gillis. of Upper Margaree with issue: John who died abroad; Archibald in New Zealand; Donald on the old homestead; Angus and Alexander who died at home not many years since; James who died young; Mary who married Arch'd Gillis of Broad Cove; Catherine married to Hugh MacPherson of Broad Cove; Marjory who was married to Donald MacLellan (Neil Ban) of Broad Cove and Margaret who died unmarried at home.

We regret that we have not obtained the names of Donald's family, Archibald D. MacLellan, who is the honest and efficient land Surveyor of Belle Cote. He gave a great deal of clean and capable service to the County of Inverness.

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