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Pictonians at Home and Abroad
Pictonians in the Pulpit



  A BRIEF history of the local churches in the County, with a list of the clergymen connected with them, from their organization to the present time, is here presented. It is much to be regretted that it is more or less imperfect, owing to the loss of records and the difficulty in securing definite information.


What has long been known as Prince Street Church. Pictou, was originally a section of the field of Dr. McGregor and Mr. Ross. It was formed into a separate congregation in 1801, as the Harbor District. In 1804, Rev. Thomas McCulloch came to it as its first minister. For twenty years he was the only clergyman in Pictou Town. He resigned in 1824, and was succeeded by Rev. John McKinlay who died in 1850. Rev. James Bayne, D.D., was inducted in 1851, and continued as minister until his death, in 1876. Rev. William Donald followed, from 1878 to 1883. He was succeeded by Rev. Alex. Falconer, D.D., who served for nearly a quarter of a century. Rev. Geo. C. Taylor followed. Rev. A. D. Archibald, M. A., the present minister was inducted in 1913.


  The first election of elders took place on May 6, 1787 when John Patterson and John Fraser were chosen to represent the Harbor District. In 1809 the session was increased by the addition of Geo. Ives, John Patterson and David Pottinger.


  The first minister of St. Andrew's Church was Rev. K. J. McKenzie, who was followed by Rev. Mr. Williamson. Rev. Andrew Herdman, of Scotland, was inducted into the charge in 1849, and ministered for thirty years. He was followed by Rev. Robt. Burnet, in 1880; Rev. John C. Callan, in 1886; Rev. Robt. Atkinson, in 1889; Rev. Andrew Armit, 1893, and Rev. W. T. D. Moss, 1897. The present incumbent, Rev. L. H. MacLean, M. A., was inducted March 23, 1904.


  The first minister of Knox Church was Rev. Murdoch Sutherland. The next pastor was Rev. Alexander Ross, 1860 to 1879. He was followed by Rev. James Carruthers, 1880 to 1885. Rev. Geo. S. Carson, B. A., was inducted in 1885, and resigned to become Editor of the Presbyterian Witness. Rev. Wm. McNally followed from 1908 to 1910. The present minister, Rev. A. W. Thomson, was inducted in 1911. The first Session consisted of Donald Ferguson, Murdoch McKenzie, Alexander McLeod. Alexander McKenzie, William McKenzie and Alexander Murray. Over a dozen young men from this church have given themselves to the ministry.


  Below are the names of the clergymen born in Pictou Town with place of birth and brief reference to those who are dead, and the present addresses of those who are still living. A few of the ministers mentioned in this chapter were not born in the county, but came into it when quite young, and were brought up and educated in it. The ministers belonging to denominations other than Presbyterian are so indicated.


ROBERT S. PATTERSON, M.A., Pictou; Died in 1882.

He was minister of the congregation at Bedeque, P. E. I., fifty-six years and six months. This is, perhaps, the longest unbroken pastorate in one congregation in the history of the Canadian Church.


JOHN L. MURDOCH, M.A., Pictou; Died in 1873.


JOHN GEDDIE, D.D., Pictou; Died in 1872.

The founder of the New Hebrides Mission.


WILLIAM McCULLOCH, D.D., Pictou; Died in 1895.

He was minister of the oldest regularly organized Presbyterian Church in Canada for over fifty years. He was ordained at Truro, Feb. 14, 1839, and his whole life was spent in this one congregation. He was a man of eminence as a pastor, a presbyter and educator. He was a son of Dr. McCulloch of Pictou Academy.



DANIEL M. GORDON, D.D., LL.D., Pictou; Kingston, Ont.


D. M. STEARNS, D.D., Pictou; Germantown, Pa.

Born in 1844; educated in Pictou Academy; teacher for a number of years in the Maritime Provinces: ordained in Boston, 1880. From 1886 to the present time he has been in the Reformed Episcopal Church. In 1892 he went to his present charge, where he is still pastor. He is a noted Bible Class teacher, and conducts Bible Classes weekly in New York, Philadelphia, Washington, etc. His church and Bible Classes help to support over a dozen missionaries in the foreign field.


ISAAC M. PATTERSON, Pictou; Died in 1892.

He was Pastor in Annapolis, Maryland, Milford, N. J., and Bloomsburg, Penn.


JAMES PATTERSON, Pictou; Deceased.

He was a son of Matthew Patterson and a minister in the Canadian Northwest. He was formerly a bookseller in Pictou.


FRANCIS A. ROSS, Pictou; New Glasgow, N. S.

He spent twenty-two years in pastorates in the West Indies. He also served as Chaplain in the Boer War. Retired.


J. R. DOBSON, B.D., Pictou; Montreal, P. Q.

Pastor of St. Giles Church, one of the leading churches in Montreal.


JAMES C. HERDMAN, D.D., Pictou; Died in 1910.

Mr. Herdman was a child of the Kirk Manse, born in 1856. He was ordained at Campbellton, N. B., in 1877. In 1885 he went west and took charge of Knox Church, Calgary, until 1902, when he was appointed Superintendent of Missions for British Columbia and Alberta.


WILLIAM C. HERDMAN, M.A., Pictou; Halifax, N. S.


A. W. K. HERDMAN, B.A., Pictou; Calgary, Alta.

Sons of Rev. Andrew Herdman, late of St. Andrew's Church, Pictou.


PETER M. MacDONALD, M.A., Pictou; Toronto, Onto.


DANIEL J. MORRISON, Pictou; Deceased.

Graduated from Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y., and settled in New York State where he died.


DONALD FRASER, B.A., Pictou; St. Peters, C. B.


JOHN W. LOWDEN, Pictou; Newark, Del.


DONALD A. MacKENZIE, Pictou; Tillamook, Ore.


FENWICK W. FRASER, Pictou; Masillon, Ohio.


CHARLES TUPPER BAILLIE, Ph.D., Pictou; Trinidad, B.W.I.

Pastor Susamacher Church, San Fernando, and assistant Professor in the Theological Hall.


A. H. FOSTER, B.D., Pictou Landing; Durham, West River.


D. R. MacLEAN, B.A., Pictou Island; Hazelton, B. C.


CHARLES ELLIOT MacKENZIE, Pictou; Galliopolis, Ohio.

Mr. Mackenzie is a son of the late George A. Mackenzie, Pictou. He entered the ministry of the Church of England from Kings College, about thirty years ago, and after successful work in the Maritime Provinces, went to Ohio where he was appointed Archdeacon of the Diocese of Southern Ohio, U. S. A. He is a brother of President Mackenzie of Dalhousie University.


LEWIS M. WILKINS, Pictou; Deceased.

Son of Hon. Martin I. Wilkins, and pastor of the Episcopal churches in Stellarton and Pictou.


FRANK BEATTIE, Pictou; Deceased.

Mr. Beattie was born in I834, and died at Wolfville, N. S., 1912, aged seventy-seven years. His first public work was as a temperance lecturer and organizer. In 1870 he was ordained, and gave nearly forty years to the work of the Baptist ministry.


ROBERT McEWEN, Pictou; Antigonish, N. S.

Roman Catholic Church.


RICHARD POWER, Pictou; Ontario, Can.

Roman Catholic Church.



Father Purcell was born in Pictou in 1874. He attended the public schools of Pictou and Pictou Academy. In 1889, he entered St. F. X. college and in 1893, he began his philosophical course at the Grand Seminary at Montreal, where he also took a course in theology. He taught for a time at St. Anne's college, Digby County, as professor of English. He was ordained a priest in 1898 and was curate at Chatham and Bathurst, N. B., and parish priest at Jacquet River before going west. He died in Montana, Aug. 23, 1912.




  The History of the churches in New Glasgow is largely the history of the Town, for they have played a foremost part in its life and growth.


  In 1787 a log church was built on the West side of the river. This was used until 1803 when a frame church was erected at Irishtown. In 1834 the congregation was incorporated under the name of James Church and in 1852 a large wooden building was erected in the town of New Glasgow.


  The first Minister was the Rev. James McGregor, D.D. He came in 1786, and died in 1830. He was succeeded by Rev. David Roy, D. D., who came to Nova Scotia in 1830, and the following year was inducted minister of the congregation. He labored faithfully until laid aside by failing health in 1871. He died in 1873, aged 82 years, having preached the gospel for forty years with great energy and power. Rev. E. A. McCurdy, D.D., was minister from 1871-1891. He was succeeded by Rev. James Carruthers, 1892-1904. Rev. G. Ernest Forbes, was inducted in 1904, and continues in charge.


  On May 30, 1888, the new St. Andrew's congregation was organized. The ministers have been: Rev. Alexander Robertson, 1888-1896, and Rev. W. McC. Thomson, 1897-1906. On Nov. 5, 1907, James Church and New St. Andrew's united under the ministry of Rev. G. E. Forbes, with the name First Presbyterian Church. On Nov. 5, 1912, the cornerstone of the First Presbyterian Church was laid on the site of old James Church. It was opened and dedicated to public worship, April 12, 1914. The congregation worshipped in New St. Andrew's Church from June 1908 until the opening of their new church home.


  St. Andrew's Congregation was formed from the Church at Fraser's Mountain, and Rev. Donald A. Fraser, was minister until 1837. Rev. John Stewart was the second pastor, 1838-1845. For eight years they were without a pastor after the disruption. Rev. Allan Pollock was settled there in 1853 and continued until 1875. The other ministers of this church have been: Rev. George Murray, Rev. George Coull, Rev. Archibald Bowman, Rev. S. J. McArthur, B.D. The present incumbent, Rev. James A. Ramsay, B.A., was inducted in 1898.

  Primitive Church was an off-shoot from James Church, and was organized, May 25, 1845. The first meetings were held in the old Temperance Hall. Primitive Church was built in 1849 on the corner of Provost and McLean Streets. In 1848 Rev. George Walker arrived in Pictou from Scotland. He accepted a call to this church and was inducted Sept. 20, 1848. He was its only pastor. In 1873 the church was enlarged. In 1874 it was burnt. In 1845 Knox Church was built by the Free Church adherents. Rev. Mr. Stewart was the minister of Knox Church, 1845-1866. He was succeeded by Rev. John M. Macleod and Rev. Robert Cumming, D.D.

