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Pictonians at Home and Abroad
Pictonians in the Medical Profession

  ROBERT Louis Stevenson said there are men and classes of men that stand above the common herd–the soldier, the sailor and the shepherd not infrequently, the artist rarely, the clergyman rarelier still, the physician almost as a rule.

  On the score of priority in the field the physicians from Pictou may justly enter a claim for precedence over the other professions. For foremost among the little band of settlers, who, on June 10, 1757, arrived aboard the Brig Hope and laid the foundations of the town of Pictou, came Dr. John Harris, an agent of the Philadelphia company.

  It is to be taken for granted that Dr. Harris did not depend for a living upon his practice, for the Hope brought only 35 or 40 passengers, all told. Incidentally, it may be remarked that the first white child born in the county carne into the world the very night of the arrival of the brig, when the doctor's own family received the addition of a son. He afterward became known as Clerk " Tommy" Harris, having the position of Clerk of Peace for many years. He died in 1809, and was buried in the Pictou cemetery, where a monument stood to his memory, long since fallen, on which was the inscription, "The first descendant of an Englishman born in Pictou." We may add that Dr. Harris' daughter, afterward Mrs. Robert Cook, born in 1769, was the first female child born in Pictou of English parentage.

  Since that day, a century and a half ago, generation after generation of his successors carried on their appointed labors, and of many even the names have passed from the memory of men. Naturally, the earliest of these were not natives of the county. Among pioneer physicians of

Pictou town and vicinity were Dr. Skinner, Dr. Johnstone, Dr. Kirkwood and Dr. Anderson. The physicians who first settled in New Glasgow were Dr. Wade, Dr. James Skinner, Dr. John Fox, Dr. Alexander Forrest, from 1832-1875. Dr. James Donnelly practiced at Albion Mines, now Stellarton, for many years. He was a native of the North of Ireland. He died in 1866 in the fifty-sixth year of his age.

  But with the gradual increase of population, of worldly goods and of educational advantages, her young men began to take advantage of their opportunity to qualify themselves for more ambitious careers. The practice of the healing art evidently appealed with force to a considerable proportion as the partial list appearing upon subsequent pages will indicate. It is practically impossible to give a complete list of all the native sons and daughters of Pictou who, since the first settlement, have given themselves to the medical profession. But of this list, it may be said with truth, of all her sons, of none may the county more reasonably feel proud than of those whose names appear herein. Far and wide are they scattered, living or dead, but in whatever place their lot was cast they brought credit to their native land. Not a few arose to eminence in the profession. The county in which they were born today is recognized as a section where the best standards of medical knowledge and professional ethics are maintained.

  The list below, with the name, place of birth, alma mater and present address, if living, shows 190 physicians of whom knowledge is available:


ANDERSON, ALEXANDER, M.D., Pictou; Harvard Univ., 1864; Petaluma, Cal.

ANDERSON, SMITH, M.D., Pictou; Univ. N. Y., 1892; Pictou, N. S.

ANDERSON. WALTER, M.D., Pictou; died in Vallejo, Cal.

ARBUCKLE, JAMES, M.D., Merigomish; deceased.

BAILEY, CAMERON, V., M.D., New Glasgow; McGill Univ. 1909; Montreal, Can.

BAILEY, WILLIAM J., M.D., New Glasgow; Univ. Penn., 1895; Connellsville, Pa.

BELL, JOHN, M.D., C.M., New Glasgow; McGill Univ., 1898; New Glasgow, N. S.

BENVIE, ROBERT McLEAN, M.D., C.M., Saltsprings; McGill Univ., 1907; Stellarton, N. S.

BRUCE, JAMES GARFIELD, M.D., C.M., Barney's River; Dal. Univ.,  1908; Westville, N. S.

BURNS, SAMUEL WESLEY, M.D., New Glasgow; Bell Med. Col., 1864; Shelburne, N. S.

BURNS, THOMAS M., M.D., New Glasgow; deceased.

CALDER, ALLISTER, M.D., C.M., Springville; Dal. Univ., 1909; Glace Bay, C. B.

CALDER, JAMES SQUAIR, M.D., Springville; Harvard Univ. 1886; Los Angeles, Cal.

