first newspaper published in Canada was the Halifax Gazette. It was
published by John Bushnell, a partner of Bartholomew Green. The first
number appeared on Monday, March 25, 1752. Mr. Green was a son of
Bartholomew Green who printed the first newspaper in America–the Boston
News Letter. He set up the first printing press in the Dominion of Canada,
at Halifax, Nova Scotia. The printing press was thus one of New England's
contributions to Nova Scotia. The Gazette has been published continuously
ever since, and still makes its appearance regularly each week as the Nova
Scotia Royal Gazette. It is in all probability the oldest newspaper
published in America.
first printing press in Pictou was what was known as the Weir Durham
Press. It belonged to the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Nova Scotia.
Soon after that body was formed, in 1817, it resolved to take collections
for the purchase of a printing press to be employed in giving religious
intelligence to the people. After some progress in this, a lady in
Britain, Mrs. Weir Durham, hearing of it made them a present of a press
which thenceforward was known by her name. Synod placed it in the Academy
at Pictou, and in the early days was stationed in the library. It was a
small press and would scarcely print a larger sheet than foolscap. It was
well constructed and very convenient for small jobs. When Dr. Geddie was
leaving Nova Scotia to go to the South Seas he needed a printing press and
this one having been, for sometime unused, but being still in good
condition, the Synod gave it to him to be employed in his work. He took it
to the South Seas and set it up in the island of Aneityum
where it was used in the
early stages of the mission, printing primers and such other small works,
in the language of the natives. Some years later a larger press was sent
out from Britain, and the old one was transferred to the new mission field
of Rev. G. N. Gordon, in 1856, on Erromanga, where it was used for the
same purpose as in the other mission field. What has since become of it is
not known.
The first printing
establishment properly, so called, in Pictou, was set up in 1827 by J. S.
Cunnabell of Halifax and William Milne, a Scotchman, recently from
Aberdeen. The former was a practical printer but the latter was not. The
partnership was dissolved in a few months and for some years Mr. Milne was
the sole owner. On leaving Pictou he went to Providence, R. I., where some
of his sons followed their father's trade.
A prospectus was issued
in August 1827, signed by William Milne & Co., giving notice of intention
to publish a paper to be called the "Colonial Patriot," and requesting the
support of all interested in local affairs and in sound principles and
politics. After much discussion on the part of its promoters the name of
"The Pictou Patriot" was thought to be most suitable. Dr. McCulloch
suggested the name "Colonial Patriot," which was adopted, a name which was
fully justified by its broad sympathies. Nearly four months later, on
Friday morning. December 7, the first number was issued. It consisted of
eight pages of three columns each, and measured ten inches by twelve. It
was strong in its advocacy of the policy of the Academy. This was the
first native newspaper outside of Halifax. Shelburne had had three before
1800, but these were transplanted from the American colonies and soon
ceased publication. The principles of the paper and the vigor and
independence of the editor soon brought it into public notice.
The Patriot sounded the
first note of Responsible Government in the British North American
colonies. Though opinions favorable to reform were widely current there
was as yet no organ which openly avowed reformed sentiments. The Halifax
papers were too near the center of things to speak with any insistence on
the great questions at issue. It was in the country that the great body of
reform sentiment existed and where, no doubt, grievances were most felt.
And it was from that quarter that reform was first to find a voice in its
behalf through that powerful agency of enlightenment, the press. Pictou
had the honor of establishing that organ, the predecessor of the reformed
Nova Scotian, which began as that carried on, the work of propagating
those ideas of liberty, equality and justice in our Provincial Government,
which at length prevailed by sheer force of their inherent truth. It
required an editor with ideas and convictions to do this work. Such an one
was found in Jotham Blanchard. He was a New Englander by birth and no
doubt was familiar with the freedom under republican institutions in the
country of his birth. Any such ideas which he may have possessed would not
be lessened while under the influence of Dr. McCulloch. In Blanchard the
times found the man to do work that sorely needed to be done. He brought
to his task keen intelligence, literary skill and power of argument, great
perseverance, and a great zeal which all too early consumed his powers of
body and mind, and cut short a career which gave every promise of
greatness. From the office of the Patriot was issued for a time a paper
for youth called the Juvenile Entertainer. It is not known how long it was
published, but it served a good purpose at a time when children's books
were few.