  In the autumn of 1874, the year of the great fire, the two congregations got together and formed the United Church. They continued to worship in Knox Church until January 9, 1876, when the present building was opened and occupied. Rev. Mr. Walker was minister of the United Church until 1878, when he was relieved by the settlement of Rev. E. Scott, the congregation making Mr. Walker, Pastor Emeritus. Mr. Walker was a preacher of great ability and power. He was a most faithful minister, and in every way adorned his calling. He died Feb. 4, 1884, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. Rev. E. Scott, D.D. retired in 1891, and was succeeded by Rev. Anderson Rogers, D. D., who was pastor from July 1893 to March 1908. Rev. John H. MacVicar, D.D. was minister from December 10, 1908 to March 17, 1912. Rev. J. Macartney Wilson, B.D., was inducted in May,


1913. Peter A. McGregor has been treasurer of the United Church since its organization, and, for three years was treasurer of Primitive Church.


  The First Presbyterian Church, Trenton, was organized in 1889 and the Church built in 1890. Rev. A. W. Thomson was pastor from 1889 to 1890; Rev. H. R. Grant, April 13, 1891 to April 1904; Rev. D. C. Ross, Nov. 8, 1904 to Sept. 1913. Rev. A. A. Macleod, present pastor, was inducted 1914.




PETER G. McGREGOR, D.D., New Glasgow; Died in 1886.

Dr. McGregor was the son of Rev. James McGregor, D.D. He studied Theology under Dr. McCulloch. In 1843 he was called to Poplar Grove Church, Halifax, where he was minister for twenty-five years. He was an excellent pastor and preacher. In 1868 he was appointed General Agent for the Church in Nova Scotia, the duties of which he discharged with fidelity and success.


JOHN FORREST, D.D., LL.D., New Glasgow; Halifax, N. S.


GEORGE SUTHERLAND, New Glasgow; Died in 1868.

Mr. Sutherland was one of the first graduates of the Free Church Seminary, Halifax, and was settled first in Nova Scotia and afterwards in P. E. I., where he labored for a time. He went to New Zealand in 1886, and was called to Dunedin. In 1870 he was called to Sydney, Australia, where he labored until   his death, which was instantaneous, as he was removing his outer clothing on his return from a congregational meeting.


J. A. F. SUTHERLAND, New Glasgow; Winnipeg, Man.


ROBERT J. CAMERON, New Glasgow; Died in 1879.

Mr. Cameron was educated at Glasgow University. He was called to St. Andrew's Church, St. John, N. B., in 1870, and labored there for six years. Resigning that charge, he removed to Scotland, where he obtained an    important congregation, the duties of which, however, proved too great for his strength. He died at the Manse, Burnt Island, Scotland, in the thirty-sixth year of his age. Mrs. Cameron was a daughter of the Hon. James Fraser,  New Glasgow.


A. H. CAMERON, New Glasgow; Keremeos, B. C.

A brother of the Rev. Robert J. Cameron.


HUGH W. FRASER, D.D., New Glasgow; Vancouver, B. C.

Dr. Fraser studied in Manitoba College; was settled at Fort William, Ontario, and Holland. Manitoba; went to China, and returned from there to San Francisco, where he was a minister for a number of years. In 1904 he came  to Vancouver, B. C.


HUGH R. GRANT, B.A., New Glasgow; New Glasgow, N. S.

General Secretary, Nova Scotia Temperance Alliance.


FRANK L. FRASER, New Glasgow; Kennewick, Wash.

Brother of the Rev. Dr. Fraser.


WILLIAM MEIKLE, B.A., New Glasgow; Tuxford, Sask.

Mr. Meikle, with the Rev. J. P. Gerrior, was for many years engaged in Evangelistic work.


WILLIAM L. MacRAE, Abercrombie; Golden. B. C.


DONALD M. GRANT, New Glasgow; Cincinnati, Ohio.


CHARLES J. CAMERON, New Glasgow; Vancouver, B. C.


JOHN R. FRASER, New Glasgow; Avoca, N. Y.


JAMES A. FRASER, B. A., New Glasgow; Pittsburg, Pa.


ALEXANDER W. McLEOD, New Glasgow; Summerland, B. C.

Pastor, Baptist Church.


GEORGE MacDONALD, New Glasgow; Baptist Church, U.S.A.


SAMUEL A. McDOUGALL. New Glasgow; Chester Basin, N.S.

Pastor, Baptist Church.


FRED A. SULLIVAN, New Glasgow; New Hampshire.

Pastor, Methodist Church.


JOHN BURNS. came to New Glasgow when a lad; Died in 1851, aged 27 years.


JAMES BURNS, New Glasgow; Born in 1825; Died in 1907.


WM, HENRY BURNS, D.D., New Glasgow; Evanston, Ill.

Mitchell Burns, who was a potter by trade, came with his wife, Ann Morrow, from the north of Ireland, in 1830 or 1831, and settled on what is now the John Connolly estate at Potter's Brook, to which stream he gave the name. In 1841 the family removed to River John, where Mrs. Burns died in 1858, and Mr. Burns in 1871. They had a large and notable family of seven sons and four daughters. Three of the sons entered the Methodist ministry. John Burns died in early life at Sackville, N. B.


James Burns was educated at Sackville, N. B., served several churches in the Maritime Provinces, and later in Chicago, and Idaho, where he died in 1901. He was a member, at one time, of Dr. Roy's Church. His daughter, Angeline, married Dr. Frederick Holmes, of San Diego, Cal. His eldest son, Jabez B. Burns, practices Dentistry in Poyette, Idaho. Another son, John Burns, is a Dentist in Oakland, Cal.


William H. Burns was born in 1840 in New Glasgow; graduated from the Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn. He is a member of the Rock River Conference, and spent most of his ministerial life in Chicago and vicinity. He married Miss Ann P. Foster, daughter of Rev. Caleb Foster, Aurora, Ill. He is the author of "The Higher Critic's Bible; or, God's Bible?" "The Crisis in Methodism", and other books. His only son, William Foster Bums, is a graduate of Princeton University and Chicago Law School, and is a barrister in Chicago.


The eldest of the family, Stuart Burns, lived in New Glasgow; was a merchant in River John, but spent his later years as a druggist in Sydney, C. B., where he died. His son, Dr. W. F. Bums, born in River John, is now a practicing Dentist in Sydney, C. B. Anna Burns married William Perrin, farmer and tanner in River John. Their son, Dr. Albert M. Perrin, was born there, and is now practicing medicine in Yarmouth, N. S. Margaret Burns married George Langille, a mill owner in River John. Their son, M. K. Langille, is a Dentist in Truro, N. S.


Robert E. Burns was a real estate dealer in New York and San Francisco, Cal. He died in Portland, Ore. Bion, his son, is a Dentist in San Francisco. Charlotte Burns married Alexander McDonald, a ship builder, River John, who now lives in Victoria, B. C.


Samuel W. Bums, M.D., was born in New Glasgow, in 1836, is now practicing medicine in Shelburne, N. S. His eldest daughter, married Dr. Muir, Dentist, Shelburne. Thomas M. Bums, M.D., born in New Glasgow, 1838, practiced medicine in Shelburne, removed to Oakland, Cal., and died there. His son, Dr. Thomas M. Burns, is a Professor in the Denver Cross Medical College. Another son, Daniel C. Burns, is a lawyer and real estate dealer in Denver, Col.


Carrie N. Burns married C. S. Lane, Dentist of P. E. I. Their eldest son, Franklin K. Lane, was born there July 15, 1854. He lived in Pictou when a child, where his father practiced his profession. The family moved to California, where the son graduated from the University of California, in 1886. In 1889 he practiced law in San Francisco. From 1897 to 1902 he was a member of the Interstate Commerce Commission. In 1913 be was appointed Secretary of the Interior, in President Wilson's Cabinet. Mr. Lane is a Democrat in politics and was his party's candidate for mayor of San Francisco, for governor of the State and for the U. S. Senate. He is a man of fine personality and high character. For a score of years he has been a prominent figure in the public life of the Pacific Coast and is today one of the public men of mark and standing at Washington. George W. Lane, another son, practices law in San Francisco, Cal. Frederick Lane, a third son, is a Dentist in San Francisco. The Rev. F. E. Barret, New Glasgow, N. S., pastor of the Methodist Church is a great grandson of Mitchell Bums.




  The East River Congregation was formed into a separate charge, in 1824, with the Rev. Angus McGillivray as its first minister. The West Branch Section was connected with it. In 1853 the church at Springville was built. The Church at Sunny Brae was erected in 1854, and was supplied by Rev. Mr. Blair for several years. In 1866, Rev. A. Maclean Sinclair became pastor of the Springville and Sunny Brae Congregations, and served them for a period of twenty-two years. Rev. John Calder was pastor, 1889-1892. In 1892, James Sinclair was settled as minister. In 1894 the Congregation was divided, Springville and Bridgeville forming a separate charge under Rev. Mr. Sinclair. He resigned in 1910; and in 1911 Rev. E. A. Kirker, B. A. became minister. The Bridgeville Church was built in 1894.


The first regular minister of the Kirk at St. Paul's was Rev. John Macrae, 1827 to 1847. He was succeeded by his son, Rev. D. Macrae. Rev. Simon McGregor was the minister 1860-1869. He was succeeded by Rev. William McMillian in 1875. He continued pastor until 1888. The present St. Paul's church was built in 1855.


The Sunny Brae and St. Paul's congregations were formed into a separate charge in 1894. In 1895 they called Rev. W. P. Archibald who was pastor until 1904. He was followed by the Rev, George A. Sutherland 1904-1911. The present pastor, Rev. D, K. Ross, was inducted Sept. 1912. The first elders of Sunny Brae were Finlay Grant, James McDonald and Duncan McMillian. They had worthy successors in James Cumming, William Ross, John A. McDonald and John Cruikshank. A brother of the latter, D. B. Cruikshank, is now an elder and clerk of the Session.