CAMERON, ALEXANDER, M.D., Glengarry; Glasgow Univ.; deceased.
Dr. Cameron settled at Huntington, Quebec, where be was a distinguished and successful practitioner. Brother of Rev., John Cameron, D.D., Scotland.

CAMBRON, CLARENCE B., M.D., C.M., New Glasgow; Dal. Univ., 1911; Halifax, N. S.

CAMBRON, HAROLD, M.D., C.M., River John; Dal. Univ., 1901; River John, N. S.

Died at River John, N. S.

CAMERON, MURDOCH, M.D., Saltsprings; Mexico.

CAMERON, OWEN HALIBURTON, M.D., River John; BaIt. Med. Col., 1892; Maccan Station, N. S.

CAMERON, WILLIAM, M.D., Saltsprings; deceased.

CAMPBELL, ALBERT E., M.D., St. Paul's; Univ. of Buffalo 1886; Chicago, Ill.
Health Officer for the Illinois Central Railway system, Chicago, XU.

CAMPBELL, ALEX. R., B.A., M,D., Merigomish: Dal. Univ., 1913; Yarmouth, N. S.

CAMPBELL, DUNCAN, M.D., West Br. River John: Tulane; Univ., 1891; West Br. River John, N. S.

CAMPBELL, ROBERT, M.D., West Branch River John; deceased.
He practiced in River John for a few years, then removed to Dartmouth, N. S., where he died.

CHISHOLM, HUGH D., M.D., C.M., Springville: Dal. Univ., 1907; Springville, N. S.

CHISHOLM, JAMES, M.D., New Glasgow; McGill Univ., 1900: Everett, Wash.

COLLIE, JAMES ROSS, M.D., Middle River; Harvard Univ., 1869; River John, N. S.

COLLIE, JOHN R. M., M.D., C.M., River John; Dal. Univ., 1911.
Post Graduate course, London, England.

COPELAND, GEORGE, M.D., Merigomish; deceased.

CULTON, ALBERT, M.D., Stellarton; Balt. Med. Col., 1897: Port Greville, N. S.

CUMMING, ALLISON, M.D., Stellarton; McGill Univ., 1905; Vancouver, B. C.

DELANEY-BARBOUR, ISABBL, M.D., Churchville; Women's Med. Col., N. Y; New York City.

DICKSON, CHARLES H., M.D., C.M., Pictou; Dal. Univ., 1901; Springfield, N. S.

DICKSON, MINAR S., M.D., Pictou; Univ., N.Y., 1890; Dartmouth, N. S.

DOULL, JAMES A. B.A., M.D., New Glasgow.
Graduate, Dal. Medical Univ., 1914.

DUFF, DUNCAN, M.D., Churchville.
Died in Detroit, Mich.

DUNBAR, WILLIAM R., M.D., C. M., Abercrombie; McGill Univ., 1897; Truro, N. S.

DUNN, GEORGE A., Lyon's Brook; Dal. Col., 1906; Pictou, N. S.

DUNN, JAMES B., M.D., Merigomish; Pittsburgh, Pa.

ELLIOTT, ALFRED, M.D., River John; Balt. Col. Phys. & Surg.; Bridgewater, Conn.
Medical director of the State Farm Hospital.

FALCONER, A. F., M.D., Hopewell. Died in Sherbrooke, N. S.

FERGUSON, JOHN A., M. D., Cariboo; L. I. Col. Hosp; N. Y.; Brooklyn, N. Y.

FERGUSON, WILLIAM, M.D., Pictou; McGill Univ., 1894; New York City, N. Y.

FORBES, ALBERT E., M.D., C.M., Durham; Dal. Univ., 1900; Upper Stewiacke, N. S.

FORBES, ARTHUR E. G., M.D., C.M., . Little Harbor; McGill Univ., 1906; Lunenburg, N. S.

FRASER, ALEXANDER, M.D., C.M., West River; Dal. Univ., 1897; New York City.

FRASER, HUGH D., M.D., Bridgeville; Jefferson Med, Col.; Philadelphia, Pa.

FRASER, JAMES, M.D., New Glasgow; Edinburgh Univ.; deceased.

FRASER, JOHN B., M.D., New Glasgow; deceased.

FRASER, JOHN F., M.D., West River; Harvard Univ., 1892; New York City.
Brother of Dr. Alexander Fraser.

