"A crystal pavement, by
the breath of Heaven
Cemented firm, till, seized from shore to shore,
The whole imprisoned river growls below.”
THIS county was not one
of the nineteen created by Simcoe in 1792, but was set apart in 1798. It
was called after Peter Russell, who had been military secretary to Sir
Henry Clinton during the Revolutionary War, and came out with Governor
Simcoe as Inspector-General of Upper Canada. lie had a seat in the first
Assembly of the Province, also in the Legislative Council. When Simcoe
left Canada he was senior member of the Council, and so it fell to him
to administer the Government until the arrival of General Hunter in
In Dr. Scadding’s
Toronto of Old there are numerous references to Russell, who had a place
called Peters-field near “the Grange,” where Professor Gold win Smith
lived for many years. Petersfield., in 1803, was practically in the
country, and old advertisements show that Russell’s hen-roosts were
sometimes robbed. Another advertisement betrays the fact that, like many
of his aristocratic contemporaries in Canada, he kept slaves; for, in
February 1800, he offered for sale a woman of forty, named Peggy, and a
boy of fifteen, Jupiter— asking, for the former, Si 50, and, for the
latter, $200, “payable in three years secured by bond; but one-fourth
less would be taken for ready money.” Miss Elizabeth Russell, his
sister, had a negress, “named Amy Pompadour,’’ who used to wait on her
in a red turban.
Russell was one of the
committee appointed to arrange for the building of St. James's Church in
Above all else,
however, Peter Russell is famous as a land-grabber. There are traditions
that he gi anted lands to himself as well as to all his friends; and,
though he made few personal enemies, his administration was not good for
the country. He never married, and died at York in 1808, leaving a part
of his estate to the Baldwin family.
Ore of the four
townships of Russell County is also called Russell. The other
three—Cambridge, Cumberland, and Clarence—were named after the same
royal dukes whose Christian names are recalled in the townships of
Ernestown, Adolphustown, and Williamsburg, in the counties of Lennox and
In 1827 an agent of the
“Canada Company” made a careful inspection of the townships in the
Ottawa district, and found that in 1824 the two counties of Prescott and
Russell had a population, all told, of 2560 —a number which could be
housed easily in two small villages. These people were of mixed
race—Americans, Scotch, Irish, Canadian—and the former having the
benefit of experience were said to “show the others a good example in
clearing their lands," while the Canadians who, “by their industry and
perseverance,'' got on as well as the Americans were “much more
economical in their way of living,” and saved “what the others would lay
out in luxuries.” The farmers of this district found a good market for
all they could raise in supplying the wants of the lumbermen and of
those working on the “Grenville Canal” on the Quebec side of the Ottawa,
obtaining “generally double the Montreal price, at least.”
In Clarence Township
the concession fronting the Ottawa was granted to U. E. Loyalists, and
very few settlers had, in the twenties, settled “back from the river.”
There were then no roads in Clarence, but apparently the inhabitants
managed Very well without them, as a steamboat passed and repassed their
doors twice a week, and when the winter set in .the river made an
excellent road. “The transport up the river on the ice is immense,” said
the report. In fact, winter was the time preferred for travelling, and
was looked forward to as the chief season for enjoyment.
All over the country,
upon the first touch of frost, the sleighs were prepared for visits of
pleasure and business, and Russell was in the region where a hard frost
and a long winter might reasonably be expected. “It is generally
conceived in England,” said M‘Taggart, who was surveyor for the Ririeau
Canal, “that the long snowy winter acts against Canada—nothing can be
farther wrong than this idea. The farmer requires it all, and the lover
thinks it much too short, for it is only in the sleighing season that he
lias a chance of seeing his mistress.” "A farm in a tract of country
that has five months’ sleighing snow in the year is considered to be in
a more favourable climate than that which has but three.”
Philemon Wright, the
founder of Hull, travelled up the Ottawa on the ice in the year 1800,
sixty-five miles from the head of the Long Sault, passing on his way the
riverside settlements of Prescott and Russell. It was a patriarchal
company of thirty men, women, and children, in coveted sleighs. At the
head of the procession went the axemen—"trying every rod of the ice,”
which was so covered with snow about a foot thick “that it was
impossible to know whether it was good or not without sounding it with
the axe.” Greatly dreading that in spite of all these precautions they
might lose some of their "cattle,” they “travelled up the ice very
slow”—doubtless to the scorn of the gay young people taking their
pleasure in the lighter “carioles.” At the beginning of their journey on
this ice road they fell in with “a savage and his wife drawing a child
upon a little bark sleigh," and this Indian, promptly sending his wife
to camp in the woods till his return, volunteered by signs to guide the
party to its destination. He accomplished his self-appointed task most
satisfactorily, and appealed delighted with the presents and
thrice-repeated huzza given to him on his parting from Wright’s company.
Through the townships
of Clarence and Cumberland runs a fine stream called Bear Brook, which
served the lumberers in summer in bringing down their logs, and the
settlers in winter for a road. “Back from the Ottawa” there was “little
or no settlement,” and almost all the land was held by speculators and
absentees. A great part of the land fronting on the river was owned,
eighty-five years ago, by a Mr. M'Kindly, who had bought it from the
“Loyalists,” to whom it had been granted. The township of Russell had,
in 1827, "only one settler—Mr. Loucks, who built a mill on the Castere
River"—but there was promise of more, for the township had “ lately been
located by emigrants from Scotland and militiamen who served during the
last war with the United States.” Fifteen years later it had 196
inhabitants, a number which was doubled by 1850. In the other back
township of Cambridge, a family named Rankin, living in the United
States, owned 5000 acres, while another family, named Kuylu, owned about
as much. In 1827 only every second concession line had been surveyed,
and even these were difficult to trace, as many of the corner posts had
been destroyed by the lumber-men, who had been through the county and
stripped it of almost all the oak and pine fit for market before the
Crown Reserves were bought by the Canada Company.
Smith, writing about
1850, when the population of the county was still under 2000 souls, says
the lack of roads had kept back settlement. Upon the whole, however, the
slow progress of Russell has gone on steadily, decade after decade, and
it is not amongst the counties which during the last few years have
shown a falling off in their population, either rural or urban. Indeed,
in the year 1900 it had between eight and nine times as many people as
in 1850, and the increase has continued during the early years of the
twentieth century.
In 1322 Russell was
united with Prescott for Parliamentary representation, and though it has
long had representatives of its own, both in the Dominion and Provincial
Houses, it still is joined with Prescott in its judicial affairs, and
looks to the village of L’Original as county town. |