WM. McMILLAN, Churchville; Died 1889.

He was educated for the ministry in Scotland, and was for a number of years pastor at Earltown, whence he removed to Saltsprings. He was pastor for 13 years at St. Paul's Church, East River. He was a diligent minister, and a warmhearted friend.


SIMON McGREGOR, Churchville; Deceased.

He was minister of the West Branch and East River Kirk Churches for eight years. He spent thirteen years in pioneer work in British Columbia. He went to Scotland in 1881, and was elected minister of Appin, in the North of Scotland, where he labored until he retired. He    died in Edinburgh, deeply regretted.


ANGUS McGILLIVRAY, Springville; Died 1869.


JAMES MacLEAN, D.D., Springville; Died 1914.

Nearly the whole of Dr. Maclean's ministry was spent in Colchester County at Shubenacadie and Great Village. He was a graduate of the West River Seminary, and finished his studies in 1853. He was an excellent preacher and minister and a most devoted friend.


EBENEZER McLEAN, Springville; Deceased.

He was a nephew of the Rev. Dr. Maclean, and was a student for the ministry, but died in early life.


JOHN D. McGILLIVRAY, Springville, Truro, N. S.

Retired from the Ministry.


JAMES T. McGILLIVRAY, Springville,

A student in theology, died Oct., 1856, aged 24 years.

Sons of Rev. Angus McGillivray.


ROBERT GRANT, Springville; Died 1898.

Studied in Pictou Academy and Edinburgh University.


DAVID C. MacKINTOSH, D.D., Springville; Shenandoah, Iowa.


FINLAY G. McINTOSH, B.D., Springville; Dorchester, N. B.


WM. R. McKAY, B.D. Springville; Kong Moon, So. China.


ROBT. G, McKAY, B.A., Springville; So. Vancouver, B. C.


WM. MacDONALD, B.A., Springville; Barney's River, N.S.


ALVER McKAY, Springville; Hollyburn, B. C.


JOHN A. MacDONALD, B.D., Bridgeville; Died 1890.

Son of Duncan Macdonald and Mary McPhie; born Nov. 6, 1849,  While working at the carpenter's trade in Boston, he decided to devote himself to the ministry, and began his preparation in the New Glasgow High School. His studies being interrupted by a long illness, he was sent as a missionary to Trinidad, 1874 to 1877. He took a special course in Dal. Coll., 1877-79, continuing his study at the Pine Hill Divinity School. He attended Andover Theological Seminary, 188284, but seeking a more favorable climate, served as home missionary in Arizona, and afterward at different places in California. He continued his studies at the Pacific Theological Seminary in the class of 1885, and was ordained pastor at Lincoln, Cal., May 21, 1885. The last few years of his life was a continual fight with sickness but he supplied congregations as he was able, His ministry, though brief and only kept up by an indomitable will, bore abundant fruit. He was a man of sincere piety, an earnest preacher  and a most devoted friend. His whole life was blameless and beautiful. He died at Elgin, N. S., Jan. 29, 1890, at the age of forty years.


A. H. FRASER, Bridgeville; Broken Bow, Neb.


A. J. H. FRASER, Bridgeville; Port Morien, C. B.


JAMES W. FRASER, St. Pauls; Died 1913.

For forty years pastor of St. John's Church, Scotsburn, N. S.


DONALD K. CAMPBELL, St. Pauls; Ottawa, Ill.



Student for the ministry. Died, Delaware, Md., Feb. 18, 1874.


SIMON W. THOMPSON, B. A., St. Pauls; Kindersley, Sask.


WM. ROSS, B. A., Sunny Brae; Vancouver, B. C.

Thirty-three years pastor Prince William, N. B.


ROBT. D. ROSS, Sunny Brae; Died 1895.

As a minister and preacher he won the affectionate confidence of the people. He had a most winsome disposition and a keen sense of humor, which made him a most agreeable companion. He was settled in Wolfville, N. S., in 1882, where he labored for about 10 years, until failing health compelled him to resign.


ROBT. J. GRANT, B.D., Sunny Brae.

Mr. Grant was cut off in the prime of life June 10, 1898, at Montreal, Can. While attending the General Assembly he and four young friends had gone on bicycles to visit the Lachine Rapids, when returning to the city he was run over by an electric car. His death was instantaneous He was a young man of high intellectual attainments, and devoted piety, and had a distinguished course in college. For two years he was settled at St. George's Church, River John, and his brief ministry was rich in promise. He died in the thirty-first year of his age.


WM. GRANT, Sunny Brae.

He was educated in the Presbyterian College, Halifax, and an additional year at Princeton Seminary, N. J. His pastorates were at Earltown and West Branch, seven years; at West River Clyde and Brookfield, P. E.I. nine years; at Port Morien, C. B., thirteen years; and at Grand River, eight years; in all some thirty-seven years. In every pastorate his work was a success. His careful preparation for the pulpit was continued to the last, when for a few weeks before the end he was unable to go to the church, he sent the prepared sermon    in manuscript to be read. The last of his sermons thus sent was read in the Grand River Church on Sunday, Dec. 16, 1906. He died on the following Tuesday. Mr. Grant was greatly afflicted in his family circle. Melville, his eldest son was ordained to the ministry, but ill health laid its hand upon him and he died in early manhood. Clarence, a younger brother, was suddenly called away when engaged as a theological student in a mission field, and Mary SibelIa, a sister, died soon after her graduation from the university.



He was educated at the Academy. He pursued his theological studies in Scotland, and after graduation was called to the pastorate of Cooper Angus, an important charge in Scotland, where he labored with fidelity for 21 years. He died in 1900,


WM. P. GRANT, B.D., Sunny Brae; Truro, N. S.

Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.


WM. M. GRANT, M. A., Sunny Brae; Ayr, Onto


FINLAY H. McINTOSH, M.A., Sunny Brae; Sydney, C. B.

Pastor, Falmouth Church.


CHAS. D. McINTOSH, M.A., Sunny Brae; River John, N.S.


JAMES A. McDONALD, B.A., Sunny Brae; Youngstown, Ohio.


WM. C. ROSS, B. A., Sunny Brae; Halifax, N. S.


A. W. ROBERTSON, B. A., Centredale; Kennetcook, N. S.


DUNCAN A. MACPHIE, M.A., Centredale; Boston, Mass.

Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance. Office, 507 Tremont Temple.


J. P. MacPHIE, M.A., Sunny Brae; New Glasgow, N. S.




Hopewell is a village of about 450 people, with a beautiful country surrounding it. The first church was built in 1820, one and a half miles above the village. Rev. John Macrae was the first minister, 1827-1844. His son, Rev. Donald Macrae, succeeded him, 1857-1859. He returned a second time, in 1870, and remained four years.


It was during his first ministry that St. Columba's Church was built in 1859. From 1860 to 1869 Rev. Simon McGregor was minister. He was succeeded by the Rev. Peter Galbraith 1875; the Rev. Peter Melville 1881, the Rev. Homer Putman 1893, Rev. John Macintosh 1898, and the present Pastor, Rev. C. Munro 1908.

Union Church, Hopewell was organized in 1854. The present church was completed and opened in 1857. The first minister was Rev. John Mackinnon. He was inducted in 1858, and served the Church for eighteen years. He was a preacher of great vigor, and a most faithful pastor. The Rev. A. Maclean, D.D., was his worthy successor, 1877-1891. The first elders were Peter Ross, Robt. Munro, John McLean, Robt. Dunbar, Thomas Grant, Daniel Shaw, Enon McDonald and Angus McPhie. Rev. Simon Fraser was pastor in 1892; Rev. Wm. McNichol, in 1895; Rev. Hugh Miller, 1908, and the present minister, Rev. Geo. A. Logan, 1912. The Ferrona Church was an off-shoot from the Hopewell congregation. It was organized March 3, 1896. Revs, W. H, Smith, A. M. Thompson and J, F. Polley have served it as pastors.


REV. A. MacLEAN, D.D., Hopewell; Eureka, N. S.
Retired from the Ministry.

DONALD MacRAE, D.D., Hopewell; Died 1909.

HUGH DUNBAR, Hopewell; Died 1857,

HUGH ROSS, Hopewell; Died 1858.

CLARENCE MacKINNON, D.D., Hopewell; Halifax, N, S.
Principal, Presbyterian College.

ALBERT G. MacKINNON, M.A., Hopewell; Greenock, Scotland.
Author of a series of books for young men: "Spiritually Fit"; "Tangible Tests"; "Truths for Today"; "God's Right of Way Through a Young     Man's Life". Rev. Clarence and Albert G. Mackinnon are sons of the late Rev. John Mackinnon.

JOHN B. McLEAN, B. D., Hopewell, Huntington, Que.
Author of "The Secret of the Stream", thoughtful religious essays on Life and Literature.

A. D. McINTOSH, M.A., Hopewell; Souris, P. E. I.

JAS. R. MacDONALD, Hopewell.
He was for many years a teacher in the public schools in the Province. Graduated from Princeton Seminary 1895, held pastorates in Fairville, N. B., Barney's River, Caledonia and Sheet Harbor, N. S. He died at Elmsdale, 1912.

JOHN W. BRITTON, Hopewell; Pugwash, N. S.

ASA. J. CROCKETT, B. A., Hopewell; Hopewell, N. S.
Graduated from the Rochester Baptist Seminary.

DONALD ROSS, D. D., Lome; Died 1907.
At the age of 27 he entered the ministry and for four years was pastor in Seattle, Wash. Twenty-five years were spent in eastern Canada, when he removed to the West. He was a man widely known for his learning and for his faithful work.

JOHN R. FRASER, M.A., Lome; Uxbridge, Ont.

ALBERT M, MacLEOD, B.A., Lome; Hyde Park, Mass.

WM. A. ROSS, M.A., Lome; Moncton, N. B,
General Secretary Sunday School, N. B. and P. E. I.

D. K. ROSS, B. A., Lome; Sunny Brae, N. S.

JOHN CAMERON, D.D., Glengarry;
Minister of Dundee, Canada for some time and for many years Parish       minister of Dunoon, Scotland, where he died.

