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Robert McLean Calder
A Berwickshire Bard who made his home in Chatham

I got sent in a pdf version of this book by a friend in Scotland who of course knew I'd settled in Chatham so thought it might be of interest and so it was so thought I'd share it with you.

You can download the book here
The Memoir gives a fair bit of information about his life in Chatham

Hame Sangs

AUGUST, 1887.

THE pieces contained in this small volume were mostly written during a long residence in the United States and Canada, and have already appeared in newspapers and periodicals there. They have been collected and published at the request of many friends in the Dominion and the neighbouring Republic. The themes being homely, they are treated in a homely way; still they may serve to echo the sentiments of Scotchmen who have wandered far "ower the sea," and who yet retain a strong affection for everything pertaining to their native country.

You can download this book here

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