FRASER, J. W., M.D., Pictou; deceased.
Practiced in Prince Edward Island, brother of Rev. F. W. Fraser.

FRASER, WILLIAM F., M.D., Westville; L. I. Moo, Col., 1897; Lynn, Mass.

FRASER, WILLIAM, M.D., F.R.C.S., New Glasgow; deceased.
Was born at Island, East River, studied in Glasgow University, practiced in New Glasgow twenty-seven years, where he died June 20, 1900. Son James Fraser, Downie; was married to Mary M., daughter of late Basil Bell, New Glasgow.

FULLERTON, THOMAS, M.D., Lyon's Brook; Harvard Univ.; deceased.

GRAHAM, JOHN, M.D., New Glasgow; deceased.

GRAHAM, JUDSON V., New Glasgow; Dal. Univ., 1914; medical student.

GRANT, DANIEL, M.D., Caribou; McGill Univ., 1896; Portland, Ore.

GRANT. JOHN, M.D., Little Harbor; deceased.

GRANT, JOHN P., M.D., C.M., Linacy; McGill Univ., 1895; New York City.

GRANT, NORMAN McKAY, M.D., C.M., Stellarton; Queen's Univ., 1889; New Zealand.
Brother of Rev. Hugh R. Grant and the Grant Bros. Druggists, New Glasgow.

GRANT, WILLIAM R., M.D., Springville; deceased.
Was born in 1811 and died in Philadelphia in 1852, in the forty-first year of his age. Early destined for the church by his parents, he entered Pictou Academy where he received his early education.  While there, he relinquished the study of Theology and in 1834 entered the office of Dr. Alexander Mc. Donald, Antigonish, as a medical student.  Two years later he went to Philadelphia, which was to be his home and the scene of his labors and distinctions. Graduating from Jefferson Medical College in 1839, he was immediately appointed demonstrator of Anatomy in his Alma Mater. In 1843, he was appointed Professor of Anatomy in the Pennsylvania Medical College–a position which he held to the close of his life and which he filled in an eminent degree. Dr. Grant was a distinguished physician and surgeon, as well as an excellent instructor. His many qualities of mind and heart endeared him to all, and few men were better fitted by nature and education for his work.

        In 1840, he was ordained a ruling elder in one of the leading churches in Philadelphia, and in the same year, he married into the well-known family of John McAllister of the same city. He left a wife and three children. It was in discharge of a professional duty that his last illness was contracted. He died like a faithful sentinel of  humanity, at his post with his arms on his hack.

GRANT, WILLIAM R., B.A., Springville; Dal. Col.; deceased.
Nephew and namesake of Prof. W. R. Grant. Died in 1881, in the first year of his Medical course.

GREEN, FRED W., M.D., C.M., Pictou; McGill Univ., 1903; Glace Bay, C. B.

GORDON, DAVID, Pictou; Edinburgh Univ.; deceased.

HATTIE, WILLIAM H., M.D., C.M., Pictou; McGill Univ., 1891.
Provincial Health Officer for Province, Halifax, N. S.

HENDERSON, JOHN, M.D., Mt. Thorn; Harvard Univ.; deceased.

HERDMAN, WILLIAM H., M.D., C.M., L.M., Stellarton; Dal. Univ, 1911; Bass River, N, S.

JOHNSTONE, GEORGE M., M.D., Pictou; London Univ.; deceased.

KEAY, ARNOLD, M.D., C.M., New Glasgow; Royal Victoria Hasp.; Montreal, Que.

KEAY, THOMAS, M.D., C.M., New Glasgow; McGill Univ., 1907; New Glasgow, N. S.

KEITH, SILVANUS, M.D., C.M., Ste1larton; Queen's Col., 1886; New Glasgow, N. S,

KENNEDY, EVAN, M.D., Bridgeville; Baston Univ., 1876; New Glasgow, N. S.

KIRKWOOD, HENRY, M.D., Pictou; Jefferson Med. Col.
Died in 1859, son of late Dr. Kirkwood, Pictou. At his father's death took his practice.