JOSEPH HALLIDAY, Glengarry; Orange City, Fla.
Pastor Congregational Church.


St. John's Church was organized in connection with the Kirk body. It was an offshoot from St. Andrew's Church, New Glasgow. Rev. Wm. M. Phlllips was the first minister, inducted in 1863. In 1871, Rev. Chas. A. Dunn was settled over the congregation. He was followed by Rev, E. H. Burgess and Rev. D. M, Matheson. Rev. W. L. Cunningham, the present minister was inducted in 1908.

Sharon Church is a child of old St. James' Church, New Glasgow. The original Sharon Church was built on the banks of the River, near Dr. Donnelly's house. On the 5th of June, 1856, Rev. A. J. Mowatt, D.D., was settled as the first pastor of the church. Wm. McPherson was the father of the session of Sharon Church. He opened the first Presbyterian Sunday School when there were only eight scholars; and afterwards became the first Superintendent of the Sunday School. Dr. Mowatt was followed by Rev. Thos. Cumming, D,D. who served the church for ten years, 1875-1885. The Church was fortunate in having such able and eloquent ministers at its beginning. Rev. J. H. Turnbull was pastor another ten years, 1885-1895. Rev. Wm. M, Tufts, B.D., became the fourth pastor in 1896, remaining twelve years. Rev. M, S. Fulton was ordained 1909, and resigned in 1913. The present pastor is the Rev. C. C. McIntosh, B.A., inducted 1913.


GEORGE M. GRANT, D.D., LL.D., Stellarton; Died 1902.

CHAS. M. GRANT, D.D., Stellarton; Dundee, Scotland.
Retired from the Ministry.

JOHN MORTON, D.D., Stellarton; Died 1913.

THOS. CUMMING, D.D. Stellarton; Stellarton, N. S.
Retired from the Ministry.

ROBERT CUMMING, D.O., Stellarton; Trinidad, B. W. I.

JAMES FALCONER, Stellarton; Santa Clara, Calif.

PETER A. DUNN, B.D., Stellarton; Arbuthnott, Scotland.
Minister of the Parish Church, Arbuthnott, Scotland.

WM. H. McDONALD, Stellarton; Denver, Col.

JOSEPH S. McKAY, Stellarton; Port Hill, P. E. I.
Mr. McKay, well known evangelist, was ordained by presbytery of P. E. I. in 1913.

CHAS. J. CONNOLLY, Ph.D., Stellarton; Antigonish, N. S.
St. Francis Xavier College.

RICHARD GILMORE. D.D., Stellarton.
He was born in Scotland but came to N. S. with his parents when four years old, They settled at Plymouth, opposite Ste1larton, where they lived for several years. Afterwards they moved to Ohio, U. S. A. His parents were Presbyterians but he entered the Roman Catholic Church and rose to be Bishop of Cleveland, where he died some years ago. He was the author of several religious works.

ALEXANDER McKENZIE, Riverton; Died 1860.
He was the son of Thos. McKenzie and an uncle of Thos. Grant, Riverton. He went to Upper Canada where he spent most of his ministry. He founded the church at Goderich, Onto For several years he was an instructor in the grammar schools at Goderich.

JOHN CAMERON, Riverton; Died 1907.
His grandparents were among the earliest settlers in Pictou County. He had the distinction of being Dr. McCulloch's last student, and of ministering to him during his last illness. In 1844 he was inducted at Nine Mile River, Gore and Kennetcook, Elmsdale, where he labored with great energy and faithfulness for 32 years. Later he labored for some years at Bridgewater, N. S. He then retired to Bridgetown, N. S., where he died in the 90th year of his age, and the 63d of his ministry. Mr. Cameron was an ardent friend of education, a fearless champion of temperance.

ALEXANDER FALCONER, D.D., Riverton; Died 1913.
He became pastor successively in Zion Church, Charlottetown; St. James' Church, Dartmouth; Greyfriar's Church, Trinidad; and Prince St. Church, Pictou. In 1906 he was chosen Moderator of the General Assembly. With rare qualifications of head and heart he efficiently discharged the responsible duties pertaining to all the important positions which he occupied during his long and busy life. He was a ripe scholar, and a faithful workman in the service of Christ.

ALEXANDER CAMERON, Riverton; Died 1913.
He held pastorates at Middle Stewiacke and Bass River, N. S., and at New London, P. E. I. He gave 31 years of devoted service to the church. He was a brother of Rev. John Cameron.

JAMES D. CAMERON, Riverton; Lonsdale, R. I.

DAVID K. GRANT, M.A., Riverton; Olds, Alberta.

SAMUEL MacNAUGHTON, M.A., Riverton; Preston, England.
Graduate of Dalhousie University, and completed his course in Edinburgh. He settled in the Presbyterian Church at Preston, England, in 1877, where he has since remained. He is a devoted temperance worker and the author of several books, among them, "Doctrine and Doubt", "Our Children for Christ", "The Wines of Scripture".


St. Phillip's Church was built and completed Jan. 8, 1871, with Rev. Wm. M. Phillips in charge. He was succeeded by Rev. Chas. Dunn who resigned in 1887; Rev. T. D. Stewart, 1888-1899; Rev. G. B. McLeod, 1900-1902; Rev. D. M. Gillies, 1902-1903. Rev. W.W. McNairn, present pastor, was inducted, 1904.

  The first Carmel Church was erected in 1870, but while the dedication services were in progress, it was burned to ashes. A new church was soon erected, and Rev. John Lees was called to be pastor, 1873 to 1879. Rev. Robt. Cumming, D.D., was called in 1881 and resigned in 1912, closing a most happy and successful pastorate of 31 years. Rev. D. A. Frame is present pastor, 1913.

  The first minister in Gairloch was Rev. Hugh McLeod, 1822. The second pastor, was Rev. Donald McIntosh, 1833-1844. The church was vacant for nine years. The next minister was Rev. A. Maclean, 1853-1857. He was also pastor at Saltsprings. Rev, Alex. McKay, 1859-1867. Rev. Neil Brodie was pastor for 13 years. He was followed by Rev, Thos. Irving and Rev. J. C. McLeod. In 1907, the Gairloch and Middle River sections were united with Rev. A. O. Morash, as pastor. Rev. Geo. Christie is the present pastor, inducted in 1911. The present church was built in 1858,


JOHN D. MURRAY, Middle River; Died 1906.
He was settled at Port Hill, P. E. I. in 1865. He held pastorates at Moncton, Buctouche and Red Bank, N. B. He died, aged 72 years, of which he had been 41 years in the ministry.

ALEXANDER McBEAN, Middle River; Deceased.
Secretary for the British American and Tract Society, Halifax, for many years.

DUNCAN R. CROCKETT, Middle River; Deceased.
For some years he rendered good service to the church in N, B. In 1882 he went to the U. S. locating at Greenwood, Mo. In 1891 he was called as Home Missionary in the Indian Territory, where he labored for many years among the Indians.

JOHN THOS. CROCKETT, Middle River; Deceased.
Pastor of the Adventist Church, Nashville, Tenn. and other places. Both sons of the late John Crockett, Middle River. Their mother was a daughter of Rev. Duncan Ross, West River.

WM. DOUGLAS, Middle River; Died 1904.
He was born in 1856, studied at the Moody Institute, Chicago; for   seven years engaged in Evangelistic work; for seven years pastor in Minnesota. In 1904, he went to the Pacific Coast. He died at Portland, Ore.

Graduated Union Theological Seminary, N. Y., 1914.

JOHN R. DOUGLAS, B. A., Concord; Lake Megantic, P. Q.

ALEX. ROBISON, Concord; Died 1904.
Educated at the Springfield School of Workers. Settled in Nebraska, 1888, and afterwards in Wyoming, Died in Boulder, Col.

DUNCAN McDONALD, Gairloch; Strathcona, Alta.; Retired.

Brother of Duncan McDonald, a student for the ministry, Free Church College, Halifax. Died of smallpox, Jan. 12, 1850.

WALTER ROSS, Millbrook; Died 1882.
He was settled at Carleton Place, Ont., in 1862, where he did faithful work. This was his only pastorate. He died in the 48th year of his age.

A. H. DENOON, B.D., Westville; Antigonish, N.S.

THOS. JOHNSTONE, Westville; Maxville, Onto

CHAS. CUMMING, Ph. D., Westville,
Professor in the Theological Hall, San Fernando, Trinidad. Son of Rev. Robert Cumming, D.D.

JOHN KINGON, Westville; Park River, Minn.

J. H. HAMILTON, B.A., Westville; New Waterford, C. B.

JOHN P. GERRIOR, Granton; Oakland, Calif.


Hugh Fraser, who came to Pictou on the Hector settled on McLennan's Brook. One son, Donald, known as Donald Miller came with him. Another son, John, long known as John Squire arrived a few years later. John McLennan another Hector passenger settled at the mouth of McLennan's Brook and gave his name to that stream.

  Rev. Donald A. Fraser was the first settled minister in McLennan's Mountain, 1817 to 1837. The second pastor was Rev. Alex. McGillivray, 1838 to 1862. Rev. Wm. Stewart succeeded him in 1863, and was pastor for 44 years. In 1908 McLennan's Mountain congregation and McLennan's Brook united and Rev. E. A. Kirker had charge for two years. The present pastor Rev. Wm. Dawson, B.D., was settled in 1910.

  The first settlers at Blue Mountain came from Glen Urquhart, Scotland in 1818. The first church was built about 1834. The walls were built of logs, as boards had to be sawed by hand. The second church was erected in 1856, and the present church, in 1906. From 1834 to 1850 they had no regular pastor, but occasional supplies. The first settled minister was Rev. D. B. Blair, from 1850 to 1890 when he resigned, and Blue Mountain and Garden of Eden became a separate charge. Other pastors were Rev. D. M. Henderson, Rev. E. J. Rattee, and Rev. F. L. Jobb, Present pastor, Rev. W. H. Sweet, came in June 1909.