Among those trained in
the Patriot office two deserve particular notice–Alexander Lawson and John
Stiles. Mr. Lawson was a native of New Glasgow, and was employed on the
Patriot as an apprentice from its establishment to its discontinuance. He
then went to Yarmouth where he established the Yarmouth Herald, the first
successful venture in newspaper printing in the Western part of the
Province. With the exception of a short interval be conducted it for
forty-seven years. It is one of the oldest papers in the Province, and is
now conducted by his son J. Murray Lawson.
In the year 1831,
Pictou's second paper made its appearance. It was called the Pictou
Observer. In politics it was opposed to the reform movement, and
antagonistic to Dr. McCulloch's policy for the Academy. It was published
by William Gossip. Rev. K. J. McKenzie, a Scottish Kirkman, was its
editor. The Observer was not a success financially, and after a time it
was discontinued. It was resuscitated by Roderick McDonald, a native of
Scotland, who had been teaching the lower branches in Pictou Academy. The
second attempt to establish the Observer proved futile after a year's
effort, for we read that in 1843 it was once more revived by Mr. McCoubray
of St. Johns, Newfoundland, with Martin I. Wilkins, a prominent lawyer and
legislator, as editor, but it again became defunct. In this office was
trained Alpin Grant. Born a mile back of the town in 1848, he bought from
Gossip and Coade the old Halifax Times and commenced the publication in
its place, of the British Colonist which be conducted through its whole
course. He was also for sometime Queen's printer, and amassed a small
fortune by printing in Nova Scotia, which few other men have done.
The next paper published
in Pictou was "The Bee," a weekly journal devoted to politics, literature
and agriculture. It was conducted by James Dawson, father of the late Sir
J. William Dawson who purchased the plant of the old Patriot. The first
number appeared May 27, 1835. The general character of its contents was
similar to that of its predecessors. In the spring of 1838 John Stiles
issued a prospectus of a new paper to be called "The Mechanic and Farmer."
Mr. Stiles was brought up near Pictou, his father who had come originally
from Cornwallis, settled

near Scotch Hill, where he
had a mill. Mr. Dawson, thinking there was not room for two papers in
Pictou, agreed to sell his establishment to Mr. Stiles; and the Bee was
discontinued in the month of May of that year. The Mechanic and Farmer was
immediately announced in its stead, and was first issued on May 23, 1838.
Mr. Stiles made his paper a success financially, and gave great stimulus
to farmers in the amount of information circulated on agricultural
subjects. In 1842 a religious paper in connection with the Presbyterian
Church of Nova Scotia was established in Pictou under the name,
Presbyterian Banner. It was edited by the Rev. James Ross; printed by Mr.
Stiles, and continued for a little over one year.
On October 4, 1843, "The
Mechanic and Farmer" and "The Banner" were merged in "The Eastern
Chronicle" which is still issued at New Glasgow. The plant was purchased
from Mr. Stiles by the Rev. George Patterson and Mr. J. L. Geldert, and
was conducted by them for some time. Mr. Stiles went to Washington and
secured a good position in the Pension Office there, where he died some
twenty years ago. Among those employed in the office may be mentioned
Donald Gunn of Hopewell who afterward conducted a printing establishment
in Boston; Edward M. Macdonald, afterwards M. P. for Lunenburg, a native
of West River, who at the close of 1846 bought out the establishment, and
in January 1847, took the management of the paper into his own hands. He
continued to conduct the paper until appointed Queen's printer when he
removed to Halifax and there established the Halifax Citizen with Hon.
William Garvie. His brother, John D. Macdonald, who had been for sometime
employed in the office, took charge of the Eastern Chronicle after his
Up to about the year
1868, newspaper publication in the county was confined to the town of
Pictou. Then the Eastern Chronicle was removed to New Glasgow, with Robert
McConnell and W. B. Alley, the latter for thirty years proprietor
Colchester Sun, of Truro, in charge. Mr. McConnell was a Pictou man and a
veteran journalist. He edited the Eastern Chronicle for ten years; served
on the editorial staff of the Halifax Morning Chronicle; was publisher of
the Truro Guardian; then editor of the Moncton Transcript; for a time
Editor-in-chief of the Montreal Herald. Returning to Halifax in 1892. he
became the managing editor of the Morning Chronicle. Some years later he
retired from active journalism and was appointed to a position in the
Finance Department at Ottawa. which he held until his death in 1909. He
was born at Meadowville, in 1842. and was educated at Durham Grammar
school and the Normal school, Charlottetown. While in the latter place, he
acquired a knowledge of printing, and became from that time a "newspaper
man." He was prominently identified with the Presbyterian church and
active in the Sunday school and Temperance cause. His second son, J.