LINDSAY, ANDREW W. H., B.A., M.D., C.M., Pictou; Dal. Univ., 1875, and Univ. of Edinburgh, 1877; Halifax, N. S.
In 1866 he won the first professors' scholarship offered by Dalhousie College. He is secretary and registrar Provincial Medical Board of Nova Scotia. Dr. Murdoch A. Lindsay, Professor of Pathology Dal. Univ., and Dr. W. S. Lindsay, Halifax, are his nephews. Their father, Murdoch Mackenzie Lindsay, was a native of Pictou.

LIPPINCOTT, HENRY, M.D., New Glasgow; Jefferson Med. Col., 1863; died in 1903.
Dr. Lippincott was born in 1839, served as assistant surgeon in civil war, saw distinguished service throughout the country, notably in the Indian campaigns with General Custer. Directed the medical department of the Philippine expedition during the Spanish-American war under General Merritt, later with General Otis. Returned to America broken in health, but in 1901 was appointed chief surgeon, Department of the East, at Governor's Island, N. Y., the most important medical appointment in the United States army after the post of surgeon-general. Was retired when 64. Married Mary Agnes McClenthen, who survives him with two sons, Dr. Walter M. Lippincott and Capt. Aubrey Lippincott, U. S, A. He was a brother of Dr. J. Aubrey Lippincott. Dr. Henry Lippincott was a man of unusually strong character, highest principles and his whole life aptly illustrated by his family motto, secundis dubiiaque fortis,

LIPPINCOTT, J. AUBREY, B.A., M.D., New Glasgow; Dal. Col., 1867; Pittsburgh, Pa.
Dr. J, Aubrey Lippincott was born in 1847. After Dalhousie College, he graduated from the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, in 1873. Settled in Pittsburgh in 1877, becoming an ear and eye specialist. Has written extensively for medical journals, was one of the authors of The American Text Book of Diseases of the Ear and Eye, and was renowned for his researches on physiological optics and improvement in the operation for cataract.

LOVE, ANDREW, M.D., C.M., New Glasgow; McGill Univ. 1891; Sydney Mines. C, B.

MAXWELL-FULTON, ANNIE, M.D., C.M., Mount Thorn; deceased.
Dr. Fulton-I1Iaxwell was the wife of Elder Samuel Fulton, Stewiacke. She died in Lake City, Minn., in 1881, 34 years old. Dr. Archibald Maxwell was a brother.

MAXWELL, ARCHIBALD, M.D., Mt. Thorn. Died at Bear River, N. S., in May 23, 1882, of Apoplexy.

MILLER, CHARLES J., M.D., Merigomish; Harvard Univ., 1876; New Glasgow, N. S.

MILLER, CLARENCE, M.D., C.M., Stellarton; McGill Univ., 1905; Stellarton, N. S.

MITCHELL, FREDERICK W., M.D., C.M., Merigomish; Bait. Med. Col., 1898; Houlton, Me.

MITCHELL, WILLIAM, M.D . Merigomish; deceased.
Graduated Jefferson Medical College 1859, practiced Medicine in New Glasgow from 1860 until his death in Dec. 1896.

MORTON, JOSEPH S., B.A., M.D., Fraser's Mountain; deceased.
He died in Shelburne, N. S., in the fifty-eighth year of his age. To his church he was ever loyal, and, with great interest filled the office of treasurer for 27 years. He was an ardent educationalist. His first work for Shelburne was as Principal of the Academy for several years, in which position he was very successful; and during the 30 years of   medical practice, he never lost his interest in education. He was the moving spirit in securing the erection of the fine Academy Building which is a splendid monument to Dr. Morton's memory. He was a   brother of late Rev. Dr. Morton, Trinidad. Died February 25, 1911 from illness contracted while attending to his professional duties, a signal instance of self-sacrifice for the good of others.

MUNRO, CHARLES H., M.D., West River.
Dr. Munro died in 1909, after practicing his profession at West River 40 years.

MUNRO, CRANSWICK B., M.D. C.M., River John; Dal, Univ., 1895; Boston, Mass.

MUNRO, HENRY W., M.D., River John; Balt. Col. Phys. & Surg,; Quincy, Mass.

MUNRO, HUGH R., M.D., West River.
Dr. Munro died in 1910, in the Aberdeen Hospital, New Glasgow, alter an active practice of more than 20 years in Stellarton, N. S.