  The first settlers of Barney's River were from the Highlands of Scotland. William McKenzie settled at Barney's River in 1807. He had six sons who were all land surveyors and roadmakers. John, the eldest son had a high name as a civil engineer. He acted as assistant to James Crearer, Pictou, in locating and building the Albion Mines Railroad. He was a number of years in the Crown Land office, Halifax.

  Adam, second son, was for many years supervisor of roads from Colchester County to the strait of Canso. James was deputy surveyor for the County of Inverness. Francis spent much time in Cape Breton making roads. Hugh, the youngest son, was for many years a surveyor in South Africa.

  Donald Bruce came to Pictou in the ship Harmony in 1822 and settled at Upper Barney's River. Angus McKay, Donald McKay, Donald Douglass, John McLeod and Alexander Grant came on the same ship. Margaret, daughter of Donald Bruce married Edward Jackson, Pine Tree. George, his second son married Christy, daughter of Hector Murray, by whom he had Hector and other children. He was an elder under Dr. Blair.

  Donald Robertson came from Perthshire, in 1801 and settled above Avondale in 1819. He died in 1834 aged seventy three years, leaving a large family, His wife died in 1870, aged one hundred years, one month and one day. They had forty-eight grandchildren, of whom Rev. Hugh A. Robertson, D.D., Erromanga, is one.

  Angus Murray, a native of Sutherlandshire, married Elizabeth McKay, by whom he had William, Andrew, and three daughters. He came to Pictou with his family in 1812. He taught school in New Glasgow for some time. His eldest son, William married in 1821 and had Angus. Andrew, Helen, Jane, Eliza and Mary. Eliza was married to William Murray, at Grand Narrows, C. B. and was the mother of the present premier of Nova Scotia. Premier Murray narrowly escaped being born a Pictonian.

  In 1830 a church was erected at Kenzieville. It stood near the Cemetery. At the same time a church was built at Lower Barney's River, near John Copeland's place. Rev. D. McKichan, Kirk minister, was pastor of the two churches for many years.

  In 1846, Rev. D. B. Blair, Free Church, came to Barney's River and for 40 years was minister of the Free Church congregation. Other ministers of the Kirk were: Revs. James Mair, James McDonald, A. J. McKichan, J. R. McDonald, J. A. Cairns, E. Gillies, and D. K. Ross. The present pastor, Rev. Wm. MacDonald, came Feb. 25,1913.

  The present church at East River St. Mary's was completed in 1873, when the Kirk and the Free Church united. The following ministers served the congregation: Revs. Hugh McKenzie, Alex. Campbell, C. B. Pitblado, Robt. Cumming, John Ferry, Andrew Boyd, J. D. McFarlane, A. D. Sterling, and Wm. MacDonald. Rev. J. H. Kirk is the present pastor.


WM. FRASER, D.D., McLennan's Brook; Died 1892.
Dr. Fraser was born at McLcnnan's Brook, May 19, 1808. He received his academic and theological education at Pictou Academy of which Dr. McCulloch was then the head. At the age of twenty-six he was sent as a missionary to Upper Canada, and a year later, was settled at Bond Head, Ontario, his first and only pastorate. Here he labored most faithfully for forty-six years until his retirement in 1881 when he removed to Barrie.

        He was active in educational work; an earnest advocate of temperance and always a close attendant on church courts. In 1851 he was appointed clerk of the U. P. Synod; at the union of 1861 to the Joint Clerkship of the Canada Presbyterian Synod: and in 1875, to the Joint Clerkship of the General Assembly of  the Presbyterian Church in Canada. He continued in this office until 1892, in his 85th year.

        Dr. Fraser was a man of calm, judicial spirit, excellent business qualities, unvarying industry and punctuality and always in perfect health till his latest years. He died on Christmas day, 1892. He was thrice married. In 1834 to Jane Geddie, sister of the Rev. John Geddie, by whom he had three children. Second, to Nancy McCurdy of Onslow, N. S., in 1884. Three sons of this marriage were Rev. J. B. Fraser, M. D., Annan, Ont., Rev. R. Douglas Fraser, D.D., Editor and Business Manager, Presbyterian Publications, Toronto: and W. H. Fraser, M.A., Professor of Spanish and Italian, University of Toronto. Miss Jane Wells Fraser, daughter of the Rev. R. D. Fraser, D.D., is assistant editor of the Presbyterian Publications.

        Third, he married Maria James Nicholas of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, and the children of this marriage were: George A. H. Fraser, M.A., Barrister, Denver, Colorado; and Miss Emma M. N. Fraser, M.A., Ph.D., Wheaton College, Norton, Mass.

SIMON FRASER, McLennan's Brook; Died 1912.
He was a son of Alexander Fraser and Margaret Campbell, daughter of Alexander Campbell, Elder, McLennan's Brook. He was a graduate of Free Church College, Halifax. He settled in New Brunswick for some time, but went to Texas where he spent the remainder of his ministry. He died in the seventy-eighth year of his age.

ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, McLennan's Brook; Died 1908.
He was born in 1855. His first pastorate was at Noel, 1887: the second, Merigomish, 1892. He died in the 53d year of his age. His death came most unexpectedly. Having gone to Noel to attend the   funeral of a loyal supporter of the Presbyterian Church, he was stricken while in the pulpit, and in a short time passed away in the same pulpit in which he began his ministry.

                  "How beautiful it is for man to die,

                  Upon the walls of Zion! To be called

                  Like a watch-worn and weary sentinel

                  To put his armour off–and rest–in heaven."


WM. McHARDY, McLennan's Brook.
Died while preparing for the ministry.

JOHN F. FORBES, Blue Mountain; Died 1905.
He was born in 1834; received his education in Halifax and in Princeton Seminary. He was ordained 1867, as pastor of Union Centre and Lochaber, where he labored for 19 years. In 1886 he accepted a call to Durham, and from there, 8 years later, to St. Andrew's Church, Sydney, C. B. In all these charges he served with fidelity and success. He died in the 71st year of his age.

ADAM G. FORBES, Blue Mountain.
He came to Pictou when an infant; educated at the Free Church College, Halifax; his first charge was at Buctouche, N. B. From there he went to Ontario and some years later with a colony of his people, he went to No. Dakota, where he died in 1894.

GEO. M, ROSS, B.A., Blue Mountain, North Honan, China.

DAVID C. ROSS, B.A., Blue Mountain; Lower Stewiacke, N.S.

ALEX. L. FRASER, B.D., Blue Mountain, Great Village, N. S.
Published three volumes of poems. "Sonnets and other Verses". "At Life's Windows", "Fugitives".

HUGH MILLER, M.A., Garden of Eden; Glace Bay, C. B.

SAMUEL McINTOSH, Garden of Eden; Deceased.
Student for the ministry.

REV. A. MacLEAN SINCLAIR, LL.D., Glenbard; Hopewell, N. S,
Rev. A. Maclean Sinclair is the highest authority in Canada On the Gaelic language and literature, and owns one of the best Gaelic libraries on the continent. He is also recognized in the Old Country as an eminent Gaelic scholar and student. He is the author of "Clarsach   Na Coille", a collection of Gaelic hymns and songs, "Gaelic Bards", from 1411 to 1825, "The Mac Bards", two vols; "The Clan Gillean, or the History of the Macleans". This is a large and handsome octavo volume, and is the standard work on the history of the Clan. He is a regular contributor to the Celtic Magazine, Edinburgh, and other periodicals. He is a grandson of John Maclean, the well known Gaelic poet. In 1907, he was appointed lecturer in the Gaelic Language and Literature in Dalhousie University.

JAMES McGREGOR MACKAY, East River St. Mary's; Died 1911.
His father was Alex. MacKay, one of the first settlers at East River St. Mary's. He prosecuted his studies at West River Seminary, being one of Dr. Ross' first students, In 1855 he was inducted into the charge of Parrsboro, which at that time had ten preaching stations, and was forty miles in length. In 1860 he was called to Economy and Five Islands where he remained for 18 years, His next charge was at Woodstock, N. B. In 1884 he accepted a call to Shediac. After 37 years of service he retired, in 1892, to New Glasgow, where he died in the 93d year of his age. His physical powers were remarkable. As a preacher he was evangelical; as a presbyter he was loyal to the Church; as a friend his hospitality was unfailing. It is noteworthy that he never missed a meeting of Synod; never had a month's holiday, and, during his public ministry, there were only two Sabbaths on which he was unable to preach.

SAMUEL C. GUNN, D.D., East River St. Mary's; Boston, Mass.
For nearly twenty years minister of Scotch Church, Boston. Retired from the Ministry.

WM. GUNN, East River St. Mary's; Died 1900.
Mr. Gunn was educated at Colgate University, N, Y., and was a pastor of the Baptist denomination. His first charge was at Springfield, N. Y. In 1878 he was appointed Chaplain of the Prison, Fort Madison,    Iowa. For 20 years he served in this capacity, and accomplished a great work in the reformation of the inmates of the prison.

ADAM GUNN, East River St. Mary's; Died 1903.
Mr. Gunn was pastor for 16 years at Gore and Kennetcook, N. S., and at Cardigan, P. E. I., 10 years. In 1902 he went to the Northwest, but in the following year he died.

A. D. GUNN, East River St. Mary's; Died 1898.
In 1883 he was called to Upper Stewiacke, where he labored for four and a half years, until failing health compelled him to resign. He was a brother of Rev. S. C. Gunn of Boston.

DUNCAN CAMERON, East River St. Mary's; Pittsburg, Pa.
Rev. A. G. Cameron, B. Sc., Sylvania, Pa. and Rev. A. H. Cameron, M.A., Detroit, Mich., are cousins of Rev. Duncan Cameron.

WM. A. MASON, B.A., East River St. Mary's; Wetaskiwin, Alta,

JOHN S. CLARK, East River St. Mary's; Minneapolis, Minn.
Prof. of Latin, University of Minneapolis.

HUGH A. ROBERTSON, D.D., Barney's River; Erromanga, New Hebrides.
Author, "Erromanga, the Martyr Isle".