MilIer McConnell, is financial editor on the Montreal Daily Star. He was
born in New Glasgow in 1870 and gained his early experience in newspaper
work on the Eastern Chronicle. In 1887 he joined the staff of the Montreal
Herald and ten years later went to the Montreal Star with which he has
ever since been connected.
Later on the Eastern
Chronicle passed into the hands of Daniel Logan, now a prominent
journalist in Hawaii. Mr. Logan is a Scotsburn boy. He began his newspaper
career in the office of the Eastern Chronicle in 1867. In 1877 he became
editor and proprietor. In 1884 he went to Honolulu where for more than a
quarter of a century he has been engaged in journalism and literary work
and has justly earned the title "Nestor of the Press." After Mr. Logan's
departure the Eastern Chronicle passed into the bands of S. M. MacKenzie,
who published it as a semi-weekly for a number of years. In 1881 he
disposed of it to a company with James A. Fraser as editor and manager.
On November 2, 1858, the
Colonial Standard was established in Pictou town in succession to the
Observer as the organ of the Conservative party. It was printed on a new
press and with new type. Han. S. H. Holmes of Halifax, was its editor and
proprietor for over 20 years. The Standard has had a chequered history.
For a number of years it ceased publication. but is now issued from the
"News" office.
In 1880 W. D. Stewart
started the Plain Dealer in New Glasgow. He conducted it for two years as
editor and proprietor. The Rev. E. Scott, D. D., while pastor of the
United Church, New Glasgow, began the publication of the Maritime
Presbyterian, a religious monthly devoted to the interests of the church.
It continued for a number of years but was finally merged in the
Presbyterian Record of which Dr. Scott is the editor. It was in 1881 that
the Liberals of Pictou decided that they should have a mouth piece to
replace the Eastern Chronicle and the Pictou News appeared. The News
prospered for a few years and gained a wide circulation. C. D. Macdonald
was the editorial writer until 1889. Then came the Trades Journal at
Stellarton, now the Mining Record, conducted by Hon. R. Drummond.
Next to enter the field,
in 1889, was the Enterprise of New Glasgow. It was printed for a time in
the Standard office in Pictou by Mr. Albert Dennis who was then publisher
of the Standard. In 1890 Allan P. Douglas joined the paper and is now
editor and proprietor. From Westville the next report of a newspaper came.
R. A. Macdonald there began in 1895 the publication of the Free Lance, as
the organ of the Orangemen. It appeared as such for a year or two only,
when it became the property of J. W. H. Sutherland.
Reverting to the town of
Pictou, the year 1890 witnessed the destruction of the Standard's office
building and plant by fire; and as the gentleman who then owned the News
had little in common with the town and county he sold to the Standard the
News plant, and the latter paper ceased publication. This left Pictou with
but one paper, till in 1893 the Pictou Advocate was established with John
D. Macdonald son of John D. Macdonald, senior, as proprietor. The New
Glasgow News, a daily, was first published in the fall of 1912.
Of the other periodicals
published in this county, the only ones worthy of special notice are the
monthly organs of the different religious bodies. The Missionary Register,
1850 to 1857, was the first missionary paper published in the Lower
Provinces. This was merged with a monthly magazine called the Christian
Instructor and was edited by the Rev. George Patterson, 1855 to 1860. The
Record of the Church of Scotland was commenced in January. 1854, and
during the greater part of the time was published in the office of the
Colonial Standard.
Many Pictonians have
been connected with the press elsewhere and one of the best known was
George Munro, who was born at West River, 1825. At the age of twelve he
entered the office of the Observer, Pictou, to learn the printing
business. He only served two years when he became a student in the New
Glasgow schools. He attended Pictou Academy for three years and for some
years taught school in the county. His reputation as a teacher led to his
being appointed head master of the Free Church Academy, Halifax, in 1850,
where he continued until 1856. In that year he removed to New York City
where he soon became a successful publisher of popular books and
periodicals. He was engaged in the publishing business for nearly forty
years and became a millionaire.