MUNRO, JAMES G., M.D., C.M., River John; Dal. Univ., 1899; Winnipeg, Man.

MUNRO, KENNEDY, M.D., West River; deceased.
Dr. Kennedy Munro died in 1898, after practicing medicine in Kansas, U. S. A., and Millsville, N. S. He and two brothers Charles H.,   and Hugh R., were sons of William Munro, West River.

MURRAY, ALEXANDER, M.D., West Br. River John; Chicago Med. Col., 1892; Deer Island, N. B.

Was born in Logansville, October 23, 1855 and was the eldest son of  John Murray. He received his education in Pictou Academy and the Provincial Normal School and taught school several years in various parts of Nova Scotia. He graduated from Halifax Medical College, 1884. He was in poor health for years, suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. He died at Fredericton Junction, where he practiced for many years, April, 1913.

MURRAY, DANIEL, M.D., Plainfield; McGill Univ., 1886; Campbellton, N. B.

MURRAY, DANIEL, M.D., C.M., Meadowville; Dal. Univ., 1903; Tatamagouche, N. S.

MURRAY, DUNCAN A., M.D., C.M., Meadowville; McGill Univ., 1889; River John, N.S.

MURRAY, DUNCAN, M.D., C.M., Meadowville; Dal. Univ., 1896; Pictou, N. S.

MURRAY, GEORGE, M.D., Barney's River; Penn. Med. Col. 1850; deceased.
Dr. George Murray was born in 1825. His grandfather, Walter Murray, came out from Sutherlandshire to Pictou in the ship, Hector, in 1773. He was educated at Pictou Academy, graduated from Penn. Medical College 1850. Practiced for four years in his native place, and in 1854 settled in New Glasgow. While a general practitioner he was noted for his skill in surgery, having performed successfully a large number of operations for cataracts, etc. In 1854 he married Mary, daughter of Robert P. Patterson. Died February 12, 1888. His son Howard Murray is Professor of Classics in Dalhousie University.

MURRAY, HARVEY V., M.D., Scotsburn; New York Univ.; Honolulu, Hawaii.

MURRAY, JAMES A., M.D., C.M., Pictou; Dal. Univ., 1905; Sydney, C. B.

MURRAY, JOSEPH HoWE, M.D., Barney's River; deceased.
He was educated at Dalhousie College and graduated at University of New York. Died in Boston, 1893, aged 43 years.

MacDONALD, JOHN J., B.A., M.D., Pine Tree; Dal. Univ., 1910; New Glasgow, N. S.

MacDONALD, MICHAEL R., M.D., Lismore; Georget. Univ., 1895; Lourdes, N. S.

MacDONALD, WILLIAM FORBES, M.D., C.M., Westville; McGill Univ., 1900; Vancouver, B. C.

MacDONALD, ROBERT J., B.A., M.D., Hopewell; Univ. N. Y., 1894; Wilkie, Sask.

MacDONALD, RONALD ST. JOHN, M.D., C.M., Bailey's Brook; McGill Univ., 1903; Montreal.
Lecturer on hygiene at McGill University, Montreal.

MacDONALD, PETER, M.D., C.M., L.C.P., Pictou; Hamilton, Ont.
Parents from Inverness, Scot., settled in Pictou Co., 1830, and moved to Huron Co., Ont., 1846; born in Pictou 1835; educated in Trinity Univ., Toronto, graduating 1872; married Miss Margaret Ross in 1865; successfully practiced his profession at Wigham, Onto Entered politics 1887; appointed Postmaster London, Ont., 1909. His daughter, Annie C., is National Sec'y for Y. W. C. A., Japan. A man of broad views and high personal character.

McDONALD, CLIFFORD, M.D., Pictou; Cerra Del Pasco, South America.

McDONALD, DANIEL R., M.D., C.M., Saltsprings; DaL Univ., 1905; Athabasca Landing, Alta.

McDONALD, HENRY K., M.D., C.M., Lyon's Brook; McGill Univ., 1896; Halifax, N. S.

McDONALD, JOHN C., M.D., C.M., Pictou; Dal. Univ., 1895; Edmonton, Alta.

McDOUGALL, JOHN G., M.D., C.M., Blue Mountain; McGill Univ., 1897; Amherst, N. S.

