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Memoir of the Rev James MacGregor D.D.
Appendix C. Extract of ordination of the Rev. J. D. MacGregor


At Glasgow, 30th May, 1786.

Which day and place the Associate Presbytery of Glasgow met, being constitute with prayer, by the Rev. Mr. James Taylor, Moderator, pro tempore. Present, Messrs. John Jameson. James Alice, John Buist. William Jameson. Andrew Mitchell, David Somervail, James Ramsay, James Greig, Andrew Thomson, James Punton, James Robertson, and James Graham, Ministers; with John Blair from Glasgow, William Allan, from Paisley, and James Hart, from Hamilton, Ruling Elders.

There was given in the following extract from the Associate Synod, viz., “Minute of the Associate Synod, respecting the mission of Mr. Drummond MacGregor to Nova Scotia.—Edinburgh, 4th May 1786.

“There was transmitted by the Committee of Bills, and read, a reference from the Presbytery of Perth, of a petition subscribed by Mr. John Pagan, as a commissioner empowered by some people settled in Pictou. in the Province of Nova Scotia, to obtain a minister for them to preach the Gospel among them, in which some brethren represented that Mr. John Buchanan, the other Commissioner, concurred, though he had not subscribed it through being absent at that time,—craving the appointment of Mr. James Drummond MacGregor, on a mission for that purpose, as, understanding that he was capable of preaching in the Gaelic as well as the English language, for which there was a necessity at that place: also, of a petition subscribed by five members of a Committee of the inhabitants of Pictou, viz., Messrs. Robert Patterson, John Patterson, Robert Marshall, William Smith, and Donald MacKay, transmitted by them to Messrs. John Buchanan and John Pagan, craving that a minister might be sent over to preach the Gospel to them, promising a sum of money therein specified yearly for his subsistence. Both these petitions were read,—a considerable time was then spent in conversation together, and with Mr. MacGregor on the subject, and the question was agreed to be put: Grant the said petition and appoint Mr. MacGregor accordingly. After prayer for the Lord’s countenance in the matter, the roll being called and votes marked, it carried unanimously, grant and appoint, like as the Synod did, and hereby do appoint Mr. James Drummond MacGregor, on the said mission accordingly. They excused Mr. MacGregor from all appointments he is lying under in the Presbytery of Perth, except the ensuing Sabbath, transmitted him to the Presbytery of Glasgow, appointed him to deliver a lecture on Matt, xxviii. 19, 20 verses, a popular sermon on the last clause of verse 20, an Exegesis on the following question, viz.,—An Chris-tus sit Deus, to give account of the first half of the first century of Church History; to read the first Psalm in Hebrew, and the Greek Testament ad aperturam libri, before the said Presbytery, against the last Tuesday of this month at Glasgow; at which time the Synod appointed the Presbytery of Glasgow to hold their next ordinary meeting, and they appointed that on the Presbytery being satisfied with Mr. MacGregor’s trials, they take the first opportunity to ordain him to the office of the holy ministry, and that Mr. MacGrcgor take the first opportunity afterwards of setting off for Pictou, in Nova Scotia, to exercise liis ministry among that people, upon which Mr. Buist in name of the Commissioners took instruments in the clerk’s hands and cravctl extracts.”—( Extracted.)

[Signed,] Jas. Morison, Synod Clerk.

Mr. James Drummond MacGrcgor delivered his Lceture and Popular Sermon from the subjects assigned him, which the Presbytery sustained as part of trials for ordination.

Eodem die et loco, Horn 2da, P. 31., Sederunt ut supra. Proceeded to take Mr. MacGregor’s private trials. He delivered his Exegesis, defended his Thesis, read the first Psalm in Hebrew, the Greek Testament ad aperturam libri, gave an account of the first half of the first century of Church History, answered extempore questions. The question was put, Approve of the trials delivered in view of ordination in cumulo or not, the roll called and votes marked; it carried unanimously,—approved.

It was reported that a vessel is expected to sail this week for H1lifax, and no other opportunity expected this season, therefore moved that the Presbytery shall proceed to the ordination, to-morrow. The question was put,—Proceed to the ordination or not; a brother being engaged in prayer, the roll called and votes marked it carried,—proceed to the ordination. Appointed Mr. Robertson to preside in the ordination, Mr. Graham to begin with prayer, Mr. James Greig to preach after the ordination in the Session House, at Glasgow, 31st of May, 1786.

Which day and place the Associate Presbytery of Glasgow met, being constitute with prayer, by Mr. James Robertson, Moderator. Present, Messrs. John Jameson, James Alice, John Buist, William Jameson, Andrew Mitchell, David Somervail, James Ramsay, James Greig, James Tunton, James Taylor, and James Graham, Ministers; with John Blair, from Glasgow, William Allan, from Paisley, and Thos. Hart, from Hamilton, Ruling Elders.

The Rev. Mr. John Stewart, a member of the Presbytery of Stirling, being present, took his seat.

By order of the Presbytery, Andrew Alison served the Edict, calling thrice publicly any who had any tiling to object against the doctrine, life, or conversation of Mr. James Drummond MacGregor, why he may not be ordained, that they compear before the Presbytery, to give in their objections, or, that the Presbytery would proceed immediately to the ordination. He having returned the Edict, the Presbytery went to the church. The Moderator preached a sermon from Isaiah, chap. 60, verse 9. After sermon, and account given of the Mission of Mr. MacGregor, the questions usually put to ministers at their ordination, and a question as to his accepting of and closing with this mission, and his performing Ministerial duties to the people at Pictou, were put to Mr. MacGregor, and he having answered them to the satisfaction of the Presbytery, after praise, the Presbytery with prayer and imposition of hands, did solemnly ordain Mr. James Drummond MacGregor to the office of the holy ministry, on a mission to Pictou, in Nova Scotia. Thereafter the right hand of fellowship was given him by the brethren of the Presbytery, and the Moderator having addressed him in some exhortations, the public work was concluded, with a sermon by Mr. James Greig, from Acts, chap. 26, verse 17, and first clause of the 18th verse. The Presbytery having returned to the Session House, Mr. MacGregor declared his willingness to subscribe his answers to the questions put to him when required, and took his seat in Presbytery.

Mr. Thomson, the clerk, having gone home to the fast in his congregation, before the sacrament; the Presbytery directed Mr. Buist, their clerk, pro tempore, to extract the minute of Mr. MacGregor’s ordination, to be sent along with him.

This and three preceding pages, having a marginal note on the third page, extracted by

John Buist, Presbytery Clerk, pro tern.

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