The Munro Publishing
house was known everywhere in the United States and Canada. In 1867, he
began the publication of the Seaside Library which contained the best
fiction, essays and history. It provided good and cheap reading for the
masses and it is impossible to calculate the great educational value of
those publications, for they reached millions of readers. Mr. Munro was a
discriminating editor and a man of excellent literary judgment. He was a
warm supporter of higher education. He never ceased to be interested in
his native land, especially in its educational institutions. The main
recipient of his bounty, was Dalhousie College, in which he endowed
successively five Professorial chairs besides providing for scholarships
and exhibitions, giving in all to the amount of nearly half a million
dollars. While a teacher in the Free Church College, Halifax, he managed
to complete the regular course in Theology although he never entered the
ministry. Mr. Munro died April 24, 1896, in the seventy-eighth year of his
age. His whole life was marked by industry and uprightness. Mrs. Munro was
a sister of Rev. Dr. Forrest, Halifax.
His brother Norman L.
Munro was also a successful publisher of books and papers in New York
City. Mr. Munro was born at Millbrook, Pictou Co., April 8, 1844. He went
to New York in 1866, and engaged in publishing business under the name of
the Munro Publishing Co. He died on February 24, 1894.
W. E. Maclellan,
Barrister, was for a number of years managing editor and chief editorial
writer of the Winnipeg Free Press. From 1900 to 1905 he was
Editor-in-chief, of the Morning Chronicle, Halifax, N. S. Mr. Maclellan
was born at Durham, Pictou Co., 1855. He was educated at Pictou Academy
and Dalhousie College, and received the degree of Bachelor of Laws from
the University of Halifax. He was called to the Bar, 1880. For several
years he was Inspector of schools for the District of Pictou and South
Colchester. In 1909, he won a prize for the best essay on Immigration. He
has written many short stories and literary articles for leading American
publications. He entered the Dominion Public Service, as Post Office
Inspector for Nova Scotia, in 1905. Maclellan was a brilliant editorial
writer, and is today a frequent and valued contributor to the magazines
and public press. He married Margaret .J. Mackenzie of Pictou and is a
brother of Principal Maclellan of the Pictou Academy.
The Rev. P. M.
Macdonald, M. A., is on the editorial staff of the Westminster Company,
Toronto and has written a number of stories, essays and poems for the
magazines and the religious press. For several years he wrote for the
"Presbyterian," Toronto, under the name of "Donal Bhain." Mr. Macdonald is
a native of Pictou. He graduated from Dalhousie University, 1894; and from
the Presbyterian College, Halifax, 1896. He was Pastor of St. Paul's
Church, Truro, from 1896 to 1904; since then until 1913 Pastor of Cowan
Avenue Church, Toronto. He married Miss Christina Logan of Pictou.
Frederic Yorston, B. A.
(Dalhousie & Harvard) is the managing Editor of the Montreal Standard, a
high-class weekly published in that city. Mr. Yorston was born in Pictou
town and after a thorough course of study at home and abroad, entered
Canadian Journalism, taking a position on Montreal Daily Star. When the
Standard was started he took position of Managing Editor. He is now
President of the Montreal Publishing Company. Alvin F. Macdonald, editor
of the Morning Chronicle. Halifax; Thomas M. Fraser of the Free Press,
Saskatoon, Sask., and Albert E. Crockett, B. L. of the Post-Express.
Rochester, N. Y., are Hopewell boys. The editor of the Wesleyan, the organ
of the Methodist Church published in Truro, N. S., is the Rev. D. W.
Johnson, D. D., of River John.
In the history of the
press in Pictou there is much in this brief review of which Pictonians may
well be proud. No place outside of Halifax has so long maintained
efficient newspapers, or displayed so much journalistic talent m the
discussion of the public questions of the day. The press of Pictou has
generally been on the side of morality and religion. The general character
of the community may have been the cause of this, but it is equally true,
that the press has had very much to do with the moulding and the making of
the character of the people. Especially is this true at the beginning of
her history. The press of those early days fulfilled its educative mission
to an even greater extent than it does now, for it was then one of a few
such agencies, while now it is merely one of many. The Patriot and its
successors had much to do with the moulding of public opinion for popular
rights and reform and for the final triumph of the Pictou Academy.