McGILLIVRAY, ALEXANDER D., M.C., Springville; deceased.
Graduating in medicine he took up his residence in Sydney, C. B., where for 40 years, he was one of its best known and most progressive citizens. He was one of the first elders elected by the Falmouth Street congregation. He died in 1907 in the 66th year of his age.

McGILLIVRAY, DONALD, M.D., McLennan's Brook; deceased.
Son of Rev. Dr. McGillivray, born 1842, educated Edinburgh Univ., Began practice in New Glasgow in 1864. Died at Thorburn, May 1, 1890.

McGREGOR, ANDREW, M.D., McLennan's Brook; deceased.
Dr. McGregor died in 1889, aged 31 years. Son Dan McGregor, McLellan's Brook, practiced medicine in Providence, R. I., for a few years.

McINTOSH, CYRUS R., B.Sc., M.D., Sunny Brae; Manitoba, Med. Col., 1908; Lauder, Man.

McINTOSH, DANIEL, M.D., Springville; Harvard Univ., 1871, L.R.C.P., Edinburgh, 1873; Pugwash, N. S.

McINTOSH, DANIEL, M.D., Hopewell; Harvard Univ.; Died in Seattle in 1888.

McINTOSH, JOHN, M.D., Springville; Jefferson Med. Col., Phila., 1866.
He died at Whycocomagh, C. B., November, 1882, in the 66th year of his age, where he practiced for many years. For 10 years he was an elder in the Presbyterian church. He carried much of the spirit of his Master into his visits among the sick and the poor.

McINTOSH, JAMES W., M.D., C.M., Sunny Brae; Jefferson Med., Col., Phila.; died in 1907.
Dr. McIntosh was a demonstrator in surgery at the college when he died. He was in his thirty-seventh year.

MacKAY, HECTOR H., M.D., C.M., Plainfield; McGill Univ., 1890; New Glasgow.

MacKAY, J. MELVILLE, M. D., River John; McGill Univ., 1886; died in Spring Hill, N. S.
Dr. MacKay was the son of Rev. H. B. MacKay, River John, and achieved success as a medical practitioner. He died in 1897 at the early age of 36 years.

McKAY-McKENZIE KATHERINE JOANNA, Plainfield; Dal. Univ., 1895; Coquitlam, B. C.

MacKAY, WILLIAM A., M.D., New Glasgow; Bellevue Hosp. Med. Col., 1905; Thorburn, N. S.

McKAY, ALEXANDER, M.D., West River; deceased.

McKAY, ALEXANDER P., M.D., Barney's River; Jefferson Med. Col., Phila., 1881; Catalina, Nfd.

McKAY, DANIEL A., M.D., C.M., Welsford; Dal. Univ., 1908; Hamiota, Man.

McKAY, DANIEL McG., M.D., Lome; Jefferson Med. Col., 1896; Vancouver. B.C.

McKAY, GEORGE P., Pictou; N. Y. Med. Univ., 1894; North Sydney, C. B.

McKAY-BUCHANAN, MARY B., B.A., M.D., Riverton; Ladies' Med. Col., Toronto; Amkhut, Central India.

McKAY, WILLIAM, M.D., C.M., Scotsburn; Dal. Univ., 1903; Vonda, Sask.

MacKENZIE, DAVID H., Scotsburn; Univ., N.Y., 1889; Millbrook, N. Y.

MacKENZIE, LUTHER B., M. D., West River; Bellevue Med. Hosp. Col., 1904; New York City.

MacKENZIE, KENNETH A., M.D., C.M., Cariboo; Dal. Univ., 1903; Halifax, N. S.

MacKENZIE, THOMAS H., M.D., Churchville; Harvard Univ., 1871;  Trenton, N. J.

MacKENZIE, WILLIAM P., M.D., Churchville; Univ., l\'lich., 1870; Chester, Ill.

MacKENZIE. JOHN J., M.D., C.M., Pictou; Dal. Univ., 1902; Pictou.

MacKENZIE, JEMIMA, M.D., CM., Cariboo; Dal. Univ., 1904; Cawnpore, India.

MacKENZIE-SMITH, MARY, M.D., C.M., Cariboo; Dal. Univ., 1905; Verschoyle, Ont.