A. J. McKICHAN, Barney's River; Winnipeg, Man.
Retired from the Ministry.

A. D. SUTHERLAND, Barney's River; Fort Sill, Okla.
Chaplain Field Artillery, United States Army.

L. A. MacLEAN, B.A., Barney's River; Danville, Quebec.

WM. CRAIGIE, Barney's River; Died 1890.
Pastor, Baptist Church.

ALEX. J. McLEOD, Barney's River; Denmark, N, S.
Pastor, Baptist Church.

WM. GORDON, Barney's River.
Pastor of the Methodist Church. He labored in California, where he died in 1904,


  The present church at Merigomish was built in 1869. The French River Church, in 1861 or 1862. The two churches maintained a separate existence from 1860 to about 1895, when they were united into one charge. The ministers in order of induction were: Revs. Wm. Patrick, A. P. Miller, K. J. Grant, H. McD. Scott, Daniel McGregor, C. S. Lord, Wm. R. Muir, Alex. Campbell, and A. S. Weir. The present pastor is A. F. Fisher, B. D., April 13, 1911.

  Rev. Mr. Cock of Truro preached the first sermon in Merigomish at Morrison's house, about 1784. The first elders were Walter Murray, John Small, and George Roy.

  The first settlers at Sutherland's River were from the Highlands of Scotland. The River was named after Sutherland, whose son, John, was the first child baptized belonging to Sutherland's River. Feb. 3, 1854 a site was bought for a church and the people proceeded to build. The congregation was made up of members from the three branches of the Presbyterian Church: the Kirk, the Free Church and the Presbyterian Church of N. S., united. This was the first union Presbyterian Church in the Province.

  The Congregation of Thorburn was organized in 1875, and the two made one charge. Rev. W. T. Bruce, M.D. was called in 1876, and resigned in Jan. 1881. Rev. Isaac Murray, D.D. was inducted pastor in 1882; Rev. A. W. McLeod 1885; Rev. James A. Mackenzie 1899. His successor was Rev. John Harris, 1912. James W. McLean has been clerk of the Session for 28 years, and choir leader for over 40 years.

  The Little Harbor Congregation was organized in 1864, and Rev. J. A. F. Sutherland was the first pastor. He was followed by Rev. Wm. Maxwell in 1868, who also had charge of Fisher's Grant. During his ministry the church was built. He resigned in 1880, and the pastors who succeeded him were: Revs. Robert Laird, McLeod Harvey, John B. Maclean, John W. Penman, R. J. Douglass, A. D. Mcintosh and A. J. McDonald (1910) the present pastor.


JOHN CAMPBELL, Merigomish; Deceased.
For some years he was pastor of St. Andrew's Church, Halifax, and for 18 years minister of Buccleuch parish Church, Edinburgh, Scotland, where he died.

ISAAC S. SIMPSON, Merigomish; Chicago, Ill.

WM. H. SMITH, B.D., Ph.D., Merigomish; Fredericton, N. B.
Pastor, St. Paul's Church.

EDWIN SMITH, M.A., Merigomish; McLeod, Alta.

A. A. SMITH, B. A., Merigomish; Verschoyle, Onto.

F. W. THOMPSON, B.A., Merigomish; St. John, N. B.
Pastor, Calvin Church.

Theol. Student. Son of late Rev. Alexander Campbell.

W. B. MacDONALD, Merigomish; Lourdes, N. S.
Pastor of the Roman Catholic Church.

JOHN CHISHOLM, B.A., Sutherland's River; Montreal, Can.
Pastor, Victoria Church.

ALEX. W. McKAY, Sutherland's River; Deceased.
Pastor for some time at Streetsville, Onto.

JAMES M. SUTHERLAND, Sutherland's River: E. Pepperell, Mass.
Pastor, Methodist Church.

JOHN LAMONT, Sutherland's River; Deceased.
Graduated but never had a charge. For many years he was a successful colporteur for the National Bible Society, in the Maritime Provinces.

JOHN A. MacGLASHEN. B.D . French River; Bridgeport, C. B.

A. W. POLLOCK, B.A., French River; Deceased.
Student in Theology. Drowned at French River.

JAMES A. McLEAN, B.A., Thorburn; Mahone Bay, N. S.

JOHN J. MacDONALD, Thorburn;. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Pastor, South Presbyterian Church.

WM. MacPHERSON, Thorburn; Waterville, N. S.

A. S. WEIR, Thorburn; Swan River, Manitoba.

J. F. McKAY, Thorburn; Clyde River, N. S.

WILLIAM FORBES, B.A., Little Harbor; Tatamagouche, N.S.

G. ERNEST FORBES, B.A., Little Harbor; New Glasgow, N. S.
Pastor, First Presbyterian Church.

JOHN G. GOLQUHOON, B.A., Little Harbor; Millerton, N. B:

EDWIN H. BURGESS, Little Harbor; Sydney, C. B.
Editor, "Canadian Commonwealth". Author "At the Place which is called Calvary", a volume of sermons, and "For Canada and the Old    Flag".

THOMAS F. McGREGOR, Chance Harbor; Hawarden, Sask.


DONALD MacKINNON, Ardness; Died at Grand Narrows, C. B.

DUGAL MacKINNON, Ardness; Died at Dundas, Onto

J. J. MacKINNON, Ardness; Bailey's Brook, N. S.

C. F. MacKINNON, Bailey's Brook; Sydney Mines, C. B.

M. W. MacKINNON, D.C.L., Lismore; Vancouver, B. C.

DONALD M. MacGREGOR, D.D., Lismore; Judique, C. B.

RONALD MacDONALD, Lismore; Pictou, N. S.


  The West River is one of the oldest congregations in the County. Rev. Duncan Ross took the pastoral oversight of the congregation in 1795 and continued to be pastor for 39 years. He was succeeded by his son, Rev. James Ross, D. D., who was inducted in 1835, and resigned in 1852.

  James Watson followed him and remained for 5 years. In 1858 the congregation was divided into two separate charges. The one known as Central Church called Rev. James Thomson and the other congregation, Rev. George Roddick. At the close of 20 years' service, both resigned, when a reunion was effected, in 1879, and Rev. A. W. McLeod settled as pastor. In 1886 Rev. J. F. Forbes was inducted and Green Hill was united with West River. Rev. J. R. Coffin was called in 1895 and Rev. C. J. Crowdis in 1907. The present pastor is Rev. A. H. Foster, inducted

in 1913. The West River congregation has always been a centre of educational and missionary endeavor.

  The church at Green Hill was built in 1848. Rev. George Patterson, D.D., was the first minister, inducted 1849, resigned 1876. Rev. William Stuart was pastor 1877 to 1884. The other pastors were: Revs. Forbes, Coffin, Crowdis and Foster.




JAMES ROSS, D.D., West River; Died 1886.


EBENEZER ROSS, West River; Died 1891.
Mr. Ross was inducted at Folly Village, 1849, and remained in this, his only charge until 1877, a ministry of 28 years. He then resigned on account of ill health, and removed to Truro, where he resided until his death. He was possessed of rare vigor and much learning.


DUNCAN McDONALD, West River; Deceased.
He was a member of the first class of theological students under Dr. McCulloch.


JOHN McDONALD, West River; Deceased.
Student for the ministry.


JOHN J. RICHARDS, West River; Died 1889.
Mr. Richard's whole ministry was spent in Brockville Presbytery, Ontario, where he was held ill high esteem as a faithful pastor and preacher.


JAMES D. MURRAY, West River; Died 1914.


ANGUS McKENZIE, West River; Died 1911.
He went to Kansas in 1872, and to the Pacific Coast in 1874 where nearly all his ministry was spent. He married Anna McPherson, Nova Scotia, in 1888. He was a faithful minister and did good work ill the organization of new churches.


JOHN D. McLEAN, West River; Deceased.
Missionary to Japan.


D. STILES FRASER, B.A., Durham; Elderbank, N. S.

His son, E. J. O. Fraser, B.A., was appointed Missionary to Korea in 1914.


JOHN M. MacLEOD, West River; Deceased.

Mr. Macleod was one of the first who received his education at the West River Seminary. In 1853 he began his ministry at Richmond   Bay, P. E. I., where he spent 6 years. His next pastorage was at Newport, N. S. From there he went to Knox Church, New Glasgow, N. S. In 1871 he was called to Zion Church, Charlottetown, where for 18 years he labored with zeal and success. He left the island in 1889 and went to Vancouver, to minister to a new congregation. Mr. Macleod was a vigorous preacher and a faithful pastor, and his memory is cherished in all his congregations. He was the author of "The History of Presbyterianism in Prince Edward Island".


WILLIAM McC. THOMSON, M.A., Durham; Port of Spain, Trinidad.
Pastor, Greyfriars Church.


A. W. THOMSON, M.A., Durham; Pictou, N. S.
Sons of the late Rev. James Thomson.


D. McDONALD CLARK, B.A., Durham; Middle Stewiacke, N. S.


DAVID CLARK, Durham; Died 1882.
He was a son of the late David Clark, elder, and had the ministry in view.


HENRY MacDONALD, Durham; Deceased.
He died at Paterson, N. J., in 1899, just after being ordained.


D. G. COCK, M.A., West River; Mhow, Central India.


FOREST L. FRASER, Durham; Penn Yan, N. Y.
Pastor, Baptist Church.


JOHN McLEAN, M.A., Green Hill; Died 1837.


ALEX. BLAIKIE. D.D., Green Hill; Died 1885.
Born 1804, educated at Pictou Academy and Halifax, a Missionary in the Western States, 1831-1835. In 1836 he became pastor at York,  N. Y. and continued for nine years. In 1846 he came to Boston and established a congregation in connection with the United Presbyterian Church, and continued pastor of it until he retired in 1880. His work in Boston was marked by great labor and patience. He was the author of  "Philosophy of Sectarianism", and "History of Presbyterianism in New England", and other works. William Blaikie, author, lawyer, athlete,  was his son.


JOHN W. McKENZlE. D.D., Green Hill; Australia.
Retired from Missionary Work.


JAMES A. MacKENZIE, B.A., Green Hill; Elmsdale, N. S.


