“A breath from the
tropics broke Winter’s spell
With an alien rain which froze as it fell,
And ere the Orient blushed with morn
A beautiful crystal forest was born.”
Barry Stratow
named after the English shire, was one of the original nineteen counties
set apart by Simcoe in 1792. With Hastings, it sent one member to the
first Parliament of Upper Canada. In 1798 it became part of the Home
District, but by an Act passed at the beginning of the year 18CO it was
provided that, as soon as the two counties of Northumberland and Durham
attained to a population of one thousand souls and had no less than six
townships holding town meetings, the new District of Newcastle was to be
formed. According to the “Historical Atlas” of the two counties (which
were long united), the Newcastle District was set apart in 1802, and for
a time the magistrates were empowered to decide where the courts should
be held. This was found inconvenient., and in 1805 they were authorised
to erect a jail and court-house in either Haldimand or Hamilton
Indirectly, the cutting
off of the Newcastle from the Home District led to a tragedy. This is
the story. An Indian, who in 1804 murdered a trader at Oshawa Creek,
betrayed himself when drunk and was captured on Toronto Island, but his
counsel objected to his being tried at York, because the crime was said
to nave been committed within the boundaries of the new Newcastle
District. On account of this technicality the court and prisoner
embarked upon the Speedy on their fatal voyage down the lake, and the
ingenious lawyer paid with his life for his legal quibble.
For years after that
there was no suitable accommodation in Northumberland for a court. At
length buildings were begun on the site of the present county town, but
questions were raised as to the right of the magistrates to erect them,
and a quarter of a century after the foundering of the Speedy the matter
was carried to the Court of King’s Bench. Finally, in 1831, an Act was
passed giving legal sanction to the proceedings of the magistrates and
indemnifying them for their illegal expenditure on the jail and
court-house, then in course of erection.
The county seat has
borne a bewildering number of names. At first it was called Amherst, in
honour of the General who was Wolfe’s superior officer. Next it was
called Hamilton} to correspond with the township in which it was
situated, and finally it was baptized Cobourg, by which name it has been
designated for the last sixty or seventy years. As if these changes were
insufficient, it was at one time known locally as Buckville, after an
early settler, Elijah Buck, who deserves remembrance as the maker of the
first wagon ever put together in Hamilton Township. As a mere nickname,
moreover, the struggling little hamlet, destined to develop into the
clean and prosperous town of Cobourg, was once unkindly called
“Hardscrabble,” in reference to the supposedly overwhelming difficulties
of those who undertook to make a living in it. The village was situated
unpromisingly in the midst of a cedar swamp, and consisted for long of
little more than a main street, so cruel to the wretched animals forced
to drag a load along it, that it was described as “a founderous morass.”
The earliest surveys in
Northumberland were made in 1791 by Augustus Jones, a man of Welsh
extraction, who took an Indian bride, variously described as the
daughter of “a noted Mohawk warrior” and an Ojibway chief, and thus
became father to “the famous Wesleyan Indian missionary,” Peter Jones,
who was brought up, till the age of fourteen, in the customs and
superstitions of his red mother. He rejoiced in a many-syllabled Indian
name, translated as “Sacred Waving Feathers.”
The county had many
Irish pioneers, a smaller number of Scotch and English ones, and some
Americans, coming chiefly, perhaps, from Vermont. James Keeler, the
first settler in Colborne (Cramah6 township), was a Vermont man. He
arrived in 1789, and was so well pleased with the country that, four
years latei, he brought in forty other settlers. Keeler gave free sites
for churches and a public square to Colborne and built mills. A notable
pioneer of Murray Township was Asa Weller, who kept a tavern at the
Carrying Place, and used to convey travellers up the Lake Shore by means
of a “sled"’ and a yoke of oxen. Another Weller, William (doubtless of
the same family), was proprietor of a more ambitious “stage,” and became
the first Mayor of Cobourg after its incorporation as a town.
Early in the War of
1812 Robert Wilkins (also of Murray) raised a company of volunteers, but
soon resigned his captaincy to take charge of the commissariat
department of the district, and he made the Carrying Place his
headquarters. Being a roan of decision, though conciliatory in manner,
he usually succeeded in obtaining supplies, without having recourse to
“the half-martial law” of the time, in spite of the somewhat general
disposition to stick out for fancy prices.
Notwithstanding the
hardships they had to endure, many of tlio pioneers were long-lived
folk, and two Northumberland men, Gibson and Lawson, were amongst the
last of the veterans of 1812 to draw the" $20 pensions. Gibson could
recall a time when it was no uncommon thing to see five or six bears
together, eating beech-nuts, and Lawson used to tell how, when “drafted”
in 1812 for military service both by land and water, and, preferring to
do duty on the lake bateaux, he had swum three miles to escape
impressment by the land force.
Upon the first survey
of Seymour (about 1819), a number of half-pay officers took up land, and
Campbell-ford (now a flourishing town of about 3000 inhabitants) was
founded and named by Major Campbell of Cobourg. The incorporated village
of Hastings, 011 the Trent (down which, season after season, tor several
generations, logs have swirled with the current from the woods of
Victoria and Peterboro’ counties), is half in the last-named county and
half in Percy Township of Northumberland. Part of the neighbouring
township of Alnwick is taken up by an Indian reserve, bordering on Rice
Lake, which still affords good fishing.
About 1827 a young
Methodist preacher, whose name —Egerton Ryerson—was to become a
household word in Upper Canada, began to pay occasional visits to these
Indians. Probably he was the more readily interested in them because he
had already lived some time with the Indians on the Credit, giving them
instructions in various useful arts as well as in the Gospel. In
Northumberland he had, however, little time to devote to the red men,
for he was in charge of the whole Cobourg circuit, then extending from
Brighton to Bowmanville. His sermons were often composed on horseback,
but he was soon recalled from Cobourg to edit The Christian Guardian at
Through the Upper
Canada Academy, however; the young minister was again to become
connected with Cobourg. The building erected for this famous school was
“classic in architecture and imposing in appearance." The workmanship
was so good that after more than “seventy years the Government of
Ontario find it still a substantial, valuable building.” But the cost of
the building and its furnishings ran up to £9000, more than double the
amount collected up to 1834 by a thorough canvass of the Methodists and
their friends. To go on with the work, the trustees had to pledge their
personal credit for a large sum, and, feeling that something more must
be done, they appointed Egerton Ryerson their agent to go to England to
solicit funds and petition the Imperial Government for a Royal charter.
The task was difficult, but it was accomplished.
Mr. Ryerson returned
with a considerable sum of money for the building fund, and “with the
first Royal charter ever granted by the Imperial Government for an
educational institution outside of an established church.” Owing largely
to Ryerson’s exertions, the Academy was opened on June 18, 1836. Five
years later it was granted university powers under the name of “Victoria
College,” and Mr. Ryerson became its first President, holding office
until, in the autumn of 1844, he took up his great work of improving the
common schools of the Province. As for the university, which he had done
so much to establish—it ultimately entered into federation with the
University of Toronto, and half a century after the inauguration of its
first President it removed to its new and beautiful home in Queen’s
Park, Toronto, to the regret, it may be said, of not a few who had spent
their happy undergraduate years in the old Victoria College at Cobourg. |