McKENZIE, GEORGE I., M.D., Durham.
Graduated from Jefferson Medical College 1866, practiced in Maitland, N. S., from 1866-1871, removed to Pictou in 1871 where he remained until his death in 1905. He was prominent in church and state, as well as skillful in his profession. His son J. J. McKenzie takes his practice. A daughter is teacher in Trinidad mission schools.

McKENZIE, J. W., M.D., River John; Med. Col., Ind., 1900; Indianapolis, Ind.

MacKINNON, ALBERT H., M.D., C.M., Pictou Landing; Dal., Univ., 1913; Upper Musquodoboit, N. S.

McKINNON, JOHN, M.D., Bailey's Brook; deceased.

MacLEAN, DUNCAN, M.D., Springville; Harvard University, 1860.
He practiced medicine in Shubenacadie, N. S., for nearly forty years. He was a devoted and self-sacrificing physician and well-known as a public spirited citizen. He married Margaret. daughter of Richard McHeffey. Tbe eldest son, Dr. Edwin D. Maclean is located at Truro, N. S. Brother of Rev. James Maclean, D.D.

McLEAN, DAVID, M.D., Green Hill; deceased.

MacLEAN, EMMELINE, M.D., Green Hill; New York City.

McLEAN, JOHN, M.D., Scotsburn; Spokane, Wash.

McLEAN, JOHN J., M.D., Saltsprings; Halifax Med Col., 1860; Jersey City, N. J.

MacLELLAN, EDWARD K., M.D., C.M., Pictou; Dal. Univ., 1909; Halifax.
Proprietor, Halifax Hospital for Women. Son W. E. Maclellan, Post Office Inspector, Halifax.

MacLELLAN, ROBERT G., M.D., C.M., Pictou; Dal. Univ., 1909; Lunenburg, N. S.
Son Principal Maclellan, Pictou.

McLEOD, DAVID, M.D., Scotsburn.
Practiced medicine in Chicago and died there.

McLEOD, WILLIAM A., M.D., C.M., Lansdowne; Dal. Univ., 1907; Hopewell, N. S.

McMILLAN, FINLAY, M.D., C.M., Churchville; Oat Univ. 1872; Sheet Harbor, N. S.

McMILLAN, PETER H., M.D., Churchville; deceased.
Practiced at Ava, Ill.

NICHOL, ANGUS, M.D., Pictou; Hamburg, Onto

Died at River John, aged 60. The deceased was well and favourably known. Skill in his profession, his sympathy and benevolence endeared him to many.

OLDING-HEBB, CLARA MARY, M.D., C.M., Pine Tree; Dal. Univ., 1896; St. john, N. B.

OLIVER, C. W., Westville.
Student McGill Univ.; died in 1904.

PARK, JOHN E., M.D., Thorburn; McGill Univ., 1910; New Glasgow, N. S.

PATTON, JOHN W. T., M.D., C.M., Barney's River; McGill Univ., 1900; Truro, N. S.

PATERSON, EDWARD MORTIMER, M.D., Barney's River; Harvard Univ., 1871; Oakland, Cal.
Dr. Paterson was a professor of physiology in the Medical College at San Francisco. His son, Dr. Frank H., is practicing in San Francisco.

PERRIN, ALBERT M., M.D., River John; Univ. N. Y., 1873; Yarmouth, N. S.

PRIMROSE, ALEXANDER, M.D., M.B., C.M., Pictou; Univ. Edinburgh, Scotland; 1886; Toronto.
Son of late Howard Primrose, Pictou, and Oliva, daughter of late Hon. Alexander Campbell, Tatamagouche, N. S., studied for his profession in Edinburgh University and Middlesex Hospital, London. Appointed   professor of Anatomy, Toronto Medical College, 1895, resigned in 1907, now devotes himself exclusively to surgery. Author, "The Anatomy of the Orang. Outang", "The American Practice of Surgery".

PRIMROSE, ALEXANDER J., M.D., Pictou; Col. Phys. & Surg., N. Y., 1885; New York City.

PROUDFOOT, JAMES A., M.D., C.M., Saltsprings; Dal. Univ., 1905; Inverness, C. B.

ROBERTSON, THOMAS, M.D., Churchville; Wash. Univ., St. Louis, 1887; Churchville, Ill.