EDWARD GRANT, Green Hill; Died 1894 .

In 1869 he was inducted at Kempt and Walton, and in 1872 was called to Upper Stewiacke to succeed the late Rev. Prof. Smith, D.O., and from that, in 1891, to Middle Musquodoboit, to succeed the late Rev. Dr. Sedgwick. Mr. Grant was 52 rears of age, and for nearly 25 years he was a most faithful minister in the Church.


D. W. CAMERON, Green Hill; Died 1903.
For many years Mr. Cameron was the pastor of Presbyterian Churches in Canada and the United States, but in later years entered the Church of England at Yonkers, N. Y., where he died.


JOHN G. CAMERON, Green Hill; Died 1897.
He was educated at Princeton Seminary, and ordained at the early age of twenty-one. The whole of his ministry was spent in Prince Edward Island, where he was greatly beloved as a man and a minister. His charges were in Bonshaw, Souris and Murray Harbor.


GEORGE GORDON MAHY, D.D., Green Hill; Philadelphia, Pa.
Secretary of the General Assembly's Committee on Evangelism, Presbyterian Church in U. S. A.


THOMAS McLEAN, Green Hill; Deceased.
Was preparing himself for missionary work when he died.


NORMAN G. REID, Green Hill; Halifax, N. S.
Theological Student.




  St. John's Church (Kirk) was built in 1838. It was the first church in the place and is still standing. Rev. R. Macaulay and Rev. D. McConnachie were the first ministers. Rev. John Sinclair was pastor for five years. In 1860 Rev. John Goodwill was inducted and resigned in 1871 to go as missionary to New Hebrides. The last minister of the Kirk church was the Rev. J. W. Fraser who spent his whole ministry at Scotsburn.


  The Free Church was formed, after the disruption, in 1844, and in 1862 Bethel Church was built. Rev. Alex. Sutherland was the first minister. The other pastors in order of induction were: Revs. Alex. Stirling, 1871; J. A. Cairns, 1887; Thos. Cumming, D.D., 1898; W. A. Ross, 1908. Upon Mr. Fraser's retirement in 1907, St. John's Church and Bethel were united. Rev. A. D. Stirling is the present pastor, inducted 1910.




JOHN MURRAY, Scotsburn, Stanley Bridge, P. E. I.
Retired from the Ministry.


JAMES MURRAY, B.D., D.D., Scotsburn; Toronto, Onto Pastor, Erskine Church.


ROBERT C. MURRAY, Scotsburn; Died in India, 1888.


GEORGE MURRAY, Scotsburn; Nicola, B. C.
Retired from the Ministry.


JOHN GORDON, Scotsburn; Nelson, B. C.


AENEAS GORDON, Scotsburn, Kings Kettle, Fifeshire, Scotland.


HUGH McLEOD, Scotsburn.
Born 1826, graduated, Amherst College 1851, studied, Bangor Theological Seminary. Settled in Springfield, Ohio, as pastor of the Congregational Church. In 1857 went to New Hampshire, where he spent the most of his ministerial life. During the Civil War he served honorably as Chaplain in the Army. He died at Cambridge, Mass.,  Feb. 19, 1900.



DANIEL lV. McLEOD, Scotsburn; Hollywood, Calif.
Relinquished his studies for the ministry on account of ill health. Prominent elder on the Pacific Coast for many years.

ISAAC MURRAY, D.D., Scotsburn; Died 1906.
He received his theological training in West River Seminary, and Princeton Seminary, N. J. In 1849 he was inducted pastor of the congregation of Cavendish and New London, P. E. I. successor to Dr. Geddie. Here he labored for 27 years, wielding a large influence not only as a minister, but as an educationist and writer. In 1877 he was called to Thorburn and Sutherland's River. Here he remained for seven years, when he was settled in North Sydney, where he remained until his retirement in 1896. Dr. Murray was a man of fine attainments, and one of the most faithful in his attendance upon Church courts.

J. ALLISTER MURRAY, Scotsburn; Died 1894.
In 1857 he was settled at Annapolis, N. S. Three years later he accepted a call to Bathurst, N. B. He afterwards removed to Ontario where he labored during the remainder of his life. His chief work was at London, Ont., where he ministered for about twenty years. Mr. Murray was a very effective and forcible preacher. He was a brother of the Rev. Isaac Murray.

A. D. STIRLING, B.A., Scotsburn; Scotsburn, N. S.

JOHN STIRLING, B.A., Scotsburn; Cavendish, P. E. I.
Sons of the late Rev. Alexander Stirling.

JOHN STEWART, Scotsburn; Deceased.
Student for the ministry. He entered Dal. Univ., 1874 and won a scholarship. During his second year in college he died, aged twenty-three. He was a young man of fine ability.

HUGH McINTOSH, Scotsbum; Deceased.

ALEX. McKENZIE, Scotsburn; Deceased.
Mr. McIntosh and Mr. McKenzie were both students for the ministry and promising young men.

E. D. MILLER, D.D., Rogers Hill. Died 1909.
Rev. Mr. Miller was a grandson of Rev. Duncan Ross. After a successful course of study he was ordained, on Oct. 28, 1872, in Shelburne. After he left Shelburne he labored with great zeal and energy in Lunenburg and Yarmouth, and was eminently successful in both places. After 16 years of work in Yarmouth he was called to Chalmer's Church, Halifax. He settled there in 1907. He was an instructive preacher, a sympathetic pastor, and deeply interested in all the enterprises of the Church. His ministry spanned thirty-six very busy years.

DUNCAN MILLER, Rogers Hill; Deceased.

JAMES MILLER, Rogers Hill; Deceased.
Brothers of the Rev. E. D. Miller, and died while preparing for the ministry.

JOHN W. MATHESON, Rogers Hill; Died in New Hebrides, 1862.

ANDERSON ROGERS, D.O., Rogers Hill; Halifax, N. S.
Dr. Rogers enjoys the honor of having formed the first Christian Endeavor Society in N. S., at Yarmouth, in 1885.

JAMES FITZPATRICK, B.A., Rogers Hill; New Annan, N.S.

JOHN R. FITZPATRICK, Rogers Hill; Died 1893.
Educated at Dalhousie and Presbyterian College, Halifax. Settled at Carleton, N. B., but resigned on account of ill health. He was brother of the Rev. James Fitzpatrick.

RODERICK McKAY, B.D., Rogers Hill; Kingston, Onto

JOHN A. FRASER, Rogers Hill; Oakland, Calif.

ROBERT MURRAY, Rogers Hill; O'Leary, P. E. I.

WILLIAM B. MacCALLUM, Rogers Hill; New Richmond, Quebec.

RODERICK C. JACKSON, Rogers Hill; Farmington. New Mexico.

ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, Plainfield; Died 1897.
He was born in Lairg, Scotland, 1816. While a child his parents came to Nova Scotia. He was sent to Edinburgh to complete his education, and at the age of 28, he entered upon the ministry. His first charge in Pictou Presbytery, was 40 miles in extent. In seven years four congregations were organized and five new churches. In 1852 he removed to Prince Edward Island, where he labored for seven years and organized four congregations with two new churches. A call was sent to him three times from his former field, the third time urging him to return on the ground that four congregations that hesitated would enter the union of 1860 if he should return, which he did, and these congregations entered

without a dissenting voice. During the next few years he occupied Earltown, West Branch, Scotsbum and Saltsprings, gathering the fruits of seed sown during previous years. In 1874 he went to Canada where he labored until Aug., 1897. His ministerial jubilee was celebrated at Ripley, Ontario, 1896. Seventeen ministers were present and over one thousand people. He was always punctual in fulfilling appointments. Many times did he break the road before his horse through deep snows, while his coat was frozen about him. A large number of the ministers of our church received their first impulses and ideal under his ministry.

WILLIAM SUTHERLAND, Plainfield; Deceased.
His whole ministry was spent in Ontario, where he died.

ALFRED FITZPATRICK, B.A., Plainfield; Toronto, Onto
Director and Superintendent of Educational Work among the lumber camps of Canada.

LUTHER L. YOUNG, B.A., Millsville; Ham Heung, Korea.


  The first minister of St. Luke's Church, Saltsprings, was the Rev. Donald McIntosh. He was followed by the Rev. Hugh McLeod, from 1833 to 1844. For seven years the church was vacant. The other ministers in order of induction were: Revs. A. Maclean, D.D., 1851-1857; Alexander McKay, 1859-1867; William McMillan 1868. 1876; James Fitzpatrick 1879-1891; Alexander Roulston 1892-1898; A. H. Denoon 1899-1908; Wm. F. Burns 1909-1913.

  In 1845, twenty families went out from St. Luke's Church and were organized into a Free Church of Scotland. The following year they began the erection of Ebenezer Church. In 1859 Rev. Alex. Sutherland became minister of the united congregations of Bethel Church, Scotsbum and Ebenezer Church. He was followed by the Rev. Alex. Stirling, 1871, Rev. J. A. Cairns 1887, Rev. Thos. Cumming, 1889. In 1908 St. Luke's and Ebenezer churches were formerly united. The present pastor is Rev. A. T. Macdonald.

  From 1845 to 1896 West Branch River John was part of the Earltown congregation. In 1896 it was united to St. George's Church, River John. It became a separate charge in 1910 under the Rev. Thomas Johnstone who remained two years. The Rev. C. J. MacInnes, B.A., present pastor was inducted March 3, 1913.


HUGH J. FRASER, B.D., Saltsprings; Summerside, P. E. I.

NORMAN T. McKAY, Saltsprings; Ready, Onto

J. FRANK McLEOD, Saltsprings; Harbor Creek, Pa.

ALEX. RETTIE, M.A., Saltsprings; Millerton, N. B.

DANIEL McGILLIVRAY, Brookland; Deceased.
He received his early education in Pictou Academy, and took his theological course in Queen's University, Kingston. His first charge was Brockville, Ont., where he ministered for 14 years, after which he settled at London, Ont., where he remained 8 years. He was then called to Lunenburg, N. S., and remained 13 years in this charge, when his health broke down, and he went to British Columbia. He was forty years in the ministry. Mr. McGillivray was a man of genial disposition and his memory is cherished in all the congregations where he ministered.

