“I wuss ye weelI the
kinrtra's lairge,
An’ ye’re but twa wi‘ Mary,
Ye’ll shortly hae the owner's chairge,
Nae doot, o’ half a prairie.
Theres ample room in sic a park
To found a score o' nations,
An' flourish like a patriarch
Amon’ your generations.”
J. Logie Robertson.
"THE country’s
large”—even so it may be said of Renfrew County alone, with its three
dozen townships, named variously with Indian words and with names
reminiscent of Canadian Governors, Crimean generals, lumber merchants,
great ladies, and little English villages.
A curious incident
links this county, till less than a century ago inhabited only by
Indians, with the brave days of early French exploration, for in 1867 an
antique astronomical instrument was ploughed up near Muskrat Lake,
which, on good circumstantial evidence, proved to be an astrolabe lost
by Champlain in 1613 on his disappointing journey up the Ottawa, by
which route the lying De Vignau had promised to lead him to Hudson Bay.
In 1827 the Hudson’s
Bay Company established one trading post at Golden Lake and another at
the Chats, with a third, Fort Coulonge, on the Quebec bank of the
Ottawa, between Allumette and Calumet Islands. Some seven years later
the lumbering operations begun on the Ottawa extended to the banks of
its tributary streams, watering the well-wooded wilderness now Renfrew
County. But the dark and turgid Madawaska—the "Never-frozen,” as its
Indian name means—rushing headlong between high precipitous banks, was
regarded even by the hardy lumbermen as so dangerous that it was not
till 1836 that the cutting of the valuable timber upon its banks
commenced. Soon after that, however, the Government took measures to
render it more passable.
In 1821 Peter White,
who had been in the Royal Navy and had come to Canada in 1813 to serve
under Sir James Yeo on Lake Ontario, settled on the site of Pembroke,
Renfrew’s future county town. He had brought up his family by canoe from
Bytown, taking fourteen days on the way, though the journey can now be
made in three and a half hours, and at first the house of his nearest
white neighbour was sixty miles distant from his log cabin. It is said,
by the way, that the roofs of such log cabins, made of hollowed tree
trunks, with the grooves placed alternately up and down, were a better
defence against rain than the walls usually were against wind.
It was not then, as
with our modern pioneers in the west, that the first resource was grain.
The old-time backwoodsman looked to obtain his first cash payment from
potash; and Mrs. McDougall, a member of the Women’s Historical Society
of Ottawa, writing of “Renfrew in the Early Days,” describes how the
ashes from the burnt wood were leached in wedge-shaped vessels, how the
lye was boiled "until it looked like molten iron,” and then was poured
into coolers, “two of which filled a barrel.” A barrel of potash of
first quality was at one' time worth thirty dollars, and it was the
custom for the local merchant to pay on account twelve dollars for each
barrel, but the farmer had to wait patiently for the rest until “the
merchant returned from Montreal, where he got ready money for all the
potash entrusted to him.”
The housekeeper of
those almost moneyless days was happily wonderfully independent of the
shops, with remarkable ingenuity, her spinning-wheel, her supply of
sugar and syrup from the maples on the farm, and plenty of "Labrador
tea" for the gathering along the edges of swamps and streams. (This was
said, by the way, to be a “very fair substitute for the real article.”)
If she wanted vinegar, she made it with "vinegar-plant.” If she had need
of candles, she took some wicks, about half a yard long, and dipped and
re-dipped until her candles were thick enough; but her labours in this
matter were soon simplified by the coming in of moulds.
Bread-making in those
days had its own peculiar difficulties. In the first place, as has been
said over and over again, it was hard to obtain flour. One Renfrew
settler carried a bag of wheat twelve miles to be ground in a
coffee-mill, and another, whose family was giving a party, rode sixty
miles to Perth for flour to make bread. In the second place, before hops
were grown, ordinary yeast was not to be had, and the dough was "raised”
with a preparation made from burnt hardwood or with fermented bran,
which last made a nice white loaf, but one that dried extraordinarily
The Indians brought
supplies of fish, game, and cranberries to the settlers, but wild
strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries only followed
the clearing of the land. The Caughnawaga Indians, coming from the Lake
of Two Mountains to winter at Golden Lake, were the first to bring in
apples—little, round, hard things, but none (he less the delight of the
That was the period
when many useful people had to itinerate—not only missionaries, but also
tailors and shoemakers. As for teachers, Renfrew seems to have been
fortunate in obtaining for the children the services of some
well-educated young men who had come into the district in hopes of
Amongst the immigrants
of different ranks and nationalities, the county had, of course, its
share of oddities. One of the most eccentric of the pioneers was that
“real Highland chieftain,” "The MacNab of MacNab,” who, in 1825,
received a grant of the township named after him. Four or five miles
from the head of the Chats Rapids, he built his castle, Kinne1 Lodge.
Around it his clansmen erected their humbler dwellings. Every year he
sold an immense quantity of fine timber, and it was his delight at
times, “to move about the Provinces,” somewhat in the style of “Vich Ian
Vohr” in Waverley, attired in full Highland costume, and attended with a
piper going before, and a “tail” of henchmen following after. There are
many stories of his consequential manners. It has often been told how he
registered in the visitors’ book of an hotel at Kingston as “The MacNab,”
and how a young relative, the future “Sir Allan” of Hamilton, coming in
immediately afterwards, registered as “The Other MacNab.” An
acquaintance who addressed him as “Mr. MacNab” was called to order with
the remark: "Sir, I thought you had known better— nothing but MacNab, if
you please. Mr. does not belong to me.” In 1837 he offered his services
to Sir Francis Bond Head, as “the only Highland Chieftain in America.”
Many immigrants, some
of whom were described as "lovely Highland girls,” came out to his
estate every year, tie used to meet the new-comers at Quebec and escort
them in person “to the land of timber instead of heather,” but his
management of affairs did not altogether please his clansmen, and in
1842 the Government, desiring to put an end to the constant contentions,
paid him $16,000 to relinquish his rights. After living in Hamilton for
a few years, he returned to Scotland to take possession of a small
estate left to him in the Orkneys, and died in France in 1860.
Highlanders settled also in Buchanan and Ross townships.
In the early days the
district along the upper portion of the Madawaska (now comprised in the
townships of Brougham, Wilberforce, and Grattan) was known as "Rogues’
Harbour,” from the fact that absconding debtors and other disreputable
squatters had made it their refuge.
In 1854 Renfrew,
separated from Lanark, was represented in Parliament by Sir Francis
Hincks. It was twelve years later, however, before the county gained its
municipal independence; and “when the county town was Perth and there
were no roads through Renfrew, to be singled out as a juryman meant that
the hand of fortune was against you." Jurymen were then paid twelve and
a half cents for each case they were on, but were not allowed mileage,
even though they might have to tramp on foot fifty, sixty, or seventy
miles to attend the court.
About 1850 a road was
opened from the Ottawa, below Calumet Island, to Cobden, at the head of
Muskrat Lake, and stages were run on this highway to connect with a
“line" of rowboats which carried passengers and goods to Pembroke, till
they were superseded by a small steamboat. This seemed an immense
advance, but now the transcontinental line of the Canadian Pacific
Railway passes through Pembroke.
For long, farming in
Renfrew was neglected for the sake of lumbering; but as the lumbermen
had to go farther back their demand for supplies led to some cultivation
of the soil, and some of the great lumber merchants established farms to
supply their own camps. |