ROSS, ALBERT, M.D., Blue Mountain.
Graduated McGill Univ., 1914.

ROSS, HUGH, M.D., C.M., Telford; McGill Univ., 1894; Hazel Hill, N. S.

ROSS, JAMES D., M.D., Pictou; Harvard Univ., 1861; Edinburgh Univ., 1865.
Only son of late Principal Ross, was in active medical practice forty-seven years. Died March 31, 1911, aged 71 years.

ROY, JOHN J., M.D., C.M., Westville; McGill Univ., 1897; Sydney, C. B.

RUDOLPH, ROBERT DAWSON, M.D., F.R.G.S., Pictou; Edinburgh and London Univ.; Toronto.
Son William N., and Catherine (Dawson) Rudolf, born in Pictou, 1865, practiced 5 years in Bengal, India, associate professor of     Medicine, Toronto, Univ. Author numerous scientific articles.

SCOTT, WILLIAM J., M.D., New Glasgow; McGill Univ.; Montreal.
Dr. Scott for five years was a medical missionary to ChiDa. Son of Rev. B. Scott D.O., Montreal.

SMITH, JOHN P., M.D., Merigomish; Harvard Univ., 1869; deceased.
Dr. Smith was born in 1838, practiced for twenty years at Lower Barney's River and for seven years in New Glasgow. He then removed to Green's Pond, Nfd., where he remained another seven years. He died at Tilt-Cove Nfd., Sept. 2, 1904, aged 66 years.

SMITH, CECIL V., M.D., Lower Barney's River; Balt. Med. Col., 1906; Twillingate, Nfd.

SMITH, LEONARD H., M.D., Lower Barney's River; Balt. Med. Col.; deceased.
Dr. Smith died at Hearts Content, Nfd., 1899, where he practiced for three years.

SMITH, V. OWEN, M.D., Lower Barney's River; Balt. Med. Col., 1895; Fogo, Nfd.
Drs. Leonard H., Cecil V., and Owen V. Smith Were sons of late Dr. John P. Smith.

SMITH, HENRY THOMAS, M.D., Merigomish; McGill Univ., 1891; North Sydney, C. B.

SMITH, JAMES J., M.D., Barney's River; Balt. Univ., 1897; Noms Arm, Nfd.

SMITH, SANDY SIMON, M.D .,Merigomish; BaIt. Med. Col., 1890;  Brookville, Nfd.

STRAMBERG, CHARLES W., M.D., C.M., River John; Dal. Univ., 1910; Trenton, N. S.

SUTHERLAND, GEORGE R, M.D., C.M., Hudson; McGill Univ., 1897; Leduc, Alta.

SUTHERLAND, JAMES A., M.D., C.M., River John; McGill Univ., 1896; Vancouver, B. C.

SUTHERLAND, MURDO, M.D., SaItsprings; Harvard Univ., 1871; Westville, N. S.

SUTHERLAND, ROBERT H., M.D., C.M., River John; McGill Univ., 1907; Spring Hill, N. S.

SUTHERLAND, NEIL, M.D., Saltsprings, Harvard Univ., 1868; Strathcona, Alta.

SUTHERLAND, RODERICK, M.D., River John; deceased.

THOMSON, CHARLES A., M.D., Durham; Univ. Berlin and Chicago, 1914; Chicago, Ill.
Son late Rev. Jas. Thomson, Durham.

THOMPSON, GEORGE H., M.D., C.M., New Glasgow; McGill Univ., 1899; North Adams, Mass.

WILLIAMSON, DANIEL W., M.D., C.M .. West Br. River John; Dal. Univ., 1896; Yarmouth, N. S.

YOUNG, A. McGILLIVRAY, M.D., Millsville; McGill Univ., 1906; Winnipeg. Man.

YOUNG, ROBERT M., M.D., C.M., Millsville; Queen's Univ., 1901; Millsville, N. S.

            A few natives of the county entered upon practice of Dentistry. A partial list is: Wm. F. Burns, D.D.S., Sydney, C. B; Harry G. Dunbar,  D.D.S., New Glasgow, N. S.; John C. Grant, D.D.S., Glace Bay, C. B.; M. K. Langille, D.D.S .. Truro, N. S.; David P. Meikle, Henry Matheson,  deceased.

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