ANDREW GRAY, Brookland; Murray Harbor West, P. E. I.

Studied at Dalhousie University and graduated from the Presbyterian College, Halifax, in 1878. His first charge was at Little Bay, Nfd. From there he was called to Windsor, N. S. He was for seven years minister at 51. Andrew's, N. B. and another seven years at Bloomfield, P. E. I.  Failing health compelled him to retire from the ministry. He removed to Westville where he made his home for eight years. He died on the evening of Easter, 1912.

GEORGE GORDON MATHESON, Six Mile Brook; Died 1897.
He attended Pictou Academy in 1887 and studied at Springfield School for Christian Workers. He was ordained to the ministry at Fergus Falls, Minn., 1893. For several years he was Sunday School Missionary in the Red River Presbytery Minn., holding evangelistic services, founding and aiding churches and Sunday Schools. He was an earnest Christian worker.

ARTHUR ROSS, M. A., Black River; Dawson, Y. T.

JOHN S. REISS, Black River; Vancouver, B. C.

JOHN LIVINGSTON, West River Station; Deceased.
He was pastor of Dundee, Ont., for nine months, when he died. The congregation erected a monument to his memory with the inscription, "In memory of John Livingston, born at West River Station, Apr. 6, 1821, died in Dundee, Aug. 15, 1860, aged 29 years. He was ordained to the pastoral charge in Dundee Nov. 30, 1859.  He was a burning and a shining light."

W. A. MacKAY, B.D., West Branch River John; Blackwater, Ont.

  Earltown, adjoining Pictou County on the Colchester side has produced a splendid lot of men in almost every profession and line of calling. Among the clergymen are: Neil McKay, Adam McKay, Robt. Murray, editor of Presbyterian Witness, William Murray, Alexander Ross, Donald Sutherland, A. L. McKay, Angus McDonald, John D. McKay, missionary to South America, James Ross, Geo. A. Sutherland, J. H. Stewart, D. W. McDonald, R. J. Douglass and Melville Grant.


  Some of the families belonging to Scotch Hill and Hardwood Hill, attended the Scotsburn Church. Others worshipped in Pictou. Cape John was formerly connected with St. George's Church, River John. In 1908, Cape John and Cariboo was organized into a separate charge. Rev. G. R. McKean was the only settled minister.


JOHN McMILLAN, D.D., Scotch Hill; Halifax, N. S.
Stated Clerk, Halifax Presbytery.

GEORGE McMILLAN, Scotch Hill; Died 1913.
For 16 years he was the faithful minister at Kentville, N. S. Previous to this he ministered to congregations at Malpeque, P. E. I., and Harbor Grace, Nfd. He was a brother of the Rev. John McMilIan, Halifax, and a scholarly and impressive preacher.

A. N. McQUARRIE, B.A., Scotch Hill; Died 1909.
Mr. McQuarrie graduated from Queen's University in 1865, and went to Quebec, when for a number of years he was a successful professor in Morrin College. From there he went to Washington, D. C., where he taught for several years. For fifteen years he was a minister in Manitoba. He died at Winnipeg Dec. I, 1909, aged 70 years. He was a diligent student, an acceptable preacher, and was held in high esteem by those to whom he ministered.

JOHN CAMPBELL, Scotch Hill; Died 1873.
Born at Scotch Hill, December, 1809. Studied at Pictou Academy, and Theology under Dr. McCulloch, licensed by the Presbytery of Pictou, April, 1837. Ordained at St. Mary's, 1st November, 1837. Died September 4, 1873. Endowed by nature with strong mental gifts, great powers of physical endurance, animated with the spirit of his Master, he gave himself to his work with energy and zeal, undergoing the most arduous labors, in discharging his duties as a minister over a widely scattered field.

KENNETH J. GRANT, D.D., Scotch Hill; Vancouver, B. C.

WM. L. CAMPBELL, Scotch Hill; Yarmouth, N. S.
Collector of Customs.

ALEXANDER HAMILTON, Scotch Hill; Old Orchard, Me.
Pastor, Methodist Church.

KENNETH McKAY, Hardwood Hill; Died March 28, 1914.
In 1872 he was ordained at Richmond, N. B., where he remained 16 years. In 1888, he became pastor of a mission Church at Houlton, Me., thus organizing the first Presbyterian Church in the state. He resigned in 1910. Mr. McKay was an able and earnest preacher and   one of the most genial and lovable of men. He married Miss Margaret Grant, a sister of Rev. Dr. K. J. Grant. He is survived by his widow and seven children.

ALEXANDER McKAY, Hardwood Hill; Deceased.
Mr. McKay was the first Nova Scotian who studied for the Church of Scotland, and returned to labor among his countrymen. In 1852 he commenced his ministry in his native parish, Rogers Hill, and at the end of 2 years went to Belfast, P. E. I. From 1859 to 1867, he labored with great success at Gairloch and Saltsprings, N. S. In 1868 he removed to Ontario. He died in the 63d year of his age, and the 35th of his ministry. He was a devoted minister of the Gospel.

D. O. MacKAY, B.A., Hardwood Hill; Kingsville. Ohio.

HECTOR MCQUARRIE, Hardwood Hill; Deceased.
Settled at Wingham, Onto.

HECTOR B. McKAY, Cariboo; Died 1912.
Mr. McKay was for some time a teacher in the Free Church Academy, Halifax. In 1855, he was ordained at Chipman, where he spent the first 7 years of his ministry. In 1861 he was called to Salem Church, River John, where he labored with great success. This pastorate lasted 24 years. In 1885 he went to Wallace where followed 11 years of great usefulness. He retired from the ministry in 1897, and lived   thereafter in Halifax, where he died, at the venerable age of 87 years.

KENNETH McKENZIE, Cariboo; Died 1904.
For a year he was in charge of Baddeck, C. B., before his call and ordination there in 1857. This was his first and only charge. For 35 years he labored here, until his resignation and retirement, in 1891.  For 5 years during his ministry he inspected all the schools of  Victoria County.

GEORGE RODDICK, Cariboo; Died 1910.
In 1858 Mr. Roddick was inducted into the congregation of West River, Pictou, where he was a faithful pastor for 21 years. Then catching the first strain of the call to the west he removed with his family, and a portion of his congregation, to Brandon Hills, Manitoba. There he engaged in fanning and preached as opportunity offered.  After an absence of 25 years he returned to his native County and settled in the town of Pictou.

DANIEL McKAY, Cariboo; Addison, N. Y.

MURDOCH, S. MacKAY, B. A., Cariboo; Waweig, N. B.

ALEXANDER MacAULAY, Cariboo; Vancouver, B. C.

Graduate Presbyterian College, Halifax, 1914.


  The early settlers of River John were of Swiss origin. Having undergone untold persecution in their native land, some of them left their native country and came to Halifax, N. S. From thence they proceeded to Lunenburg, where they endured the hardships of the first settlers. In 1772 twelve or thirteen families came to Tatamagouche and formed the first settlers of that place. In 1785 four families: George Patriquin, James Gratto, John Patriquin and George Langill, removed to River John, where they could obtain crown land. They became the first settlers there and had a noble ancestry. The first preaching received by River John's early settlers was by Dr. McGregor. Between Pictou and River John, at this time, there was an unbroken forest. Not a single dweller was to be found along the shore between these two places. The first settled minister was Rev. John Mitchell, who began his labors in 1808, and gave 35 years of service to this congregation. The Rev. James Waddell, was settled over the people in 1844. He resigned in 1858. Mr. Waddell was succeeded by the Rev. H. B. McKay in 1861, who ministered to this people for 24 years. In 1887 the Rev. G. L. Gordon was inducted, and was minister for 21 years. The present pastor is Rev. C. D. McIntosh, settled there Dec. 9, 1909.

  Two congregations existed for many years in River John, Salem and St. George's congregations. The latter belonged to the Kirk body and was organized by the Rev. Geo. M. Grant. Its first pastor was the Rev. Robt. McCunn, who was settled in 1863, and spent a long and faithful ministry there. Then followed the Rev. J. A. Crawford from 1898 to 1906. In 1896 the Rev. R. J. Grant was ordained. His ministry was a short one, and terminated in his tragic death at Montreal, in 1898. On the 4th of January 1911, the two charges in River John were happily united.


DAVID W. JOHNSON, D.D., River John; Truro, N. S.
Editor of the Wesleyan, organ of the Methodist denomination.

JOHN G. BIGNEY, River John; Hantsport, N. S.
Retired Methodist minister.

WM. H. LANGILLE, River John; Glace Bay, C. B.
Pastor, Methodist Church.

ROBERT F. ALLEN, B.A., River John; Annapolis Royal, N. S.
Pastor, Baptist Church.

CHARLES W. ALLEN, River John; Hamilton, N. Y.
Student Colgate University. Baptist.

JAMES A. FORBES, River John; Earltown, N. S.

PAUL F. LANGILLE, B.A., River John; Fingal, Onto.

GILBERT W. LANGILLE, B.A., River John; Edgerton, Alta.

GEORGE P. TATTRIE, B.D., River John; Tabusintac, N.B.

JOHNSON A. HENDERSON, B.A., Toney River; Chicago, Ill.

CHARLES ROSS, Toney River; Deceased.
Pastor, Congregational Church.

MALCOLM McKAY, River John; Oxford, Me.
Pastor, Congregational Church.

A. A. McKAY, B.A., River John.
Theological student, Presbyterian College, Halifax.

LINTON DWYER, River John; Pawtucket, R. I.
Pastor, Episcopal Church.

PETER MELYILLE, B.D., Cape John; Died 1912.
Mr. Melyille was pastor in New Brunswick and at Hopewell, N. S. for many years, where he left a record of efficient work. His scholastic attainments were of a high order. For eight years he studied in the University of Glasgow, and won valuable prizes in sharp competition with many others. He spent the closing years of his ministerial life in a parish in the North of Scotland. He died in Edinburgh in 1912.

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